Q – I travel for business and my husband and I travel as much as possible overseas for pleasure. Inb our early forties, we are somewhere in the world about 60% of any year. But trying to really figure out flight schedules is terribly frustrating. Just wondering if there is a website or specific source you would recommend to help us figure out which airports have non-stop flights to cities where we need to go overseas. I have, of course, fooled around with the Expedia and Kayaks of the world. Simplicity of use is not one of their attributes. Sorry for the bother, buit we just feel we are missing something.
A – You are certainly not alone. Flight search sites are predicated on the belief that price rather than non-stop flights is the major motivation for visitors. Fortunately, there is “work-around” for this problem. Virtually every major airport in the United States now has a page on Wikipedia. Go on the site and scroll down to the section called “Airlines and Destinations.” Under this subject you will find clear listings of which routes from the airport have non-stop service and which airline(s) provide it. This is a simple fix but it works.