Perrin ProfileWendy Perrin, the nation’s most respected consumer travel advocate  and the long-time Consumer Editor at Conde Nast Traveler Magazine,  announced her resignation citing differences with the current direction of the publication under its new management team.

Just a few days later, Perrin was named to a new position, created just for her,  as Travel Advocate for TripAdvisor’s 260 million monthly visitors. Perrin is now going to be able to advise, curate, and assist travelers who comprise the largest travel community on the planet. It would seem a most natural fit.

She is a Harvard graduate (with honors) who has traveled the world with her two boys and husband Tim, often in tow. What separates Wendy Perrin from every other travel writer in her field is her ability to appeal as a friend, an advisor and a mother with untainted advice and consumer information. In the industry, stories about Wendy’s absolute devotion to the truth and her unwillingness to compromise her truth telling is the stuff of legends. Readers feel that she is speaking just to them and, given her unwillingness to reprint press handouts and PR babble, they sense they have a friend in travel who is really tuned in.

TripAdvisor generates millions of reviews each day. What it has not been able to generate is “credibility”. We suspect that is about to change.

Traveltruth readers are urged to spend time on Wendy’s new travel blog,