Q – We will be departing for Tanzania and Kenya next month. I have been watching the pre/post election turnout in Kenya. Everything appears to be calm now. How concerned should we be about spending one day in Nairobi before flying home? We are also wondering of the hippo attack earlier this month in Tanzania is the kind of incident that is under-reported by the press. IO can;t seem to find out where this happened. Are there types of incidents under-reported to protect tourism?
A – We are extremely uncomfortable about your upcoming trip based on the nature of your questions. You really should be in contact with the safari provider, who you have not named, to make certain that all of your concerns and fears have been addressed. Any trip to East or Southern Africa has the potential to literally be the Trip of Your Lifetime but you need to be well prepared by both your travel consultant and your safari tours company.
Hippos kill an estimated 500 humans per year. They are an extremely dangerous mammal and it is well to respect their space. A 75-year old tourist from Michigan was recently killed on safari in Tanzania, the victim of a hippo attack. . She was a well-respected entrepreneur and it was a highly unusual accident.
Every state has its own laws regarding car accidents and the various facets involved in them like litigation and insurance. Though the basic frame is the same all over the variations in the laws are state specific, with a lot of them being unique to a particular state. Hence, it is essential for someone to hire good car accident law firms to represent him or her in case of an accident.
Car accident law firms specialize in fighting accident cases. What this means for the victims is that there are specialists who have the skill and expertise to fight car accident cases. These specialists know the ins and outs of the pertaining legalities. Victims will get a better representation in court and a better deal from the insurance firms. Not only will the attorneys fight tooth and nail for a ruling favoring the client, but will also negotiate with the insurance company to get the best possible compensation for the victim. If you are looking for the best Atlanta Car Accident Law Firm, you can navigate here.
Not surprisingly, statistics show that car crash victims represented by car accident law firms often win more than three times the claims from the insurance companies.
The reason for this is that a car accident often involves many of complex issues that include various parties with an intricate connection existing between them. There are a lot of things that determine the final outcome of such a case. Only a car accident law firm knows well how each issue will impact each case individually.
These days, countless cars and other types of vehicles are driving around the streets, throughout the world. Such automobiles nowadays have made transportation and mobility easier. But, due to several reasons, a number of car accidents take place frequently and many people end up the victims of those accidents. These accidents involve anything from a slight injury to even death.
Sometimes some severely injured victims survive, but they are handicapped for rest of their life. Such accidents usually happen because of unskilled drivers or their negligence to obey traffic rules properly. An individual who becomes the victim of such an awful accident may end up dying or at least have to suffer from severe injuries for a period of time. The attorneys from Babcock helps you in the car crash attorney.
While suffering from the injury, victims also face some other difficulties. For instance, they lose a great deal of money because they become unable to work during their illness. Every person has the right to have compensation for their sufferings for an accident that happened due to someone else’s fault.
The accident victim, who is suffering and feeling all the physical pain and financial loss, only needs to take some legal steps against the responsible party for the accident. And in order to do this, a car accident attorney is definitely the right person to assist the victim.
A car accident lawyer is a specialist lawyer who knows better than anyone about the laws of automobile accidents; therefore, they can guide the sufferers properly to get their desired recompense.
A good car accident attorney also knows about civil rights, as well as, limitations of such issues. They can easily classify the category of an accident and determine how severe that accident is and how much compensation the sufferer may get.
The car accident attorney will organize all the facts for you so that you can win the case and get a logical compensation for your traumatic experience.
Nairobi is a safe place to spend the night provided you are in a secure hotel. We won’t venture an opinion until we know which company has organized your trip and which hotel they are using in Nairobi. It is one of good place where car accidents takes place rarely as there is bollards are installed on roads. TKbollards aims to provide good quality of bollards. It is definite that number of accidents can be reduced by separation on highway’s through bollards.
Neither tourism boards, whose job it is to actively promote tourism, and the safari companies themselves, highlight negative news. There is certainly some under-reporting of these incidents which is one reason that we encourage international travelers to always read several issues of the local newspapers before departure. With Google Translate that is a relatively easy task.
Traveling to Africa is serious business. If you are not prepared to pay to be in the hands of the safest operators utilizing the skills of the best guides, we would suggest you postpone your trip until your financial situation improves. We also suggest that all travelers considering East Africa have a serious conversation with their travel planner regarding the current status of terror group advisories.