The rest of Q&A


    Q –  Really love this site but one criticism. You deal a lot with things as they are – not as they might be. As an architect and designer specializing in modular housing, I am intrigued by the potential of the airline industry to develop aircraft that has seating that can be easily converted in minutes to a totally new configuration. Let’s say, for instance, tight seating when a flight is less than two hours but when the next segment is longer the seating changes as new seats are easily placed on a track. Is anyone actually working on this? I’m really curious. Keep up the good work. 

    A – It might be fun to get some architect friends and futurists together to do a web site focused on what could be given our current abilities to utilize technology-driven. You would just have to remember that everything in the Airline sector is driven by profit per seat per mile. Passenger comfort is never the prime motivator for design.

    Actually, Airbus has been working on a new modular system that can transform an aircraft from high-density seating to luxury with lounges and stand-up bars in the time it takes to do a normal turn–around. This project was being run out of Airbus’ innovation lab called A3 but they have now gone public with the project and named it ‘transpose”. The goal is to essentially change a re-design of the seating and interior layout on an aircraft, a process that normally takes three weeks on average, to allow completion within a half hour. This can be achieved by using modular everything and simply sliding out and sliding in seating and other materials . It would be similar to swapping out cargo in the hold – a process that already exists. The exciting this about this project is that it does not require the design of new aircraft. The designs are being developed to use existing aircraft. This project is currently thought to be anywhere from five to ten years away from final application. But we are skeptical. It will cost a great deal and we’re not sure it will greatly enhance revenue since most current seating plans are already designed for near-maximum capacity goals.


    Q – Although we sense your advice has been to delay travel to Cuba for a few years, we have decided to join my brother-in-law and his family on a cruise on Oceania to Cuba. Our travel agent feels we will be safe but we are wondering if there are any precautions or particularly, things to bring along just in case. 

    A –  Just two specifics – make certain that you don’t touch the tap water. Bottled water only. If you are drinking in a bar it is likely, but not guaranteed, that the ice in your drinks is filtered. The most important precaution is to put together a small case filled with a travel medical supplies. We’d like you to bring your favorite form of aspirin, an anti- diarrea medication, as well as something for constipation.  Also try to locate an anti-mosquito spray with deet. Other than that, you’re good to go.


    Q – I have read and re-read this as well as several of your sister sites. Love the information and the attitude. But you are a bit ahead of us readers. In one of your last Q and A’s you said that Korean Air was  a Four-star airline. Really? Well how do I find that out. I want to know the rating of every airline I’m flying. I also want to know about something your referenced in a response about hotel inspection reports. How do I get those as well? I do a ton of international travel for business. Let me know if you need any correspondents – I’d love to add comments from my travels and observations. But, bottom line, if I could know how good my airline is and what my hotel is really like, instead of what TripAssiser says it is, I’d be ahead of the game. Finally, I notice that some of your sites are password-protected and exclusively for your clients. Does that mean that some of the “truth” is held back for those who use your services? 

    A – We never print anything from PR firms, writers who receive free trips, or folks wanting to plug some entity with which they are associated. But we would be pleased to share well-written travel reports from our readers with other readers. What we won’t do is open up a dialogue that could quickly go off-road. We aim for honest questions and honest responses. A simple concept really – but since it is non-profit, there aren’t many takers.

    We put together our own rankings of the world’s airlines based on industry statistics and reports. We always share this information with our clients. The Hotel Inspection Reports are invaluable. It is a private service available to professional consultants and is unavailable online. Most of the top-tier travel consultants offer these inspection reports to their clients. And yes – we do hold back and we don’t share everything. But you knew that.


    Q – This is the coolest site so I come to you with a specific question. I’m flying on Korean Airlines to Seoul for a four-day series of meetings. My first time and I have no idea what to bring back for work colleagues. Is there anything they are famous for or you think would make a nice gift for a workforce mostly int heir thirties and forties.  By the way, how good is Korean. Thanks so much.

    A –  Korean Airlines currently enjoys a four-star rating which places it above the major carriers from the United States. We are definitely recommending you look at cosmetics. Korean women spend approximately double what their American counterparts spent on beauty supplies. They are generally of a high quality and rather affordable. Korean men also far outspend American men when it comes to grooming supplies. Just look for items that are locally popular but unavailable for export. The best area for you to find cosmetics is Myeong-dong, an eight-block area that attracts those seeking skin that feels like butta. 


    Q – This may be a little out of your areas of expertise but I wonder if you have any advice. I have just accepted a new sales position in my company that will require about 70% domestic travel to major cities throughout the country. Given the Bill O’Reilly debacle, I suppose I am even more concerned about staff entering my room for deliveries etc. I am wondering if you have any advice at all. I am sure there are other readers who have similar concerns. 

    A –  This is a serious topic and one that is just starting to be taken seriously by hotels. Try  to determine if there are “female staff only” access rules in place for solo female guests. Some hotels, like the Virgin brand, provide separate areas that can be closed when rooms service or other deliveries are being dropped off. Hyatt hotels has been studying this issue, determining that almost 50% of all single business travelers are women and this number is growing with the arrival of female sales people from China.

    At one time, the hotel industry was headed toward the establishment of “female guests only” floors. This is no longer in vogue and is thought to be a dated idea. Women more than men are concerned with security and we have emphasized our belief that no hotel should ever be booked until you are provided with a professional hotel inspection report and an update on security. 

    Many female travelers instruct the front desk that only female staff should be given access to their rooms. We believe that corporations have a responsibility to approve upgraded accommodations for single female travelers where that is necessary to ensure a more safe environment.

    We always thought it was creepy to see Bill on the TV inside our hotel room, knowing the numerous payoffs and allegations related to sexual misconduct. If it turns out that O’Reilly has now accepted a position as a room service waiter at Marriott, we would suggest asking him to leave the tray outside the door.


    Q – I am one of your followers in Spain. Although many of your answers seem tilted to Americans, we still find the responses amusing and interesting. Some of the questions really amaze us!

    So to my question: I am certain my fiance does not read this blog. I will be in Melbourne, Australia in two weeks. I will only be there on business for two days and my finance will be flying over to join me from Toledo. (ours – not yours). I want to be in a lovely room and pop the question followed by a nice dinner that is at a fun spot with great food but casual. But it is the room that is causing the problem. Would be forever grateful for a recommendation. 

    A – Even though you called us a “blog” we’re going to do all possible to help you. Book room # 401 at the Lyall hotel. It is called the “Tattinger Suite”,  a 766 sq. ft. rooftop suite with has two terraces and great sunsets. We would have the hotel book you the nicest possible table at nearby France-Soir. Order the oysters – lots of them.


    Q – Based partly on your advise, we are moving up our plans to stay in an over-the-water bungalow in the Maldives. We are frequent Delta flyers and we have some miles with American. We are wondering how we should plan on getting there, Online it looks like a really long haul. Also, advice for a romantic resort with great food and the “bungalows” would be appreciated. Love the site but we want “daily” updates!.

    A –  Every situation is different but we would suggest that you not use miles for this trip and fly Emirates into Dubai. Stay a few days on the front or back end in between your flights between Dubai and the Maldives. You will be on a top-rated airline and Dubai is one of the world’s great gateway airports.

    You are correct, getting to the Maldives is a bear. You are looking at more than 24 hour of travel time. That is why we think you ought to break it up. Emirates came close to joining United in the Star Alliance but they finally decided they do not need an alliance. Use your miles for something else. If that is not an option if or you and you don’t fly much, look at Delta partner Air France’s schedules. 

    We like the 45-villa French resort, Cheval Blanc Randheli. Great food and beautiful location. Don;t be surprised if Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon are sharing the villa next door. 


    Q – The little woman and I are off on a land tour in Vietnam we booked with an online agency in the country. It will include two day cruises and four cities beginning in Ho Chi Minh City. We’re excited by my wife is a germophile and wants me to ask you the secrets of checking for bedbugs in hotel rooms. What do you do? We are not staying at the Four, or even the “Three” Seasons. I am sure your followers would appreciate this information as you’ve scared most of us away from hotels of questionable pedigree.

    A – We didn’t quite understand how your wife’s “height” enters into your question. We recommend that you follow our Four-Step Bedbug Program:

    1. Pick up the mattresses and look under them paying particular attention to the edges of the box springs.
    2. Literally look under the box spring, a common area of infestation.
    3. Look behind the headboard and try to remove it. Look carefully at the hole where the headboard was fitted. Inspect all edges of the headboard.A bed bug exterminator is a pest control professional who is has expertise in dealing with bed bugs. To do so, they must hold a structural exterminator license, be licensed with the ministry of environment and be insured. Unfortunately, there are many such agents that are not qualified to perform the job, they are not properly trained and they don’t have the experience necessary. The internet has created opportunities for such individuals to advertise their services and get clientele. They offer their services at a discount and work for people who do not really understand what is involved in pest control.To properly perform an exterminator job, one needs to know every single detail about the particular pest one is dealing with. Additionally, they need to know exactly what agent, pesticide or environmentally friendly alternative is required to deal with that particular pest. Click here to find best #1 Bed Bug Exterminator on Long Island! Nassau – Control Removal Treatments! The exterminator control agent also needs to be able to understand the environment the job is being performed in. The existence of children in a house can completely change the approach an agent would take. Also, pets and animals also have to be taken in consideration.Never put any of your clothes in the room’s dresser drawers.  Follow our previous advice about cleaning your luggage and keep your clothes in your luggage during your stay. Bring empty tall kitchen bags with ties for your dirty clothes.Bed bug extermination can be a truly complex process with lots of ins and outs. Unfortunately, there really is no “one stop solution” for every customer out there. In fact, there are no two situations that are the same. While some treatment options and plans will work in certain situation, they might not work in others. This is why we have professionally, qualified inspectors that can devise the perfect plan for your situation. Our inspectors will arrive at your home, evaluate the situation, and present you with your best options. A1 Bed Bug Exterminator | Bed Bug Treatment, Removal Inspection Specialists pest inspections company understands that when it comes to pest control and pest management in the Syracuse area, you have tons of different companies and options at your fingertips. Because hotel chains are among the heaviest travel media  advertisers, consumers are rarely given information about this serious and growing problem. It is perfectly appropriate to contact the hotels you have booked to inquire about how often bedding is changed or cleaned. We recommend to check the private luxury vacations Vietnam options. Pest inspections and bed bug inspections are by no means cheap. This is not to even mention the price of removal. As a working company, we understand just how hard it can be for the middle-class individual to muster up thousands of dollars for treatment. This is why we offer our customers a variety of affordable treatment options. We truly have a treatment plan that will fit into everyone’s budget. If not, we offer financing as well, so that you can finance the job. Whatever the situation is, we are always willing to work with our customers to ensure that they get the professional treatment and care that they need, Here you can find Excellent Bed Bug Removal & Extermination Services in Detroit, In Detroit, bed bugs are commonly found in motels. By spending an evening in an infested hotel, you’ll collect the bugs on your clothing and in your luggage. If these things aren’t wasted and dried thoroughly, they’ll enter your home, once you come back. Purchasing used furniture and clothing are often an exquisite thanks to get a bargain, but it comes with a couple of risks. These bugs can survive in clothing and furniture for a lengthy period of your time . If you buy clothing or furniture, which contains bed bugs and convey the things home, it’s almost certain that your home will become infested. Leaving clothing stashed around your home also can end in problems. Although this might not end in an infestation, it’ll give the bugs an area to cover. devour those old clothes and throw them within the wash, before the matter spirals out of control.
      Pests can have disastrous impact on the health of our family if not controlled as they can multiply very fast and cause maximum damage. Pests like cockroaches, rats, red and black ants, spiders, bed bugs, silver fish are some of the major ones which can invade our home and property. Effective pest control is the only solution to this menace of pests. Various gels and sprays are commercially available in the market which can be administered in the cracks and crevices where these pests dwell and multiply. These gels and sprays can be used without vacating the premises and it is totally trouble free and safe for the occupants. Various pest control agencies specialize in these products and services and they can render their services in quick time without any hassles.

      We can also use various methods to curb the influx of pests into our homes by maintaining proper hygiene in and around our homes, offices and surroundings. All cracks and leakages should be monitored and repaired on time to prevent any pests from entering and making their presence felt in our dwellings. Various medicinal herbs and plants help in reducing the entry of pests into our homes like basil, mint, onion, neem, lemon grass, ginger, butterfly bush, red cedar etc. Chemical treatment for ants and bugs has been found to be very effective in recent times. In this method, small holes are drilled into the wall and certain chemicals are filled into it. The holes are then sealed and any insect or bug venturing around that area is immediately killed. This treatment lasts for several years and nothing is visible on the surface of the walls.

      Pest control department also specializes in giving personalized service to the individuals depending on their requirements, type of pest, damage caused, and structural condition of the home or office. They have a team of experts who can come to our place and access the situation and advise methods by which they can eradicate these pests without wasting much of our precious time and money. They also take into account the health hazards that can be caused especially to children during the course of pest control services and the means and methods by which it can be prevented by proper guidance and precautions. Most of the pest control services use natural methods and pesticides which are tested and certified and hence they don’t have any dangerous effects on the user and are also environment friendly. To stop Bed bug problem, Bed Bug Exterminator | BBEC in charlottesville is the best option. Contact here for #1 Bed Bug Exterminator in Petersburg VA | Control-Removal-Treatments!

    When you see really low nightly room rates on the various hotel sites, ask yourself where they are cutting back. Housekeeping and security are two of the most frequent answers. And the one unstated but obvious observation is that the lower rate hotels tend to attract those with the highest likelihood of poor hygiene. Because of poor hygiene and housekeeping bed bugs or other insects are produce, For this BBEN | Top Pest Control & Bed Bug Removal are useful. If you have dealt with bed bugs in the past, you probably already know what a hassle and headache they can be. Bed bug extermination takes precision, time, and knowledge. Unfortunately, bed bugs are making a huge comeback in the Syracuse area, and getting in touch with a pest management company will be your only solution to completely eliminating the problem.

    We apologize for sounding negative and scaring folks away from cheap hotels. The fact is that the top-tier hotels cannot comment on these issues and we think our readers need to hear it.  


    Q – We are seriously considering taking a ten-day drive somewhere in Sweden, perhaps renting a car in Stockholm and using services of car detailers so you can keep this car in top notch. Our idea is to get out and try to find the most beautiful examples of quaint, lovely small towns, the best Swedish cuisine, including a variety of seafood, and a sense of beautiful scenery in a rural setting. I guess we want it all – no tourists, rural, with great restaurants, lots of interesting and diverse stops. We will likely plan this ourselves unless you recommend using an agent. We don;t expect your team to plan the itinerary. Instead, what we are requesting is just a direction to head that might give us the best chance of finding our Swedish nirvana and if you need to rent a car there are services as used cars ottawa to be able to travel to different places. Thanks for all the excellent information. 

    A –  We don’t think you need an agent for this trip. You will likely enjoy planning it yourself and, since you will be hopeful of getting lost, there isn’t much you can screw up in terms of itinerary planning. 

    We think you should do the west coast of Sweden, beginning your drive in Gothenburg and heading due north. This route will take you to the part of the country we think you are seeking. And our congratulations for a really good idea. We like your focus. By the way, don’t miss Grebbestad. Our Swedish friends say it is the oyster capital of Scandinavia.


    Q – My husband and I have been frustrated by the planning for a trip to Poland. We don’t know exactly how to plan such a trip and we don’t know how to design a trip in terms of number of nights in Warsaw versus Krakow. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. We will want to visit Auschwitz outside the city, Figuring just six nights, how should we plans this between the two cities. Thanks so much. We’re in our early seventies and of Polish descent. This is a trip we have to take.

    A –  Warsaw was destroyed during the war so most of what you see is rebuilt. True, the old town is rather charming but you are going to discover that Warsaw is really a busy business and shopping center for the country. We would suggest that you arrive in Warsaw, spend two nights and then move on to Krakow for four nights. Krakow is the only major Polish city not destroyed during the War. You will see beautiful original architecture and village life out int he direction of the Tatra Mountains. Auschwitz is best seen as a day trip from Krakow. This trip should be planned by a professional travel consultant, someone you can talk to about your goals for the trip and your personal preferences. Poland is a relatively good value so we would suggest privately-planned touring. Look for a travel firm that is associated with one of the top three consortium groups and ask if they have representative offices within the country. Let us know if you have problems finding the right person and we will refer you to someone in your city.