The rest of Q&A


    Q – We’re turning to traveltruth with a serious concern. We are being urged by family members to join them on a Spring Break cruise next year on Norwegian Cruises Line. But my husband and I have real concerns about bed bugs which we understand is a real problem on cruise ships. How serious a problem is it and what can we do to prevent it – if anything. It really is holding us back from booking. Our travel agent is saying there was a problem on one or two of the ships in the past but the cruise lines are now using pesticides that prevents the problem. Is this true?

    A – We are going to try to answer this question as clearly as possible since it has been raised by a number of visitors to our site. Bed bugs are a growing problem in the United States. You are far more likely to get bed bugs in a hotel room than a cruise ship cabin. This has a lot to do with twice-daily crew cleaning practices, use of safe pesticides, and the changing of beds and mattresses on a scheduled basis during dry dock. But it would be dishonest to say that cruise lines have “prevented” the problem. You can check out buzzbgone reviews for best bed bug solution. The fact is that the vast majority of bed bug infestations have been reported on four cruise lines, basically the four largest cruise lines and the most familiar names. Now, you could say that they have far more cases than smaller ships because they carry more people. But we suspect that is not the case. The Pest Zone Pest Control Toronto puts in place customized, integrated pest extermination programs designed specifically for your company’s unique needs. We’re the most affordable and trusted in Ontario. When dealing with bedbugs, you have several options at your disposal. You need to remember that some of these options are going to be very dangerous. A1 Bed Bug Exterminator | Bed Bug Treatment, Removal Inspection Specialists provide best bed bug treatment. Our company has an extensive amount of experience with bedbugs and we probably know these critters better than anyone else. We have configured an incredibly reliable bed bug treatment for all San Francisco residents. Our technicians are trained in the utilization of chemicals. These innovative devices are specifically designed for the purpose of exterminating bedbugs. They’ll increase the temperature within your home, until the bedbugs perish. This is truly the most convenient and reliable solution known to man. And, it is just another reason that we’re widely considered to be the top Bed Bug Exterminator San Francisco has ever known. Our innovative Pest Control Service is guaranteed to get rid of your insect problems, while our protection services make sure your home is always protected.

    The fact is that bed bugs are an increasing problem in our own country. Most experts say this is connected to the restrictions on the use of several high powered pesticides. In addition to hotel rooms, bed bugs are appearing in apartment buildings, health care facilities, shelters, schools, and furniture rental outlets. Perhaps the most prevalent growth in bed bugs has been in movie theaters and in the seats of aircraft.

    The most common form of bed bug is Cimex lectularius, often mistaken for ticks or cockroaches. If уоu hаvе problem wіth cockroaches, To solve the problem visit this website. The females lay several eggs each day, which stick to surfaces. We doubt that any cruise line has eliminated the problem. Aristotle mentioned bed bugs in his writings, so they may be with us for a while. Here is some general advice for any traveler:

    • Bed bugs are a more serious problem in the United States than they are in many other parts of the world with the exception of Africa, Eastern Europe, and portions of Asia. Learn to spot bed bugs and always check mattresses and head rests before getting into bed while traveling.
    • The problem is more prevalent in hotel rooms with thick carpeting than in rooms with wooden or marble floors. Leaving the lights on or using insect repellents will not work. Learn to look for nests which are characterized by “dark spotting”.
    • Never leave your luggage under the bed on a cruise ship or in a hotel room. Ask that staff place your empty luggage is a “clean storage area.”
    • Never unpack your suitcases on a carpet at home. It is best not to bring luggage inside the house.
    • Some dry cleaners can sanitize luggage after travel. Always do this after traveling in areas of high risk.

    The fact is that price dictates many things including what a cruise line is able to spend on housekeeping and maintenance. Price also reflects the kind of people who are hired to do housekeeping and it impacts training. There have been isolated cases of bed bug bites on the World’s Top Ten Cruise Lines but when these are carefully investigated, it almost always turns out that the bugs were brought aboard by guests, usually via their luggage. The mass market lines have, however, had several dozen bed bug outbreaks since 2000. But, in the scheme of things, that is still not a particularly high or worrisome number. BBEM| Mississauga’s Top Bed Bug Exterminator typically bite the neck and head of the host, but they are also known for biting the legs, arms and hands. If you wake up with bites on these parts of your body, the source is most likely a bed bug. These insects will take anywhere from two to five minutes to fill their tummy with your blood. After feeding they will scurry back to their hiding spot, which is probably in your bedding. The Power Pest Control is your greatest resource for pest control services in your area! We are locally certified exterminators. We have extensive experience dealing with all types of pests in the GTA including Aurora, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Vaughan, Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Thornhill, Newmarket, and Hamilton.

    Finally, we would advise you to go on your cruise. The odds are with you and who is to say you would not run into bed bugs in the waiting room upholstery at your doctor’s office? Remember, your life expectancy increases whenever you travel outside the United States, literally. So relax and have a good time.


    Q – I read this site all the time now and I know you are not particularly child-centered. But please help us. We’ve got eleven year-old Natalie and thirteen year-old George, Muggles one and all. They are begging us to take them to Universal for a week of Harry Potterizing. Has anyone on your staff been there and is it worth it. We can afford to spend more than most but we want our kids to have the best possible adventure and experience so just wondering what you think. We’d stay at a really nice hotel – I figure my husband and I will need it at the end of seven or eight very long days. If you don’t have an opinion, we’ll still be loyal fans and readers.

    A – We have an opinion on rice. No worries. We don’t think you should go to Universal in Orlando, despite the fact that they have done an outstanding job creating “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.” Instead, we suspect your kids might appreciate the ultimate adventure in the northwest suburbs of London. It may take a few hours longer to fly to London than Orlando but, ahh, the wonders that await.

    Casual American visitors often miss the opportunity because it requires public bus transportation. Pre-book the tour, about $132 USD for a family of four, by going to   When you set off on your visit make your way to the Watford Junction station in central London and take the bus Northeast to “Harry’s”. Everyone at the station will know the right bus. You’ll be dropped off twenty minutes later.

    The studio tour is brand new and features the original sets and props and special effects used in all eight movies. So you get to actually enter Hogwart’s Hall, spend a few moments in the “Defense Against the Dark Arts” classroom, and seek wisdom in Dumbledore’s Office. The actual make-up studio and prop rooms are fascinating and any any true Potter fan will salivate at the notion of strolling down Diagon Allen.You can even make a deposit in the Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

    So, our advice is to get thee to London. The kids can visit Florida when they’re in their nineties.



    Q – I have avoided cruises for most of my adult life, not wishing to attend any party I would be unable to leave at my choosing.  In February, my wife and I accepted an invitation to join her tennis group and their spouses on what seems to have been a stereotypical cruise of the Caribbean aboard what I would categorize as a “mass market” line.  The overall experience was good, despite the constant attempts to sell us wine tastings, overpriced aperitifs, gold and silver chains by the inch, photographs of every imaginable type and marked down tee shirts. The important outcome was that we grasped the concept far more positively than anticipated.  We very much enjoyed the relaxation, the comfort, the unpacking and packing but once, and would like to expand upon it.  Over the last few years we have planned vacations using travel agents from the Wendy Perrin list and were quite pleased.  At least one of them was affiliated with Virtuoso.  As we consider another cruise opportunity, it makes sense to follow suit, hence this email.

    We are interested in a 2013 Baltic cruise utilizing one of the smaller ship cruise lines.  Of particular interest are Copenhagen, Stockholm, and St. Petersburg  food, comfort and unobtrusive service in a moderately casual setting are important factors, along with excellent shore excursions and compatible people.  We enjoy fine dining but don’t feel compelled to dress formally for the experience.  It is our hope that friends with whom we’ve traveled for over thirty years will join us.  We are very much open to your suggestions.

    A – Well you’ve written a fairly accurate description of the hazards of mass market ships. They turn many sophisticated travelers off to the notion of cruising but you, to your credit, have picked up on the infinite possibilities of a vacation at sea ensconced in the bosom of a five star ship and crew. Based on your desire for quality, emphasis on relaxed dress, and our belief that any Baltic cruise ought to properly afford you three full days to enjoy the cultural treasures of St. Petersburg, all arrows in our quiver are pointing in the direction of Regent Seven Seas Cruises.

    We should probably add one caveat. Cruise lines, even the better ones, almost never operate shore excursions. They contract with local operators in each port, a function of the Port Agent who represents their interests in each  port. Port agents usually work for several cruise lines. They negotiate and help select shore excursion offerings based on the criteria of each cruise line’s Shore Excursion Department. But if there is only one bus company in a city with the  number of air-conditioned buses and suitable guides to handle hundreds of guests at one time, that is the company the cruise line must use. So in many situations their hands are tied and it ends up that many cruise lines will offer the same basic history tours and overviews. The secret of enjoying a Baltic cruise is to have your days in St. Petersburg handled by a company that really knows what it is doing. We would suggest that you choose a cruise consultant for this particular cruise who is fully capable of making your time in Russia truly memorable.


    Q – We have found a sixteen-day tour to South Africa run by AMA Waterways. I’ve never heard of them or the river cruise boat they are using, a boat called the MS Zambezi Queen. South Africa has been a dream of ours for a very long time. On this trip you get to see Cape Town, then you do a safari cruise through the Okavango Delta and you stay for two nights each in two safari camps. The trip ends with two nights in Victoria Falls. At $12,000 per person not including airfare, this is a considerable investment. Since we’ve never heard of these companies we were wondering what you think we should do? Is this really a smart way to see South Africa and is the boat really reliable. It really looks nice. Can’t wait for your response. Oh, I should add that we’re in our mid-sixties, we live in Tampa, and, sad to say, we’re not as well traveled as many of the people who ask questions on this site. Our doctor says we’re in good shape but what the hell does he know?

    A – We really think you have walked or, rather, stumbled into one of the exciting new programs in South Africa. We absolutely love this new itinerary and, as safari programs go, the price is really quite reasonable given that it includes internal flights and some extremely good camps. WE think you should do it with one important caveat. But, first, let’s clear up any confusion about the company involved. AMA Waterways is highly respected but they have made their name primarily as operators of river boats in Europe. They place extremely high in our ratings, ahead of well-known brands such as Viking River and Avalon. But South Africa is a bit new for them. They are actually selling space on the Zambezi Queen. This boat was built in 2009. She is absolutely beautiful with a modern design that allows for maximum viewing of the sight’s along the Chobe River in Botswana. Botswana is considered the best game-viewing location in all of southern Africa. The smallest cabin on the boat is over 200 square feet, larger than most European river boat standard cabins.  The itinerary is masterful – you fly into Cape Town, then go to two different safari camps, then a four night cruise, followed by two nights in Victoria. Falls.  This is a wonderful collection of experiences.

    But we said there was a caveat. The cabins on the Queen are not air-conditioned. Only the public areas are air conditioned. So guests sleep under ceiling fans in their room. This can work well but you need to know this fact. Would we do this program – do we recommend it? Enthusiastically.


    Q – We’re recently retired from the financial sector where, I suppose you could say, quoting  that famous Saturday Night Sketch, “we’ve done berry, berry well.” So now it’s time to see the rest of the world excluding Europe, a continent we know well. Our first thoughts are to do, perhaps, two trips to China, one to see the highlights, and the second to do the Silk Road and Tibet. Should we pay to use a travel agent and when should we plan on going. There seems to be conflicting information about the best time to see China. Finally, how do we find an agent who will work with us for our next decade of travel. We’re in our early sixties and anxious to get started. Congratulations on the site. It is wonderful.

    A – The sheer size of China makes it somewhat difficult to certify the best months to visit but there certainly are some guidelines. We would suggest you visit in April, May, September, October, or the first half of November for optimum weather. But the northern extremes of the country, including portions of the Silk Road, as well as Tibet are best seen in June, July, and August.

    Given the amount of travel you are planning in the next ten years or so, it would be wise to establish a relationship with a nationally-recognized worldwide consultant. That is quite different than a travel agent. A travel agent’s primary job is selling airlines tickets. You need a worldwide vacation planner with worldwide contacts. Interview the firm under consideration. See if there is a comfort and a confidence level. Then, it might be wise to set up an appointment and review your desires and specific needs which will result in the formulation of a five-year Travel Plan, not unlike what financial planners do for their clients.  Do not limit yourself to working with someone in the immediate neighborhood or even your own State. The best person for you may be out-of-state but that would still enable you to have Skype, I Chat, or telephone conferences. A good vacation consultant will help you prioritize your travels, an often daunting task. There are definitely, for instance, going to be some destinations you will need to do first because they will require greater stamina. Tibet is such a destination. Thank you berry much.


    Q –  We’ve sailed  on NCL twice and Royal Caribbean three times, the last time on the Oasis of the Seas. On our last cruise we shared a table with a couple from Arizona and another from Philadelphia. The fellow from Philly owned a restaurant and we talked quite a but about the food on board, which we thought was pretty good. We got around to asking about how much these lines actually spend per person for food. I imagine NCL spends more than NCL but I don’t know by how much. No one on board, of course, would tell us, but we thought you folks might know. The next time we cruise, I can assure you that everyone within the sound of my voice will know about traveltruth.

    A – Actually, food costs are a matter of public record since the three cruise lines that control about 83% of all US-based cruise inventory are publicly traded companies. Based on the figures for 2011, Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian Cruise have quite similar food costs per passenger per day. They all spend somewhere between $9.30 and $9.45. Carnival is the highest, by a small margin. But those figures are somewhat misleading since crew food costs per day are averaged in. Do note that food services are purchased on a bid-contract basis and when you are bidding on food supplies for 20,000 or so guests per week, you can get favorable pricing. One of the key cost components are the on board buffets and the type of clientele. Mass market lines are far more likely to attract those who overeat to realize a return on their investment. . On the other hand, the five-star lines have guests require smaller portions but  require top-grade beef, caviar, and world class cuisine. But for purposes of conversation, it is fair to say that the mass market cruise lines are feeding guests at a cost of less than $10.00 per day.

    By comparison, the top-rated lines in our traveltruth ratings spend between $35 – $55 per day on food for each guest. . Residensea and Crystal are at the high end of these figures.  If you lean back and look at these figures you have to take into account the fact that the smaller, more deluxe lines do not have the buying power of the larger lines. Despite that, however, the difference in per passenger food costs between the mega-liner mass market ships and the Top Ten Lines is rather impressive.


    Q –  We have this dream that we  can do an over-the-water bungalow honeymoon for no more than $10,000 including economy airfare from New York.  Is this in any way possible and how or where do we begin?

    A – Difficult but not really impossible. The trick will be to use an agent who works with a major package wholesaler such as Classic Vacations. Get an air-inclusive package to Tahiti and seriously consider that your honeymoon may need to be limited to five nights to come in under budget. You didn’t mention your dates, but  avoid December through March. Even though rates are highest during this period, torrential rains are also a possibility during the height of the winter season from the 18th of December through the end of January. The Paul Gauguin Cruises are really excellent for honeymooners who want to experience several of the islands. It might be over your stated budget by a bit, but since meals and drinks are included, and they have some “Free” air programs, you might be able to do a seven-night cruise that will be a significantly better honeymoon option then a shorter stay at a single resort – even if you can spot fish from the glassed in floor panel in your suite.


    Q – We will be taking our two teenage girls on a Christmas Cruise aboard the Celebrity Eclipse. Our travel agent wants us to take Celebrity’s insurance but has been less than helpful in educating us on this fairly important component of our trip.  One of the girls has, what I think would be, a “pre-existing” condition. Do you agree with our agent?

    A – No, not at all. Private insurance is generally more comprehensive. Celebrity’s insurance is outsourced to BerkeleyCare, a New York based insurance firm used by most of the major lines. Their policies are not age-based so you will be sharing in the premium costs of older onboard guests.

    We think you should take out an independent policy from one of the better independent firms like Travelex. Your policy will be age=based and you can have the pre-exisiting condition exclusion waived if you take out the policy within two weeks of your initial cruise deposit payment. If your agent cannot discuss insurance options intelligently – suggest that she take up real estate.


    Q –  We had an extraordinary time on the Paul Gauguin sailing the Society Islands last May. Since then, we’ve heard rumors that there will be a Gauguin # 2. Any truth to the rumor? Wonder how they rate currently and when the 2012 Revised Cruise Line Ratings will be finalized? I hate to be the bearer of bad news – but we’re well into 2012.

    A – We had some real concerns about the Paul Gauguin when the company was sold to Grand Circle. But the ship was sold again in late 2009 by Beachcomber Croisieres, a company managed by American hotelier, Richard Bailey. The Paul Gauguin is back to, and in our view currently exceeds, its former glory when it was operated by Regent Seven Seas. It will place well in our soon-to-be-completed 2012 Updated Top Ten Cruise Line Ratings.

    The rumors of a second ship arfe true. Gauguin has acquired the 45 stateroom former Le Levant, a French-crewed yacht, from Compagnie du Ponant. This company’s luxury yachts are chartered out to company’s such as Abercrombie and Kent and Tauck Tours for seasonal programs. What is most interesting about the purchase of the 3,500 GRT Le Levant is that it will not initially be based in Tahiti even though it is being named Tere Moana.

    Those who like small ships with excellent food, in a luxurious yacht-like setting may want to start exploring the new vessel’s 2013 schedule of cruises out of St, Martin to ports in the Caribbean as well as central and South America. The ship will then move tot he Mediterranean for seven-night cruises between April and November.

    What this means in practical terms, is that the small ship lines of fewer than 200 guests, Sea Dream Yacht Club and Windstar, now have a new competitor in their back yard. And look for more than a few French nationals on board and, hopefully, a few of them will be found in the kitchen.


    Q – Don’t know if anyone ever just says “thank you” for this site, but we feel like we ought to. I am ex-military and my son is currently based at Ft. Hood. One of my neighbors told us that Walt Disney World actually has a resort for the military with sharply reduced rates. Any information would be appreciated.

    A – You are likely referring to the Shades of Green Resort at the Disney Resort in Orlando. The resort is actually operated by the Army in support of all military branches. This Armed Forces Recreation Center was built with soldier dollars and no congressional support. It is available to military and Department of Defense personnel and arriving guests must possess a valid military or DOD ID as well as a current leave and earnings statement. Thank you, and your entire family,  for your service.