The rest of Q&A


    DehumidifierQ – I am looking forward to a lengthy trip planned by our agent that will take us to Paris, Bordeaux, and Monte Carlo. I have a real problem sleeping in dry rooms and I wonder what I should expect from the top tier hotels we are using to help get some moisture in the room at night? Who should I be contacting at the hotel?

    A – It is perfectly reasonable to ask a hotel to provide one or two humidifiers in your room. We do this all the time when open windows are not an option. The better hotels will have high-powered, quiet machinery specifically designed for the hotel industry. Your travel agent should make certain this information appears on your guest profile. We think that in-room humidifiers are a good idea even for those who do not feel they suffer from a lack of moisture in a room.

    One way to combat dryness is to fill up the bathtub in your hotel room or cruise ship cabin in the early evening. As the water evaporates it will help to moisturize  the room and your skin.

    If you are staying at any of the top-level chains such as Peninsula, Aman, Fairmont, Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, Aman, Miontage, Mandarin Oriental and others, your humidifier profile, once added to your profile, will always be available when you check in. If it isn’t, call the front desk or housekeeping. Sleep well and please tell Paris we love her – and always will.


    ca-pisani-hotelQ –  We will be in Venice for three nights before taking a cruise for a week. We have only been to Europe twice, once on business but we know enough to know what we don’t like – large hotels that cater to tourist groups on the main drag, which in Venice, I imagine, means near Rialto Square. Can you suggest a boutique neighborhood hotel of high quality that offers charm and a less touristic feel?  A place with character is more important than price as we understand prices in Venice are otherworldly in high season.

    A –  There are two small hotels we really like. Our first choice is Ca’ Pisani, a 29-room gem in the artsy Dorsoduro neighborhood. The little-known Palazzinag sits in a 16th century building on the Grand Hotel and only has 22 rooms. You will find “tourists” in any hotel as local residents don’t like to pay for accommodations just a pizza toss from their home.

    Barcelona is a great place to visit with its great weather, architecture, parks and football team! There are also plenty of restaurants to choose from but it’s hard to know which are the best, so I’ve put together a small guide on my top paella in Barcelona.

    Just like with any City, Paris isn’t booming with nightlife across the map. Where you end up partying can mean the difference between a disappointing bus ride home right after sundown, a headache and sleep debt the day after, and anything in between. Where you go depends on who you’re, with and what you plan on achieving, you can also check in or else visit for more ideas.

    For the most part, Paris’ best places to frequent, after the sun goes down, situate in its northern districts. No matter what you’re looking for, you’re sure to find it there. Being a large city, the northern portion of Paris is broken up into several districts, each of which tends to have its own “theme,” per say. If you are finding for Topless waiters in Melbourne then do visit us.Else you can have more fun with telefonsex mit cam.

    If your idea of fun is partying all night in Toronto on Canada Day, New York on the fourth of July or any major city throughout Germany during Oktoberfest, you may want to check out Pigalle. Pigalle is filled with great bars and even greater crowds. It’s also filled with sex and those who like to party a bit more than the next guy. It may not be the place to go for a quiet date, though it may appeal to the younger crowd looking to hop from bar to bar, drinking all the while. No doubt then, that Pigalle is a cornerstone that makes Paris’ nightlife pretty charming.


    Zika CDC Travel Alert

    The Zika virus is spreading rapidly across South America, the Caribbean, and portions of the southern United States. Zika is a mosquito-borne viral infection which is transmitted by the same type of mosquito linked to dengue and chikungunya.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a state of emergency this week and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a travel alert for those traveling to affected regions. The water softener market seems to be deluged right now with various products all claiming theirs is the best shower water softener on the market. How do you know which one is really the best? The answer to this question will vary from person to person. What might be best for you is going to be the total opposite of what best fits someone else’s needs. Various elements from the price of the pelican water filter to the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit all play a critical role in determining which water softener is best for you and your family.

    When it comes to water softener for the whole house, the most popular choice is the Whole House Salt-Free Water Softener from nuvoH2O. A model like this unit softens water at its point of entry, which means water is softened before it makes its way into your home system. This is an effective model for two reasons: it makes sure all the water that comes out of all your home’s water lines and faucets are softened, and it also makes sure all your pipes are completely protected from the effects of hard water. If you have a bigger home, however, such as one with up to three bathrooms that supply water to the household, you can’t just use any water softener. You have to choose one that can meet the demands of three bathrooms. One such option is the Pelican NaturSoft Salt Free Water Softener for 1-3 bathrooms, although this comes with a price.

    However, please be sure to advise your clients of the following facts, to help them make their travel decisions:

    • Symptoms can include mild fever, rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle or joint pain and general feeling of illness that begins 2-7 days after infection.
    • Four out of five people who are infected have no symptoms at all.
    • Recent studies show there is a correlation between the disease and increased number of cases of  microcephaly (reduced brain size) in unborn babies.
    • If you are not a woman of childbearing age who is pregnant or trying to get pregnant, the Zika virus is unlikely to cause you any serious trouble.
    • Zika virus usually remains in the blood of an infected person for about a week. The virus will not affect a baby that is conceived after the virus is cleared from the blood.
    • Zika cannot be transmitted through the air, food or water.
    • There have been no deaths so far attributed to the Zika virus.

    Infected persons are advised to  drink water and rest. Hospitalization as a result of Zika is extremely uncommon. In Brazil the current spread of Zika virus is mostly concentrated in the Northeastern states, especially Pernambuco state.

    Areas to the south such as Rio and Sao Paulo are currently much less affected. Very few cases have been reported in the Amazon and Foz do Iguaçu.

    Nevertheless the precautions for travelling to a region with mosquitoes are important:

    • Use plenty of mosquito repellant.
    • Stay in places with air conditioning or that use window and door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
    • Sleep under a mosquito bed net.
    As of February 10, 2016 – this is the best summary we’ve found of information travelers need to know: (Source: Edward Hospital, Naperville, Illinois)

    UPDATE: The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has advised that, while the primary mode of transmission for Zika virus is from the bite of an infected mosquito, there are at least three cases of possible sexual transmission of Zika virus.

    According to the CDC:Zika 3

    • Sexual transmission of Zika virus from infected women to sex partners has not been reported.
    • We do not know how long Zika virus remains in semen.
    • Men who live in, or have traveled to, an area where Zika virus transmission is ongoing and who have a pregnant partner should not participate in sexual activity or should consistently and correctly use condoms during sex throughout the pregnancy.
    • At this time, the CDC does not recommend testing men to determine the risk of sexual transmission of Zika virus.
    • The IDPH recommends doctors offer to test pregnant women who are not showing any symptoms of Zika virus infection within 2-12 weeks after they have returned from travel to affected countries.

    When a virus with the potential to cause serious complications starts to spread, especially one that’s not familiar, it can be unnerving.

    Zika virus is one of those. Most of the time, people contract the virus through mosquito bites. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). People with this illness are not usually very sick, and symptoms disappear after several days to a week.

    However, Zika virus may cause some sobering problems, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome and birth defects.

    Zika virus has been on the radar for some time. It was first isolated from a monkey in Zika forest in Uganda in 1947. In May 2015, The Pan American Health Organization issued an alert about a Zika infection in Brazil.

    Recently, the World Health Organization announced the Zika virus was a public health emergency of international concern. In a statement on its website, the organization said the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus “are the control of mosquito populations and the prevention of mosquito bites in at-risk individuals, especially pregnant women.”

    The American Red Cross has asked people to hold off on donating blood for 28 days if they’ve been to a Zika-infected area.

    One thing that isn’t a concern in the Midwest in February: mosquitoes. However, warm weather is coming and knowledge is a powerful prevention tool. Here are some important facts about Zika virus:

    Who is at risk for contracting Zika virus? 

    Most people in the United States will not come into contact with the Zika virus, as pointed out by CDC Director Tom Frieden in an article by CNN. The people who should be most concerned are people living in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Caribbean or Pacific territories, and Central and South America.

    Because the Zika virus may cause birth defects, the CDC has warned pregnant women to avoid those areas, and if they’re there, to take steps to prevent mosquito bites. If you are a woman who is planning to conceive and may have recently traveled to the affected areas or plan to travel to the areas, please contact your OB/GYN physician for recommendations.

    How do you get Zika virus? 

    Mosquitoes are the primary vehicle. While the virus is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes, it can also spread through sexual contact, blood transfusions and (rarely) from mother to child during birth.

    How do you protect yourself from Zika virus? 

    There is no vaccine available to prevent Zika from infecting us, so protecting yourself from mosquitoes is your best defense. If you’re in a high-alert location, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and insect repellant.

    What happens if you contract Zika virus?

    The CDC reports that 1 in 5 people who are infected with Zika will get sick. If that happens, you just treat yourself as if you have a flu virus: rest, fluids, pain reliever/fever reducer.

    What if I have a vacation planned? 

    Think before you book that trip. Check the CDC’s Zika Travel Information.

    Now, before you do check, remember that US governmental agencies tend to be ultra-conservative when warning Americans about terrorism or health-related travel.


    Osteria Alle Testiere 2Q – Love the site but really wish you would include more unbiased recommendations for restaurants. I am not sure that some of the “critics” are willing to pay for fine dining on vacation.

    We will be in Venice in July. We’re working with a fine agent but she does not seem to have any interest in recommending an excellent restaurant in the city. Can you point us in the right direction for a non-tourist restaurant that might result in a truly memorable meal? Also wondering best way to book it. Do we just go online?

    Venice Osteria Alle Testiere 1A –  Venice is a tough food city because it is so easy for the owners/chefs to simply cater to tourists and fill their seats each night. But there are several excellent restaurants, some of them new, that cater to locals as well as the sizeable number of Italians from “the provinces.”

    The current best restaurant in Venice is Osteria Alle Testiere on Calle Del Mondo Novo.  There are only nice tables and two seatings each night. Chef Bruno Gavagnin’s fresh local fare has impressed food critics worldwide – at least those that can score a table.

    Venice All ArcoThe best way to get a reservation at a top-level restaurant is to have your agent use her On-Site Italy office, the same ones doing your trip operations, to secure the reservation. Local offices in Italy that work with the major consortiums have local contacts that can get you otherwise impossible reservations. Do note that, as a rule, most gourmet restaurants in Europe have little interest in increasing their number of American diners.

    Venice La Zucca  AXLet us recommended several other top tables in Venice. We swear by each of these:

    La Zucca

    Da Ivo

    Da Fiore

    All Arco


    India ITC Grand Bharat Hotel BQ –  We’re planning a getaway to India and want to stay for a few days in the area of the Golden Triangle so we can take day trips to both Agra and Jaipur. From there, we really want to do one, or possibly two, of the best luxury trains within the country. Can you please recommend a hotel for us in the Triangle and one or two of your personal favorite train experiences in-country?  Thank you in advance. This is rapidly becoming our favorite travel site and so nice that we are not bombarded with phony deals and come-ons.

    A – Have your agent book you into the ITC Grand Bharat, a 100-room masterpiece located in Gurgaon, just between both Agra and Jaipur. THis is an elegant resort with fine services and our general philosophy when it comes to India hotels is “always book the most expensive property.” The rates are high only when they can be justified and demand is great. Don’t do four-star in India. Given all that, you can still book a room here for under $400 per night.

    In terms of trains, there are several excellent options. Make certain that your consultants works with one of the two or three top Indian train specialists on earth, hopefully someone based in London or India.

    India Palace-On-WheelsThe Palace on Wheels has 14 salons named after the provinces of Rajasthan and is considered one of the world’s top five luxury trains. It features two restaurants, a spa,internet, live music, and good security. It travels cross-country so you may not find matching dates and a trip length and suits your needs. It also travel in a metro cities like Mumbai, Pune, Nashik for which best sites can guide for best tour or hotel selection.

    India The-Maharajas-ExpressThe Maharajas Express is the most expensive, most costly, and, some would say, the most luxurious of India’s top trains. It offers several itineraries including a hugely popular trip between Delhi and Mumbai. Think direct dial TV, all things wi-fi, individual temperature controls that actually work, and in-suite bathrooms.

    You might also consider the Royal Rajasthan on Wheels a luxury train that visits important destinations in Rajasthan and Agra.

    India The-Golden-Chariot

    These luxury trains offer one week programs to India’s southern provinces round-trip out of Bangalore. We do want to caution you about trying to do this kind of trip without having a travel advocate to coordinate.


    Mexico Cenotes 2Q – We are committed to taking our two boys, ages 11 and 13, on a family tour that will take us from Mexico City to the Mexican Riviera with a fair amount of time in central Mexico. We certainly would not drive and we would want to be in the hands of the best drivers and guides. We’re looking for something private – not interested in group tours at all. I’ve been all over the internet and ended up more confused than enlightened. How do we go about getting this done so it is an incredible experience. Could you help us?


    A – We can – but so can any of the better professional travel consultants located in your area. There is a great deal in Mexico that appeals to high-end families who have the good sense to bring their kids to the country. Think about the kids swimming in cenotes, or natural wells staying in some mexico villa rentals, or the family doing a private boat ride through the Celestun Biosphere Reserve. In Mexico city, kids love to be taken to one or two of the better churros shops.

    Work through your travel consultant. They may have a relationship with Journey Mexico or Artisans of Leisure. These excellent companies specialize in working with your consultant to create truly customized vacation programs in different cities as Phoenix, since there are great places to rent for this, using pheonix vacation rental management company that manage all this properties. Our feeling is that these are the only two options you should consider – they are that good. We might also suggest that you re-think including the Mexican Riviera. The boys can always go to a resort on another trip – seek out the hidden Mexico and you may well have your expectations exceeded. Interview your consultant before committing to work with them to make certain they are aware of one or both of these Mexico specialists.


    Q –   This Zika thing is scary, especially since we’re scheduled to spend the week  at the Four Seasons Nevis, one of our favorite resorts, a place we’ve enjoyed a half dozen times in the past. My wife and I are in our fifties and forties (you can guess which is which) and, unless I am totally clueless, I don’t think my wife wants to go beyond our current three children. If she is pregnant, our marriage is in trouble.  Given all of that should we still give pause? Any updates since your initial entry on this subject? 

    A –  The update would be that while the disease is approaching epidemic proportions, the risk factors are clearly limited to pregnant women and those who intend to become pregnant. The vast majority of travelers who are bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus will feel a bit off but will recover quickly. They will then be immune from catching the virus again. Given your profile, we certainly think you should do this vacation. The Four Seasons Nevis is a perfect spot for gofers, tennis players, and lovers. Nevis, as you know, is accessible by boat from St. Kitts and the small island is home to some lovely people and small hotels that were once main houses on the former sugar plantations. This is the island where Lady Di went to hide out when things with Charles were not going well.

    Sunshine's Shack BXAs a “regular” you must be familiar with Sunshine’s Shack, on the beach just off resort property. The spiny lobster and grilled shrimp served by Mr. Sunshine, and the infectious reggae music make this a favorite hang-out for those wishing to break away from the 4S poshness in favor of something authentically Caribbean.


    Germany Castle AXQ – We were out to dinner last night with two couples at Nomad.PDX here in Portland and a fascinating topic came up that I wanted to share with traveltruth. Our friend, the radiologist, asked us how we would respond to  the question “What is the Best Country in the World”. That led to a conversation that lasted almost two hours. It was a 15-course tasting menu so we had lots of time to talk. I promised I would ask you to answer the same question.

    A – We would answer New Zealand – for the people, the values, and the incredible scenery. Australia, Italy, and France would follow closely.

    But ours is apparently a minority opinion. In fact, The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland has recently tackled this question in a joint study between the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, RAV Consulting, and US News & World Report. They asked the question of over 16,200 business leaders and frequent world travelers. The Top Three were:

    # 1 – GERMANY

    # 2 – CANADA


    But no worries – Trump is going to fix the order of things when he gets in and he knows “the guys from Wharton.” Look for the US to be at the top of the list next year. Except what do we do about Norway and Sweden?

    Click here to read the lastest spyderco tenacious reviews by C.Knives.


    Zika Virus 1Q – I am just hearing about this Zika virus on the news. It sounds pretty bad and absolutely awful for pregnant women. We’ve booked a vacation in Puerto Rico in 30 days and I have some concerns as I suppose my girlfriend, and soon to be fiance, is in the “pre-pregnancy” stage of our relationship. Is there anything we should do to prepare or should we seriously consider another destination? We know you are not doctors so pointing us in the right information direction would be most appreciated. Can we get our money back at this stage?

    A – We are getting many questions about the Zika virus. Your travel consultant should be discussing this with you in terms of specific recommendations to get a refund should you cancel. Your travel insurance may cover your expenses so that you can travel to the Cape May rentals with liberty.

    Puerto Rico is certainly an area that pregnant women and “women who are trying to become pregnant” should avoid right now. We think that there are serious questions involving ports in the Caribbean, travel to East Africa, and portions of Mexico. For the best information and latest updates you should be in touch with your physician or the closest tropical medicine clinic.

    The disease is not treatable and is spread by mosquitos. You will need to wear some protective clothing and use deet-based mosquito repellent. While we don’t advocate that everyone cancel travel to the Caribbean, we do think that a knowledge of the disease and how it is spread, as well as protective measures to take, should be required of all travelers planning to visit Brazil and those countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where the Center for Disease Control is reporting outbreaks.

    Take this threat seriously even though the odds of contracting the virus are still low. Do not trust the information you get on this subject from folks like us or anyone connected with .selling travel for a living. Last week the New York Times contacted three major cruise lines to inquire about any port changes or policy changes in reaction to this outbreak., The Times reported that not one of the spokesmen for any of the three lines had ever heard of Zika.

    We think you should seriously consider putting off this vacation unless you can seek expert medical advice within the week. Why go on a beach vacation if you have to constantly be watching out for attacking mosquitos? Try Iceland.


    Le Relais ChristineQ –     Since the attacks in Paris, we’ve changed our vacation plans from Ireland to France, our token measure of support for the French. We’d like to see if we could spend no more than $600 per night at a boutique property on the Left Bank that will put us close to the city’s best cafes and bakeries. A recommendation would be appreciated. The internet reviews are all over the place and we suspect  you have a favorite or two.                                                                                            

    A – Try Le Relais Christine, a former small monastery located on a quiet side street in the high-timed St.-Germaine-Des-Pres area. Lots of nearby cafes and interesting boutiques and you are just across the Seine from the Louvre.

    Hotel Espirit Saint Germaine ParisOur personal favorite is the Hotel Espirit Saint Germain, our home away from home in Paris. Think 28 rooms, perfect location, cozy fireplace, and a really warm welcome. Just keep this one to yourself. Oh, and right around the corner is the emporium of Gerard Mulot, the reigning king of macaroons. Enjoy them with a complimentary glass of something in the hotel’s living room.