The rest of Q&A


    Apple IpayQ – Although I appreciate that this site deals with upscale travelers, there are those of us in our thirties who can afford to travel well. But to do so, I would want to use my iPhone for payments. It’s just easier. How do I do this?

    A – Yes, we understand. Taking a credit card out of your billfold is just so damn time-consuming. If the Apple Pay machinery is working properly, you might save two seconds. Delta Airlines is the only major airline currently on-board with Apple Pay. But you have to access it through their “Fly Delta App” so there goes the two seconds.

    We think you will see other airlines quickly following Delta’s lead. In 2016 it is estimated that about 18% of all online airline bookings will be made via smartphone technology. This means that everyone is being trained to squint at flight schedules at fares in the palm of their hand. The airlines love this because it cuts their distribution costs. This is not good news for online travel agencies who, of course, have their own smartphone apps.

    The consumer meanwhile will look back wistfully and recount stories for their grandchildren about the time they actually got to deal with a human being when making flight reservations.


    lapland 2  BXQ –  I thought I’d reach out to you for suggestions to extend a Scandinavian trip for next summer already booked. We are considering having our kids  fly to Stockholm to meet us and then spending a week in Sweden, just the four of us. We are active, nature loving, travel veterans and usually enjoy avoiding cities and renting a house or cozy inn in a smaller town with easy access to the outdoors. I’m guessing Sweden has neat towns on pretty lakes but I could use a little direction. The alternative, or additional, thought is to head up north to check out Lapland since it is so unique. Our travel time is July 28th – August 6th and we probably wouldn’t want to go more than 2 places in that time. We usually do the travel planning ourselves, how does working with an agent work in terms of fees work out?

    A – We think that either destination could work well for six days or so. There are some transportation issues in Lapland, but those can be overcome.

    The answer to your question is simple – all of the years that you have been making your own arrangements you have been paying a 10-15% supplement for a travel consultant’s services. It is in everything you ever bought. If you demanded a refund of that money after the booking was made, then you have not been ripped off. Otherwise, you have consistently been charged for services you never received. When we arrange  a tour or a cruise, we have never had to charge   fees of any kind. It is always part of the supplier’s price.

    In any other industry we suspect, this would be considered fraud, the idea of being charged for consulting and processing services that the hotel, airline, cruise line etc. never provided. But in travel it is accepted practice. It is one of the industry’s dirty little secrets.

    Now there is one exception to the rule above. If you ask us to craft a vacation experience especially for you, using the best available guides, vehicles, and planners, we work with a mark-up in the 30% range. That is rather standard but it often goes higher. But that is only when hours of work are devoted to creating something unique for you and your family.

    Lapland is a location where both Sweden and Norway-based travel firms handle arrangements. You can book directly and save some substantial planning fees.

    Most of the better travel agencies in the States have consortium affiliations with top-level travel firms in Sweden. They can  create a wonderful private experience based entirely on your likes and dislikes using properties that will please you and one-of-a-kind experiences. But in Sweden, this can get fairly expensive.

    Lapland Highlights

    This is a remote wilderness stretching north of the Arctic Circle, that is a part of Finland. Lapland has always had an air of mystery about it, not least for its climatic idiosyncrasies—the omnipresent Midnight Sun of the summer months, the perpetual twilight of winter and, of course, the dazzling spectacle of the Northern Lights.

    Blanketed with snow from September to April, Lapland is one of our  ultimate winter destinations for families.  Just imagine a vacation where your kids  can visit the official home of Santa Claus, whiz through the snow on a snowmobiles, ride a husky-pulled sled past herds of wild reindeer, then bed-down in an atmospheric ice hotel.

    The decision to have a travel agent do personal trip planning on your behalf is a delicate ratio of expertise versus cost. The public is generally unaware of the high mark-up tour operators attach to arrangements for individuals. Tours and packages that reflect group savings can be of high quality while coming in at a substantially lower cost. Your travel consultant needs to be a travel traffic cop – directing you toward the best options for each component of your trip. This is particularly necessary when considering travel to Scandinavia and the areas surrounding the Arctic Circle.

    So, bottom line: One of world’s top destinations for families – but comes at a high price for ice.


    New Zealand Queenstown Stratosphere Restaurant AQ – We’ve been looking at several ways to do  Australia and New Zealand including cruising on Seabourn or Crystal, or possibly doing a land tour like Tauck’s 20-Day Grand Australia and New Zealand. You seem high on Tauck as a company and wondering what you think of their A/NZ trip? By way of background, I’m a scriptwriter in the LA area and I’ll be traveling with my wife who is a radiologist. Both mid-fifties, not especially well traveled, good health, love walking and seeing as much as possible when we travel. Both into photography and I don’t mean iPhone snaps. Price not really an issue. Mingle well with other humans but like quiet moments. And, finally, as I suspect you have already guessed, really into wine and experiencing some great stuff from both countries, particularly Syrahs. Likely our only trip to this part of the world so we want to choose the best option. Neat site.

    A – Short of doing a personalized designed trip, which we would recommend if you were going to be joined by several friends, the Tauck Tour is going to be your best option. You will see far more of each country than you would trying to do a cruise. Sailings that include both Australia and New Zealand need to incorporate several wasted days at sea. Some of the best locations in each country are inland. The Tauck program gives you eight full days in New Zealand and only includes one single-night hotel stay so you are seeing a great deal and not unpacking every night. You will be able to dine by yourselves even while dining in a restaurant with the group. That is an important Tauck benefit. To maximize your photo ops with the disposable camera you use, and to truly assist the Australian and New Zealand vintners with their bottom line, the tour is clearly the better option. If you’re someone who is into the food and scene of Australia, you should try out the Swan Valley Wine Tours. They offer a unique and luxurious way try wine and tour around beautiful vineyards in a limousine.


    Seasickness AXX PaintingQ –  I enjoy your site and appreciate all of the valuable information I have encountered! I have not seen any questions on how to avoid motion sickness on a cruise. My husband and I will be first time cruisers celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. I have heard that motion sickness is not much of an issue on much larger ships, however we will be sailing with Regent. We have upgraded to a room with a balcony in anticipation of this. What steps, if any, would you recommend I follow prior to our departure or even during the trip should I have issues? Thank you for your time.

    A – The research shows that a surprisingly large segment of non-cruisers and first-time cruisers see this issue as a real concern. Since 94.3% of first-time cruisers book a second cruise within 36 months of their return, we have to assume that for the vast majority of cruisers, seasickness becomes a non-issue. So please don’t be overly concerned.

    Sea sickness is more likely to happen based on your itinerary rather than the design or size of your ship. There is a fair amount of urban myth concerning cabin placement and remedies you can take before hitting the high seas. But the primary determinant of sea sickness is the amount of rough water you will encounter based the time of year and the route the ship will follow. This is where your consultant will be helpful. We like to ease first-timers into an itinerary that is likely to produce smooth seas. You did not indicate your itinerary so we can’t be as specific as we would like to be.

    The most important thing to know about sea sickness is that you really don’t need to put up with it if it occurs. Every one of the world’s top ten cruise lines has a fully staffed medical facility. There are shots, several developed in Europe, that the on-board doctor can administer, that will take away that queasy feeling within minutes. One of the reasons these magic shots are available is that no cruise line can afford to have their crew immobilized by seasickness.  Your travel consultant will advise you if your line has the shot available to passengers. Regent Seven Seas does.

    We’re not so keen on balconies during rough seas. You are likely going to be better off up on the top deck outdoors. The fresh air will be helpful.

    In terms of known itineraries with potential churning seas we can point to any cruise around the tip of South America, cruises out of San Francisco Bay into the Pacific, the area on Panama Canal Cruises where the Gulf of Mexico flows into the Atlantic, and transatlantic sailings during shoulder season.

    We do not believe in pre-trip anti-seasickness prep. If you like patching yourself up that’s fine but it won’t do much good. Some guests have success with Bonine, an over-the-counter motion sickness preventative. There are also advocates of ginger in its many forms.  Toast and crackers are fine but we always try to avoid having a cassoulet during seachop.

    A lower-deck, mid-ship outside cabin with a balcony is the safest place to be for handling sea turbulence. And yes, although we are strong advocates of avoiding obese mega-ships, with thousands of passengers, larger ships provide somewhat more stability. But don’t read too much into it hat because smaller vessels are more maneuverable.

    There are other considerations regarding the manner in which your ship handles rough seas. Will the Captain fully engage bow thrusters should the seas get unpleasant? You would think always but, in fact, these thrusters burn a lot of extra fuel and on some budget lines cost is always a consideration. So just how dedicated your cruise line is to seeing to its guests comfort is an important factor when it comes to smooth seas. How likely is it that the ship you are sailing will change direction or ports to avoid rough seas? You will find a close correlation between customer care and cost.

    We were once sailing with the legendary Princess Cruises Captain, John Young.  We hit some strong seas off the coast of Scotland and he came on the ships PA system and explained that:

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, you are currently ensconced in the bosom of the deep. And as you may be aware, bosoms tend to rise and fall. So please join me in lying back and making the most of this rare experience.”


    Isle of Wright Festival BQ – We won’t discuss our personals but let’s just say that my wife and I remember Woodstock for lots of reasons some of which can’t be discussed on a classy travel Q&A site. Our tie-dyes still fit, well my wife’s does anyway, and we want to try to relive the experience somewhere in the world, most likely Europe. If we have as good a time as we think we will, it may become an annual summer ritual, following the music and the carefree young. Our travel agent seemed lost when we asked the question and we sense this is one trip we ought to handle on our own. But where to go?

    Isle of Wright PosterA – Woodstock is going to be hard to replicate, although some of the odors will be the same, and we agree, Europe is where you want to be heading. Specifically, we recommend you find a big and tall shop that will sell you a tie-dye and get yourself to the Isle of Wright Festival. It is held during the second week in June on an island that is just off the coast of England’s Hampshire. Use a reliable British online ticket broker and set up your transportation in advance. We agree, don;t burden a travel agent with this. The fun is in the planning. We figure you are approaching 7o so we hope you will get back to us with an update. You can also check at Lorraine Music for updates about music festivalsIsle of Wright Mud.

    Do be careful about the mud that develops whenever it rains during the festival. Best to leave your jewelry at home and bring ear plugs. Seriously.


    Whales on Hermanus Beach BXQ – We’ve got the world’s greatest kid. He just won a full music scholarship, saving us four years of college tuition and we want to take him on the best trip of his life somewhere outside the USA. He’s been to London – that’s about it, and his passion is seeing whales up close. Money is really not the issue here, we can go up to $100,000 since it will be our last family gathering before he begins his studies. My wife and I have done a good deal of traveling in Europe, we’ve been to Russia, and I’ve had three trips to Brazil on business. But this trip, I’m thinking just under two weeks, is for Jacob and his passion for whales. I’ve been told we should go to the coast off Cabo San Lucas but somehow that doesn’t excite us and I want this trip to absolutely floor the kid. Love to know what you might recommend.

    A – You know, sometimes we offer an opinion and we sense it is correct. Here’s one we know is correct. Forget about Cabo. You will soon reach beautiful Hermanus Beach, considered the optimal whale watching location in the world. To get best unforgettable experience in whale watching maui, visit us. And one of the those options is the best whale shark tour Exmouth. Best of all, the whales are in these waters in the summer. You can spend four nights in the Cape Town area, fly to one or two safari camps, and then, perhaps, go up to Victoria Falls for a night or two. Then fly home out of Johannesburg. This will be one of his life’s most memorable journeys. We promise.


    A&K Land Rover Vacations 1Q – Hello. I’m an off-road enthusiast. My wife and I drive a Jeep Cherokee and we’ve had it on just about every hill in Arkansas we can find, we got our car in a great used car agency call Autozin, if you want an adventure car make sure to buy the correct vehicle. A buddy of mine told me that you can now do touring by four-wheel drive and see some really neat parts of the world in luxury. I’m a redneck but I’m also a CEO so I love nice things and I prefer to see the world on my own terms. I’m starting to slow down a bit and will retire in the next 24 months, so if I can get in some fun driving while seeing a bit of the world I’m all in and I know my wife would love it. How do I go about this and what’s the best company to use? I would use an agent since it sounds as though I’d be paying for one anyway. I am really wondering if we can see some of the world on a genuine off-road experience. I do promise to leave my shotguns at home. Appreciate your information and advice. We are your dependable auto transporters company and can provide you with a full range of options to ensure you are provided with quality service and experience to suit your needs. Whether you are relocating, purchasing a new vehicle, or shipping a show car, our diligent team will make sure that your vehicle transport is done with the utmost care and integrity. We have all cars as per the standards of  Techrogers. All car shipping companies will provide a shipping report before and after the car is shipping. The purpose of the shipping report is to note down the condition of the car before and after it has been shipped. It is important you take note of any discrepancies when they write the shipping report as it’s the only document that can prove the condition of your car before it’s being shipped. There is a lot of difference between shipping cars and other kinds of cargo. When you ship cars, there are many things that you need to keep in mind. To begin with, make sure that you have all the documents ready. You will need the original purchase papers of the car and registration papers. You will also need to keep a check on the emission standards of the destination country. Different countries have different emission cut off values. You can find out all details about the preparations that you need to make regarding international car shipping by hiring one of the worldwide shipping companies that are knowledgeable in the task. You need to make certain choices when you require international car shipping. Firstly you need to decide on the mode of ocean transport. You have options such as Roll in Roll of shipping, container shipping and open shipping. Costs vary between the options. The cheapest is open shipping. However, this is also the riskiest. Container shipping is safest. Roll in Roll off is the most convenient but the car can sustain minor scratches. However, it is safer than open shipping and more cost-effective than container shipping. The cost shoots up if you wish for an individual container for your car. The first reason is that you can get a number of options with regards to the kind of cars you can buy. This means that you can go to one place and find the vehicle you are looking for instead of having to go to a number of people’s houses to see if they may have a car that would suit both your pocket and your needs. This makes finding the right car a lot easier and a lot faster since there is a lot less travelling involved. You can read more information about the Dodge Dealership near me. Getting finance is easier at car dealerships. The car dealerships will have contacts with the relevant loans companies and banks and will be able to help you to get a loan to buy the car that you end up wanting to buy. This means that you do not have to try and get a loan on your own, it is all taken care of for you. A good option is to choose consolidated container shipping. In this kind of international car shipping, you can have your car very safely transported in containers along with five or six other cars. So, the container cost is shared between the cars and per-head cost reduces. Usually, if you are shipping the car to major destinations, there will be several other cars which need to be shipped to that destination and so, you can go in for consolidated shipping option.


    A –  The best available program is rather new. Famed Tour Operator, Abercrombie & Kent has partnered with Land Rover to set up an entire catalog of off-road adventures in Morocco, Scotland, England, Tanzania, Namibia, and Australia.

    Maximum group size is 12 and you are accompanied by an A&K Guide on these adventures as well as a team of instructors/mechanics from Land Rover. Pricing is based on two in a vehicle. The trip is not entirely self-drive, but several of the itineraries provide more than enough time behind-the-wheel. Land Rover Discovery 4’s will be used on most of the tours but the Sport model will be driven in Morocco and Australia.

    The A&K/Land Rover partnership is unique and the fact that two Land Rover instructors will be along (some trips will have even more staff) will help assure high levels of service on the ground. Auto Car Australia will help you to keep car optimized while going through off road.

    By going off-road, you will, of course, be able to see portions of many countries that tourists just miss. You will also be about as far away from the tour buses as one can get. Kids under 10 are not accepted on these journeys and you have to be at least 21 to drive. Each tour has been specially designed by Land Rover to utilize the vehicles off-road prowess.

    They cover a fairly narrow list of destinations but each is a place where the advantages of off-road capabilities are obvious. This is the way to go for an adequate challenge while enjoying peace of mind about your personal safety.


    Hotel Deals   Find the Best Deals BXQ – We were reviewing your truly ambitious site. You have set yourselves quite a challenge. But how are we to trust your information when we read that “if you know the price you’ve paid for a hotel room – you’ve paid too much.” Please explain. Otherwise love the information and the way it is presented without “commercials.”

    A – You are taking a sentence out of context. There was a long explanation that led up to your quote.

    When you book a hotel online or directly with a hotel, you are receiving a rate that is in the public domain. It is available for everyone to see. The very best rates are not available to foreign tourists who book their rooms online or directly with the hotel. They are contracted rates available only to local travel firms that do substantial business in the destination. These are known as “In-bound” travel specialists. They book complete programs for individual travelers or groups. They negotiate and receive special discounted hotel rates in a confidential tariff. In other words, the rates they get cannot be revealed online or even directly to a travel agent. They are incorporated in a proposal that might include transfers, sightseeing, as well as accommodations. The best hotel rates are contracted, confidential rates. You will receive a total price for your arrangements but the actual, per night charge for your hotel room will not be broken out separately. That is how to get the best hotel rates worldwide.

    If this all sounds circuitous, it really isn’t. Every travel agent who belongs to one of the major consortiums works with in-country experts who use these special confidential, contracted rates. It is really true that you have paid too much if you know the cost of your hotel stay. But we truly do understand that this is rarely discussed openly and so it sounds suspicious.


    Budapest Chain Bridge AXXXQ –  We are scheduled to stay in Budapest for three days before boarding our Uniworld River Cruise. The news is just awful, and the refugees seem to be causing all sorts of problems in the city. My wife is somewhat fragile and I will admit, based on what I am seeing on TV, I’m worried. We were just planning on walking around on our own. We booked ourselves into the Prestige Hotel. We set up the entire trip ourselves so we’re dependent on you for some good advice here. Should we try to cancel in view of what is going on? Is the news media overstating the situation in Budapest?

    A – They are not overstating it according to the hoteliers and offices in the city with whom we work regularly. This is a serious situation and the reaction of the Hungarian government to newly arriving immigrants from Syria and other war-torn nations in the Middle East is something that cause some level of civil unrest. But we still believe that tourists can avoid the areas where authorities are cracking down on new arrivals, particularly in the area around the city’s central train station.

    We are a bit concerned that you have no one to fall back on should you need help. If things go bad, you will have only your own resources. Our recommendation is to initiate a relationship for the future with the  best travel agent in your town. This is a very personal situation and should not be handled on the internet. Ask the agent to arrange services by a trusted guide during your three days in the city. If that is not something you are willing to do, we think you should write a detailed letter tot he Head Concierge at the Prestige Hotel. We like the property and it is near Parliament and St. Stephens Church on a quiet side street. It should work well for you.

    We have migrant workers and an estimated 40 million people who don’t get enough to eat living in our own country. Put it all in perspective, listen tot he arguments on both sides, and go see for yourself. The attempt by refugees in escape horribly oppressive regimes is a terrible thing to watch. That it is happening in those very countries where some of our own relatives tried to escape persecution not very long ago, makes it particularly poignant. The refugees, most of them, are headed to Germany and just trying to pass through heading in a northerly direction. It is not in anyone’s interest to harm American tourists and we think you will be absolutely fine if you follow our recommendations above.


    Greek Walls Blue BXQ – We are doing a cruise out of Athens on Oceania that departs in September. We’ve scheduled our arrival early so we can have three nights in Athens to see the main sites. Would you advise that we cancel this trip, although we don’t think insurance would cover it since it is not medical. But then again, if we get killed that would be “medical”. Any guidance would be appreciated. Any precautions you would advise if we do go?

    A – We are expecting some major disruptions in Athens this summer. We are placing our clients in the most secure hotels. Tourists are appreciated and no violence will be directed toward you, but there could be street demonstrations and some flying souvlaki overhead.

    This is our recommended game plan:

    Do not cancel your cruise. You will love the islands and your enjoyment of the itinerary and ship will not be affected. But we would suggest you not change your flight schedule but do consider cancelling the three nights in Athens and, instead, connecting on a short flight to one of the lovelier islands for your three-night stay. (Perhaps fly into Rhodes and stay on Simi, or visit Lesbos or Patmos) Then on the day the cruise departs, book an early flight back into Athens and have a driver meet you for a visit to the Acropolis, the Plaka District, and any of the riot sites you care to visit. You won’t need to be at the ship until 3:00 pm. This will really maximize your enjoyment of this vacation without the need for major trip renovations.