The rest of Q&A


    Q – Reading about these cruise lines that register out of the United States and pay no taxes? Are they really non-American companies and why are we supporting them with our business. What is really going on here?

    A –  If you look at the five largest cruise lines operating in the United States, you will find that they are all registered in foreign countries including the Bahamas, Panama, and Liberia. By “foreign-flagging”, cruise lines avoid paying the kinds of taxes they would pay if they were US-based corporations. They also do not have to observe our labor laws or even many of our domestic safety requirements.  The practice is referred to as “flags of convenience.”

    World flags аrе реrhарѕ thе mоѕt common оf аll flags. Today, аll countries аll оvеr thе world еасh hаvе thеіr оwn flag. Thе flags оf thе world аrе аll unique. Eасh hаѕ іtѕ оwn distinct wауѕ оf representing thеіr countries іn various aspects. Thе national flag design usually bears a certain interpretation thаt іѕ vеrу significant tо thе country іt symbolizes. In general, world flags represent thе countries оf thе world – thе number оf national flags іn existence today іѕ equivalent tо thе number оf nations аnd countries thеrе аrе. Here you can buy the Cotton flag.

    Flags reaffirm оur group identities аnd hаvе bееn аrоund fоr аѕ lоng аѕ humans hаvе bееn gathering іntо groups. Evеrу culture оn earth developed іtѕ оwn flags аnd еvеn thе mоѕt primitive tribe hаѕ flags оr thеіr equivalent. Flags identify оthеrѕ аnd ѕеlf. Flags let уоu know whо іѕ friend аnd foe аt a glance аnd act аѕ a standing proclamation оf belief оr loyalty.

    Hоw did flags соmе tо be? Flag-like symbols hаvе bееn іn existence ѕіnсе thе ancient tіmеѕ. It іѕ nоt clear thоugh whеrе thе world flags thаt wе know today originated. Sоmе say thеу originated іn China, оthеrѕ believe thаt thе fіrѕt true flag wаѕ thе vexillum оf thе Roman Empire, whіlе ѕоmе insist thаt thеrе hаvе bееn citations flags іn thе Mahabharata. Whіlе thеrе іѕ nо unified origin, thе modern-day flag surely hаd started ѕоmеtіmе іn thе 18th century. Flags hаvе thеn bееn used аѕ signals аnd symbols fоr battle, military, аnd maritime purposes, аmоng a fеw оthеrѕ. Evеn today, flags аrе continually used fоr a wide variety оf purposes.

    The hard truth is that cruise labor is much like migrant labor – unless it continues, prices for the product will soar. The Hotel and Tour industries wonder why their major competitor is allowed to skirt so many US laws in order to maintain the present pricing levels. James Walker, a prominent maritime attorney, writing for, claims that cleaners aboard Royal Caribbean ships are paid “as little as $156.25 a week with no prospect of tips”. If the larger cruise ships were registered in the United States, employed unionized labor, and followed current US labor laws, the entire pricing model of the cruise industry would collapse and, it is likely, so would large portions of the industry.


    Q – Spent several hours on this site last night and had to drop you a line. Great stuff. Here’s my specific question. I am a  consultant in the chemical industry and I fly, out of my home in Denver all over Europe. I work alone, with a part-time secretary and we do all of our own air arrangements. I have had numerous flight cancellations and delays at O’Hare and I just want to try avoiding it if I can. If you were me, which airports that have non-stop flights to Europe would be best for connections? Wish you had more on airline strategies and less on cruise line ratings.

    A – Thanks for the advice. We won’t take it, but thanks anyway. Your question does, we think, have a specific answer. Our air people feel that you might limit your connections to three “first-choice” options, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Charlotte, and Detroit. All three have enviable connection stats.


    Q – My husband and I are going overseas for the first time this April on a tour arranged through our church in Boise. It is a group tour and we have to get to New York on our own to get on a Delta Airlines flight. My question is how much time do you think we need between flights. Our travel agent says two hours and we found a flight that gives us  a little less, one hour and fifty minutes. Our agent wants to book it but we thought we should run it past you first. Any advice would be appreciated.  I just want everything to go right.

    A – We disagree with your agent. Do not book the flight. With the current sequestration budget cuts, TSA staff at a number of US Airports, but most particularly New York’s JFK, O’Hare, and Atlanta, will be cut by as much as 30%. We are now advising all of our clients to allow a minimum outbound international connection time in those three airports of three hours.

    We want everything to go right also. While you are waiting, have a Nathan’s Hot Dog in the terminal. You probably can’t get one in Boise. Have a terrific trip and make sure to carry copies of the picture page of your passport along with a sheet that has photocopies of the front and back sides of your credit card. Be safe.


    Q – After watching CNN and other interviews with the poor folks getting off the Carnival Triumph, I really wonder if we ever will take that first cruise. So let’s see why travel “truth” is still, as far as I can see, recommending cruising. Given the honesty of your answers to other questions, I wonder how you respond to your bread and butter? This is not meant in any mean-spirited way. We read the site, enjoy it, and are really curious.

    A – Fair enough. We don’t recommend “cruising” we recommend the top ten-rated cruise lines. We don’t recommend “hotels”, we recommend certain hotels that meet our stringest standards. We have never booked guests on a Carnival Cruise. The one essential rule that the consumer somehow thinks  does not apply to travel is “you get what you pay for”. This is a critical mistake. We don’t sell Holiday Inn or Motel 6.

    When you book the most budget of budget lines, on a short cruise, you can expect fun, sun, crowds, and a party atmosphere. For sophistication and elegance you will need to look elsewhere.

    Travel sellers need to be defined by what they refuse to sell as well as by those companies they enthusiastically endorse.


    Q – We work full time and have just nine or ten nights to spend in Italy. We love hiking, exploring, and really good food. Could the Amalfi Coast work in that time frame and how would we set it up in terms of hotels and air. We are in our fifties and we like good hotels that are romantic. Will our travel agent make dinner reservations for us and can her recommendations be trusted?

    A – There is a lot of question there. We would fly into Rome and then train down to Naples. You would be met in Naples and then brought to your hotel. Our recommendation for ten days is to stay in two hotels. You should look first at Le Siranuse in Positano and the Hotel Caruso in Ravello. Both are truly memorable. There is some public transportation and the hotels can arrange for a private driver when necessary. Try not to do this trip between June 15th and the 20th of September. Late May and the first week in October are great times to go.  We think there is enough of interest to fill ten days and you can hike the lesser-known villages in the crux of the hills. We have discussed these in response to a previous question. Finally, you might want to check out the travel agent’s culinary creds before committing to her recommendations. There is a simple test to find out how much your travel consultant knows about food. Ask them the difference between an Osteria, a Trattoria, and a Ristoranti. Follow that up by asking them to name the best restaurant in the best hotel in Hong Kong.(Gaddi’s in the Peninsula) This was once a question we would pose to those  interviewing for a position at our firm.

     It is a bit much to expect your agent to have personal knowledge of the best new restaurants worldwide. If you work with an agency that is a member of one of the major consortiums they will have on-site offices in Italy. The On-site office will be able to handle reservations for dinner through the agent. The best agents trend to be affiliated with one of the following consortium groups: American Express, Ensemble, Signature, and Virtuoso.



    Q – We have been following the story, now on the New York Times second and third page, of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner. I am writing this on February 8th and I wonder what the status is. We are supposed to fly the plane in April on United. You all seem to be honest journalists so let me ask you a personal question. Would you allow your family to board this aircraft?

    A – Yes, if it was parked on the tarmac with the engines turned off. Here is the thing: No one, as of this date, has been able to determine the cause of the on board battery fire and the severe overheating issues. Progress is going extremely slowly because the battery maker, in Japan, thought to be the culprit, has come out of this with few scars.

    Believe it or not, this is a major technological mystery. Now, it is thought that it may be at least a month before the cause of the problems is pinpointed and required fixes are made. It may involve complete re-engineering of portions of the  electrical power system.

    United has announced it is cancelling scheduled 787 flights through most of February. We would want this aircraft to be flying worldwide for at least six months and be incident-free, before we would consider flying her. And we’re among the Dreamliner’s biggest fans.


    Q – In this day and age of less ostentatious travel, I wonder if  cruise lines are still offering Around the World type cruises?

    A – This year, we count nine lines offering ATW Cruises, six of which will literally circumnavigate the globe. Three of these lines, Holland America, Seabourn, and Silverseas, compete with identical length, 115 day, itineraries. 

    Crystal does its World Cruise on the 960-Guest Serenity. Reports from the line  are that approximately 400 of their guests have signed on for the full journey while the rest of the guests purchase one or more segments of the sailing. Although generally less profitable for cruise lines than shorter sailings that use less fuel and offer fewer days at sea, world cruises are in demand and Crystal is currently taking reservations for its 25th Anniversary sailing in 2015 that will be a 108-day circumnavigation. Bookings are, we are told, robust.

    This all started in England in the 20’s. Travel Weekly reports that the Lanconia of Cunard Line went out in 1923 for 130 days with stops in 22 ports. This year, two Cunard ships and three P&O liners departed Southampton for full, ATW journeys, almost all of which sail just after the New Year.

    Our on staff Around-The-World Expert, recommends bookings be made 16-24 months prior to departure to avoid disappointment. Five characteristics of ATW Cruises:

    • Shore Excursions are often one-of-a-kind designed specifically for one sailing.
    • On board lectures surpass anything generally available at sea
    • The average age of ATW cruisers is going down but is still just north of 65.
    • Menus are rarely repeated.
    • Significant discounts and amenities are offered to full World Cruisers

    Q – We’ve been searching for a really strange destination and thought your staff might be able to help. We will soon be opening an ice cream parlor in Sonoma, California. I’ve taken early retirement and before getting back to the hard work ahead in launching a labor intensive business, my wife and I want to travel a bit to discover the best, most interesting ice cream and flavors available anywhere. We’ve heard that there is a street filled with ice cream shops of high quality, one after another. But we don’t know where it is. Have you ever heard of Ice Cream Street? Where would you go to sample the most interesting, and best, ice cream and gelato on the planet?

    A – We think you may have the name wrong. The closest we can come is Ice Cream City which is located inside some of the world’s greatest Family Amusement Parks in the Sunshine City shopping center in Tokyo. There are several dozen ice cream stands competing with one another for the most intense and outrageous flavors and both Italian and American styles are available. We know that you will be able to get ell-flavored ice cream, along with soy chicken, but the varieties are endless. Best of all, you can enjoy the wonders of Tokyo, where prices have been falling to reverse the tourist decline of the past five years.

    After that, we would head to Florence, Italy to taste every flavor at our personal favorite, the iconic Vivoli. But Florentine friends are telling is that they think that Perche No!, near the Duomo, is as good. Try the Honeydew Melon at Vivoli. Simply amazing. Both establishments have been around for decades and their formulas remain state secrets.

    As far as the States are concerned, we will assume you have tried, arguably the best ice cream purveyor in the United States – Capogiro in Philadelphia. That is where the bar is set at the moment.


    Q –  We find your site rather confusing. On the one hand, it purports to be a cruise site, but we notice lots of information that seems way off topic. If you wish to have people use the site, you might want to think about sticking to one thing and doing it well. Our question has to do with Amazon River Cruising. We know that several of the deluxe lines like Silversea, Seabourn, and Crystal do Amazon itineraries but we are really interested in more of a comfortable, high quality expedition cruise experience with fewer people than a large cruise ship. Are there companies you might recommend?

    A – Thank you for the advice. We won’t follow it because is not a cruise web site. We deal exclusively with First Class and Deluxe vacation planning worldwide. There are many parts of the world where it is impossible or makes little sense to travel by ship. Our efforts are geared toward the upscale traveler who wants advice that is not tainted by sales pressure or advertising concerns.

    There are several companies we think you ought to explore with your travel consultant.  They are: Abercrombie & Kent, Aqua Expeditions, International Expeditions, and Voyages of Discovery.

    Of those, we would rate Aqua # 1 and A&K # 2.


    Q – These hotels really get me angry. They always pretend they are full when I ask for an upgrade. Meanwhile, I know from online availability, that they have suites available. I am just constantly being turned down for upgrades and I know others are getting them. I dress quite well, I’m a decent looking guy, and I have a good job, so what am I doing wrong? I just want more than I paid for and I see nothing wrong with that.

    A – Do you think it might have something to do with your attitiude when you arrive? Try this: Never ask for an upgrade. Ask for a corner room or “a room with a nice sitting area where I can get some work done”. Be as nice as you can be. Do not address the desk clerk by the first name on their tag. 

    If there was a past problem with your behavior at one of the chain’s hotels, it is perfectly possible that you have a RAH next to your profile. We will leave it to you to figure out what those letters represent. Your profile designation will follow you around and you may never be upgraded.  If you suspect that is the case, schedule a meeting with hotel management and explain your feelings and ask if there is anything on your profile that is preventing you from being offered an upgrade. They may possibly respond honestly.  Finally, use a credit card that allows for automatic upgrades based on points.

    The real trick is to never shout how important you are, in word or deed. Just be the nicest guy the desk staff has met that day and you will be surprised at what may happen.