Q – (5.13.24) My partner and I enjoy your fresh take on the waves of travel nonsense that is produced by social media each day. And that, sort of compliment is coming from a team that produces some of that noise for a wide variety of corporate clients. We are, in fact, off next week to Buenos Aires to work with one of those clients in a mid-city high-rise. But we will have some free time and we were wondering where you might suggest we rent a bike and do some neighborhood exploring in safety and with a stop for some great Argentinian coffee every hour or so. I suppose we are interested in seeing the kinds of neighborhoods where successful folks in our business might reside in a nearby suburb. We will get more than ouir fill of city life, food, and entertainment. But we want to explore on our own and sort of get an insider’s view of where locals like us, who do what we do, live and enjoy their weekends. We are thinking upscale housing, parks, and plenty of restaurants and cafes that can be explored on a bike. Thanks very much for your response.

A –  There are several great residential neighborhoods surrounding the core of Buenos Aires but we would first suggest that you head to Palermo, just northwest of the city center.  This is the neighborhood where BA’s young professionals and media types are all moving. You will fiund upscale shops and restaurants and sidewalk cafes galore. The neighborhood is admired for jogging and biking and it is considered safe. There are public bike racks available or shops that rent bikes. But don’t stay too long – you may be tempted to put down an apartment deposit. Palermo is that much fun and largely undiscovered by tourists.