The rest of Q&A

  • 40 Somethings on Ibiza

    Q – OK, we’re in our forties, about three decades younger then your average blogger on this site. My goodness, if they are so afraid of getting robbed, hurt, or sick, why don’t they just stay and go to Starbucks for entertainment? But we trust your advice so put on your party hats and advise, if you only had one night on Ibiza, where would you party?

    A – Actually, we don;t go to Starbucks because it is filled with 40 something’s starring vapidly at their computer screens. Our generations prefer places where people actually converse. You are not a very good prognosticator of demographics – but that said, The Blue Marlin is where you want to head. It sits right ont he beach, has great music, and they spritz you with water instead of air conditioning. Pardon us if we don’t join you.

  • Water on Delta

    Q – Living in Atlanta, I get to fly Delta quite a bit on business and for pleasure. I’ve always wondered about something. About a month ago, I returned from overseas and got a bad case of something that seemed food-related. I kept reviewing what I ate and then it hit me that I had been drinking a ton of water on the return flight and it did not appear to be out of any bottle. Could this be the cause of my stomach upset?

    A – Well we blame the airlines for everything else – why not a bout of food poisoning. Actually, it wouldn;t surprise me if it was the water. Commercial jets have water storage tanks that are not, as far as we can determine, under any federal inspection controls. Once in a while, those water tanks are supposed to be “cleansed” with some soft detergents. I have read accusations that this “tank” water is often tainted and, at the very least, stale and crawling with contaminants. You’ll notice that the crew won; touch it – so avoid it in the future. Evian is a mystical word at 33,000 feet.