Q – This is a web site that appears to be unbiased. But I wonder why you have been strangely silent on the matter of the horrible conditions endured by passengers on Royal Caribbean’s Anthem of the Seas. The Captain made some serious mistakes and people thought they were going to die in a storm that Royal Caribbean should have known was coming. It was widely predicted. It would appear that you are more interested in mosquitos than actual people. When you pay for a luxury cruise, you are entitled to safety at sea. I hope these passengers take appropriate action and I trust you will start covering these stories. If you don’t, I will not be visiting this site in the future.
A – We thought we would run your comments because they demonstrate why this site, and each of our sister sites, does without silly user feedback and commentary. We don’t generally cover Royal Caribbean or storms. We also don’t cover hockey or Nascar. We cover the world’s Top Ten Rated Cruise Lines exclusively – the floating shopping malls with their high-density throngs of thousands of passengers are extremely well covered elsewhere and they comprise well over 90% of what passes for a “cruise vacation”.
That said, the extremely experienced Captain at the helm of the Anthem of the Seas, did not try to place his guests in harm’s way intentionally. If you don’t believe that then believe that he would not willingly risk damage to a ship that cost an estimated $940 million. Management might be a tad upset.
On the other hand, we would never advise clients to cruise the coastal waters of the eastern United States in February. That is just asking for weather-related challenges and every guest aboard that ship should have been warned by their agent that they were looking at an ill-timed itinerary.
Sorry to hear you may not be visiting our site again. Would you like us to refund your money? Oh, excuse us, we forgot – you didn’t pay anything to be here.