Q – We are fairly new to the cruise game – so forgive us a rather basic question. We are, or were, happily booked on a lovely Regent Seven Seas Cruise to Japan in 2026. We live in Arizona and were thrilled to discover we could receive free air with our cruise in Business Class, along with transfers to the hotel and then later to the ship and back to the airport at the end of our cruise. Last week, I received a mailing, with a fair bit of “fine print” that said that the Free Air Program now includes round-trip limousine service from our home from a company called Blacklane. We are traveling with my wife’s sister and her husband and using their local travel agent based in Prescott.  Even though we are not your clients, wonder if you might take a moment to advise if we should switch over to the new program. We all really enjoy this site. 

A – Thank you for your question and it will be a pleasure to respond. This site was designed to help travelers and travel advisors from all over North America so there is no issue with your using your sister’s agent.

If you did not take the current offer you would have received an air credit of approximately (depending on date) $2700 per person. The program you reference went into effect on July 1st, 2024. You now pay for the Business Air, upwards of $5,000 + from Phoenix, and, for that, you receive a $500 limo package from Blacklane, a limo company headquartered in Germany.

This is all rather complex and we have received more than two dozen questions on this specific topic. To make things simple let us break down what you need to know in bullet points. Excuse the lack of flowery sentences:

  • Anyone who was booked under the old, pre-July 1st change has received much more favorable pricing from Regent. If you were to take advantage of the new offer, you would have to cancel your current booking and then re-book at today’s rate which is significantly higher. Although they fail to mention it in their ads, the luxury cruise lines tend to have fare increases every 90-120 days so, as the ship fills up, those who book later pay more. There are always “deals” in mailings and cruise ads. But, the “secret sauce” is that to take advantage of any deal you must re-book at the new rate as of the current date – and it will always be higher, often much higher, than the no-deal rate would have been six months earlier.
  • The included Business Class air program Regent has used for years is no longer sustainable. With plane delivery and supply train issues, seat prices have been going up and the airlines are less willing to enter into reduced fare contracts with cruise lines. This is particularly true when it comes to seats in the often sold out front of the aircraft. 
  • Regent must individually quote each new air offer and it will be based on publicly available fares you can often obtain on your own. Do note that Regent’s quote includes round-trip transfers with a value from Blackstone of $500. If you work directly with an airline you will not get that credit. 
  • If you choose to get to the airport on your own, you can keep the Blacklane credit and use it to provide sightseeing/private drivers in one or more of the ports you will be visiting. But to use Blacklane, you will need to download their App and do everything with them directly online. 
  • Taken together, Regent’s newly-announced Air Program will cost guests several thousands of dollars more than their previous program. Guest’s should now pay particular attention to booking Regent’s lowest “Cruise Only” rates. But, for convenience and ease of use, many guests will continue to ask that their Advisor have Regent include the entire Air Package in their booking.

So – your case, we would urge you to stick with what you have and give your Prescott Travel Agent our best regards. Hope it is a truly memorable trip – and remember – as you stand on any corner in any major city in Japan, one out of every three women you see under the age of 50 has never, ever been on a date. Japan now has negative population growth which is why they are embracing immigration.