Q – My husband and I have been to Hawaii twice before. We went up in a helicopter in Maui once and we were rather pleased although a tad nervous when the wind drafts carried us upward. Now, we are going back to Hawaii for three weeks, in part, because we want to help the local economy which is still very much in the recovery stage. We will, and can, spend money. Everything we do these days since “cash-out” is pretty much five stars. But the one aspect of the trip that causes me some concern is my husband’s pushing me to do five or six helicopter rides. So, given your honesty on so many other matters, just how safe is helicopter touring on the island these days?

A – We would need to know a bit more about your concerns – but allow us an opinion based on what you have provided. We might suggest one helicopter experience just so you can say you’ve done it and in keeping with your prior experience in the air over Maui. 

There are some facts we want to share:

The National Safety Transportation Board has recorded 246 Helicopter crashes since 1983 resulting in 188 deaths and 115 serious injuries. Sixty of those deaths occurred during Helicopter operations in Hawaii. 

Compare that to commercial airline operations in the United States which has not resulted in a single fatal domestic crash since 2009.

On that basis, we think your concerns are fully justified.