The rest of Q&A


    Q – 10.19.23 –  My wife and I are booked on a major five-star line whose name begins with the letter “S”. We worked with them directly so there would be no funny business. Our cruise was calling in Egypt and Israel after sailing to Greece and other ports. The cruise departs in a month and a half and I called them this morning after consulting with my wife. I was told that the stops in Egypt are still on but that Israel ports are going to be replaced with time in Cyprus and Turkey. The cruise will now end in Turkey and I am responsible for changing my air return from Tel Aviv.

    They were nice about it but they will not consider giving me a refund or even allowing me to let them keep my money and allow me to go on a different cruise some time nest year.

    This is really lousy customer service and I am surprised the media is not calling them out about it. I did everything they asked me to do but they were non-responsive. Is there some strategy you can recommend to get me my money back or a future credit? 

    A –  Thank you and truly sorry about this situation. We have heard from dozens of cruisers in much the same position. Let us make just a few specific observations that may be too late for you to have a satisfactory outcome but hopefully will help others avoid the same travel trauma.

    • The rules are, as stated to you by “S”. The only way they will cancel your cruise and offer any form of refund is if there is a government order that Americans not travel to Europe as well as the Middle East.
    • It sounds as though you did not use a travel advisor but, instead, booked this cruise yourself in the expectation that the approximately 15% travel agent commission would be refunded to you in cash. Our guess is that you never asked for it.
    • You likely spoke to someone in the “S” call center. You are representing one booking, one revenue source – yours. The call should have been made by a trusted travel advisor familiar with the line’s management team. You could have been working with a travel advisor who gives upward of $1,000,000 in annual revenue to the line. Instead, you decided to give up the advocacy a talented advisor represents while representing yourself and your single booking. And, sadly, you never knew to demand the refund of the built-in commission for services you never received.
    • The cruise line does have the right to change itineraries when they feel it is in the best interests of the guests to do so. That language appears in every cruise line contract. So we would suggest you persist, be firm, but be kind as they are only doing what every one of their competitors is doing.

    As to what to do now?

    We would suggest that you start writing every day to executives  using their Facebook and other social media accounts. Try calling again and try to speak to the head of the line’s Customer Service division The reservation team does not have the authority to change policy but the Customer Service Desk does. 

    You will not be put in harm’s way – not when you are traveling aboard one of the company’s prized assets.  At this point we would think you might want to start thinking about how you can maximize your enjoyment of this cruise. And do take our advice – never book directly again unless you  have the cruise line’s or the tour operators assurances in writing that you will be refunded the 10-17% of the total cost represented by the build-in travel agent commission. 


    Q – 10.9.23 Please get back to us as soon as possible as we are booked on a December scheduled tour to Israel with the tour firm Abercrombie & Kent. There were 14 others, I believe in our group on the Crossroads of History Tour. I had tried to call and they were really busy. My wife and I would love to do the tour but we don’t understand our options. Can you tell us who to call or, perhaps, you could find out about this tour. We are in our mid-seventies and this was something we have always wanted to do. We’re a little adventurous so there is a chance we will still go. Do you know when we can find out about this program. We made final payment two weeks ago by calling in our credit card to their 800 number. Nothing since.

    A – As you provided your names we were able to trace your booking. You did call it in to the right 800 number but please be careful about doing it again as there are thousands of travel-related “ghost sites” that will take your credit card information and sell it. You think you are calling the travel company but you are calling a fake number.

    Sadly, your tour is being cancelled. You will receive a full refund. Give the company a few weeks to get the credit back on the credit card you used for payment. You had not received information as this decision to cancel was just made this afternoon.

    For the near term, the State Department is advising American citizens to avoid travel to Israel. That has triggered your “no questions asked” refund. Hopefully, in a year or two your trip can be re-scheduled.

    You should not have had to contact A&K yourself. Unless you receive a refund of the travel agent commission you should use a travel consultant next time. You are always paying for one – it is baked into the price of your tour or cruise. 



    Q – 10.8.23  Our bucket list number 1 is Israel. We are extremely well-traveled and have been saving the Holy Land for a one or two-month sojourn done in style and privately in the next four months. We are looking at Jordan, Israel, followed by a top-end Nile River Cruise in one of the better staterooms. A cruise to Indonesia might be the alternative.  We are in our early seventies and rather fit.  I suppose our question boils down to what, if any, of the trips I have described do you think is bookable and doable next winter or early spring? The news is awful and I hope you will not shy away from taking on questions such as ours.

    A – You are writing to us at a time when the comprehensive devastation of this new type of terrorism is only starting to come into focus given the horrors of yesterday’s events. We have been involved in numerous policy and “what if” scenario discussions but it is far too early for anything like a credible response to your question.

    The fact is that all day today, tomorrow and in the days and weeks following, travel industry executives, tour operators, cruise line operations teams etc. will be in meetings trying to determine current policies and procedures as Israel prepares to be on a war footing. This is our current best guess – a rather hopeful assessment that could, should others join this fight to the finish, be outdated by the time you read it:

    Israel tours throughout the remainder of 2023 will be canceled and guests will/should receive full refunds. We do think that planning travel to Jordan followed by time in Egypt on a Nile cruise is not only possible but also a bit of a challenge. The better staterooms on most Nile river cruises for the first half of next year are going to be fully booked so it is best to get on this as soon as possible.


    Q –  This came up in conversation last night with friends: They are saying that they read that the best hotels in Los Angeles, a city I often visit on business, will now be forced to allocate available rooms for assignment to the homeless currently living on LA streets. Can this be true and is it being discussed in the travel industry? I can’t imagine what hotel owners are thinking and could this spread to other states? How do I book a room for April and know for sure that the homeless will not be sharing my floor? Nothing against the homeless – I hope they get the support they need. But come on, I usually stay at the Beverly Wilshire. I can’t believe this isn’t all over the news.

    Union's Proposed Homeless Policy Will Deter 72% of Americans from Booking LA Hotel Rooms


    A – Well it is not as big a story as Taylor Swift’s sudden interest in the NFL but the story is gaining traction in the LA region. It is a tad early to see where this is all headed but here is what we know at this time (10.4.23).

    First, don’t assume that LA or any other major city is going to try intentionally to destroy the reputation and the service levels provided guests at First Class hotels. That would have such a negative impact on the upscale tourism and meeting sectors that it is hard to imagine it happening. But we are less sure that the proposed policy changes will not affect hotels geared toward budget-conscious locals who cannot afford LA’s increasing rent structure. 

    You are referring to something known as The Responsible Hotel Ordinance. It was created by a union representing about 11,000 hospitality workers throughout southern California and Arizona. It is scheduled to be voted on in an election to be held in LA next March. The union has already secured the required 100,000 signatures. 

    It appears that the proposed new legislation would force LA hotels top fill vacant rooms with people who lack any other housing options. There are an estimated 46,000 homeless resident sin Los Angeles, with Oakland and San Francisco not too far behind.

    As presently worded, and please understand this can change at any time, LA Hotels would be required to notify the city of their available room inventory. A city agency would then direct/assign homeless individuals to specific properties and provide payment in the form of vouchers representing what is being referred to as “fair market Rate”. 

    You can imagine the controversay this plan is already generating. Hotel executives are saying that the implementation could spell the end of the city’s business meeting economy. Other critics talk about the potential for crime and the obvious lowering of room rates to attract regular guests. Proponents argue that many of the homeless being accommodated would, ironically, be hotel employees who can no longer work downtown while finding affordable housing.

    It is hard to imagine that this will come to pass without major modifications. Most in the travel industry see it as a radical proposal that would have a massive negative impact on domestic tourism. But for now, the proposal has the signatures and it will be on the ballot. Our take on it is that, for the most part, we are talking about motels and older hotels in areas where homelessness is a real issue. We don’t see homeless guests in the hallways of the better properties in Beverly Hills – just yet. But this is fast becoming a “cause” and celebrities can and do embrace causes quickly enough to make a real difference in the outcome. 



    Q – I am sorry – but your industry seems to lack any ethical foundations when it comes to marketing cruises and other types of vacation offerings. We are AARP Members, belong to one of the nicer golf clubs in Ohio, and we donate our time to numerous charities. As a result, we are inundated with mail and e-mails offers the vast majority of which really insult our intelligence. Sometimes I wonder if it is deliberate. But the one that brings about my question is the offer received from two different cruise lines that indicated that if I would only call them, I could get two-for-one pricing – meaning my wife can join me for free. As a former CFO, I smell a rat. What should I be thinking when I receive a two-for-one cruise offer? 

    A – You should be thinking that your intelligence is being insulted. The assumption of most travel advertising is that the travel consumer is a dimwit who can be told virtually anything about pricing. The industry is built on a foundation of misinformation and manipulation. You are not supposed to understand cruise pricing. 

    Before a pricing brochure is finalized, cruise executives determine the actual price they need to put on each stateroom category to realize the kinds of profits they need to generate. They take that price and double it. They then advertise 2-1 pricing.  The Top Ten Cruise lines, the real ones, tend to raise their pricing every 90 days while creating new offers designed to make the consumer feel good about paying more – they may raise prices and then throw in one or two free shore excursions or gratuities.

    The secret for the consumer is to fully understand the real price formula every potential cruiser needs to know. We have mentioned this before in one of our responses – but here is the secret to understanding cruise pricing:

    Use the same mathematical formula each time you consider a cruise: Take the minimum unobstructed outside stateroom and remove the port charges and the air from the total cost. Then, take the total cost and divide it by the number of nights you will spend on the ship.

    This will give you a per diem price with the “applesauce” removed. Use this formula each time you look at a cruise to determine the real cost of your cruise. You can decide if the air is a good deal separately. We actually have a client who has used this formula for years and, based on the outcome,  he decided to book  a 72-Day Grand Voyage based on the low per diem costs. 



    Q – We have some wonderful friends who have indicated they will join us on something like a ten-day Nile cruise/tour in Egypt. We are well-traveled, as our friends, but they like to travel independently and a group tour may be a tough sell. I have heard from returning friends that Cairo and the Pyramids, along with Luxor were packed with tourist buses. We will want to avoid some of that by going in the off-season. Is there a time when tourism in Egypt really slows down? Do you recommend we try to convince our friends not to do Egypt on our own? 

    A – The “off-season” in Egypt is May-September, their summer. Summer in Egypt is no picnic and we do not suggest you visit during days of physically challenging  heat. Prime Season is November through March. A good compromise might be shoulder months of April, September, or October. 

    Since there will be four of you, we would normally urge you to consider a private journey. The price when you are joined by one or two additional couples makes private travel somewhat more affordable. But in this case, you will want to be on a Nile River Cruise with other people and you will want to go to the most popular tourist sites. So “getting away from the crowds” is far more challenging. 

    It seems to us that your best option is going to be a small group journey with fewer than 20 fellow guests. We think that Abercrombie & Kent, a company with a strong presence in Egypt, is the first company to consider. But there are several other good Egypt operators including Tauck and National Geographic. 

    Egypt is one of the “UIP” countries (Upgrade If Possible). You really want to avoid three and four-star hotels. Egypt is also known for having a surplus of non-certified guides. 

    Finally, we would suggest that your friends try to understand that independent touring is not what it once was – independent travelers often believe what they are being told on internet travel sites and apps. The fact is that the independent traveler receives few of the price breaks enjoyed by upscale travelers on group programs. “Independent Travel” now carries a real additional cost on virtually every component of a trip. Given security issues, we think that you need to travel with a company that has on-the-ground staff in-country when traveling to Egypt. 


  • Headed to Athens from Omaha: But Where to Connect?

    Newark Liberty International Airport [EWR] Terminal Guide [2020]



    Q – So pleased that our pediatrician told us about this site. But the lack of ads is scaring us. Won’t you go broke soon? 

    So here is my question: We are going on a wonderful Explora 1 Cruise  next summer that begins in Athens and ends in Barcelona. I don’t worry about the return but my schedule is such that I will only have one day in Athens before we board. I don’t want anything to go wrong. Should we connect through Newark, JFK, or Boston Logan? Do you feel strongly that our chances for a hassle-free flight connection over are going to be better from one or the other? We would be looking at American or United most likely. 

    A – In this case, don’t worry about the airport. Ideally, we want you to have a two and a half hour connection and we would prefer if you left before midnight. You might also consider the type of aircraft on the East Coast to Athens segment. If you are flying Business you will want lie-flat seats. If possible, avoid flying the 767 as there are now roomier options. Consider adding Philadelphia to your list of options as American is turning it into a major international hub. If you want to go crazy, you might want to look up back-up flights – as in what can you fly if you miss your connection. 

    There is also arrival time. If you arrive in Athens at 7:00 am and get to your hotel by, say, 9:30, it is highly unlikely that your room will be ready.

    As to our consumer-oriented, ad-free approach: No worries. We all have day jobs.  We do this work out of a sincere desire to provide at least one source of truthful information for the intelligent traveler. It helps us sleep at night.

    Just to cross our t’s on our response: Do consider shipping your luggage from home to your hotel. And please seriously consider using a reputable flight monitoring service so if there is a hiccup they will be by your side via app. to re-book you on the best available option. These are two specific things savvy travelers do when there are questionable connections on the horizon. 

    Please let us know how this all turns out including your time aboard Explora, the new, upscale division of MSC Cruises. 


    Discover Gordes, Provence | What to Do, Where to Stay

    Q – We have been going up and back with two travel agents, one online, to plan a one week stay somewhere in France in a wonderful village setting. There are some great hotels but then we would need to drive or be driven to the local village. We are both educators, I am a High School Principal. Our time is somewhat limited as we plan for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We’ve been saving for this trip and price is not a huge consideration. If possible we want to avoid Paris and other cities and just stay in a great hotel smack in the middle of a lovely village. But we also want great service and food that we will never forget. 

    So far, we are being given names in Provence and along the French Riviera. We just started reading this web site and we feel that your backgrounds may point us in the right direction. We do have a relationship with one of the agents who we have met with twice but you can convince us to work with you on this truly important trip. Thank you in advance and know that we appreciate the total lack of insulting travel drivel.

    A – This is, of course, an opinion question and we are at a disadvantage as we have never spoken and we would want to know more about you before making a final recommendation. But, based on what you have told us, we strongly urge you to consider the Hotel Bastide de Gordes. Gordes is a commune in the Vaucluse département in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in southeastern France. The residents are known as Gordiens. The nearest big city is Avignon; smaller cities nearby include Cavaillon, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and Apt . 

    The hotel is among the finest we have ever experienced and the village has been named France’s “Prettiest”. The hotel is on the main street with terraces out back that overlook a magnificent scene of hills and old stone villages. The extraordinary staff all speak English and the food is Michelin + quality. 

    We appreciate your kind offer of possibly working with us but we would urge you to be loyal to the agent who you met with two times. We have been in business for 38 years with a following in 46 states and 6 countries – there is no need for us to use this consumer site to solicit or even seek new business. 

    Whatever you do in France, thank you both for your service to our kids and have a memorable second honeymoon. 


    Q – Love that you are including some food and restaurant information on traveltruth. We hope you will feature more.  My wife and I are head off to London in mid-August. We will be staying at the Lanesborough, a hotel I would think you would recommend. We have booked it directly with the hotel and so we will be expecting the refund for booking direct when we check out. 

    But our questions concerns sushi. My wife and I love sushi restaurants – I would say that Nobu is our favorite restaurant group in all our travels and, of course, they have one and many like them in London. But here in Boca, most of us are smart enough to stay away from raw fish in mid-summer when the temperatures are so high and food handling of fresh fish becomes problematical. Would you be afraid to order sushi at Nobu in August in London or any other high quality restaurant in London? We are recommending this site to all our friends. Keep it up – but more food Q&A.

    A – Interesting question. We feel that you can trust the food handling at Nobu worldwide. When it comes to other London sushi restaurants we would urge caution about dining on raw fish mid-summer when real temps may be above 100 degrees. That requires a lot of faith not only in the sushi chef but in the the system of receiving and storing newly arrived fresh fish supplies during a heat wave. Sushi is a gastronomic leap of faith at the best of times. We think your question is relevant and we would urge some level of caution. One rule of thumb recommended by some experts is always avoid eating raw fish between May and September while traveling in a heat zone. 

    But allow us to also suggest that you should also consider that fresh fish standards in Great Britain, are  higher than they are in the United States as a result of stricter government regulation and, of course, proximity to the sea. We would not, personally, hesitate to order sushi at a top-grade Japanese restaurant in London mid-summer. You might want to request a selection from “your last fresh fish delivery”. 



    Q – My friend and I have decided to take our three weeks off each year and do some traveling together within the United States. We are both in our forties – my friend is divorced and I am single. Unfortunately, we’re both OK looking so there are some concerns about traveling independently. Having spent some time on this site, we think you’re the right folks to ask although we understand this is out of your wheelhouse. 

    As we start our long-range planning, we are wondering if there is any research that might indicate which State in the country, or area, is going to be the safest for two women traveling together?  For our first trip or two we would like to head to an area of the country where we feel secure and then we’ll ease into other trips as we gain confidence.

    A –  There is some research that measures the major factors you would want to consider. But we think that any conclusion is really stretching it. For the record, Vermont is considered the safest state for women traveling on their own. We would put little faith in that conclusion but we do think that New England generally may be a good place to start your journeys. We would offer one caution – in your situation, there might be a tendency to avoid big cities and to consider rural drives and sightseeing well off the beaten path. That is fine, but do also look for places that have a well-educated demographic, higher income, and a well-regarded police force. You might also want to be unusually cautious about your accommodations.  As you have concerns, we would suggest going up a “star” and try to stay in hotels that have evening security. The vast majority of hotels in the United States have absolutely no on-duty security during evening hours. In fact, the vast majority of hotels in the United States operate with only one staff member on the late-night shift. 

    We do want to end by suggesting that you not read our comments as serious concern. Doing a driving trip within the United States with a friend is a relatively safe pursuit by any standard.