• Q- 8.6.22 –  How can Viking Cruises claim it had consistently been voted the world’s best cruise line when, based on Cruisetruth information, it clearly isn’t?A – If you read the wording on the awards they will usually read Reader’s Choice” or words to that effect. That means the readers of the various publications have sent in votes for their favorites in assorted categories. Publications are motivated to list as many awards as possible so the various cruise lines can use them in their advertising.As Viking continues to grow, the sheer number of past guests will grow to provide a nice reserve of potential “Best”  voters. Look for them to win many more “Reader Choice” type awards.There is so much more we can say on this topic but, for today, let’s allow Viking to make their claim.
  • Q –  7.28.22 –  I really need some help with this one. In five weeks I am scheduled to do a 12-Day cruise on Regent Seven Seas to the British Isles. Well, as it happens, I am 82 and rather susceptible to Covid. In addition, the temperatures in London and other parts of the UK are in record territory with hardly any air conditioning.I just don’t want to risk my health for this cruise and would like a refund but Regent is refusing. I would switch to another sailing and I don’t see why they are being unreasonable. I did not take out any travel insurance for this trip. I have little interest in being forced to endure England’s heat wave. Had I known that Regent treated its customers in this manner I would not have booked with them.This cruise cost me $29,000 so this is no small thing. How do they get away with this?A – Let’s try to unwind this piece by piece:You are 82, have medical conditions, and you never bothered to take out travel insurance?  Poor judgment call.

    The major cruise lines were forced into financial hibernation by Covid. The ships were tied up or anchored with no place to go. What we are trying to say is that they made no money!

    As a result, as the cruise lines started sailing again they have all rather rigorously enforced their cancellation policies. You would be in 100% cancellation with virtually any of the leading luxury lines this close to sailing. This is current industry policy and it is by no means limited to Regent.

    Your reference to weather issues when canceling a cruise is irrelevant. No travel supplier is responsible for the fact that 91% of the population of England lives without air conditioning. They will also have to live without Boris Johnson but neither the weather or  Boris are reasons for a refund.

    Given your health concerns, we suggest that you have your travel consultant send a strong note on your behalf to the Guest Services Department. If you booked direct, try to get Guest Services to take your call.

    Since you feel this cruise would now be a “health risk” we suggest you remain at home and take the loss.

  • Q – We are fairly well traveled – but mostly to Europe’s  “Big Five” – London – Paris – Rome – Dublin – Venice. Now, we want to cruise areas of Europe that are beautiful and a bit off the beaten track from the cities we’ve seen. Any suggestions would be appreciated.A – There are a few itineraries that come to mind. Here are some that largely avoid big cities but are entirely rewarding. These are some of our personal favorites with especially high guest satisfaction scores:
    • A circumnavigation of Iceland
    • Cruising Sicily, Sardinia, and the south of Italy An authentic North Cape cruise along Norway’s coastline
    • The “off-the-beaten cruise path” Greek Islands
    • Croatian islands and Montenegro
  • Q – 8-1.22   I’ll be honest – what concerns us most about possibly taking our first cruise on a line like Sea Dream or Windstar, is the possibility that we might be seated with a bunch of “Lefties” from one of the “Sanctuary Cities” etc.  I just don’t want to hear “woke” mutterings for an entire week. But we do want to cruise on a small ship. Any suggestions?
  • A – Well we think that you should seriously consider purchasing your own ocean-going yacht. That removes all of your stated concerns. You can invite those friends who remain “unwoke”.By the way, neither Windstar or Sea Dream assigns tables to their guests. You choose where and with whom you are seated. Our guess would be that you are seated alone. Virtually all of the Top-Ten luxury lines that have earned a place in our rankings, allow guests to dine when and with whom they please.It is interesting that we have received a number of inquiries similar to yours and some from “the other side”. This seems to be a growing concern. There are certain top-ranked lines that sail with up to 50% non-Americans and that can also be a distinction some guests do not feel is advantageous. Let us state our bias here clearly – we feel that the more nations are represented aboard a floating hotel the more interesting the guests are likely to be. 
  • Q – 8.6.22 – Really enjoy this ad-free site. Congratulations. I am a Priest who is slowly retiring. I’ve long thought about how much I would enjoy performing Sunday services aboard a cruise ship in exchange for free or reduced-rate passage. The problem is that I don’t know who to contact to set up, this kind of position. Can you help me or recommend how I might best pursue this? I think I am good with people and I could add a lot to life at sea. (Trust you will not use my name without authorization)A -Clergy are sometimes offered reduced rate passage in exchange for officiating at weekly services. You would be considered a part of the entertainment component aboard the ship and normally the hiring of clergy is handled by the line’s Director of Entertainment. You will need to present videos of some recent sermons as they like to keep it light on vacation ships. 
  • Q – 8.4.22 – Is it literally true, and legal, that if we go ahead and take a Great Lakes cruise on Viking Cruises that they will not allow our teenage kids to go with us? I am thinking this could be a great family vacation but if Viking really hates kids, I don’t want anything to do with them. I am sure your readers will be interested in your response.

    A – Perhaps less than you think. Viking will soon become the world’s largest upscale cruise brand. Their demographic skews older than many of their competitors. Their Scandinavian-style ships are sleek filled with sharp lines and glass walls and furnishings fitted with  Nordic products. Yet, despite the modern feel of their vessels, Viking knows its consumer base and feels it wants:

    • No casinos
    • No kids
    • Few, if any, days at sea
    • More intellectual lectures versus light entertainment.

    Retirees make up a large portion of Viking’s client base and every industry study seems to support the fact that retirees simply don’t want to sail with young kids.

  • Q –  8-2.22 – We are sailing out of Venice this summer on a Ponant Yacht cruise that visits excellent ports in Italy’s north as well as Sicily. We can’t wait – but you have raised some concerns regarding Venice Airport and lost luggage and delays. I think we can handle all of that, but what happens if our connecting flights on British Airways are canceled and we miss our sailing.? Who is legally responsible? What do we do in terms of contacting the ship etc? Any advice would be appreciated. Our trip is months away, but the more we read your websites the more concerned we become. Our air schedule gives us approximately three hours to get to the ship.
  • A –  This plan is so full of potential issues that we can only imagine that you booked it yourself. First, we want you to change your air and book two nights in Venice before you board your ship. There are now numerous airports in Europe where same-day connections to cruise departures are just not recommended. The worst of these airports for “Day of Sailing” connections are:
    • London Heathrow
    • Amsterdam
    • Frankfurt
    • Paris
    • Rome
    • Madrid
    • Venice

    Please download the BA App to your phone. That is where you will be notified of flight delays and notifications. You should be able, if necessary, to re-book your ticket using the App.

    The entity you always want to be able to contact in the event of air changes is the entity that issued the tickets. If you bought the air directly from BA then they are responsible for making any changes to your routing. If, on the other hand, you purchased the air from Ponant, as the issuing agency, they must make any changes to your flight schedule.

  • Q – -We are planning on taking our three children on a cruise to South America. We are deluxe cruisers but for this trip we will be traveling with our seven-year-old son and our nine and eighteen-year-old daughters (it’s a long story). Just how high-end do you think we can go? We’re desperately trying to find a product that can make all of us happy. Toys, games, and caviar!A –  Sorry – but this is a bit of an impossible dream. The issue is likely your 18-year-old who may not want true luxury or programs designed for younger kids. Some of the luxury lines will sail with demographics that could result in stares greeting the young ones. Many guests feel that luxury should mean “no kids under 35”.There needs to be a compromise – it is named Celebrity Cruises.
  • Q –  8.2.22  -We are “foodies” in the sense that all of our prior vacations in Europe have been food oriented. We love  Michelin’s and we love eating a sandwich in Barcelona’s La Boqueria food market. We’ve done many trips including three or four cooking schools in France and two memorable weeks exploring Moroccan cuisine in Fez and the Atlas Mountains.The point is that we have never cruised. We are looking at doing Scandinavia in the summer of 2024 so the natural question is, no matter the cost, which cruise line currently has the best onboard dining?A –  The summer trade in Scandinavia attracts several of the leading lines and our response will be rather subjective. But that has never stopped us before. Your experience may well depend on your selection of specialty restaurants aboard your ship.For main dining room excellence, the current leaders are Silversea and Seabourn. For specialty dining, we give a slight edge to Regent Seven Seas. The overall best formal cuisine/service will be found on Hapag Lloyd.Foodies love discovering excellent cruise food on so-called “tweens” ships that operate with food and service levels between four and five-star levels at a lower price point than the five-star sexy ladies of the seas. Currently, the best food/price value is found on Oceania.


  • Q –  3.12.22 – I have to say that I was rather shocked to come across your traveltruth site and then your other consumer sites. Great job! I am a VP of Sales for a Fortune 500 firm. Over the past four years, I’ve been traveling constantly while also taking cruise vacations and two trips to Hawaii along with separate tours I booked to France and a memorable trip to Egypt with Insight that included a Nile Cruise.Here’s the thing. I have to submit receipts and I keep careful notes. I have flown well over a million miles on Delta and United. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars at hotels and on six cruises and two expensive escorted tours. And not once did I ever use a travel agent! I booked everything myself. I suppose that is just because I am so used to doing it myself.Now, I start reading your site and I realize that I have been duped into paying the travel agent commission of “10-15%” even though I’ve spent weeks of my life on hold with call centers to book direct. I calculate that I am owed close to $20,000 in pocketed commissions set aside for the travel agent I never used. I want that money returned to me. I’ve read your advice as to how to proceed to recover the commission these companies simply pocket because we consumers are so ignorant. But I am not at all sure how the system works in terms of recovering commissions kept by airlines or car rental firms, as well as hotels. I would really appreciate some feedback about getting the refunds back from those three entities.I know that I was ripped off by the tour companies and cruise lines and I am pursuing the refund of the agent commissions in those cases. Fortunately, per your suggestions, I have saved all my paperwork. Thanks so much for revealing the travel industry’s dirty little secret.

    A – We’ve started getting a fair amount of questions on this topic and we expect that the consumer travel press will soon pick up on it. Those who write about the travel industry but don’t actually work in it are generally unaware of this industry practice.

    You cover several kinds of travel bookings in your question. Here is a summary of what you need to know:

    Airlines stopped paying commissions to travel agents many years ago. Most agents survive by charging fees to process airline tickets. Pursuing a commission refund with the airlines would be both inappropriate and a waste of your time. 

    Rental car firms have intricate contractual arrangements with travel providers and often commissions are not included. Again, many agents simply tack on fees for this type of transaction. Again, likely a waste of your time.

    Hotels are a different story. All hotel pricing includes a travel agent commission of from 8-10%. If you are not using a travel agent, you should be entitled to a refund of the agent commission. Savvy guests always request a return of the agent commission at check-out. Do note however that refund on a direct booking will be lower for a hotel booking than it would be for the cruise or escorted tour refund which can run as high as 17%.

    Cruise lines and tour firms follow the same general policies. They always include the travel agent commission in the price charged to those who book direct. That commission will normally range from 12-17%. These are funds, theoretically,  set aside for payment to travel agents for the services they provide.

    All direct booking pricing always includes the travel agent commission. When you do not use a travel agent, common sense would dictate that you are entitled to have the commission taken off your invoice.

    In States with strong consumer protection laws like California, New York, and Massachusetts, for instance, it is our opinion that retaining the travel agent commission when none was used, is likely a violation of consumer rights provisions in the law. But, to our knowledge, no one has ever questioned this practice legally.

    That may change as consumers and the consumer press starts revealing this major industry secret and a rather extensive consumer rip-off. 


  • Q – As we emerge from our Covid Cocoon, we intend to do a fair amount of upscale cruising. We live in Wilton, Connecticut where there are several good travel agents. I think we are open to working with your firm if you can guarantee that we will get the best pricing for our cruise. Otherwise, doesn’t it make sense to “stay local”? On the other hand, we do like your style and the honesty is unique. I am a Corporate CFO and I do pay attention to the bottom line. Would you explain to me how you can beat the prices I would get from a local agent? Really appreciate it.A – It is a fair question but we will limit our response as this has been covered elsewhere on our site. The notion that a major cruise line, booked by affluents from all of the United States, would want dinner conversation to center around all of the different deals and offers they received is ludicrous. All of the top luxury cruise firms receive exactly the same pricing. If they didn’t they would boycott the line that was giving out special deals. There are set discounts available and all A-List agents get them – they are the same for all of us. Some agents will pocket some of the discounts, so their price is higher. The online call enters always try to portray themselves as having special “last-minute” or high producer rates. The consumer has been trained to absorb fraudulent advertising, It is the way much of travel is sold. To those who work in the industry, all of the phony ads and lead-in pricing for a cabin you would never want are embarrassing. Five-star ships are like luxury hotels that have the ability to lie on their side and float from place to place. No cruise line wants anyone unilaterally discounting or rebating commission to make a sale. That will come out on the ship and cause major issues. And what about the travel agent’s commission? If a travel agent is caught rebating part of their commission on a sale, they can lose the right to sell that line going forward. Working locally, face-to-face with some you know or trust is not a bad policy. Our clients live in 46 states and Canada and they come to us because they believe that we are travel truthtellers. We also certify in writing that 100% of all applicable discounts and incentives are returned to the guest. But there are many excellent travel agents in cities and towns across the United States who have still not left the profession. . We will not use this platform to disparage them or to advise you to go elsewhere. Our advice is to interview a potential family travel advisor the way you might interview a new physician. Because the reality is that typically you will spend more money in a year with your travel advisor than you will with your doctor. 


  • Q – 3.12.22   _ First, I suppose, I should begin with a bit of background. My husband and I are extremely well-traveled, having lived in England (Hampshire) and traveled with any number of bespoke travel providers. We normally travel on a custom trip but have, twice, shared very upscale group tours to Egypt and the southern part of India. But absolutely never on a cruise.Now, two of our children have put together an ambitious plan for the family to explore the Greek Islands on a luxury cruise sometime in the early summer. As I contemplate all of us being together, it sounds rather nice but I am concerned about spending one or two weeks in the company of a herd of mask-wearing zombies who only remove their cloth face coverings when actually shoving morsels from the buffet in their mouths. I realize I may be overstating the case but, should we go this summer, would we be surrounded, or even required, to be totally masked when not dining or drinking. If that is the case, I will try to talk my husband and the kids out of this. I would value your advice.A – The advice is reassuring, we hope. While there are mask recommendations in place, and most of the better cruise lines are requiring that guests be fully vaccinated as of this date, the reality is that guests on smaller luxury ships under 1000 guests generally have the freedom to wear masks indoors when they feel it is necessary. As everyone, including crew, is fully vaccinated these days, most guests do not wear guests while practicing for their roles in “The Walking Dead” television franchise. In fact, everyone will look more or less normal. Ashore, when visiting crowded areas or riding a bus on a sightseeing tour, you will see many guests donning masks. Hopefully not the cloth variety you mentioned – the really sophisticated folks use nothing but N95 masks although some K95’s do sneak onboard from time to time.  It sounds as though you are filled with travel memories – but a prime season luxury cruise to the Greek Islands with loved ones is about as good as it gets. 
  • Q – 3.12.22 –  We are booked on a so-called “Baltic” Cruise that was going to give us two full days in St. Petersburg, Russia. I am no Bolshevik for sure, but I thought it might be fun to spend two days in Russia so I could tell my lib friends what it will be like if they pack up and move there. My question is this: We’ve been notified that our schedule will be changing and that Oceania will no longer be making calls in Russia. We have received no information from Oceania as to what their substitute plans are and we are wondering if you can offer any guesses? A – Oceania will be back to you within the coming week with the adjusted port schedule. Itis an operations nightmare so please show them some patience. We are seeing ports added to Baltic Cruises that are clean, prosperous, virtually crime-free, where every citizen receives free education as well as healthcare at a tax rate that isn’t really much higher than ours. The good news is that there is no shortage of attractive Scandinavian ports of call in smaller cities that can be added to Baltic itineraries in place of St. Petersburg, Russia. In a majority of cases, these additional ports will be in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you will now be spending even more time in one of the countries with the highest standard of living in the world – you know, one of the “Democratic Socialist” countries. Have a good time and keep an open mind. You’ll still have plenty to talk about with your “Lib” friends when you return. And please let us know if you should ever decide to try to move to Sweden. We can put you in touch with a good international moving company.


  • Q –  3.11.22 – My wife and I are really looking to get away to Japan for something like a two-week cruise. We’ve sailed Celebrity and Oceania, preferred Oceania for its food and fewer guests but then discovered Regent Seven Seas two years ago and really love the brand – not to mention the included Business Class Airfare. I calculate that Business Class Air, on its own, is worth about $10,000 for the two of us.  So we looked, and sure enough Regent has three sailings to Japan in 2023. We got really excited, the itineraries are great, and then we found out they are already sold out. I have read your comments elsewhere that anything with the words “Iceland, Japan, or 120 Days Plus World Cruise” can sell out in a matter of days or even hours. Is there any, good option available to us that you would recommend? This is a long-delayed trip[ for us, my wife is a cancer survivor, and I would do anything to surprise her with a cruise of the quality of Regent. Any hope you could provide would be appreciated. A –  We’ve done some searching for you and there is one strong option – Silversea will have two ships, the Silver Muse and the Silver Whisper doing 14 and 10-Day Japan sailings in March of 2023. It looks like you can climb aboard at this time although some of the upper categories are sold out. Silversea is an excellent, inclusive five-star line and it rivals Regent when it comes to onboard services and cuisine. The Silversea ships carry fewer guests. We suggest you reach our full review of Silversea on this site.The air issue is interesting. Yes, Regent automatically includes Business Class Air along with most shore excursions in its pricing. It makes for good value, is attractive to travel sellers, and it is a tad misleading because if you don’t use their “included” air they will reimburse you from $2200-$2700 per guest depending on the sailing. That means that their air is really “subsidized”, another form of incentivizing the price.  Japan, specifically Tokyo, is a competitive air gateway and there are some excellent fares that pop up from time to time. Silversea has a more limited air program but they do often offer an air option worth exploring. Your travel advisor will help you navigate the differences.  We really hope you will look at Silversea – we hope this happens for you and your wife.
  • Q – We enjoy reading the Q&A on Cruisetruth and we have several questions we’d love to pose about the likely impact of the war in Ukraine, why Windstar does not appear in your ratings and the financial status of the major cruise lines. But it seems that instead of addressing my questions, your editors would prefer helping people who were duly warned about Crystal’s likely failure about one and a half years ago on this very site.You talked about your concerns, expressed why you wouldn’t book them, and even pointed out that most of the better travel insurers had stopped offering “supplier default” coverage for guests sailing Crystal. You’ve said that Future Credits will likely never be recovered so why all the sympathy for adults who didn’t heed your advice and booked Crystal anyway. Enough about Crystal already. Most of us have lost interest in the topic or the cruise line. A –  Thank you – but we can’t agree. We’re one voice in the cruise wilderness. True, we were warning our readers about Crystal before anyone else and with some degree of detail. But there were many other voices/places in cyberspace that kept pushing the Crystal PR campaign. Virtually all other websites devoted to cruising accept advertising to survive. They are not about to “write off” a major advertiser. We fully understand that Crystal has had, statistically, the most loyal guests of any of the major luxury lines. We were not surprised at the loyalty of Crystal’s guests and their desire to book future cruises.We will, in the interest of fairness, try to address one of your questions right now regarding the likely impact of the war in Ukraine on the cruise industry. Here is our take on expectations as of today:
    • All Baltic cruise stops in  St. Petersburg and other Russian coastal ports will immediately be eliminated.  In their place, cruise lines will be adding stops in Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish ports where possible. Baltic cruises will not be canceled – port changes will be announced within the next 30 days. Cruise lines operating in the region were waiting and hoping for a short incursion. Those hopes are dashed. The second-largest country in Europe is being attacked by nuclear power. This will not end quickly. 
    • Potentially, this can have a greater impact on European cruise sales than the Covid threat. No one wants to vacation in a war zone and few Americans know exactly where Ukraine is and which countries border it. 

    • The major lines on our World’s Top Ten List were planning on increasing their 2022 and 2023 cruise prices by some significant margins given the demand. Many of those plans are now on hold and consumers will soon begin seeing generous booking offers for cruises in northern Europe. 
    • At the same time, interest in southern Meditteranean cruises will grow and pricing will increase in 2023 by an estimated 5-10%. 
    • Interest in spring-summer-fall cruises outside of Europe will see sudden bursts of interest at a time when bookings are significantly ahead of prior years. 
  • Q – This new e-mail from Mr. Healy is all fine and well but shouldn’t the travel agent be helping us get our money back? We booked with Expedia and they say they can’t get involved. Do I need an attorney? And how does the Court really know what we are due now that Crystal appears to be fully liquidated?A – Let’s be clear about this – by filling out the forms that you received, you are agreeing to be part of a court procedure in the State of Florida.  This is a personal decision and the Court will only recognize direct participation by the claimant. The only thing Expedia can do for you if you need it, is to provide a detailed copy of your invoice which you need to make your claim. Former Crystal executives are helping put together lists of the more than $100 million owed to Crystal booked guests and an estimated $25 million owed to travel agents in earned commissions. The data provided to the assignee and then to the Court should be accurate in terms of credit card payments but we think that earned Future Credits and sailings canceled one or more times and then re-booked using credits will be indecipherable to laymen. There are thousands of hours involved in sorting this out – we wonder who is paying for that accounting time.  Our guess is that the Court will need to accept the amount of payments due as reflected in Crystal Guest Copy invoices.
  • Q –  3.8.22 – The information about the Crystal forms was very helpful – but we never received anything from Crystal via telephone or mail. We are owed well over $5,000 for a sailing on the Serenity so any advice would be really appreciated. A – The forms are being sent from the offices of the firm in charge of designing a list of creditors in the order in which they need to be paid. (Ultimate decision is made by the court). Past Crystal executives are helping provide e-mail addresses for all guests their records indicate are owed money. The e-mail addresses of all clients’ due refunds have been provided to the firm. You should be hearing from them in the next several days via e-mail. If you do not, contact the court-appointed assignee directly. Here is the specific information you need – including the phone number:Mark Healy, Assignee
    1883 Marina Mile Blvd., Suite 106. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
    (954) 252-1560 · (954) 252-2791 (fax)
  •  Q – We just received a set of two documents indicating that Crystal is being sued on our behalf to get us back our deposit and Future Travel Credit used as payment. What exactly is this announcement and what should we do as a next step?A – You have received an official invitation to participate as a potential creditor when funds from Crystal Cruises become available for distribution. The letter has been sent to you by Mark Healy who is the assignee representing the Circuit Court in Miami. Address and contact information appear in the body of the form which we have reproduced below.In order to be able to “stand in line” for your refund, you must file this application no later than June 11th. Enclose a copy of your Crystal booking invoice. If you can’t find it, you should ask your travel agent for a copy. If you booked directly with Crystal there is, currently, no way to get a copy of your invoice. As with any direct booking, you may want to make claim for a return of the travel agent commission you were undoubtedly charged. Send your paperwork to Mr. Healy care of the Ft. Lauderdale address indicated below.Do we think that these claims will be successful? No one knows but our best guess is that Future Cruise Credits are forever lost as are payments by check. Those who paid with credit cards may actually see a refund once the process is underway. Getting on a list of creditors is useless if there are no funds to pay creditors. Crystal owes consumers more than $100 Million. Suppliers and shipyards will likely be placed ahead of individuals hoping to receive a refund. 


    In Re:
    a California Limited Liability company,
    Assignor, Case No.: 2022-002742 CA 01
    JUNE 11, 2022
    Mark Healy, Assignee
    1883 Marina Mile Blvd., Suite 106. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
    (954) 252-1560 · (954) 252-2791 Fax No.
    2. CONSUMER NAME (Your name):
    LAST 4 DIGITS OF CREDIT CARD(S) USED: ○Visa ○MC ○Discover ○AMEX○Other
    LAST 4 DIGITS OF CREDIT CARD(S) USED: ○Visa ○MC ○Discover ○AMEX○Other
    E-MAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________
    Please be sure to notify us if you have a change of address.
    [ ] Date of Departure Departure Port Return Port
    [ ] Future Cruise Payment – ID
    [ ] Travel Insurance – Name of Company Account #
    [ ] Travel Agency – Name of Company
    4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Attach copies of supporting documents, such as payment confirmation(s), booking confirmation(s), evidence of coupon, and evidence of payment. If the documents are not available, explain. If the documents are voluminous, attach a summary.
    5. SIGNATURE: Sign and print name and title, if any, of the creditor or other person authorized to file this claim:
    DATED: BY:
    Signature of Claimant or Representative
    Print Name and Title Here


  • Q – 2.18.22 – We have tried to understand all of the information on Cruisetruth prepared for Crystal guests out their money. My husband and I are booked on a New England cruise that seems like it won’t operate. We called Mastercard and they said we are beyond the 60-day limit on claims so we are out of luck and will have to wait for Crystal to settle this with us. They said to call our travel agent. Our travel agent says Crystal has literally closed their doors and there is no one to speak to about our refund. Is she correct? What can we do now? We’re kind of desperate as this is just over $5,000 we are due. Thanks so much. A – What you were told by your credit card bank was not correct. Your situation should be protected by something called The Fair Credit Billing Act. If a merchant does not provide the services for which you contracted, in this case, a specific Crystal Cruise, your merchant credit card bank should protect you.Call them again and explain the situation specifically mentioning the FCBA. Do not hang up until your credit card service center agrees to assist you with filing an official “credit card dispute”.Once filed, Crystal will have 30 days to respond. They won’t and that will mean that you have “won” the dispute and your credit card company should reinstate the expenditure to your balance. What we have seen is that credit card companies will sometimes try to get out of setting up a FCBA chargeback procedure. They might tell you that you only had 60 days from the date of your original charge to file your challenge.

    THIS IS NOT TRUE. There is one hidden detail that every consumer should know. When the chargeback is claimed against a merchant that is “bankrupt” and therefore “unreachable” the time allowed for a chargeback is extended, by common practice, by 120 days. 

    No one will tell you this, You just have to know it and, if necessary, quote it to your credit card provider. Generally speaking, you will not have the right FCBA if more than 120 days has passed since you originally charged your card for the Crystal deposit.

    If this does not work – carefully review your travel insurance policy. Many of these provide coverage known as “supplier default”. If the supplier you have booked goes out of business, as Crystal sadly has, you would be covered by this provision. 

    What your travel agent has told you is correct. There is no one for a travel agent to contact. In order to protect your privacy, you will likely have to file the necessary paperwork directly.

    What will happen going forward, if the above strategies do not work for you, is that a website will be advertised or sent to you which will handle registration for your refund claim. You will register online and you will then become an official claimant with the designated creditor officials. You may not be first in line but you will be on the list of those to whom Crystal owes refunds. Generally, Future Cruise Credits may not be claimed for cash refunds. 

    We hope this is helpful and we wish you every success. Be patient – this can take several years to complete. 

  •  Q – What kind of Covid Test proof will we need to cruise the Greek Islands with Seabourn next summer?

    A – Right now, you do not need a Covid Text pass grade within the last 72 hours prior to arrival in Greece. You are likely referring to your vaccination certificates., the US is a tad behind the development of a universally accepted vaccine passport. That is because we practice “States Rights” in the USA and Louisiana, Wyoming, and Mississippi have not even signed on to the wisdom of requiring the vaccine let alone a “national immunization passport”.

    You will need your actual date-stamped proof of vaccine certificates. Please carry them with your passports and make certain you have photocopies as well as a photocopy of the documents on your smartphone.

    Storming the Greek Islands after our Covid lockdowns strikes us as a brilliant strategy.

  • Q – Kudos on your Top Ten Cruise Line ratings. They are the most professional and detailed we’ve seen and they make the reviews and snarky comments on Cruise Critic look like they are written by amateurs. Like many of your followers, my wife and I, along with our friends who always join us, are foodies in the literal sense of the word. So wondering which cruise line has the best food at sea.A – Well let’s be fair to our friends at Cruise Critic – they are amateurs! That is kind of the point. In fact, we suspect that many of the reviews on CC have not been written by actual cruisers. There are people who just live to see their e-mail “handle” online. A heavy proportion of them, by the way, are Brits and Aussies.You’ve asked a really subjective question but, despite Thomas Keller’s divine “presence” on Seabourn, the best cuisine is currently found aboard Crystal and Regent Seven Seas with the “very best” award going to Hapag Lloyd.
  • Q – We are booked on a special air deal with Viking Cruises sailing out of Copenhagen next year. Both my husband and I are taking our first cruise outside the Caribbean. We are not so worried about our food on the ship but we are strict vegans and we want to be certain that we are listed that way with the airline, likely SAS, so we are served something we can eat. Does Viking handle this?A – Not well. Have your travel advisor handle it. If you were foolish enough to book through a call center, download the airline’s app and make the request directly with the airline under “special meal requests”. That way your confirmation will be in the system and available on your smartphone. Vegan meal options are almost always available. 
  • Q – I once read somewhere that cabin stewards on cruise ships often earn more than the Captain when you factor in tips. True?A – You are, dear friend, dating yourself a bit. But it was once true back in the sixties and seventies. Cabin stewards, particularly those from Great Britain and Italy were once unionized and, with benefits and tips, could actually surpass a Captain’s earnings. But as cruising started to really take off in the late seventies unions were “busted” and crew were hired on eleven-month contracts that gave all the power to cruise line management. Now, a sizable labor force from the Caribbean, Indonesia, and the Philippines works aboard the mass market liners for total income that surpasses what they can earn at home – but not by much. Those low-paid workers are required for cruise lines to achieve profitability is now an accepted fact. But it is true that working conditions and salaries are significantly better aboard the smaller vessels in the five-star fleet. Most crew these days work an 11- onto contract after which they are provided free or subsidized flights home.
  • Q – We are looking at a very interesting Viking Cruises itinerary down the Mississippi and ending in New Orleans next summer (2022). Any recommendations regarding this “All American” itinerary? It looks really different, appealing, and I love the idea of the profits staying in America.A – This itinerary has been incredibly popular with all sailings sold out in 2022 and only extremely limited availability in 2023. The Norwegian owners of Viking would enjoy the joke that you think their profits will remain in America simply because they are operating in US ports.
  • Q – We are looking at the Silversea 14-Day round-trip Yokahama itinerary next April. Is this a really good Japan itinerary and can you explain why Silversea is charging almost $7000 per person for their four-night Imperial Japan pre-cruise program.A – You have actually stumbled across one of the very best Japan “in-depth” itineraries we’ve ever seen. Standard Japan programs generally range from 7-10 nights. We love the additional smaller ports and the extra days Silversea offers.We don’t feel that spending almost $14,000 for a four-night pre-program, no matter how good it might be, is a good investment. Instead, we would recommend a two-night pre-cruise program in Tokyo at a cost of approximately $700 per person.Sixteen nights in Japan will give you the depth of understanding and cultural exposure you are seeking.In defense of Silversea, touring arrangements in Japan are among the most expensive on the planet. A simple English-speaking private transfer from the airport to hotel in Tokyo will run the operator approximately $1200 USD. That net then has to be marked up.

    Go for it.


  • Q – Great site but you should be talking more about Viking Cruises – they are terrific. Best value out there unless you are a heavy premium brands drinker and a sightseer who must have an, “oh so private” driver” instead of a bus. We’ll spend money when we cruise but we like to know what the deal is. Viking often makes you pay in full to get their best rates – is this legit? We’ve been doing it but when we look at competitors we notice no one else is following this practice. But we do see that lines like Regent and Crystal feature early payment plans that seem to come in at around 10% savings. So for the uninitiated, what’s the real deal on these early bookings deals. Always go for it or only when it results in spectacular savings? Keep up the good work. A –  Most of the early payment deals on the Top Ten Cruise Lines involve savings of from 10-15% with 10% being the norm. You have to imagine your savings and whether or not you will be making 10% on the money the cruise line is seeking. Normally, the answer is no, interest rates are not that high. So for the majority of our guests, we prefer the early payment in full option.Viking has come up with a new, rather successful wrinkle. For years, they have convinced their guests that their “offers” can only be realized if the guest pays far in advance, often at the time or near the time of booking. If a guest makes a deposit, per usual, amenities such as free air, or included drinks or gratuities may not be available. It has been our experience that the payment in full concept with Viking generally results in savings that surpass 10% so it is often an attractive deal. It is also a win-win as Viking gets their money in full long before any of their more traditional competitors. Viking will, shortly, become the world’s largest “luxury” cruise line by tonnage. They have not achieved this by being naive about money.Unless you’ve got a better broker than we do, earning an additional 10% or more on your money beats the bank rate every time. But we wouldn’t suggest selling your Amazon or Tesla in order to make early payment.
  • Q – OK, I suppose we are “truth” groupies. We read all of your consumer sites which is why we seem to know more about the travel industry than anyone else at our dinner parties or on Facebook. Travel really has more “Fake News” than any other topic because anyone can write an opinion. Our question has to do with the Editor who does most of your writing – how many cruises has he actually been on. Please don’t be insulted by the question but we are curious as there are so many opinions expressed here that it would be helpful to have some first-hand knowledge as to who is doing the evaluating.A – There actually is a profile of our Senior Editor on the site so we’ll just briefly summarize: Mr. Turen was a Vice President of one of the major lines and he has personally sailed on 139 ships to date. He has been named the world’s top luxury cruise specialist for the past 17 years by Conde Nast Traveler. But that is not, on its own, a reason to believe what we say. The real reason has a lot more to do with our complete lack of advertising, hype, amateur faceless “critics” and promotional deals. 
  • Q – Really appreciate all of this information – but one thing I wish you would address is which credit card we ought to be using for new cruise bookings where conditions aborad may make it impossible to sail. After reading on cruisetruth about all of the problems with Crystal refunds, I wonder if one card seems to generate refunds quicker than another? Thanks so much and stay safe. A – Credit cards are plastic bank symbols and all banks have different policies. But that said, we have seen a significant difference in the manner in which American Express has approved refunds for Crystal guests while Mastercard and Visa not. Now we mustn’t read too much into this because Crystal has contracts with specific portions of Visa and Mastercard and you can’t assume their policies are universal. But all things considered, we generally recommend that you own and use an Amex card exclusively for travel purchases. Insist on a type of Amex card, there are dozens, that specifically allow you to move points into airline mileage accounts. That is a great feature. Amex will, in our experience, fight harder for their cardholders when payments or refunds are in dispute. But we do not recommend using Amex when traveling abroad as they are still not accepted as widely worldwide as Visa or Mastercard. Make sure your traveling card does not charge you any FTF 9Foreiugn Transaction Fee. Be careful taking CC advice online as almost all of those who give credit card advice to travelers accept payment from the cards they are recommending. We don’t – because we’re just not smart enough.
  • Q – Can you please explain how the new Mask rule will apply to Americans traveling. My sister, wife, and I are set to do a National Parks tour in May and we are wondering if masks will be required during our travels. We will be flying American and then renting a car. I assume we’re all right in the car? Related to that is a business trip I have slated to Costa Rica in July. Am I on my own for that one or do the Biden Rules apply to that trip as well. A – There are a few “rules” operating here. The CDC has expanded the wearing of masks to include conveyances within and traveling to the United States. There is also an Executive Order signed by the President that went into effect on February 1st. It requires masks to be worn “in public” at all times except while eating, drinking, or taking medications.  While technically, it would apply to your time driving, we don’t see any reason for compliance within your own vehicle. But you could run into a State Trooper who disagrees.The Executive Order was designed to get away from a massive number of state and country regulations that were confusing and difficult to enforce. Now, if you go maskless in public or if a store allows you to go maskless, charges can be filed.You certainly realize that you will be wearing a mask on all flights including your July trip. We expect that the rules within Costa Rica, a democracy with a literacy rate that rivals our own at 97.9%, will change between now and the time you travel. But our advice would be to plan on double-masking as a demonstration that you are not anxious to kill off the local population. Do not wear masks while eating as it can make flossing extremely difficult. 
  • Q – Help me understand the economics of the cruise industry. They will easily be out an entire year of income while maintaining ships costing, say, over $100 Million a month for the larger fleets. Now, it looks like they will not be generating any income for the first five or six months of 2021. And even then, they may not be allowed to operate at full capacity.In my business, trucking transportation, this is the kind of burn that few corporations can absorb. Someone has to be loaning these cruise lines money and I wonder who would be foolish enough to do that? And wouldn’t any financial institution that loans or invests in a cruise line these days be strung up to hang on Wall Street by its investors? Something I am missing here? I mean we’re Regent loyalists. I understand how they make money – or made money. But I just don’t understand how they are borrowing money under these circumstances. Do they know someone at Quicken Loan? Keep up the good work!A – There is a piece missing from the media reporting. You are correct about that. This is, we think, the missing piece:One of the most prominent cruise line CEO’s told us that he recently say down and was offered a $5 Billion loan from one of the largest financial houses. “But if I had wanted it, they would have given me ten Billion”.  He explained that when you look at cruise industry financial performance over the course of the last decade you see steady growth and increasing and substantial profits.“And we haven’t even scratched the surface of those potential cruisers out there who meet our demographic profile”.

    The other thing to remember is there is an unimaginable amount of pent-up degree partially due to the extremely high repeat and loyalty factors we see in cruise products. Then you have to add in tens of thousands of cruisers who have Future Credits they must utilize. And finally, think about more than a year without travel or restaurant dining expenses. Savings among potential cruisers are at an all-time high. So, taken together, and factoring in an amazing two decades of extraordinary profits, many of the major investment firms see cruising as a solid, long-term bet. 


    Q – I have been advised that I will be getting my Covid vaccine around the middle of February. So, based on what we have seen so far in terms of our government’s unwillingness to tackle this catastrophe, I will assume that I will be vaccinated on April Fools Day. Meanwhile, we are scheduled to do a ten-night cruise, round-trip from Vancouver on Regent in late May. Our deposit is now due and we are not at all sure what would be the best strategy. We sincerely want to do this trip but we don’t want to be the only passengers aboard the ship. Meanwhile, it seems pretty clear that someone high up at the CDC assumes that cruise ships are less safe than a Trump rally on the White House Lawn. Having cruised eleven times, we don’t think that is true – but then again we’ve never attended a Trump rally. 

    Then there is the entire “protocol” thing. Will everyone be Long Rangered on the ship and ashore. How do we know what we are getting into before we make final payment next week?

    Finally, there’s the issue of financials. How do I know that my cruise line, Regent Seven Seas, has been able to secure the needed cash to get them through to May with no income coming in because both Canada and the US won’t let us cruise up North. 

    So a very simple question – what should we do? 

    A – Let’s try to break this one down with some specific observations and recommendations:

    Should you go on this cruise?

    If the vaccine schedules are even close we should have the cruising public ready to travel sometime in late April or early May. You have cut it close and there is a 50-50 chance that May departures to Alaska will not operate. Your best strategy with Regent, each line is different, would be to make final payment and allow them to cancel. You will then be the beneficiary of a likely handsome payment in the form of a Future Credit that will include something like a 25% bonus on your cash. Deposited but not paid-in-full guests will not receive any cancellation bonus even though it is Regent doing the canceling.

    About your deposit:

    Regent, like many of the other Cruisetruth Top Ten Lines has pushed back the date when final payment is due. Yours will be due on March 8th – giving you several months to see how things play out. We think you should pay in full immediately for the reasons stated above.

    Protocols: What to expect

    Your cruise is five months away. We have several vaccines that work with an astonishing effective rate. No one knows which protocols will take place aboard a ship where guests will have to prove they have been vaccinated before boarding. We are not worried about conditions in Vancouver or in Alaska. 

    Will Regent still be around in May? 

    You are right to be asking about your cruise line’s financials. It is a subject every guest should discuss with their travel advisor. Here is what you need to know: Regent’s parent company has more than adequate funding to get them through this crisis and cash, in the form of future bookings for the next 24 months, is unusually strong. Put financial concerns about this line aside. (But there are several other cruise lines that we have red-flagged)

    We cannot reassure you that your cruise will take place. No one can. But we hope it will and, if all goes as planned, we will be waving goodbye to you at the pier in Vancouver alongside Justin T.

  • Q – I have been a Mastercard holder for the past thirteen years. I have been waiting for a return of my deposit for eleven months. My travel agent says I am too late to get a refund through the credit card company and my calls to the service desk at MC have been more than a waste of time. I have already applied for a Visa card. This cruisetruth site has been so helpful – I wonder if you can help in this situation. A – Your TA is correct – stopping payment on a credit card, any credit card, comes with time limitations. In order to protect your privacy, no credit card firm will speak directly to the agent handling your booking. But there are exceptions. There has been so much misinformation online about this subject that we want to offer a recent piece by Travel Law expert Mark Pestronck. This article from Travel Weekly will help you understand how this all works:TRAVEL WEEKLY COLUMNBY MARK PESTRONK  – Travel Law Columnist

    Q One of my agency’s biggest headaches is the continuing failure of some suppliers, including at least one high-end cruise line, to provide refunds to clients who have chosen the refund option for their canceled cruises. Some of our clients are fairly desperate for the money, and they turn to us for assistance and advice. In your Aug. 10 column, “Don’t expect refund promises to be kept,” you wrote, “The surest route to getting a refund is to dispute the credit card charge. If the client does not know how to dispute the charge, you can advise him on how to do so.” However, isn’t it too late to dispute the charge for refunds that were promised about six months ago? What about the 60-day and 100-mile-radius rules that keep popping up whenever I Google the chargeback rules? Does it make any difference if the cardholder has already paid the bill and now wants a refund?

    A: While the law imposes several limitations on a cardholder’s chargeback rights, my experience is that the card companies often waive those limitations. Although I cannot guarantee that your clients’ disputes will be successful, there is no harm in their trying.

    Disputes and chargebacks are governed by Fair Credit Billing Act of 1974. That law requires cardholders to dispute “billing errors” within 60 days of the date of your credit card statement, but a merchant’s failure to provide a promised refund is not a “billing error,” according to the Federal Trade Commission, so the 60-day limit may not apply or may be waived by the card company.

    The act also has a 100-mile rule, which states that you must have made the purchase in your home state or within 100 miles of your current billing address. If your agency is within the geographic boundary of the rule, the client should have no problem complying.

    Even if your agency is outside the state and area, your client is probably not out of luck. As far as I know, the credit card companies do not enforce this limitation.

    After a cardholder disputes a charge, the card company gives the merchant 30 days or so to reply. If the supplier admits that it owes the refund and that it will be providing a refund within X days, I do not know whether the card company will honor the dispute, but it really should do so in the case of a refund promised so many months ago.

    If the merchant does not respond at all by the card company’s deadline, as has apparently happened in the case of at least one major cruise line, it is very likely that the card company will process the refund.

    Finally, all the card company agreements state that, in addition to the 100-mile rule, there is another limitation on your rights: You must not have finished paying for the purchase. Here, again, as far as I know, the card companies do not enforce this rule in the case of travel purchases made months ago. 


  • Q – Allow an accountant to ask a quick question. We love the Oceania brand and always appreciated your advice to choose the newer, larger Riviera and Mariner when we’re sailing. We now have four sailings under our best.  Just wondering how these lines are handling cash flow with ships tied up. Is there any way to know how much cash they are burning a month?A – Oceania is owned, along with Regent Seven Seas, by the Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Group. The group is now losing about $150 Million per month as the ships sit idle. This is not a business for the faint-of-heart.
  • Q – Really appreciate this site and your straight answers. My wife and I are excited to be taking a Seabourn cruise again in September 2021. But I’ve been following your site and it now seems that new protocols will require that guests purchase the cruise line excursions in order to be able to go ashore. I once lived in Siena and in the port of Livorno I have hired a private driver for the day to take my wife and I back to the place where I lived in Siena and the streets where I spent some of the best moments of my life. Now, it seems like I must do the ship’s tours. I am ready to cancel. Any advice?A – Don’t cancel. You will be able to take your wide to Siena by September. We promise.The restriction you mentioned was part of the 74 Protocols recommended to the CDC by Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Lines. Under present sailing conditions, your interpretation is correct. But the positive news is that we are expecting full inoculation of all potential cruises to be completed by April Fool’s Day. If that projected deadline, encompassing all five levels of our population and assuming that healthy cruise travelers are in the final group, is late, we are still anticipating a May 1st date for completion. Many European nations will be ahead of us – including Italy.Private and independent touring will be permitted by September. There is no scenario we can imagine where that is not the case now that we have the three leading vaccines. Those who refuse to take the vaccines will not be permitted onboard ships nor will they be certified to enter most European ports. But there is always Netflix for the doubters.
  • Q – We are looking forward to sailing with Sea Dream again next summer. Your recommendation really was a home run as we would hate to anticipate being on a large ship in this environment. The 50 cabin Sea Dream 1 was as close to our “Dream” cruise as we might have imagined. I understand why frequent sailors on this line refer to themselves as “Seadreamers”. We found ourselves in the small casino each evening and we are wondering how that might operate in the time of Covid. With so many people handling dice and tokens, it would seem to pose a risk. Is there a chance that the “Casino” will not operate?A – Sea Dream has no intention of ending Casino games on its vessels. Chips and dice will, we are told, be sterilized after each use. That is indicative of the kind of small detail thinking cruise executives are working on these days. Other than a change away from buffet services, you should not feel that much has changed since your last sailing. 
  • Q – This is wonderfully helpful information – but it is incomplete. Not everyone is thinking about sailing Crystal and we are wondering which of the other lines in the Top Ten or Top Twenty, for that matter, are likely to cease operations while holding on to vast amounts of our deposit money. Please provide a list of those lines in likely trouble. I have been unable to find this information anywhere. Or, do you limit your concern to Crystal? A – Sharing specific financial information about a specific product under consideration is only appropriate, in our view, in a client-Advisor relationship. We would not make a list of lines that we feel are currently on the financial ropes because such reporting could further slow their bookings and add to their financial distress – something we have no interest in doingSeabourn, Oceania, Azamara, Regent Seven Seas, and Silversea are each owned by one of the Big Three, US-based lines. There is ample financial reporting about these lines for those interested in specifics. They are publicly listed companies and their stocks and financials are available for public scrutiny.  But the smaller, foreign-owned lines present some unique challenges. As we have indicated previously, the best way to sense the financial strength of any specific travel company is to see if the major insurance companies are still insuring them for Supplier Default protection. Let’s see if we can answer your question this way: There are currently four cruise lines, of various sizes, that we are watching carefully. We share this information privately with our clients. We recommend that you take up the question with your personal travel consultant who will likely be more open to a private conversation that addresses the issues you have raised. The only reason that we have discussed Crystal’s recent challenges is that it has been widely reported by financial news outlets.We actually have more confidence in Crystal than many in our field. The line has a new policy that allows bookings to be help for zero money down. Here are the details:
    All 2021-2024 Voyages by Ocean, River, Yacht & Expedition
    With a new zero money down 90-day option window, reduced deposits, closer-in final payments and relaxed cancellation terms, Crystal’s newly enhanced Crystal Confidence 2.0 invites travelers to dream big and plan their future travels with total confidence. Available for all new and existing bookings across all brand experiences – Ocean, River, Yacht and Expedition – on all-inclusive luxury voyages through 2024, this limited-time offer grants a 90-day window before deposit is due. Crystal’s other Peace of Mind booking policies have also been updated to offer even greater comfort and confidence when making future travel plans with the World’s Most Awarded Luxury Cruise Line. Book your dream cruise by November 4, 2020 to take advantage of 2-for-1 Book Now Fares
    This should eliminate a good deal of booking anxiety on Crystal.


  • Q – I guess you could say we are a couple of “cautious Canadians”. We are looking at re-booking a Sea Dream cruise because we feel that with fewer fellow passengers than a typical riverboat in Europe, they are the most yacht-like experience available. We loved our first cruise with them out of Barbados. We were going to call you to book but we thought we would catch up first on cruisetruth topics and we see lots of concern about several of the major lines. I can obviously read the papers and go online, but I love the insights you provide so am wondering where “insider’s” go for financial information about whether or not a cruise line is close to declaring bankruptcy or similar. Thanks so much and keep up the good work. Trudeau sends his best and, no, you can’t rent him for a month or two. A – So nice to hear from the folks up in the attic. Let us know when we can come back up to visit. And do you seriously believe that Tim Horton’s coffee is better than Starbuck’s? You have raised an excellent point – at present, there is no proper clearinghouse the cruise consumer can use to ascertain the financial standing of a major cruise line. You obviously would want to read the financial press but, as you know, there is a built-in reluctance among business journalists to do stories warning of the possible economic collapse of a specific product as the very reporting of the possibility could create the kind of panic that would cause the company to fail and stocks to plummet. No journalist or reputable publication wants to be responsible for that. 

    The best route to take as an “Insider” is to have your consultant find out if the cruise line under consideration has been “red-flagged” by any of the major travel insurance providers. Insurance underwriters must be concerned with risk and their desks are the real financial battleground in terms of the consumer having an understanding of likely risk when booking a specific line. Again, you don’t need any consultant’s “opinion” as good and as trustworthy as they may be. You need hard facts – is this cruise line still insurable or not. If it isn’t – get out the large size red flags. 

  •  Q – We are – I should say “were”, booked on a Viking Cruise on, what we believed to be, an excellent Scandinavian “Homelands” itinerary in July of 2022. I cancelled when I learned that Viking requires full payment right now for this cruise. I am told this is the way “our company is set up”. Well this is how my financials are set up – I just cancelled. But why do they do this? If they are in financial trouble shouldn;t you be pointing it out on web site which is otherwise extremely truthful. I think that consumers like us should be warned about this scam and told if it is related to Covid and the fact that Viking is essentially shut down for the rest of the year. Love your site but would have appreciated the heads up.A – You have a valid point. But this is not a debt issue or related to the Covid crisis. The privately-held Viking brand is owned by wealthy Norwegian investors who quickly intend to have the most vessels in the upscale cruise market. They are building more new vessels for both river and ocean than any other company in the industry.The philosophy at Viking is that consumers should be willing to pay 18 months or more in advance to lock in and secure their best deal pricing. It is a business philosophy and, for the most part it has worked well. In some situations, you could have opted to pay the full, or non-discounted rate, and that would have allowed you to make final payment at the same time as Viking’s competitors. But you are absolutely correct that we should have emphasized this early payment requirement on our site. By your question, and our response, we hope this has now been achieved.
  • LAST UPDATED  AUGUST 24, 2020 – YOUR QUESTIONS ARE LISTED FROM THE TOP DOWN IN ORDER RECEIVEDQ –  This news about the problems faced by Genting Kong Kong, Crystal Cruises owner, is really worrisome. We are booked on a Crystal Riverboat sailing along the Rhine next summer and we have paid a substantial deposit. Perhaps more urgently, we were booked on the  Crystal Symphony this June in Europe. We have not yet received our refund for that cruise. My question has to do with the insurance I took out for our Rhine cruise. If Crystal were to declare bankruptcy or. somehow go out of business, would the Travelex insurance policy I took out cover me under the terms of what they call “Supplier Default”? A – The Supplier Default provision of the highly-rated Travelex insurance policy, only applies if you have taken out the insurance within 21 days of your initial deposit. Crystal was a covered cruise line so that insurance coverage would be valid. Crystal would not have to technically declare bankruptcy to make a claim but they would have to have gone through certain measures indicative of an inability to operate their cruises as described in their brochure fine print.So yes, if you took out the policy within 21 Days, you can initiate a claim. But be aware that before a claim would be considered, the insurance company will request that you first try to have your credit card company reverse the original charges. That is the first step before a formal insurance claim will be processed. As always, we urge you to verify the above with Travelex directly as we are not licensed insurance agents and we cannot offer specific advice in this area. Read your policy carefully and then contact Travelex.  You can reach them at 8-867-6880.The following definition of Financial Default might be helpful:

    “Financial Default” means “the total cessation of operations due to insolvency, with or without the filing of a bankruptcy petition by a tour operator, Cruise line or airline.”

    Q – We are booked on the Ponant Line next year sailing on an expedition that will circle Iceland. Like so many of your clients and online followers, we are concerned about whether or not our cruise line, and many others, will still be in business next year. 

    A – There is no indication, at this time, that Ponant is in any imminent financial danger. The company headquarters are in Marsailles, France so accurate financial data is not plentiful. Ponant has long-term charter agreements with Tauck, Abercombie & Kent, and other major suppliers so there is heavy demand for their product and they are on an expansion tear. 2021 bookings for their full and partial charter products are quite solid. There are no current advisories or financial alerts related to this company that have appeared in the industry press. Major travel insurance carriers have not issued any alerts regarding Ponant. They continue to be endorsed and sold by the major consortium travel groups with whom they work. 

    Q – The news about Crystal has us concerned as we are planning to sail aboard the Endeavor to Iceland next year. There is not much we can find about the Hong Kong owners. Please consider including material from Asia that might help us understand the real financial condition of this company. Your efforts to inform are truly appreciated. 

    A – This piece from Bloomberg New Asia Financial Desk is one of the least biased summaries we’ve seen to date:


    About a month ago, Genting Hong Kong Ltd. restarted two- and three-day excursions around Taiwan, exclusively for residents of the island that’s seen success in containing the coronavirus outbreak. Genting is the only liner to have resumed operations in Asia among members of the industry’s trade group, according to the Cruise Lines International Association.

    Genting’s Dream Cruises said about 900 passengers are booked on each of its trips in July and August, hitting the 50% maximum capacity allowed for social distancing. This month, it announced its ship, Explorer Dream, is reopening the casino, which may help bring in much-needed revenue.

    “The Taiwan sailings prompt the investor or creditors to believe that Genting is still running the cruise business with open casino and this may be an important asset for the company to negotiate with creditors and investors for proper restructuring,” said Banny Lam, head of research at CEB International Investment Corp. “Reopening helps boost sentiment and hope, but doesn’t solve the problems.”Genting isn’t alone. The cruise industry is among the hardest-hit by the global health crisis, with many ports still closed to the luxury liners due to continued concern about Covid-19 infections while travel restrictions and curbs on flights have forced the industry to suspend operations. Controlled by Malaysian tycoon Lim Kok Thay, Genting now joins industry giants such as Carnival Corp. and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. in seeking capital to stay afloat.


    Norwegian Cruise Line has raised about $3 billion after initially expressing concerns it may not survive in May. Carnival, the industry’s biggest operator, has also raised almost $9 billion during the pandemic.

    This month, Genting warned it expects a net loss of at least $600 million for the first half of the year due to the suspension of operations across its cruise businesses. The company said it’s working with advisers to raise funds. News that the company has stopped payment to creditors sent shares tumbling 38% on Thursday in Hong Kong before rebounding 5% Friday.

    The single cruise and casino operations around Taiwan covers only a small revenue share of the entire company, Lam said.

    Genting Hong Kong is likely to reach a “pragmatic agreement” with creditors and get additional financing to stay afloat until it can fully resume cruise operations, UOB Kay Hian’s Kuala Lumpur-based analysts Vincent Khoo and Jack Goh wrote in a research note.

    The company’s debt restructuring only applies to financial creditors of Genting Hong Kong and business for Dream Cruises will be unaffected, the cruise line said in a statement.

    Genting’s Dream Cruises line made headlines when it resumed sailing July 26, becoming one of the few internationally to restart operations while most of the industry has pledged to suspend cruises until Oct. 31. Genting will continue the sailings, dubbed as “island-hopping” excursions, which were previously planned to continue through Oct. 16, according to a Dream Cruises representative.


    Kate Lee, a 33-year-old blogger from Taiwan and her husband, said they booked the last available room on an Explorer Dream cruise earlier this month after another trip they preferred was full. Despite no buffets and the need to wear masks in public areas, the couple enjoyed their very first cruise on a half-empty ship with no lines at restaurants.

    “It was very comfortable, not odd,” she said. “I liked the social distancing.”

    Before restarting operations, the company said the ship underwent a deep cleaning, along with a slew of health measures, including a 14-day quarantine of crew before the voyage. The ship is equipped with 22 negative pressure rooms that can be used for quarantine, plus an emergency plan to deal with a Covid-19 outbreak, according to the company.

    Genting Hong Kong, formerly known as Star Cruises, operates the Star Cruises, Dream Cruises and Crystal Cruises lines as well as a casino in Manila and a shipyard in Germany — businesses that have seen plummeting revenue during the pandemic, the company has said.

    The company has been angling for Asia’s fast-growing and competitive cruise market driven mainly by Chinese tourists. Plans for expansion included two gigantic so-called “global class” ships that were due for launch next year. The Global Dream was billed to feature an amusement park and the largest cinema at sea.

    Those ambitions, and the pandemic, led to trouble.

    The company said its subsidiaries Dream Global One Ltd. and Dream Global Two Ltd. failed to pay fees of about 3.7 million euros ($4.4 million) on Aug. 17 related to the “financing of the construction of certain ships,” and said the non-payment would constitute a default as per the units’ finance documents. Genting Hong Kong guarantees the payment of the fees.”

    Q – We are booked on Oceania, not Crystal but the news boards on Facebook have made us really nervous. How do people like us keep up with the latest cruise line financials? How do we know that what is happening at Crystal Cruises won’t also be happening at Oceania.? And, why hasn’t this been on the evening news?

    A – The debt restructuring of a Hong Kong-based cruise corporation is newsworthy in the financial pages, but it can hardly compete with our Presidential Election, Hurricane and flood damages, and the fight of our lives dealing with Covid in this country. So no, the evening news may well skip this story. Hopefully, your travel advisor is keeping you updated. For information, we would suggest that you read “Cruise Industry News” and “Travel Weekly” for the latest industry coverage regarding the relative health of the major lines.

    This case is a bit unusual in that unlike the three major cruise brands, Crystal is not owned by a US-based firm. That changes many of the financial reporting dynamics. 

    Q –  As you know, we are booked on Crystal in 2022. Now, we are reading online that the company is in a situation where the company might have to sell some of its ships. We realize this is a constantly changing situation but we would like to know how worried you are and what you think may happen. We’ve sailed Crystal seven times previously and we’re not going to lose hope that all will turn out well unless you strongly suggest we do so.

    A – This is fast-breaking news and anything you see in writing from any source is likely dated information. The fact is that Genting, Crystal’s owner, suspended all payments to its creditors other to maintain what it describes as “critical” services. Debt restructuring is normally not held in the glare of publicity, particularly when the bankers and lenders are based abroad. Crystal owns extremely valuable and profitable assets. Any number of lines would like to partner with the Crystal brand and we know that bookings for 2021 were quite strong based on pent-up Covid demand. As Crystal loyalists you might want to wait this out to see how it develops. Some financial white knight may be waiting in the wings. But you also have to be realistic that refunds to booked guests would likely not be a top priority in a bankruptcy reorganization plan. 

    We will be sending all of our booked guests updated coverage of Crystal’s current financial outlook later today. 

    Q –  We have just heard from friends here in Philadelphia, who are booked with us, that Crystal Cruises is having financial issues. We are under deposit to sail with them out of Barcelona in June. We booked our cruise with Crystal about two weeks ago. We follow this site and really need some advice as we’re sure it is affecting many of your followers. Thanks so much. 

    A – Yes, Crystal is undergoing some rather serious financial turmoil as the line’s Hong Kong-based owner, Genting, has suspended payments to creditors of almost $3.4 Billion. The pressures on Genting’s worldwide operations are, of course, linked to the Covid-19 crisis. Crystal Cruises, based in California, has responded that it is “still solvent” after its parent company has revealed, in the past 72 hours that it has defaulted on its debt payment.

    Crystal has informed guests, travel agents, and creditors, that “the company is not going out of business”. Crystal further announced that “whatever option our parent company pursues, it will allow Crystal to operate its business.”

    In your specific case, here is what we would advise you to do:

    01 – Since you booked with Crystal less than 21 days ago, you should immediately contact the line and have the booking turned over to a trusted travel agency/advisor who can act as your advocate and who can provide updates to you should they become available. You do not want to be working with Crystal on your own because you represent far less revenue to the company than would a high producing agency. There are a number of travel agencies in the Philadelphia area that are affiliated with one of the better luxury cruise consortiums like Virtuoso, Travel Leaders, and Signature. Choose one of them as you will then be able to receive proper counseling as well as potential on-board benefits when your cruise operates.

    02 – If you are uncomfortable proceeding with your cruise arrangements see if you can get your credit card company to reverse the charges you made for deposit. This may be easier because your reservation was made so recently. But before taking this action, discuss it with your travel consultant because once you deal with the credit card company and dispute the charges the travel advisor is normally removed from the equation and you will no longer be processed for a refund through normal channels. It will become an issue between your credit card bank and Crystal’s bank. 

    03 – If you followed our recommendation to not take out the cruise line’s insurance and, instead, purchased a private insurance policy for your trip, you may well be covered for “supplier default”. This would mean that if Crystal goes bankrupt, you would be covered.  

    Q – This must be a question you get all of the time, but we would really like to know if the press reporting about Covid-19 aboard cruise ships is, in any way, exaggerated? We are considering cruising again next April but we just don’t see the statistical evidence to justify it.  Are they really floating Petri dishes?

    A – We think that the honest answer is that some of them really were. The CDC directives, the new protocols, and the suspension of cruising as we know it, were all justified based on the number of outbreaks. But there were some major reporting errors and biases which seem to always come about when journalists with no cruise industry experience are trying to describe what has taken place aboard a ship at sea. 

    The big story missed involved a failure to identify the difference between mass-market and smaller, upscale luxury lines. Here is the heart of the evidence that just was never mentioned in mainstream press reports:

    A search of CDC records only shows 1,142 cases of norovirus reported in North American waters in 2019. The cases were on eight ships, including three incidents on ships of a European cruise line.

    In 2019, an estimated 14.5 million passengers cruised in the major North American sailing regions – the Caribbean, Alaska, Mexican Riviera, Bermuda, Canada and New England, Hawaii, Panama Canal, and on rivers, according to the 2020 Cruise Industry News Annual Report.

    That means the norovirus incident rate on cruise ships was 0.008 percent in the region.

    By comparison, the CDC also reports that some 20 million Americans shoreside get sick from norovirus each year for an incident rate of approximately 6.1 percent.

    Cruise Ship Norovirus Rate Last Year 0.008%

    Non-Cruise Land Infection Rate           6.100%

    Of course, the other “forgotten” portion of the cruise story is that not a single cruise line on’s rankings of the world’s top ten cruise lines had anything like a serious Covid-19 Outbreak. Not a single one. 

    Have you read that in any of the mainstream consumer travel media?

    Q – We are, like many of your clients I suppose, going a bit stir crazy. This is written in early June and we are anxious to get away with the family, our two teenage boys, for about a week during this summer or later in the year during the Thanksgiving Holiday. This is all about getting my family a trip they can look forward to and our being together as a family. Whether it is a cruise or a tour does not really matter. What does really matter is the health and safety of my family. We know Covid is real, it is not a hoax as some of the idiots on TV are suggesting So, my question is how do we plan an upscale vacation, with whom, what conveyance, and what is the first step? We live in Ohio and we would love something beachy or visiting islands if possible. We’re not big on cruising. Could anything work this August that would meet my safety requirements?

    A – We do think that August is pushing it a bit. We want to suggest that you look closely at a Villa rental with housekeeping included. This is one of the hottest current vacation options because it eliminates most of the need for social distancing. You can consider any of the islands in Hawaii, and there are some lovely villa options that are beachfront in Mexico or the Caribbean, particularly the British Virgin Islands. The first step might be to go the web site of the best Villa rental organization, Villas of Distinction. It can be booked through your travel consultant on a complimentary basis but you should review the site first ( For your family, this is, in our view, the best option. Beaches and day trips will certainly be available but you will still be able to do the necessary social distancing to achieve your comfort level.

    Q – We are planning a road trip to several American cities before we embark on a longer cruise sometime in late 2021 or early 2022. We will, of course, as avid followers of your work, be staying at Mandarin Oriental, Four Seasons, and St. Regis type properties. We keep hearing about “post Covid new normal” but we can’t put our finger on exactly what changes will occur in the guest experience after we check-in other than the fact that the staff will all be outfitted in masks like the Lone Ranger. Can you give us a quick glimpse at what the coming hotel stay changes might involve? Thanks. So appreciated.

    A – This is a rather fascinating challenge for the hospitality industry. In recent years, major brands have tried to walk a very thin line between differentiating properties while meeting expectations in terms of accommodations and policies. But now, the Covid response has to be unified across the brand so guests know exactly what they can expect.

    We can get a glimpse into the new hotel normal from some of the policies being discussed by upper management at the Four Seasons in New York and other major lux chains:

    • The number of “object touch requirements” will be reduced. That means mini-bars will be removed as will extra linens, pillows, and hangers.
    • Room service, for now, is a not too distant dream.
    • Restaurant buffets, including breakfast, will become a relic of “past ages”.
    • Communal shared tables will be removed.
    • Restaurants will be operated at far less than 100% capacity.
    • Arriving guests may be subject to temperature checks. They will be given PPE equipment.
    • Early arrivals will likely be given a “Welcome Breakfast Basket”
    • Spacing in all public areas will be re-designed to provide social distancing.
    • Room keys will disappear to be replaced by key card entry.
    • Some properties will begin requiring corona-free certification certificates when they come available.
    • Gyms and Spas will be re-evaluated with new cleaning and use initiatives. Many will simply be closed.
    • Room filtration systems will be enhanced and new procedures for cleaning each room are being developed to adhere to current CDC guidelines.

    Q – I am in the investment and securities business. Just wondering if you could give me one fact that I might use in a report that will demonstrate the effect Covid has had or will have on the travel industry. We all know it is substantial but it is hard to drill down to get specifics. Looking for your take on the one fact that “says it all”. Thanks so much and trust this is not an imposition.

    A – The one that struck us occurred during the week of April 12th when Covid chaos seemed to reign. The Airline Reporting Corporation processes airline tickets for travel agencies. Comparing the one-week sale of airline tickets for future travel in April 2020 with April figures for the same week in 2019, ARC found a 93.8% decline in the total number of airline tickets sold. These were the “The days that thoughts of travel died”. The miracle is just how quickly that trend has been reversed.

    Q – I think I just came across a bit of a Covid rip-off and was wondering what you thought before I go off the deep end. Received a mailing from Crystal and they are offering some incredible rates, it says, on a variety of seven-night itineraries including the Rhine, Danube, and even Tulip cruises round-trip out of Amsterdam. The catch is they want all of their money upfront and there is no refund if I cancel. I like a deal like the next person and I know I will find them in Europe if I keep looking, but this pay in full – no refund deal seems like Crystal has decided to cash in on this Covid crisis. Is this something I should be considering or do you agree with my concerns?

    A – Not only do we not agree with your concerns -we can’t find a single statement in your e-mail with which we can agree. We can’t speak for Crystal, but it strikes us that you may be more comfortable traveling with another company – why not wait until Wal Mart starts a riverboat line?

    Here are the facts: Crystal has been offering two-for-one rates which brings the price of a one-week river cruise on the top-rated line to somewhere in the vicinity of $7200 per person. Crystal is an all-inclusive line.

    There is a current promotion that you are referring to that is priced at half the two-for-one rate. That means you can sail Crystal at a rate of just under $3700 Per Person. To qualify for this rate you are required to pay in full and the fare is non-refundable. We have, quite frankly, never seen a two for one applied to an existing two-for-one offer. These are obviously an attempt to fill Crystal’s riverboats in advance of the 2021 season and it is working. The offer is capacity-controlled and many dates are sold out. One of the components of the offer is that you get upgraded to the best deluxe stateroom available.

    Is this Covid pricing? We suppose it is. There will be a glorious bouquet of early booking offers arriving in the next two months. In order to keep investors, crew, and shore personnel happy and employed, these boats, as well as ocean-going ships, need to go out at capacity. With offers like the one above, that should not be particularly challenging.

    Q – We are 90 days out from our Uniworld Enchanting Danube trip which I’m confident will be canceled. The first Enchanting Danube cruise listed on the updated Uniworld site starts on September 6.  We were wondering what our best option is.  I believe if we cancel with Uniworld within 90 days, we get 80% back.  Would that be a cash refund?

    At this point, as much as we love Uniworld, we are concerned about a different cruise experience or their solvency…. It was recommended that it would be wisest for us to wait for Uniworld to cancel.  Does that still hold true considering their cancellation policy?

    A – We want to be sure that you are clear that if you cancel today you would lose 35% of the cost of the cruise fare as well as your insurance. However, Uniworld is not going to keep that 35% – instead, they will retain it as a future credit. This is much more generous than many of their competitors are offering.

    If you cancel within 89-60 days from the departure date you will receive 65% of the fare back to the credit card with which you paid and 35% (the “penalty”), will be held as a Future Cruise Credit. The entire penalty schedule is as follows:

    • 119 – 90 days 20% of the fare
    • 89 – 60 days 35% of the fare
    • 59 – 30 days 50% of the fare
    • Less than 30 days 100% of the fare

    They do have another offer that may work very well for you. If you choose to move your current sailing and cabin category to the same sailing next year, they will honor 2020 prices and allow you to switch with no increase in fare. In fact, you can switch to almost any comparable seven-day sailing (other than September 2021) and book it at 2020 fares.

    We don’t have the financial crystal ball your question requires but we can tell you that Uniworld is part of a large, successful travel group: The Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection is located in Los Angeles and the company operates a fleet of 21 river-cruising cruise ships along the rivers of EuropeRussiaEgypt, and China. Uniworld also has operational offices located in the NetherlandsSwitzerlandFrance, and China. The company is part of The Travel Corporation group, which also includes businesses such as Trafalgar Tours and Contiki Tours.

    The consumer media is not reporting one important aspect of this situation. Riverboat bookings in Europe in  2021 are currently running 6-9% ahead of this same time last year. At Churchill & Turen, we are running into any number of sold-out or category unavailable situation in prime season Rhine and Danube sailings. That leads us to not worry very much about the riverboat sector as opposed to Meeting Planning or Business Travel operators.

    On the other hand, it appears that Uniworld has furloughed about 50% of its US staff. It is difficult to get anyone to answer their phones and refunds, please note, are taking as much as three months to process. 

    So what do we think you should do? Given the stress this has caused you, together with the fact that the cancellation fee will be set up as a future credit anyway, we would forego the extra 10% you would save by waiting and go ahead and cancel now. But, again, understand that the refund will take several months.

    Q – We’ve traveled, with your assistance, via Tauck several times in the past (including China, Australia/NZ, Spain/Portugal). One of the favorites was Africa (Botswana, SA, Zambia).  We enjoyed it so much we’d like to do it again — say September of next year to Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda.  As I’m just starting to even think about this, I first checked out your website here. I noticed that you told someone you wouldn’t suggest an African safari trip unless it was with one of eight or so companies. That list did not include Tauck. Can I ask why?

    The real question, of course, is air. We live in the DC suburbs and wonder if post Covid the airlift to Africa will still exist. Any idea how we would fly? Should we be worrying at all about the virus for a September trip next year? We read something about Africa being “next”. Thanks so much for these Q and A’s. Extremely helpful.

    A – Let us respond to the second portion of your question(s) first. Travel to Africa at any time in 2021 should not be an issue. If Covid does hit the southern hemisphere it is predicted to occur this summer. By September of next year, you can almost count on a vaccine or appropriate medication.

    The routes to Africa have generally been quite profitable for the airlines and slots to fly routes to the continent often take years to materialize. Non-stop service from JFK in New York to Nairobi, a 13 hour, 45-Minute ride on Kenya Airways,  will make the trip over easier.

    Regarding your choice of tour operators for this journey: There are two sides to any response. The first is that we would have a level of comfort recommending Tauck to you as you used them in South Africa and loved the experience. We can promise you the same general kind of experience with Tauck in East Africa. Tauck’s standards are maintained on virtually all of their programs.  So that places your question in a unique context.

    If you had not experienced Tauck, they would not be our first recommendation. Here is why:

    01 – They are not considered a top-tier Africa operator.

    02 – They outsource their arrangements throughout Africa and have no on-site offices.

    03 – They do not own their own training facility like Micato or A&K.

    04 – Their groups are larger.

    05 – Given the fact that they do no private arrangements of any kind, their own connections regarding accommodations are on a group basis. Most of the better camps will not allow groups to book their properties. No upscale lodge in Africa wants to be known as a group property.

    06 – In terms of medical or other emergency needs, we think that Tauck, with no real office or staffing presence, might not handle things as well. That is not to say we have any concerns about a professional response. It has more to do with the fact that other top operators in East Africa are better connected to the medical community.

    07 – The top tier operators tend to attract a more upscale clientele – but that is partly due to the cost.

    08 – If there is an issue – Tauck is a big corporate entity in almost every part of the world. A company like Micato does Africa – period. You can reach the CEO on the phone.

    09 – The leading Africa operators are tied in to the local communities in ways that Tauck is not. Their charity work is legendary and that makes for all sorts of local contacts.

    10 – Many of the guests on Tauck Africa choose the program based on its lower group cost.

    Do we think you should not do Tauck again? Absolutely not. We think you should strongly consider them as you know exactly what you will be getting and it is still going to be a truly memorable journey. But we would not suggest you move forward before spending some time on the Micato or A&K Africa web sites and discussing your options with your consultant.

    Q –  We would appreciate a bit of crystal ball gazing – what do you imagine our new world of travel will look like going forward? More specifically, what can we expect to start seeing in 2021 when we are planning two likely overseas trips?

    A – Covid-19 will create systemic change in our industry and it will accelerate some predictable future changes in the way we do business.

    To succeed going forward, agency groups and suppliers will need to design a new triangular approach to business. The three components are:

    • Trusted and certifiable cleanliness standards in all aspects of the vacation experience
    • Privatized luxury in a self-contained setting. Travelers will be increasingly seeking a state of “Splendid Isolation”.
    • An avoidance of parts of the world that are “over-touristed” in favor of new, secondary destinations that have largely been undiscovered. “We were able to be by ourselves with no crowds” will be the expression travel consultants will most want to hear.

    A growing number of potential travelers will stay at home and travel virtually as the technology and AI improve to the point that sight, sound, and smell are all part of a virtual walk practically anywhere Google can map. Virtual taste is a very long way off – but know that it is coming.

    Hotels will need to dramatically increase the percentage of in-house bookings at the expense of OTA’s. They will do this by eliminating some services, such as the check-in desk or sit-down restaurants while making Frequent Guest amenities exclusive to those to book direct.

    Airlines will not be able to maintain profitability while eliminating approximately one-third of their seats from inventory. New cleanliness guidelines and the hiring of additional staff to thoroughly clean each aircraft at the end of every segment will require significant price increases. Direct flights will begin to disappear with a growing percentage of travelers required to take connecting flights.

    Industry Marketing professionals will be tasked with convincing the public that their brand is more dedicated to maintaining a germ-free environment than others. This is new territory and some critical mistakes will be made.

    The World’s Top Ten cruise lines will begin to discuss on-board health standards, a once-taboo advertising topic, in creative ways to fight the “Petri Dish” stereotype. Newly constructed ships will be defined by the possibilities they present for private-time onboard luxury.

    Escorted tour companies will face some of the most serious challenges going forward as a 45-Passenger tour bus provides less space per guest than virtually any other form of travel. Look for some tours to include several buses rather than one, service that will have to be reflected in the price.

    We could go on and on but we hope the above is useful. Of course, the really worrisome thing about all of this is the unprecedented level of uncertainty and the fact that facts don’t seem to matter to a growing portion of our population. In the most recent study, a majority of Americans cited Facebook as their primary source of news.  Given that, it is hard to predict future travel behavior.

    Q – We do want to get away from our mask-wearing neighbors and the idiots who can’t afford them to see some part of the world this coming September or October. Wondering how you might rank the safest places to visit right now given the Coronavirus stats. We understand that there may be some cases but we are looking for possible destinations that are safer than staying here in the States.

    A – The list is actually growing as we speak but it is wise to remember that the current outlook could change if there is a resurgence of the virus in the Fall with no vaccine yet available. These are some of the destinations we think you should consider:

    • Antarctica
    • New Zealand
    • Vietnam
    • Denmark/Sweden
    • Iceland
    • Tonga/Samoa

    Q – We’re going slightly bonkers – a nice retirement had just begun, I was doing at least 18 holes a day, and then Covid and a college son and daughter are now back at the homestead here in North Carolina. That leads one to begin imagining travel next year, likely back to Italy, this time concentrating on the major cities, Rome, Florence, and Venice where we hope to spend four nights in each. We would likely plan the trip for May if things look good for the vaccine or, perhaps, early October, a time you seem to recommend to your clients for Italy. So while we research – one important question: “What is the current and likely future status of the restaurant scene in these cities? Assuming there is some good vaccine news just prior to the election, will Italy be back to “normale” by the time we travel?

    A – This is actually a rather complex question as it is reflective of the uncertainty surrounding upcoming travel for tens of millions of home-bounds seeking to escape. There are signs that dining will return but in some different ways. Previously, Italians in major cities we dining out just about a third of the time. But now, about a third of those people are saying they do not feel safe enough to sit in a restaurant. Like the States, only those restaurants that have been able to design a successful take-out alternative will be able to survive. In Italy, the percentage of small, privately-owned restaurants is much greater than it is in our country. The loss of this summer season combined with a serious drop in local business support has placed numerous restaurants in a position where survival is unlikely. There are few government programs to save these small restaurants and even three-star Michelins are struggling. Our guess, and it is only that, is that the attrition rate when this is all over will hover somewhere between 30-40%. Most of those failing food enterprises will, however, likely be taken over by a new generation eager to take advantage of some good locations and available equipment. So, yes, you will see some closed doors but, hopefully, some exciting new ones will open. The great thing Italy has going for it is an economy with a centuries-old food chain and much of the product produced in-country. You will dine well – we promise.

    Q – Wonder if you can help us with an apparent “disconnect”. As we ponder future travel, we see great optimism in the flyers and magazines that arrive in the mailbox every day. There are some great offers and everything seems to be headed in a positive direction. No mention is made of Coronavirus until you turn on the news. We want to plan something wonderful – we need it like everyone else. But there is this lingering suspicion that maybe everything is not so safe and we should forget about this year’s Christmas Market River Cruise or the trip to Africa we want to plan for next year. We appreciate the candor on your web sites and wonder if you are advising your clients to stay home for the foreseeable future?

    A – We are advising those who ask to remain to delay travel abroad until about the first of November. The real “comfort date” for us, when we would send our own family abroad, is Thanksgiving. Allow us to give you a brief rather than a lengthy response to your question, one that we are asked almost daily:

    There are two facts worth remembering:

    01 – The United States ranks 84th on the latest ranking of the earth’s safest countries. That means that 83 countries in the world are safer to be in than our own. Now we fought that stat, wanting not to believe it, but it is true.

    02 – We have the most deaths and the most Covid cases in the world. The most.

    One may conclude from these facts that traveling within the United States is less safe and riskier than traveling to a great many countries overseas.

    It is always a heart – head decision. We are not salesmen here. You have to do what you feel is best for you. But if it is a “head” decision, travel overseas to a “safe” place may actually be prudent rather than risky.

    Q – We are, as are many of your clients we are sure, going off the deep end with our stay-at-home orders here in Connecticut. We have spent a good part of our time reading travel books and wondering when we should plan on being able to get away with everything, more or less, falling into place including cruise line schedules, hotels, and airlines. What are you currently, as of May 26th, advising your clients concerning travel overseas?

    A – Our unofficial start-up date for the resumption of carefully planned travel is much later than the travel industry is proposing. The industry is seeing July 1st or, at the latest, August 1st as the date when international travel via ship, tour, or independently should resume. We’re not there. We think that will be too early and we are advising our guests to look at Thanksgiving as a more reasonable and safer date to use as a starting point for future travel. We foresee additional testing and vaccine delivery delays as well as confusion regarding air schedules and new entry requirements as reasons to put off travel for six more months. We understand that ours is a minority and a rather conservative view and that it runs counter to the general health of a travel industry that seeks to re-boot as quickly as possible. But think our advice is sound.

    Q – We are booked on Scenic – that is to say we were booked on Scenic. They canceled our program in Portugal and we now have been offered a Future Credit. We were paid in full and they then canceled because of Covid. I assumed we could get a full refund and now am being told that we can first apply for a cash refund on June 30th, 2023. That is not a misprint. 2023. I think that is outrageous and am wondering what my alternatives might be?

    A – It is an unfortunate policy but Scenic isn’t the only line with the “delayed refund” component. The idea is that they really want you to use the credit and they figure that by giving you more than two years you will eventually come around to their thinking. At this point, you should write a letter to Scenic’s Guest services department and offer specific reasons why you need the cash refund promptly. If you are comfortable doing so, you might want to mention financial needs. This is an obvious cash-flow ploy and for those who are not considering re-booking a really frustrating policy. Send a copy of the letter to your travel advisor so they can advocate and follow-up on your behalf. The fine print allows companies to adjust their refund procedures in extraordinary circumstances so there really is no legal option. Scenic’s policies have been noted on  The line has been downgraded given concerns generated by policies of the kind you have pointed out.

    Q –  We are scheduled to fly to Germany next April to join a cruise on the Crystal Ravel along the Rhine. We keep hearing about airline changes and were wondering what we should do in terms of a timeframe to book our air.

    A – We think that September 30 may be a critical date in modern travel industry history. That is the date that the major airline restrictions on trimming staff expire. Airlines had to agree to maintain staffing levels until then to get the government’s loan program.

    On, or immediately after September 30th, we will likely see American and United cut staff including pilots and flight attendants by approximately one-third. Entire aircraft fleets will be retired. Delta will take three aircraft types completely out of service and will likely sell them. Overseas non-stop routes will be heavily affected.

    The changes this kind of airline restructuring will produce are significant and will, going forward, change the travel landscape as some hassle-free routes and flight options quickly disappear.

    In your specific case, we would book your flights sometime around October 15th with a plan to reconfirming all arrangements just after the first of February, Given some of the upheaval we are anticipating in terms of aircraft substitutions, canceled routes, and schedule changes, we highly recommend that you engage the services of a Flight Monitoring firm. In late 2020 and 2021, international air travelers will really need this service. The good news is that Germany and Europe in general should have fewer air-related schedule issues than some other regions of the world.

    Q – We understand that insurance, specifically travel insurance, will not cover a pandemic of the type we are currently experiencing. We will, as you know, be going on an extended trip next winter that will include time in Bali, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Japan. But what about a policy for medical evacuation of the type offered by Med-Jet, a company you have recommended in the past. If we get sick, due to the virus, in a remote part of the Philippines, would our Med-Jet policy allow for them to come to get us and medically evacuate us as they would for any other type of illness?

    A – No. A Virus outbreak such as Covid-19 is not a covered inclusion in a Med-Jet policy. We are not aware of any of the top-tier insurers who cover this type of virus. Of course, if you were hospitalized with the virus, it is unlikely your local doctors would permit you to be flown home anyway and their authorization is always required for any medical evacuation.

    Q – Fascinated by the coverage of NCL as we have an Oceania cruise in the med scheduled for next April, 2021. Is there any information you can share that might help me ease my wife’s family’s concerns about the financial safety of Oceania?  

    A – All future and potential 2020/2021 Oceania and Regent Seven Seas cruisers should watch the video linked below. It will give you an insider’s look at the real picture of NCL’s current financing: 

    Q Thanks for all this information that we haven’t seen elsewhere. Wondering about the financial failure of a cruise line. We are booked on a Silverseas cruise, which I believe is now owned by Royal Caribbean, one of the cruise lines as being in financial difficulty. We took out the recommended insurance through Travelex, a company we have used before with very good results. Our cruise is several months away. If Royal Caribbean were to go under, would our insurance cover us under the “default” provisions? In other words, it seems that insurance companies are not covering pandemic-related cancellations. But what about if the pandemic causes the cruise line to go under?

    A – Glad you like the site but we still need to point out that your question is less than fact-based. Royal Caribbean has secured additional funding including a sizeable investment from Sadi Arabia’s Royal Family which now owns over 8% of the cruise line. Most analysts feel they are well-positioned to deal with this financial crisis well into next year. Given their many years of outstanding past returns, the acquisition of additional capital is not seen as a major problem going forward. The Travelex insurance you took out should offer the following financial coverage for supplier default. You will not that there are two primary timeframes within which coverage is offered. This is fairly standard among the leading trip insurance providers:

    Trip Cancellation/Interruption due to Financial Default Coverage

    • Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line, Common Carrier or tour
    • The operator provided that:
    • (1) The insurance was purchased within 21 days of Initial Trip
    • Payment; and
    • (2) Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an
    • Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip

    Q – Call us crazy but we really need to get away and we will be wanting to do a cruise to the Med in the early fall. Is there a list you can provide that explains which cruise lines have canceled their sailings through September and October? We don’t believe much of what we read in the media and we are not at all afraid to fly. It doesn’t seem that any of these Corona cases started on ships or planes. May we book it with your firm if things work out? We’ve not been isolating at all and we’re fine, in our sixties, and I work out on the beach every morning, here in Jacksonville surrounded by friends. No one has a right to take away our liberty to stay open for business or to congregate where we please. Sure you would agree with that.

    A – Sorry, we’ll take a pass on your business. We have an IQ minimum.

    Q – We are scheduled to sail the Oceania Marina next March. We are worried about some of what we are reading in the “fake news” and are wondering if ya’all think cruise will actually come to pass. We’ve been looking forward to it.  Thank you. Enjoying all the free information and advice. 

    A – We think you can look forward to your cruise with some degree of confidence. Norwegian, Oceania, and Regent Seven Seas now have enough liquidity to sustain operations for at least a year on the assumption, false, that they will have zero income. 

    Q – Wondering if you would step back and do a bit of “Big Picture” update instead of answering specific questions posed by visitors to your sites as well as Churchill & Turen clients. Where the hell are we at the moment? We are watching the news, in between episodes of “Tiger King” on Netflix, and the travel-related reporting is kind of depressing. Should anyone be planning a cruise at this time?

    A –  Interesting you reference “reporting”. The media has, so far, failed to report that not a single cruise ship ranked in the “Top Ten” has had a Corona-related outbreak, although Silversea had some specific cases on two of its ships.  We are always wondering how many of the,  quite serious people writing and speaking about the cruise industry have actually experienced a top tier product? 

    To try to address your broad question:

    • The airlines are always going to react to demand. Schedules are flight departure increases are, therefore, almost impossible to predict. We do know that the Europeans will begin traveling again this summer. No one we know thinks that will translate to a huge uptick here. 
    • The alternative to a cruise vacation on an upscale cruise ship is a pack and unpack vacation using hotels whose cleaning standards are likely going to be less stringent than any of the major lines. There are villas – yes, and private jet vacations which some of our guests prefer. But for most, the alternative to a cruise is a tour and that means bus transportation from place to place. The tour industry has, thus far, escaped industry scrutiny. But consumers are smart enough to give all of the available options a good look as we move forward in a travel age of new realities. 
    • We think that planning an overseas vacation should begin now but we would recommend putting off travel until after our National Election with the exception of destinations that are on a current downswing in new Covid cases like New Zealand. 
    • Given the huge profits generated by the three major cruise lines during the past seven-year period, we see the potential of new investment in this sector of the industry. We are more optimistic than most about the recovery of the cruise industry, an optimism based entirely on current 2021 booking trends being reported by travel firms throughout the United States. Our concern is not that the travel industry will not come back but is, instead, more about the desire on the part of some to rush the process. This is a great time for dreaming and for refining one’s bucket list – it is not the right time to be traveling. 

    Q – We have a Covid question – we are booked on a Rhine cruise with Crystal in November. We think everything will be fine by then and that America will, hopefully, be back to work. But most of this cruise is in Holland and Germany and we’re not sure how quickly Europe will be able to recover. We are thinking about canceling and just staying home where the health care is good and we can eliminate worries about traveling. We are in our early seventies and this would have been our first trip to Europe. We’ve paid a hefty deposit and we are wondering how we can get a full refund of our money since we are so far ahead. We went on the Crystal web site but it wasn’t very clear.

    A – We wish you could take this trip. It might be eye-opening. Actually, Holland and Germany have fairly good healthcare systems in place and their management of the Covid outbreak is being applauded in most quarters. The web site is a bit confusing because Crystal has different cancellation policies for cruise ships, Expedition and Yacht cruises, and riverboats. Your cancellation cost should be $500 Per Person if you cancel in the next two weeks. 

    Q –  We have been on fourteen cruises, twelve of them on smaller ships such as Windstar, Lindblad Expeditions, and Sea Dream. We are not seeing much news about these companies. Wondering how well prepared they are, financially speaking, to weather this Covid thing. Our next scheduled cruise is on Lindblad next February. 

    A – There are so many variables floating past in your question that we will need to offer a more generalized response than you are probably wanting. Of the lines you mentioned, Lindblad seems to be the most proactive in describing its financial reserves and lines of credit. When the big money folks set up equity loans that offer future income potential, stock ownership, and, sometimes, a seat or two on the Board, they are thinking about taking advantage of low stock prices with the possibility of a real upside down the road. A smaller operation, with just a few ships and a few hundred total berths, may not have the kind of potential financial outcome they are seeking in a “bail-out”.  On the other hand, the smaller the line the less they need to survive on a one-year basis. 

    Personally, given depressed stock prices and huge potential upside in recovery, we think the big three will eventually be considered “attractive investments” by some of the major financial groups. But they are clearly not at this time. It will take several months until 2021 first-quarter estimates are available. We think they may be favorable if anti-Covid drug regimens are announced and available this fall. But this is a rather huge “If”.

    Q – The news about our upcoming Regent cruise in October is obviously not encouraging. Is there any late news as of May 6th? We have final payment due in July. Really concerned about the possibility of financial failure, the looming possibility that Covid-19 will still be with us in the fall, and the likelihood that our United flights will not actually operate. Not at all in the mood for this vacation. How do we get our money back? Truly appreciate this site and your willingness to share information we can’t find elsewhere.

    A – The news regarding the ability of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings to weather the Covid-19 storm is encouraging. But several more positive things would have to come together for you to have a viable vacation option in October. We don’t think you should wait.  

    At this point, you have the following options:

    01 – Cancel your cruise and lose the insurance (if purchased through Regent). If you cancel soon, you will be in 25% penalty which is just about the value of your deposit. Assume that Regent will be enforcing its cancellation penalties. Cash flow is critical at this time. 

    02  – Gamble that Regent will end up canceling your sailing. They will have your money but you will likely be offered a full refund or a future credit of 125% of your cruise fare.

    03 –  Your final option is a bit of a long shot but you will get a same-day response. Choose the same or any 2021 or 2022 voyage you like and have your travel consultant try to get Regent to move the money over to your new booking.

    The option you want – a full refund with no questions asked is not available. If you want to pursue the matter we suggest a well reasoned personal letter to the one department at most cruise lines able to skirt stated policy. Send your letter to  We suggest a calm request rather than a rant. Do try to point out why you might be considered an “influencer” who can bring Regent new business with the knowledge that they responded well. If they do get back to you with the refund you are seeking, in violation of company policy, we suggest that you sell the letter on Amazon. There will be heavy demand. 

    Here is why this sometimes works. Your consultant has clout representing hundreds of clients for the line. But if Regent makes an exception for one of the firm’s clients, that sets a precedent for others and can create tension in the relationship. But if you communicate quietly with Guest services, you are an individual and you may get consideration because you are representing a single booking rather than hundreds. We hope this helps. 

    Q – It would be extremely helpful if you would share some opinions on those cruise lines or tour operators who seem to be having the most financial difficulty. I realize from a prior response that this is not something you are comfortable doing but there are a lot of us out here who really have no place else to turn. It’s not like we can call these cruise lines and get a straight answer regarding their financial status. Understand this is quite complex stuff, but a reading of the field would really be helpful to a great many of your readers. If this is an off-base request feel free to ignore.

    A – If we felt we could give you a totally accurate answer we would. Here are a few observations we hope will be useful:

    • We are less worried about the “Big Three” than most. The CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line (Owners of Oceania and Regent) received annual compensation last year, 2019, north of $18 Million. He earned that by turning in outstanding profits. So when a company like Norwegian goes looking for short-term debt forgiveness or secured loans, they are going to encounter any number of large financial entities that are interested. That can also be said of Carnival and Royal Caribbean.
    • Our concerns are more centered on smaller or new-to-launch lines such as Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Voyages. Branson is using his beloved private Neckar Island as collateral to secure a loan in the U.K. The new, Scarlett Lady is tied up and when she sails she will embark on some rather standard Caribbean itineraries with a bunch of untested concepts like an onboard tattoo parlor and evening entertainment and dancing hosted by resident drag queens.
    • Sea Dream Yacht Club only has two older 100-Guest ships. We worry about them.
    • The big hotel chains will likely survive but there are thousands of small, independent hotels around-the-world that face economic uncertainty.
    • We think the Airbnb concept is going to have to overcome some deep-seated uncertainties regarding vacations based in the homes of strangers.

    Q – We are going on a seven-night cruise to the Eastern Caribbean over the July 4th Holiday. Will MSC require that we wear facemasks aboard the ship?

    A – You should certainly bring masks but don’t plan on actually sailing in early July. You can wear the masks in the terminal building.

    Q – We are scheduled for a trip to Lima and then Santiago in late October. Is it likely the airlines will be flying at that time and how do we protect ourselves with alternative flights should we run into issues?

    A – It is impossible to tell you, as of today – April 28th, who will and won’t be flying during the last week in October. Our guess is that you will be fine but understand that, at this moment, 15,500 aircraft are parked in remote locations around the world. This represents about 60% of the worldwide fleet that is no longer flying. So it could take several months for crews, schedules, and local officials to reinstate commercial aviation in many countries. For this trip, you need to be working with a flight Concierge service that is monitoring your flights.

    Q – We are scheduled to sail in August on Regent Seven Seas. It would appear that Norwegian, the company that owns them, has closed down many sailings and is in some level of financial trouble. For passengers, how much of a concern should this be?

    A – There will be small, many small, and some large travel-related entities that will not survive the current and coming economic crisis. In may cases, these will be marginal companies and those firms with huge capital outlays and debt not accompanied by a consistent record of solid stock prices and admirable annual profits (The three largest cruise lines have that kind of record).

    Q – Are cruises going to be operating normally in the near future?

    A – No. Ships are, at this moment, being tied up for a sustained drydock period. There are currently eight ships en route to Asia carrying crewmembers home to Jakarta, Manilla, Bali, and Hong Kong. This is indicative of prolonged disruption in normal cruise operations. We think that having crew return to their ships while having vessels ready to resume normal schedules is a matter of months – not weeks.

    Q – What about the airlines. Will they be back in service for trips later this summer and the fall?

    A – That is an open question although parked aircraft can be made flight-ready in a matter of days. But look at the month of March at the New York area’s three major airports – take-offs and landings are down 85%. International flights are down significantly.

    Q – Are there parts of the world that are still really safe to visit?

    A – There are no reported cases in Antarctica. But there are also no hospitals or drive-up clinics. African safaris are operating normally and there is positive news about the manner in which Kenya and South Africa particularly, have responded to the virus. There are areas of South America that are relatively untouched. Some of our clients are renting Villas or yachts for self-isolation in the most comfortable situations. Bookings for Christmas Market river cruises are strong. Currently, Turkey, Barbados, Jamaica, Mexico are enjoying a fair number of foreign visitors given relatively low numbers of Covid-19 cases. Iceland has been named as a country that has handled the challenge extremely well. The way they have done this is to assign entire teams of their best police detectives to identify and bring in suspected carriers for testing.

    Q – Which cruise lines are in the most serious financial situation?

    A – Analysts are not united in their opinion but the ones we listen to seem to feel that Norwegian Cruise Line has the least cash on hand with Royal Caribbean second, and Carnival in the stronger cash-flow position. These three companies control 81% of the market. Carnival is owned by the Arison family and its founder is based in Israel. They have just announced an infusion of capital from the investment arm of the Saudi Royal Family which, as of this moment, owns 8 ½% of Royal Caribbean. Cash flow is really the issue for these lines and, given the massive profits and stock price growth over the past decade, we think that loans and cash infusions are going to be available. The staying power of these three lines without any cash infusion is currently estimated at nine to fourteen months.

    Q – What about Crystal Cruises? Are they in better shape than the largest three brands?

    A – You could make that case. Genting, the Malaysia-based shipping corp. that owns them has deep pockets. But last Friday, Crystal aid off approximately one-third of its US-based office personnel.

    Q – We do not cruise but we take top-ranked escorted tours with Lindblad, Tauck, and Abercrombie & Kent. Will they make it?

    A – We think so. Lindblad just received a major cash loan. A&K and Tauck are widely diversified and are privately-held so accurate numbers are not available. But we think a tour operator is different than a cruise line because they have far less capital investment in the products they sell. A&K does not own the hotels or the tour buses it uses. It does not own the boats or the small ships it uses for its programs. These are really companies that package and market other people’s products so exposure and risk are reduced.

    Q – How will we know if a program you have us booked on is canceled and what our options are?

    A – We have a well-designed process in place that will allow us to receive the information on a priority basis and notify you within a three-hour timeframe. This includes weekend notifications. We will then follow up to make certain you have received the information. We have asked that each of the members of our Elite Traveler Concierge Club  is included for direct notification by all of the major cruise lines and tour operators.

    Q – Will your advice be to wait until the supplier announces cancellation in all cases?

    A – No. Each of our clients is entitled to receive our best advice regarding the most prudent strategy to follow. There could be a scenario where that would not be to wait patiently – but in the vast majority of cases that is exactly what you should do.

    Q – As I understand it, these FCC’s allow the cruise line to hold on to our money and they will give it all back to us plus another, say, 15% for re-booking the same trip next year. Do I have that right?

    A – Yes. They are helping solve their close-in cash flow issues while paying you far more than you earn in a savings account for your support. It really is a win-win.

    Q – We are going to be sailing, hopefully, I might add, aboard the Crystal Symphony in November sailing from Mumbai to Singapore on the 16th. We are wondering if there is any doubt that this cruise would operate and whether you might identify any irregularities we might notice aboard the ship in terms of normal Crystal procedures? I did not know about you before discovering this site and we did not book with your firm – a mistake we intend to correct when next we travel.  Thanking you in advance.

    A – You’ve selected a wonderful itinerary so perhaps your current agent is better than you are imagining. We think this cruise is ” Likely” to operate and it remains heavily booked. In fact, Singapore, and Thailand to a lesser degree, have been praised for handling Covid-19 rather quickly and rather well. Singapore will be used as a case study of what “to do” in future situations that are similar.  We can now identify certain procedural changes you are likely to notice soon after boarding. To begin with, if you are age 70 or above, you will need a “Doctor’s Certificate” to be permitted to travel aboard Crystal ships. Capacity on Crystal’s tour motorcoaches will be limited to “half capacity”, something we think all cruise lines should implement. Expect that all “self-service” buffets, including the often “incredible” upper deck evening buffets to be completely eliminated. One of the ways that guests will be able to identify those cruise lines most concerned with guest health is how quickly buffet dining is eliminated as an option. 

    Q –  Our cruise on Holland America was just canceled and we are now thinking about sailing on a smaller ship with fewer than 1,000 guests. We wonder if they are really better able to avoid virus outbreaks? They cost more so we wonder if anyone can certify that they have better cleaning procedures in place? We work with an agent here in Brookline but are wondering what you are advising your clients booked on Princess and Holland America. They seem to have most of the problems and they are owned by Carnival so we wonder if this is a company to avoid since they may be headed for financial trouble based on some of the cruise boards we’ve been reading. Appreciate the straight talk on this site. It is extremely helpful. 

    A – In the interest of time, allow us to respond using bullet points as you have posed several good questions:

    • The statistical evidence that smaller, more upscale (keyword) ships are safer from this type of virus is found in the fact that not a single one of the Top Ten-Rated cruise lines have had any major issues with Covid-19. All of the ships where the virus spread were larger, multi-thousand passenger ships. These top-rated ships carry far fewer guests, a more upscale demographic, provide much more on-board space per guest, and a significantly higher crew to passenger ratio which makes for better cleaning procedures. That said, the virus can strike anywhere because it is not being produced on cruise ships – it is being brought aboard by infected passengers. So screening procedures are critical. 
    • We are not advising our clients booked on Holland America or Princess because we limit our services to the world’s top ten lines. When you say “they have most of the problems” be careful about accuracy. They certainly have the most negative “impressions” from the media. But in virtually all cases, Covid-19 was brought aboard the ships unknowingly by visitors who picked it up in China or Europe. Don’t think that the virus was produced or “manufactured” on-board. 
    • Carnival is, so far, keeping most of its ships in what is called “Hot Lay-Up.” This means that ships are operating, while tied up, with a complete deck and engine crew on standby and a fairly large hotel crew largely doing maintenance, deep-drill cleaning, and some serious renovation along with cosmetic touches. It has been estimated that Hot Lay-Up could cost Carnival somewhere around $2.5 Million per month per ship. They have nine brands worldwide and just over 100 ships. We are less worried about Carnival than some other, smaller brands in the industry. They have secured the short-term cash infusion they need and they have said publicly that they do not feel that they need government subsidies. 
    • “Based on some of the cruise boards we’ve been reading”  – Be careful here as the majority of what you are reading is written by people who have no connection to the industry and are not in a position to speak personally to top-level executives about issues related to future planning, itinerary changes, and crew and air deployment matters. Usually, professionals in the industry laugh a good deal at what appears online as “cruise critiques”. But in this situation, where we are experiencing a true pandemic, amateur commentary and misguided opinions can be harmful in the extreme.

    Q – We have a river cruise on Viking along the Danube booked for the last week in June. Is there any indication, at this stage, as to when the cruise will operate? Any odds so we have an idea of what to do?

    A – Riverboats, as a rule,  lose money if they are under 70% occupancy. This is particularly true of Viking which depends for much of its income on on-board spend generated by full ships. Our current estimate is that any sailing during the last month in June has about a 40% chance of operating. But that is really an estimate as so much depends on the lines gaining authorization from the small ports along the way to, once again, disgorge passengers ashore while the line operates a full schedule of shore excursions. This is still iffy and we believe that there will be major disruptions and cancellations to cruising schedules in Europe lasting through much of the summer. Keep in close contact with your travel consultant for updates. 

    Q – It is now late March and we have a tour scheduled to Italy the third week in June. That is less than 90 days away. Shouldn’t we know by now if Tauck is going to operate this tour or cancel? We can’t see how it can possibly operate given the lockdowns in large cities in Italy. Friends are in the same situation with their early June Silversea cruise to Russia and Scandinavia. What is going on here? Why won’t our consultants or these companies tell us if we can travel or not? It seems as though the travel industry is in a state of confusion with no one able to make a decision about anything.

    A – We fully understand how you would feel that way. And you’re not alone. The key here is understanding the logistics of managing the movement of a tour group or a ship, staffing, guarantees from ports and hotels as well as airport officials that entry will not be hampered. This is the most challenging human chess game ever played and there is no precedent for most of what is now taking place. Every executive of every cruise line, hotel chain, and tour operator is in constant meetings trying to get specifics, commitments, and alternative plans from overseas offices and contacts.

    Stock prices have tanked, as you know, and a few of these companies are planning for their guests while also trying to figure out how to assure their own survival.

    No one in the industry knows when Covid-19 will be under control. Dr. Fauci does not know and our political leaders certainly don’t know. The planning in the tourism sector seems to be based on good news and improvement, with medical applications, being introduced this summer or early fall. Most don’t think the crisis will run into 2021 – but some do.

    For now, it is important for all guests to understand that logistically it is important for all of these travel companies to work on imminent programs first and then work backwards in terms of planning, operations, and guest policies. Almost no company we know is making decisions much beyond April or early May given the several scenarios that can occur. For that reason, tough as it may seem, patience is going to be necessary for a little while longer.

    Q – We are booked on a cruise to the Greek Island in September on Seabourn. We are taking your advice to wait until Seabourn announces the cruise will proceed or that they are cancelling, in which case we would expect a more generous offer than if we cancel now. But if that happens, what about the air we did on our own and the insurance we did through Travelex?

    A – The air cancellation penalties would be up to the airline and you would need to contact them directly. Most are allowing cancellation but a lot depends on whether or not you booked a refundable or non-refundable fare The airline’s “Contract of Carriage”, the fine print you agreed to when you purchased your ticket, gives them great leeway to handle cancellation as they see fit in this kind of emergency.

    Travelex is excellent insurance and you may be eligible for a clause that allows you to move your policy over to a re-booking next year or later this year.

    You are doing the right thing by waiting. It is always best to have the cruise line cancel a sailing instead of jumping the gun and exposing yourself to stated cancellation policies.

    Q – Why doesn’t Princess Cruises, along with some of the other large cruise lines, defend itself against all of the anti-cruise stuff we’re reading? We couldn’t believe the Bill Maher rant on his HBO show last week calling for the end of the cruise industry an d saying that cruise ships are “floating petri dishes”. Why doesn’t the industry fight back and, with your online voice, why aren’t you all more aggressive in fighting he anti-cruising stereotypes. We’ve been on 27 cruises and we’ll keep going as long as they let us. The people who got infected can be traced to passengers who had originally spent time in Wuhan, China. What are you telling people about cruising at this moment – are you telling people they should not be cruising? Is a hotel room any cleaner or safer? Is a bus filled with tourists any better? Is a church filled with parishioners and/or tourists any better for your health prospects?

    A – There are about seventeen good questions in there – although some of those require medical expertise that we don’t have. So, let us respond to you with just a few observations:

    • The challenges of keeping a cruise ship illness-free are more difficult when you are caring for 3,00 guests that when you have fewer than 700 guests. Not one of the world’s top-ten rated cruise lines has had any reports of a Covid-19 Outbreak. That is the story that is underreported.
    • The Diamond Princess was on the wrong itinerary at the wrong time. The ship was in Asia with a heavier-than-usual contingent of guests who live in China or who were traveling in China and/or Japan.
    • The ratio of medical staff to guests is significantly better on a smaller, upscale cruise line. The medical services are more personalized.
    • Your analogy of a hotel room to a cabin aboard a hotel that manager to float from place to place is a good one. Mass market cruise lines have a proportion of inside, windowless accommodations. On the top-tier lines, the vast majority of staterooms have balconies with doors that open allowing fresh air into the cabin. We think this is important in terms of good cruise health.
    • The “petri dish” comments we are hearing are generally stated in anger and unfair. Is a movie theater, a mega-church, a grocery store, or a school a “petri dish”?
    • The crew to guest ratios on cruise ships are significantly higher than they are in hotels. Cleaning of public areas on the top tier lines is constant and generally exceeds CDC guidelines. It really all boils down to the boarding process and the level of testing for the virus passengers must experience. All of the lines have learned valuable lessons in this regard.
    • Tours, like cruise ships, serve a variety of demographics. Now, more than ever, we think that choosing tour “brands” is important to maximize the chances that proper precautions are being taken during touring and in accommodations used throughout the route. Some would argue that keeping your cruise stateroom clean is an easier task than micro-managing the cleaning of six or seven hotel rooms and a dozen or more restaurant settings along your tour route.
    • Princess Cruises has taken one of the hardest PR hits of our time. The Diamond Princess story will be repeated in Graduate School Marketing classes for the rest of our lives. At this point, Princess needs to avoid the urge to “fight back”. Much of their financial story will rest on the outcome of this summer’s Alaska and Europe Season. And those are, at present, unknown.

    Q –  We have a cruise planned to Iceland later this coming summer. The sailing will be aboard the Ponant line. We know they have canceled several of their itineraries including sailings in and out of Japan. Is it likely this August trip will operate? We are traveling with another couple and they are depending on us for information and we are not getting any specifics back from the line. We have no agent – is there someone else we should be speaking to? And is it true that there is no Coronavirus in Iceland?

    A – Your situation is one of self-imposed ignorance. You are telling us that you made a conscious decision to pay the travel agent commission to Ponant without receiving the kind of knowledgeable advice that payment should represent. But that’s OK – let us try to help you.

    Coronavirus has come to Iceland but there are no serious cases thus far and the country has had time to make medical preparations should the situation worsen. A woman in her forties was diagnosed this week with the COVID-19 virus in Reykjavik, Iceland. Currently quarantined in her own home, she arrived in the country on an Icelandair flight from Munich, but had been skiing in northern Italy. This is the third Icelander, as this is written, to be diagnosed with the virus.

    According to the health coordination center, a man in his fifties was the second who was reported to have the virus. The prognosis for both people looks fine, but they show typical symptoms for the disease. Everyone who has been diagnosed with the virus resides in the capital area, but about 300 people are now quarantined in their homes in the capital. Most of Iceland is remote so it would be difficult to the disease to spread as it has in urban centers around the world.

    It is very hard to know if your trip will operate as some medical experts seem to feel that we will have a good handle on testing and treatment within the next three to four months. (This is written on March 23, 2020) Speaking to commission-based sales people in a cruise line res center is not going to get you the best information. Ponant is a particularly difficult company to finesse because decisions about ships deployments are currently being made by an executive board based at the company headquarters in Marseilles, France.

    Q – Currently booked to Antarctica in December of this year. Do you see any reason why we might consider cancelling at this time? We are in our mid-sixties and I am a hiker. My wife has had lung cancer but is a survivor. Doc seems to feel trip is OK – going with National Geographic. They keep telling us that the trip will operate. We do have cancellation insurance. Most interested in your opinion regarding the likelihood that this trip will be operating.

    A – Everyone who is currently living in Antarctica is enjoying a form of “No Choice Isolation” within small groups. Before boarding your ship, we expect you will be fully screened for the virus. But December is a long way off and no one can give you definitive information. We think you were wise to consult with your doctor before this trip. Antarctica is one of several places that have not had any Covid-19 reports. We would go and we would bring our children with one important caveat:  We would want to know precisely what our air arrangements were going to be and we would want a sense that flights would still be operating. Given the likely routing, that is not at all certain. Have your travel consultant provide periodic updates on the air situation beginning three months prior to your scheduled departure.  

    Q – We are booked with Viking River on an August river and land program that is supposed to include the Oberammergau Passion Play. Will it be operating? We’ve heard nothing.

    A – It will not be operating. The Passion Play is being re-scheduled for the summer of 2022. Viking is currently working on adjusting all of their Passion Play inclusive itineraries on both land and in conjunction with their river boat departures. This can be a lengthy process. You need to discuss your situation with your travel agency to make a determine if canceling now or waiting is your best option. What you do will also depend on who arranged the air and what cancellation penalties might be associated with your booking.

    If you made your booking with directly with Viking and paid the travel agency commission anyway, we can only wish you good luck. Our suggestion is to communicate with the Customer Service Desk in writing. You should have it all straightened out by the time the Play actually is staged.

    Q –  If we had planned on going on an escorted tour operating in April and it was cancelled because of the Coronavirus, would the tour operator we were going with be responsible for reimbursing us for our air costs? We’re flying Delta in Business so the costs are close to $9,000.

    A – Unless your air is part of the canceled tour operator package, it is highly likely that you will be responsible for all cancelation fees.

    Q – We notice in answering these questions that there seems to be a fair amount of equivocation. I feel like I want specifics. Our situation is that we are about to cancel a September cruise round-trip from Barcelona. We have no interest in visiting Spain now that the Virus has hit them hard. But our travel agent says they have not yet canceled the sailing. So how do we get information? They wouldn’t talk to us when we called Oceania.

    A – We are getting many questions related to the lack of available information. This is, of course, an unprecedented event for which no airline, hotel, cruise line or tour operator could be fully prepared. The most important thing for you to understand about the process is that the cruise lines are working each sailing in order. Right now in Europe, for example, policies have been formulated for most sailing in the next 60 days. Beyond that, lots of decision-making and discussion will be based on the most up-to-date information. The truth is that most cruise lines in March or April will not know what they will be doing this summer. A number of ships will likely just be drydocked.

    Strategize with your travel consultant to see whether or not it would be wise to wait for Oceania to cancel your sailing or if you should just pull the plug now. We do not see summer European schedules operating normally. Nothing impactful on the spread of the virus will happen that quickly. As to why they won’t speak to you – it is protocol in the industry for suppliers not to talk directly to guests who are being counseled by an approved travel professional.

    Q – We just exercised an option to cancel a Crystal cruise. We have been given a full credit and we are re-booked on the same itinerary next year. But we can’t seem to get any paperwork from anyone, Crystal or our TA, showing that the original payment has been moved over. As a CPA, I kind of like to have a paper trial about large expenditures. I lover in Manhattan, am I being too aggressive?

    A – In this case – perhaps yes. The travel suppliers have not programmed their software to handle the level of changes the company is handling. Accounting is likely overworked and short-staffed given the current needs to re-book large portions of the exisiting bookings on record. Pricing and credits, along with air and pre/post-cruise arrangements have to be factored in. This is, to put it mildly a CPA’s worst accounting nightmare. Refunds and adjustments will take two to three weeks longer than usual. We’re sure you can understand this.

    Q – Let’s suppose I am booked on a cruise or tour to Italy this fall and the Center for Disease Control advises that Americans not travel there, am I automatically entitled to my money back from the tour operator or cruise line? I am actually booked on a cruise and am curious as to how the rules on this work.

    A – There is no law that requires a cruise line or a tour operator to give you either a full refund or a future travel credit. This is covered in the supplier’s “fine print” and is usually known as the cruise line “Agreement”. Anything offered to guests is legally considered an “Act of Goodwill”.

    Q – I have been on a total of 29 cruises and I am planning on going on many more. So you can imagine how I felt when the government of the United States started advising citizens to “avoid cruises”. What is the real reason they are doing this? I can’t figure it out. Can’t they just avoid the riskier ports?

    A – It will be interesting to see how the ad agencies for the major cruise lines deal with the ultimate public relations nightmare. This will be studied in Marketing classes at universities for many years to come. The issue on the ships is less about the departure ports than it is the idea that large numbers of passengers and crew are gathered under the roof of one hotel that has the unusual ability to float. This virus loves gatherings of people. The ships in the news are all “High Density” vessels. There are mathematical formulations for every ship measuring the amount of public space per guest. Just imagine, you are walking around a typical Carnival cruise ship. And everywhere you walk there is an imaginary box of space that belongs to you. On a mega-liner, that box might have about 20 square feet in it. If, on the other hand, you are on a low-density five-star line, that box could have up to 50 sq. ft. in it. So the amount of close contact varies widely and the consumer press doesn’t really understand this. 

    Q –   The safest plan for our “paid in Full” visit to Scotland in October is to take out some cancel for any reason policy. Which is the policy you most highly recommend?

    A – It doesn’t exist. You are far too late to attempt to take out a Cancel for Any Reason policy. And if you still could, you would undoubtedly go through a period of “buyer’s regret” when you realized that it was not going to cover the entirety of your visit. Most of these policies only return 50-75% of your total cost at a premium designed for the foolhardy.

    Q –  We booked an Azamara Cruise directly through the cruise line and our friends booked through a local travel agent. I noticed they got the same offer we did so what was the point of their paying for the agent?

    A – Good logic – until it isn’t. Yes, the buy-off, cancel offers would likely be the same in keeping with stated policy. But your friends should not have been charged a penny to use a professional agent and they now have an advocate for issues related to your new booking as well as the possibility of consortium group amenities. But if you enjoy being charged for services you are not receiving, such as the agent commission built into the price of every cruise, have at it. But these are extraordinary times in the travel industry and it might be wise to have someone who can contact executives at the line on your behalf in your corner.

    Q – Would you advise us to continue on a trip we have planned for Spain in two months? We will be visiting Barcelona and areas along the Spanish coast including the island of Ibiza? We are in our early forties, in good health, and we love clubbing and dancing.

    A – Well Spain is, as of this writing, in health lockdown mode. They are emulating the Italian model only more quickly. You might want to ask your physician if this trip is a good idea. Whether or not we would recommend it would have a great deal to do with your health profile, how you are flying, where you will be staying, and the types of activities you will be planning. If you are looking for a city that is packed in season and is a prime example of tourism overload, you could not find a better destination than Barcelona. If you are going to Ibiza for its nightlife, and we are guessing that you are, we would want to ask why you seem so anxious to be surrounded by international travelers in close proximity, who may be carrying more than a social disease.

    Q –  We are headed to Cape Town in the next two months for a long-awaited safari. We are going to both South Africa and Botswana. No one will convince us not to go – but you can have at it if you want. Our one question is wearing masks on the flight. We are having trouble finding them. Is this a necessity?

    A – If you are in good health and your doctor approves, we think that, currently, southern Africa makes sense as a destination. But watch this carefully. We trust you are flying in Business or First on that long route. If you’re not, change your seating to the front of the plane. Masks are not necessary unless you are a health care worker. In certain societies, such as Japan, wearing a mask is a kind of awareness fashion statement. But excessive hand-washing is still the way to go. Be safe and please make certain your physician has signed off on this trip.

    Q – We are watching the news, seeing these cruise ships described as “petri dishes” and wondering how any of the passengers can put up with prison-like conditions as they are locked inside their staterooms. We have a cruise booked on a Holland America cruise ship called the Koningdam. They are a more upscale line than Princess but as this will be our first cruise we are hesitant. The cruise goes to Mexico on October 3rd. We are less worried about the ports than the passengers. Any advice would be appreciated. I think we may be overthinking this one. Our travel agent keeps telling my wife not to worry.

    A – Holland America Line and Princess are both cruise lines owned by the Carnival Corporation. Holland America’s ships, on average, carry fewer guests than a Princess ship. Your ship is the largest in the Holland America fleet at 2,605 Guests. Add to that, another 1,000 or so crew members, and you have a floating city of about 3600 folks. Many things will change between now and your departure date so it is hard to give you specific advice. But we are concerned about the size of the crowd. For now, we think consumers ought to limit their cruise options to any ship with fewer than 1000 guests. This will generally place you in a higher category of ship but we think that is exactly what you want to do. You want to be surrounded by fewer folks and a group with higher-than-average medical care, the kind of fellow-travelers who would be more likely to seek out competent medical attention if they had any symptoms of the virus. Sounds snobby but in this kind of crisis, we’ll risk it.

    Q – We have a nice trip planned this September to Costa Rica. If the tour operator we have booked decides to cancel the departure are we automatically entitled to a full cash refund?

    A – That is a bit more complicated question than it might seem. The air part of your trip would have to be refunded in cash as part of the airline’s “Contract of Carriage”. But that is the airlines. In fact, tour companies, resorts, and cruise lines are bound by their “Terms & Conditions”. Those Terms usually allow Future Credits to be offered instead of actual cash refunds. It is perfectly legal.

    Q – We are booked on the Regent Seven Seas Voyager to Europe in September. I have been told that if I cancel within 30 days of my departure date, Regent will give me back a full refund in the form of a future credit that I can use in either 2021 or even 2022. This is part of something called the Regent Reassurance Program. Two questions: Will the refund/credit include the air I booked and what will happen to my insurance premium if I cancel?

    A – Understand that any policy you or we reference may have changed, expired, or simply been thrown out if the implementation is proving impractical. Cruise line executives are in constant meetings, computer systems have not been programmed to handle the changes, and reservations staff internally as well as cruise sellers can barely keep up with the changes. So – that having been said, you must be paid in full to take advantage of this offer and you will automatically be placed in 100% Cancellation mode. So no cash refund of any kind. But you will get the 100% future credit and it will apply to both Regent’s air and insurance programs. If you booked your own air and purchased your insurance elsewhere, those costs will not be covered by the Reassurance Program.

    Q – From a travel industry standpoint, which destinations in the world seem strong right now compared to the complete slowdown of travel to Asia? Where are our neighbors headed on vacation? Any trends?

    A – Well you’ll find some of your neighbors waiting in lines at Wal-Mart for toilet paper, any kind of anything that says “Anti-bacterial” on the packaging, and cushions designed to help you slide under your bed in fetal hiding position. But most of your neighbors are still traveling. Travel agents are reporting upticks in travel closer to home such as Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Spain and Portugal are seeing growth and travel to Africa remains strong. Cruises on American Rivers are selling out as are smaller, French barges and riverboats in Europe.

    Q – Is there anything that we are not being told in terms of what we should be taking with us during our travels abroad or even in the US?

    A – We don’t know what you don’t know. But we’ll mention a pocket pen. Us it to press elevator buttons and to press keys on a banking screen. Avoid signing with your finger at supermarket check-out. Carry a thick handkerchief and use it to grip stairs or door handles. Use a clean one each day. Carry a supply of bacterial wipes in a plastic baggie in the car. Do not go to China to play ping-pong this month.

    Q – We are scheduled to go on a Regent Seven Seas cruise to Scandinavia and Russia in August. As a former hospital administrator, I have confidence that the Scandinavian countries will handle this outbreak considerably better than we will, sadly, in our own country. So my wife and I have no fear of going and we are really looking forward to the journey. I do wonder, however, if Chinese passport holders seeking to get away will be allowed to book and travel on our cruise. That could be a bit of a concern.

    Q – Effective on February 20, 2020 Regent has relaxed its previous policy prohibiting guests holding a Chinese Passport from boarding its ships. This is in reaction to new, stringent immigration, customs, and health screening protocols and regulations in place around the world. This also applies to holders of Hong Kong and Macau Passports.

    Q – This Corona virus is coming at a really bad time for our family. My sister is marrying a lovely gentleman from Buenos Aires in two months. We are all flying down for several days to attend. The immediate question involves our air arrangements which we must finalize this weekend. It looks like we can fly First Class for an additional $1900 per person. We’re all in pretty good shape, including both my parents who will be joining us. Any advice?

    A – Definitely for your folks. We are recommending the front of the plane for anyone over sixty on international flights. You can decide, after speaking with your physician, if you want to spend the money for the rest of the family. If you bought Apple stock five years ago, fly upfront. And do investigate what private jet might cost if there are more than five of you traveling. You might be surprised.

    Q – We are booked on a Tauck Escorted Tour to the Canadian Rockies in mid -June. This Corona thing is making us nervous and we are thinking about canceling. We did pay Tauck a deposit and we have their insurance. How will a cancellation work and will we get all of our money back?

    A – Final payment for your tour has been pushed back to 30 days prior to departure. Any guest who cancels after making final payment will have ALL cancel fees (including GPP/CPP premium) issued back to them in the form of a travel credit to be used on any 2020-2021 Tauck journey. Airline change fees will not be covered for guests who voluntarily cancel.

    Q – Are there really differences between the cruise lines in terms of this virus epidemic or are they all pretty much the same? So far, all I am hearing about is Princess. Do they all share the same cleaning and sanitary guidelines?

    A – Actually no. While all manner of media attention has been focused on the Diamond and the Grand Princess, the fact is that, as of this date, we have seen no reported instances of any virus-related emergency on any of the world’s top ten ranked cruise lines. The mass-market lines, of which Princess is one, can provide a lovely non-inclusive cruise experience. Nothing wrong with pay as you go. The difference is not so much where the ship is headed but how crowded she is as she sails. Thousands of people on a giant liner are more susceptible to picking up a transmittable virus than those same people would be on something smaller, more intimate, with a significantly higher crew-passenger ratio. Of course, the issue with the headline garnering Princess ships has a lot to do with the timing and the fact that there were guests aboard who were connected to the virus during travels in China. That situation is now being addressed carefully on all ships.

    Q –  I am scheduled to depart Denver in September and will be flying, through Frankfurt, on to Munich and Zurich for an extended vacation. How do I know if my flights are canceled and what my alternatives are? I am flying Lufthansa but I don’t know if the flights will operate. I booked the air directly with Lufthansa and they say the flights have not been canceled. Can I believe them? Will they protect me on other flights if they cancel?

    A – You should go to the Lufthansa web site and make certain that your e-mail and cell numbers are listed in the appropriate profile boxes. Currently, and for the next month, Lufthansa is planning on canceling up to 50% of its scheduled flights, mostly within Europe. It is, quite frankly too early to work on this. Reconfirm your flights two weeks prior to departure. You can believe what they are telling you but do not assume that an LU reservation staff member knows what top-level operations execs are planning. Research your flight options and make sure that you have a second and third back-up itinerary ready to utilize.


  • Q – We have had two excellent experiences on both a seven-night round-trip Papeete cruise on the Paul Gauguin as well as a magnificent sailing of almost two weeks that included both Fiji and the Cook Islands.We loved this type of cruising – totally laid back with no formal nights, and sand in our sandals during the day on pristine beaches or snorkeling in beautiful, see-through water. And the inclusive price was not bad – they even flew us free to Tahiti from LA. But – what next? How do we find something similar with the same level of food and service on new itineraries in this part of the world? Bottom line – we want something to look forward to and the ritzy sleek ships at the top of the ratings don’t float our boat. A – We may have some good news for you requiring a bit of patience. The Paul Gauguin, a one-ship wonder of a company, was recently sold to the French-owned luxury yacht operator “Ponant”. Very shortly after the ink had dried, Ponant announced that it is building two new 230-Guest luxury expedition ships for the Paul Gauguin brand. The ships are being built by the highly-regarded Italian shipbuilder, Fincantieri. This is estimated to be a $330 Million deal and we hear there is an option for a third vessel. Delivery of the first of the new twins is anticipated in late 2022. You may be able to book your passage on one of these new beauties as early as January 2021. The ships will operate on partial battery power allowing them to sail in environmentally sensitive areas without harmful emissions. This type of ship can open up some marvelous new cruising grounds in the South Pacific. 

    Keep those Speedos dry. Your time is coming.

  • Q – What is the percentage of men wearing tuxedoes during formal nights? My husband is totally opposed to the idea of cruising on a ship that is formal but he will only at top tier resorts and hotels.A – It depends – but the answer is not many unless you are doing an Atlantic Crossing in Queen’s Grill accommodations on one of the Cunard Transatlantic liners. Silversea and Seabourn, as well as Crystal, have formal nights. Sea Dream, Viking, Oceania, and Regent have none at all.The “My Husband Won’t Go on Any Ship Where He has to Dress Up” question is still the one most frequently asked on our cruisetruth site. And our answer has not changed much. “If your husband doesn’t want to wear a tux at sea or a business suit – embrace him and let him know that he is normal and that his feelings will be respected.” But sometimes we get a different version of this question as in “My husband refuses to bring a sports jacket on a cruise ship. What would be the best line for us?” Our response is always “Take him on a Greyhound Bus or an Amtrak Train”.But that is not a complete answer to your question: On those lines that do have formal nights on a sailing of two weeks or longer, you will find anywhere from 30-50% of the men in formal wear. Many luxury cruise ship guests own a tux and want to wear it and many like the elegance and tradition of dressing up once or twice for dinner. But the bottom line is that tastes are changing and even those lines that have formal nights are now offering alternative dining venues where casual dress is still the rule. This is what we recommend for any of the world’s top ten cruise lines:For one-week sailings, men should bring blazer, some open collar shirts, and slacks to wear in the evening. For longer sailings, two sports jackets are recommended. Women should not bring gowns on cruise ships and blazer pantsuit combinations are always in style.


  • Q – Can we get last-minute insurance when we are booked on a Caribbean cruise but notice, one week out, that a storm will come through our planned itinerary? What is the best way to select insurance and why do you always recommend Travelex?A – You might find a sleaze insurance outfit that will insure you at the last moment but expecting coverage one week later for an “Act of God” produced storm is not at all realistic. The best way to select insurance is to have an advisor you trust about something that important. We recommend Travelex for one simple reason – our $26 Billion Group sells more travel insurance than almost any worldwide entity. We examine all of the leading travel insurers looking at financial stability, the manner in which claims are handled, and, most importantly, the ability to reach human beings who will treat each of our insured guests in a caring, professional manner. Travelex comes out on top. 
  • Q – We received your list of the cruise line’s planned new ship construction through 2025. The financial commitment, is just amazing, $478 Million for the Regent Splendor and twice that cost for a new Celebrity ship. We are wondering, with all this new tonnage coming along, which ship or ships have you the most excited in terms of vessels you will be most highly recommending to your clients?A – That is a tough choice, but we would have to say the new Crystal Endeavor Expedition Yacht as well as Sea Dream’s new ship The Innovation.The Crystal Endeavor, the world’s first purpose-built polar class mega-yacht is going to take expedition cruising to the next level with limitless possibilities for exploration in the Arctic, Antarctic and tropical regions. The ultramodern Crystal Endeavor is equipped with offshore dynamic positioning technology which automatically maintains the ship’s position using her own propellers and thrusters in order to avoid damage to underwater terrain and coral reefs. As a pioneer in ultimate luxury cruising, Crystal Cruises has once again surpassed other luxury cruise lines with Crystal Endeavor’s guest suites ranging from 400 to 3,928 square feet. She will be launched next year and will carry only 200 guests.
  • Image result for bad tap water on cruise shipsQ – Can we drink the tap water on a luxury cruise ship?A – Never. A good rule to follow is to never drink anything from a sink tap when traveling – including drinks mixed with tap water. There are Red Star countries, such as Russia, where water quality is known to contain serious contaminants. Airline water comes from toxic water storage tanks. The quality of hotel tap water depends on its location. New York City tap water, mostly from upstate, tests higher in quality than the vast majority of bottled waters. So when it comes to ships and planes – never – but in the case of hotels, you have to factor in the location. 
  • Q – My wife and I are both academics and I will be retiring next May. We are planning a two to three-week European cruise on one of the lines you recommend, hopefully utilizing your services. We have started collecting brochures and we go online, from time to time when we can stand the nonsense. Wondering who you might recommend in terms of a well-educated guest profile so that dinner conversation can be a highlight rather than something we have to endure. You mentioned somewhere on your site that one of the new ships will have an on-board tattoo parlor. That is definitely not the level of sophistication we are seeking.  Thanks so much for all the untainted information.A – We have actually prepared and published a “Sophistication Index” of the various top-tier lines. This is, of course, extremely subjective and no one can predict if the motorcycle gang bowling league has a group aboard. Here are our current Sophistication Rankings related to income and education:# 1 – Silversea# 2 – Seabourn# 3 – Cunard (Queen’s Grill and Up)

    # 4 – Hapag-Lloyd

    # 5 – Ponant


  • Q – I have just started on the Keto diet, avoiding all fruits, breads, pastas, desserts etc. But I can eat foods that have no carbs like cheese, salami, meat, poultry, vegetables and fish. Will the ship’s chefs on Ponant or Windstar design menus for me that eliminate carbs? I don’t think I will go if they won’t. A – They will be able to accommodate your diet, rather easily, on both lines but they will not custom design menus for you. This is a health issue and, as an adult, you will need to know what foods on the menu you can and cannot order. Your waiters will be aware of your need to avoid carbs but one must not assume that “carbs” translates easily into another language. The crew aboard Ponant is French and they may not easily understand your dietary needs. In France, those who avoid carbs are usually exiled to England. . We think you will be able to stick to your diet without any issues as long as you take the responsibility for plate selection. You certainly can make choices regarding preparation. Have a good time and may we suggest that you bring a small tin of breath mints. 
  • Q – From everything we’ve read, the new Ritz Carlton Yachts are going to be the top ships sailing. We are thinking of booking the Inaugural sailing but we note that they are not mentioned in your reviews or the Cruisetruth Best in Class Awards. Have they offended you or is there something wrong with this product that we might have missed?A – We fully expect that Ritz Carlton Yachts will place high on our list of the world’s top ten cruise lines. But running Marriott has little in commo9n with creating a small ship luxury brand. We have this really strange policy of waiting until a ship actually sails before reviewing it. And even then, we want to do several inspections over a six-month period as bugs involving crewing and training, in-port programs, and the ship’s supply system are fine-tuned and improved. We are also hopeful that sailing the ship, guests will be able to avoid hearing “It Will be my Pleasure” more than a dozen times.
  • Q –  We are planning our first luxury cruise in Europe next summer. We like to research our vacations but finding the right cruise line was really challenging until we came across this site. Then, yesterday, we received the November Awards Issue from Conde Nast Traveler with whom, we believe, you have some sort of relationship. In the Ratings from Conde Nast we were surprised that Viking was rated above Regent and again in a list of smaller ships, Windstar was rated above Regent. This is in direct conflict with the ratings on your site where you have Viking and Windstar near the bottom. Our inclination is to trust you based on all of the great information you provide but  we wonder why your rankings are so different that the rankings in the same magazine that has been recommending your services for year.  Trust others may be confused by this “disconnect”.A –  Many are confused. You are correct. People in the industry who have been studying, selling, and writing about these competing products for decades, have a clear idea as to which brands are best in terms of overall quality. We know what they spend on crew, on food, how inclusive their pricing tends to be, the size and structure of their staterooms, just how creative their itineraries are, and their level of customer service when something goes wrong. We also know that they vary in terms of safety issues and the demographics of typical guests.  But then along come the annual awards from a host of consumer travel magazines and all rankings seem to be up for grabs.The Conde Nast Ratings are called the “Reader’s Choice Awards”. They are not compiled by a knowledgeable team of industry editors – they are simply a tabulation of the opinions expressed by the magazine’s readership. This is a practice that has been adapted by virtually every consumer travel publication. Readers like to feel included – they appreciate the opportunity to vote for their favorites. But the results of all of these polls is a collection of meaningless data. Many lines contact their past guests and ask them to vote. We have no idea about how qualified voters are – how many of the available lines have they actually sailed. In fact, there is no way to prove they have ever sailed at all. They have no means of comparison. Viking Cruises and Windstar are two lines we are looking at closely. They are excellent lower-cost options to the ranks of top-tier cruise lines. Viking’s ships are new, sleek Scandinavian minimalist beauties. They will get lots of votes in a Reader’s Choice poll because their sister line dominates the river cruise segment and there is lots of brand loyalty. But neither Viking or Windstar is all-inclusive. Many services included on the better lines are not included in the fare and, quite frankly, the ships carry a different clientele. Finally, you say that we list Viking and Windstar “near the bottom” in our ratings. They are on a very select list of the world’s best cruise lines. True that more luxurious, all inclusive, products rank above them; but they are still in a very select group that does not include the three lines that represent the vast majority of cruise bookings in the United States.

    We launched  because we were frustrated by the consumer’s inability to find professional, untainted evaluations of the world’s top ten cruise lines. We think that reader polls do a major disservice to travelers seeking objective cruise information.

    Finally, we have been named to the list of “The World’s Best Travel Specialists” by the Editors of Conde Nast Traveler. since 1999.  We have no business relationship with the  publication and we do not pay to be included on the list. 

  • Q – I am an amateur architect, model builder, and avid reader of Scientific American. The construction of these new cruise ships has me really intrigued but I am curious about a starting point to learn more about the process. I am not expecting a lot of details but was wondering if someone on your staff could give me an overview so I have a feel for how to approach this subject. By the way, I’m 16 years old. A – Shocking as it may seem, we do not employ any engineers with shipbuilding expertise eon our staff. We do, however, have someone who makes a decent Osso Buco. As you are the first reader under the age of 70 to correspond with us, we feel an obligation to respond as best we can. But this will be very general:The ship is really a giant tube and so cutting holes through the tube while you are building can be risky. That is one of the major challenges faced by a team of perhaps 15-30 nautical architects working on any single project. How do you cut the tube without weakening the superstructure?Some architects liken the ship-building process to constructing a spider web that starts in the hull section and comes up through the ship’s beams. But every third or fourth web has to be supported by a huge piece of steel.Ships are, of course, built on land and then transferred to the water. But, strange as it seems, this usually requires that separate sections of the ship are actually built upside down. This allows the workers to weld downward instead of lying down with their backs toward the ground. Finally, the entire ship is pulled out of the dry dock where it is flipped over. The ship sits within gates and once construction reaches a certain point, the gates are opened, water enters, and the ship begins to float. At this point in the process, mistakes are rather easily noted. Hope this little bit helps. Thank you for reading our site.
  • Q – Just when I had it all figured out and convinced our dear friends from grad school to join us, I read in the Financial Times yesterday that my first-ever, carefully selected, cruise line, Silversea, has been sold to Royal Caribbean. As Royal does not appear in the rankings of the top ten cruise lines on this site, we are extremely concerned about the possible impact of this purchase. Will Silversea ships be equipped with ferris wheels or go-kart tracks? We are prepared to cancel if that is your recommendation. We did book with Silversea so not sure we’d get a straight answer from them. I wish they had told us about this before we booked.A – Royal Caribbean paid $1 Billion for a 66% share of Silversea. This was a mutually beneficial strategic move with the purchase of enhancing Silversea’s growth int he luxury segment, particularly in the fast-growing expedition cruise market. No shipboard or management changes are going to take place anytime soon. Silversea has an experienced management team in place with two new luxury ships on order and a solid position as one of the very top luxury lines in the world. You should have zero concerns. The only direct result guests will see will likely involve an accelerated schedule of on-board upgrades and some new-build announcements. Silversea now has the financial backing to achieve a great many of its goals. There were things it could not achieve as a privately-held, family-owned business. Now, Royal Caribbean will have the funding to make some of Silversea’s luxury market dreams come true. As we mention in our announcement of this purchase in our Silversea review, RCCL paid the same price for all of Silversea that it would pay (about $1 Billion) to build one of its mega-liners. So this is seen as industry experts as a likely win-win. There is precedent for this sort of purchase. Carnival owns Seabourn and Norwegian Cruise line owns Regent Seven Seas, The lass market lines want to be in the five-star game so their guests can progress through the company to more deluxe and higher yield products. Our suggestion is that you all sleep soundly secure in the knowledge that Silversea has a lot more money in the cash register than it had one week ago. This purchase is a reason to book Silversea – not a reason to cancel.
  • Q – We love the San Juan round-trip itinerary announced by Sea Dream for next year. It also seems like a fantastic price given that the line is so highly-rated. We are concerned about, what others have described” as a “tired look” to the ships in terms of bedding and carpeting. We are in our late sixties, have sailed Royal Caribbean, and were wondering what you think of Sea Dream for us. In some ways it seems almost too good to be true in terms of size and what they are charging. A – The truth is that we don;t know enough about you to render an accurate judgement. We would want you to fill out our cruise Profile and then follow-up with a discussion to determine if this is the best option for you. We can tell you that two cruise lines could not be more different than the one you have sailed and the one you are anticipating sailing. We spend a good deal of time qualifying guests who are considering Sea Dream. We would want to know how comfortable you would be in contemporary but smallish staterooms and a ship with only 100 guests when it sails full, The ships are not new. But they are regularly upgraded by their Norwegian owners. They will not win any design awards given their steady but boring contours. But the on-board service, the food, and the feeling that you are on your own private yacht, makes Sea Dream a viable option for those seeking a really excellent small ship experience.. We think of Sea Dream as a small ship but you have to imagine that their twins carry fewer guests than even the smaller size riverboats in Europe. Those who have owned their own yachts or who have friends who do are prime candidates for the Sea Dream experience. If you own a carpet store you may have some quality/design issues with the flooring in Sea Dream’s public space. But, given the excellent itineraries these ships are able to sail given their size, it is more likely you will be looking out rather than down. There are no bedding issues at all based on our latest CSI inspections.Sea Dream tends to raise the price as a sailing gets closer. Their introductory fares are often, we would agree, extremely competitive with inclusive ships carrying five or six times as many guests. Sea Dream is  among the one or two best values in contemporary small-ship cruising. We can tell you that the line has a significantly higher repeat guest statistic than many other of the top-tier lines.  
  • Q – My brother-in-law books his cruises online with Expedia and feels he gets a pretty good deal. Of course he felt that way when he paid about $2,000 over blue book for the Corvette he bought last year. I’ve got an agent in Dearborn (Michigan) I’ve been booking with for the past sixteen years. So my question is this: He got a quote for a cruise I had booked the day before. But he claims he is getting his cruise for $300 less than my agent’s invoice. Any suggestions as to what I should do? I’m not as cheap as he is but still, $600 is real money. No way I would trust booking online or giving them my credit card. So any advice would be appreciated.A – It really is not complicated. The chances are good that the “deal” is not authentic. Have Mr. Brother-in-Law get you a copy of the quote in writing. Seeing it on a web site means absolutely nothing. It must be presented to him in writing.Turn it over to your travel agent and she should be able to get the cruise line to match it. In this scenario, it sometimes happens that the pricing is legitimate because the online agency has formed a group and there may be group pricing benefits. But your travel agent will know how to protect you at the same rates. The better cruise lines do all possible to see to it that agents sell on a level playing field. The cruise line will not want to disappoint your agent and lose her support for $300. Your agent, by the way, will not have to go to a lot of work to get this done for you. Every agency has an assigned sales manager from each cruise line. That person will usually own the pricing dispute until it is settled.
  • Q – We are fairly new to cruising and just came upon your site. Wondering if there is a best time to do an Alaska cruise in terms of weather, sightseeing, and calm waters? A – Alaska is an extremely profitable destination compared to other parts of the world where ships can be based. For this reason, the season has been extended to include May and September. But it is true that weather in the Gulf of Alaska does vary from month-to-month and you could be subject to a rough ride and rain showers if you go on the edge of the season. We would suggest you consider July 1st through September 5th as prime, prime season. When it comes to Alaska, you always want to book by date rather than by price. 
  • Q – We are extremely fond of this site, or at least we were, until we discovered that you are ignoring one of the biggest news stories of the year, the disaster of a cruise on the Norwegian Line that saw a two-week cruise ruined by on-going construction. It seems that you only cover the good news and just don’t print anything that would reflect negatively on the industry. If you are going to be “truthful” you have to cover the truth that might not look good for those who sell and manage these cruises from hell. My husband and I are really interested in why you ignore these really upsetting stories about these ships and the awful experiences so many of their passengers seem to have. It is all over the news – but it is not on “cruisetruth”. A –  Some of the cruise executives who read our site would be surprised to hear that we don’t print negative reviews or commentary. But understand, we are not a news site. We have not previously addressed the NCL Sun situation because this is a Q&A section and you are the first to ask us about it. We are a site totally devoted to providing objective information to the world’s top-ten rated cruise lines. Shocking as it may be, these behemoths sailing with a few thousand guests who expect a luxury experience for under $200 a day, are not even close to being ranked among the top ten – or top fifteen. That would include NCL, Carnival, MSC, and Royal Caribbean. If you want coverage of the issues with those lines you may want to visit, a compendium of problems at sea operated by an attorney who often represents clients in lawsuits against the offending lines. Or, you may want to read the “boards” and the self-appointed “critics” who populate them. This is not that. We had no clients on the NCL cruise. We do not sell NCL. It is a mass market cruise line and, like all of its multi-thousand passenger bloated sisters, guests are booking at the lowest possible pricing and then being asked to pay for almost everything aboard. The economic model for these low-cost mega-ships is all about getting the unsuspecting to pay significantly more once they are aboard the ship than they paid for the cruise itself.That said – it seems clear that communication with the agents who booked their clients on this March 16th cruise was either non-existent or totally dishonest. Who was advised that large construction crews would be working from the day the ship sailed out of Miami. Why did no one at NCL imagine that passengers traveling with their children might be furious about construction debris and dust swirling about them for two weeks? It is easy to say “you get what you pay for.” And some travel industry folks will smirk and quietly say that privately. But that is not at all the case.Once they know what they are getting for their money, NCL guests have been generally happy with their cruise experience. There is no way they could have anticipated the kind of at-sea debacle they experienced. They received a full credit for a future cruise on NCL, meaning NCL did not return any of the revenue they made on this sailing. What should have happened was that top executives should have flown to meet the ship when it arrived in Los Angeles. They should have had full refund checks or cash in their possession to hand out on the pier to guests leaving the ship. They should have also included a gift certificate for a free cruise of the guest’s choosing. That didn’t happen. Now it will be in the courts for years.It is important to note that NCL also owns both Oceania and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. The publicly-traded company controls 8% of the total cruise market berths.  

    It is a fact that some of the same folks who once traveled via Greyhound bus are now taking cruises. There are lines that cater to budget travelers. Cuts have to be made in many areas to turn a profit on these ships. It should not surprise anyone that this did not occur on one of the “real” five-star lines such as the ones profiled on this site. There are thousands of web sites that deal with mass market products and treat them as though they are luxury brands. We started cruisetruth to set the record straight. The very best cruise lines generally have the smallest advertising budgets. The public has been grossly misinformed and this “luxury cruise” “construction at sea” incident is just the latest example.

  • Q –  We came to your site purely by accident, or shall we say luck. We were searching Bing for some information that might help us plan our first cruise and we happened to insert the word “truth” into our search, since so much of what we had been reading was marketing manure. So here we are, with one specific question. We can afford to sail any cruise line I suppose. But my sense is that I should not start what could easily turn into a retirement of several cruises a year, at the very top of the cruise plateau. We don’t really drink that much and we can manage our own gratuities. We are looking for your guidance in breaking down our search for a European cruise, our first, into the two best “not everything included” lines that still have lovely ships, a sense of chic, and some decent to very good food. But most of all, we want to go above the mass market shopping centers that float and settle into a really good cruise line that is somewhere between the big ships with families, and the luxury ships that cater to the most sophisticated people. We know you will name names so we will thank you in advance. We are mid-fifties, I am a pediatric dentist, and my wife is a claims adjuster. We’re never been to Europe but intend to go often in the years ahead. We’d love to do this first cruise vacation in the $10,000 range for both of us not including airfare. Possible? Thanks so much. A – Thank you Doctor and may we suggest that you really have a sound approach to this. We think one of the better “Tweens” is definitely going to meet your needs. You will be able to do a ten-twelve night cruise within your budget as long as you are aware that the “Tweens” are set up to maximize on-board spending in the same way as their larger, more tee-shirted sailing relatives.Look at Viking Cruises and Oceania. Each offers excellent value. Oceania has food that rivals the 5-Star lines while Viking’s ships are all new-builds with a real sense of modern Scandinavian style. Viking tends to avoid days and gives you more time in port, although other lines are starting to jump on that particular bandwagon. We don’t know too many people who go to Europe so they can sit in a lounge during a day at sea. There are people like that, but they are all from certain locations in England. When you read the online self-appointed critic sites and the glossy travel magazines, they will all have fanciful names for the segment of the industry occupied by Viking and Oceania. But they are, at heart, Tween products that are destination oriented and casual in dress while still offering the kind of overall cruise experience one might aspire to have their first time out.  They are also, in our opinion, the two best current overall value lines in the industry. Really hope this helps.
  • Q – I am a financial analyst and I just saw a column indicating that Disney Cruise Line will be adding three-new 2,500 ships tot heir fleet. This could give the company more than a million guests annually according to the report. The ships are all going to be LNG types and I am wondering just what that means and is it a good thing. I have only taken one cruise with my partner but we are already addicted and becoming more and more interested in the industry. Love your site and the attitude that comes with it. Wish you would talk more about financials and how these various cruise lines operate a profit – and which ones don;t. A – LNG-fueled ships are vessels powered by a new, as yet untested, in our opinion, propulsion system using Liqued Natural Gas. The first major ships using this brand-new technology will be the AIDAova and the Costa Smeralda. Cruise ships once used heavy oil as their major source of fuel. In the early sixties, ships were built that could use either the heavy oil, which was becoming very expensive, or diesel oil. LNG technology was designed to save money on fuel but also to put new ships in the position of being able to pass increasingly rigid environmental standards. Disney is joined by Carnival, MSC, and Royal Caribbean, among others, with announcements of new Liquid Gas-powered ship construction.There are some skeptics who are concerned about the security implications of ships resting atop huge tanks of liquid gas. What would happen, for instance, if a rocket were to hit one of those tanks? The first ship to call on ports using the new technology will be the AIDAnova sailing the Canary Islands this December. It looks as though the industry, led by the Myer-Werf yard in Germany, has hedged its bets on this new technology. Many cruise executives will be watching the new ship-building announcements closely to see, if like Disney, the new technology will be fully embraced.As to your suggestion that we talk more about financials – not sure we’re qualified to do that. We try to include financial information that is important for the consumer to understand but we do not employ people with the financial industry background necessary to provide detailed analysis of the subject. You might find a publication called “Cruise Industry News” of benefit in that regard.
  • Q – We will be departing for Asia in two weeks. We’ve just received our final documents and we spent the weekend reviewing them carefully. Everything checks out but we are really upset to see that our overnight call in Bangkok on the Regent Mariner puts us almost two hours away from the city. No one at Regent reservations discussed this with us. Had we known, we would have booked the extra-cost overnight in Bangkok sold by Regent. When we called, they referred us to the fine print instead of offering any kind of refund or credit. It seems to us that we are being “parked” way out of the city and then being offered, at the last minute, an overnight package at a very high cost.  Last night, I started reading some of the cruise boards and I discover that the port Regent is using can be two hours away from Bangkok’s center meaning four hours of bus rides each of the two days – eight hours on a bus. Had we known this we never would have booked this cruise as my wife gets sick on buses. Anything we can/should do at this point and wish you would advise your readers about this scam.A –  This is not a scam. It is a decision by the Thai Port Authority to not allow passenger ships above a certain size to dock at Klong Toey, the pier within the city. Currently, only smaller ships, generally under 600 guests, are given authority to use this facility. Azamara, Oceania, Seabourn, Silversea, Ponant, and Windstar have been authorized to use Klong Toey. The vast majority of larger ships, including all of those of the mass market lines are assigned berths at Laem Chabang, a port about two hours away from Bangkok in an industrial area. Regent’s documents make it clear that you will be docking at Laem Chabang and their pre-documents clearly indicate the offering of an overnight in Bangkok on your specific itinerary. This should have been discussed with your professional cruise consultant. Your special VIP Pre-Document Package would have outlined  this. But you never received that package because you booked directly with the line, speaking to a commission-based representative in a call center. Your call – your problem.You could have gone online to review your sailing months ago. You could have decided this trip was important enough and even complicated enough to warrant the involvement of a professional on a totally complimentary basis. You didn’t do that and now we see little recourse. But we still want to help you – if we can. Immediately draft a letter to Regent’s Customer Service department. See of they can still book you on the overnight in Bangkok – and don’t worry about the cost -it is well worth it. Get it to them via e-mail tonight. See if the person you worked with in the call center will provide  pricing from  for private sightseeing with a driver leaving from the pier. That will keep you off buses. If you don’t get anyone sympathetic to your handling of this  on the phone, end the call, have a decaf, and call back. You are trusting people on the phone to look out for your best interests. When it comes to travel, you just can’t assume they will. By the way, you are on an excellent itinerary, so you made at least one very important decision correctly. 
  • Q – We are seriously thinking about taking our first cruise to Europe to see the Fjords on a Viking Cruise. Their ads look great but the one thing we can’t quite determine is who actually sails the line. They are rather new so we can’t quite determine if we will be sharing the ship with a lot of overseas guests, families etc?  We’re about nervous about this and wonder if there is any advice or information you might provide? Our travel agent does more Las Vegas and Hawaii than cruises so she has not been able to provide a lot of information.  A – Given your agent’s expertise, we don’t think you should travel at all until they open a full-blown casino resort on the Big Island with Carrot Top headlining.. We always try to be supportive of travel agents here – but let us suggest that for something as expensive as a European cruise, you might want to search out a genuine cruise specialist. You really don’t want a podiatrist doing your open-heart surgery. Viking tends to attract Americans over the age of fifty who are more interested in time in port than in late-night partying and days at sea. There is relatively little marketing of the product overseas. The line does not accept children under the age of eighteen so this is never going to be a family cruise line. Dress is always “casual”, one shore excursion is included each day, and wine and beer are offered at meals. We think that Viking Cruises new ships are drop-dead gorgeous if you are into modern and somewhat minimalist Scandinavian design. Viking Cruises is hitting on all cylinders when it comes to a cruise product that is attractive to a wide-base of older Americans looking for good value and a real sense of style at sea. Be prepared for extra charges aboard and for anything like a decent shore excursion.,This line has some of the big boys worried – and they are on an ambitious building program. As competitors have learned on Europe’s rivers, their CEO is a gambler and he likes to win. We would book this line with confidence if you have ruled out the five-star, all-inclusive, smaller ships. 
  • Q –  We have just returned from a Crystal cruise in the Caribbean. It was our first experience with Crystal and we loved the experience – feeling they offer more in the way of entertainment, food, and shore excursion options than the smaller ships they compete with. Our only other experiences have been aboard Windstar (3 times) and Celebrity. We’ve enjoyed all of our cruises but it all came together on Crystal. We were so impressed with staff and our fellow passengers that we went to the on-board travel agent and booked a Baltic Cruise for the summer of next year. We got the full discounts and an additional incentive for booking on the ship of $400. If we keep using Crystal, is there any reason to book with an agent back home since everything seems to have been handled on the ship by their agent?A –  We’re not sure if you booked your original cruise directly or through a travel agent or consultant (two very different things). We do think it makes sense to book future cruises aboard the ship you are sailing because that, almost always, results in some inducement to book. The standard you should look for is between 5-10% after all other discounts for which you qualify are offered. But understand that, no matter what they call themselves, on-board booking agents are nothing more than commissioned sales people for the line whose income is largely based on the amount of future stuff they sell on-board. They are not capable of fulfilling most of the responsibilities of a good agent yet they will still charge you the travel agent commission as if you were using one back home. If, on the other hand, you booked your original cruise with a consultant back home, no worries at all. Crystal, and any other line, will automatically notify the agent who made your booking and all of your paperwork/invoice will be forwarded to them. So you get the benefits of the on-board booking discount plus the counseling and personalized oversight of your agent. On-board booking incentives can also be combined with consortium benefits offered by your agent – so it is a win-win. But onbly book on-board oif you know exactly what you want. If you aren’t sure, most lines will allow you to make a deposit which will get you the on-board incentive, without the need to pick a specific sailing. That should be thoroughly discussed with a consultant back home who knows you and who really has your back. 
  • Q –  We are planning early for a Christmas Cruise for about ten days. Our agent has highly recommended the Oceania Serena 10-Night Holiday cruise which includes Cuba. The ship seems smaller than what we’ve sailed, which is what we want, and the fact that we can easily drive to Miami for the round-trip sailing makes it really attractive. We’re less concerned with cost than we are the quality of the program and our overall cultural experience. Always wanted to visit Cuba. Wondering if you think this is one we should book? (We’re in our 70’s and have done three previous cruises – all on Celebrity)A –  We would have reservations regarding the advice to proceed with reservations on this sailing. If you want to experience Cuba, one day in Havana sandwiched between Key West and Honduras may be disappointing. This is really a seven-night cruise with two days at sea and a half-day on a private Bahamian island. We think there are better options. We suggest you keep looking. Have your agent give you a few more itineraries including, perhaps, Sea Dream and Windstar. And if you really want to look at an inclusive Cuba cruise, look at Ponant’s immersive itineraries. 
  • Q – Having sailed once on NCL with almost five thousand new friends sporting tee-shirts and tats (and that could be for dinner), we had decided that mega-ship vacations, how great their value, are not for us. But now, we have our hearts set on the South Pacific. We are looking at your reviews of the Gauguin and we think this is right for us. We’d love the water platform, the all-inclusive aspects, and, of course, the itinerary. But we’ve been burned once on the water and we can’t decide between the seven-night “Tahiti & Society Islands” itinerary or the 11-night Cook Islands & Society Islands program. Our gut is that we should get back into cruising with a one week before considering something longer. Are we on the right track in our thinking on this?A – Probably not. First of all, you’ve got an eight hour plus flight from Los Angeles. That is a long way to travel for a week. The 11-day is the better of the itineraries by a fairly wide margin. The Society Islands are, in our opinion, one island with luxury accommodations (Bora Bora) and a number of sister islands where there has been minimal luxury development and infrastructure improvements. We think you will find The Cook Islands to be the highlight of your entire vacation. You will go out by boat to incredibly clear waters where you can snorkel and even walk across the water on a narrow sand bar out to a private, uninhabited island. It is the ultimate South Pacific introduction. As we have said elsewhere, the biggest mistake made by new cruisers is the “test” itinerary which is shorter than it ought to be. The only reason to do any seven-night cruise is if work requirements or family issues require a shorter vacation. There is also the issue of value – many of the same costs, including air, are built into both a seven-night and ten or eleven-night sailing. The air program is still built into the fare. As a result, the eleven-night program is the better value.
  • Q  – Thank you for the opportunity to ask a question involving our 40th Wedding Anniversary and, potentially, our first cruise. We have twice traveled with Tauck Tours and everything folks say about them seems to be true. But now, we are looking at several programs Tauck is doing in Europe that are using Ponant ships for a cruise and tour combination. It sounds ideal but we don’t know Ponant, are they in business for a long time and what kind of track record do they have? I imagine Tauck would not use them if they were not good but would appreciate any reassurances before we make this decision. Very few people seem to know this line and any insights would be truly appreciated. A – You are about to make a wonderful decision. And, yes, Ponant Yacht Cruises and Expeditions is not a well-known company but is it one of our personal favorites.  Tauck has partnered with Ponant since 1993 and their collaboration has created some of the fastest selling series of tour programs in the world. Ponant has five yachts and will be introducing four more in the next 24 months. There are expansion plans beyond 2020. The company is owned by the French Luxury brand company Artemis and the line has a new partnership with famed Chef Alain Ducasse. One of the things that Ponant is doing, which runs counter to cruise industry trends, is reducing the number of guests each yacht holds from 260 guests to only 184. They are doing this without reducing the size of their new vessels. Ponant is inclusive and sleek. The crew is mostly French and we love the fact that there are actual French chefs on-board. Decor tends toward the modern, minimalist with sharp lines. These truly are large yachts. They are also true expedition vessels so among the 81 countries the line visits Antarctica, Greenland and the Arctic, and Europe are among their most popular programs. We do not mean to sound gushy – that is not why people come to Cruisetruth. But the fact is that this is a relatively unknown luxury small ship company with an outstanding product and steady, well-funded leadership. The non-Tauck partnered programs will feature a higher percentage of European guests. The Tauck programs enable hassle-free sightseeing with full Tauck staffing and tour quality in some fascinating parts of the world. The biggest problem with the Tauck-Ponant itineraries in that they often sell out as much as a year in advance. Book immediately and don’t ask questions is our advice. This one is that good. Sorry again for the gush. For a moment there, we were concerned we were starting to read like those other sites that have never seen a ship they have not liked. 
  • Q – We have taken more than a dozen lines, including the ones you might rate the worst to the best. As we get older we are leaning far more to the best because, when all is said and done, what no one ever says in a brochure is “the passengers on a five-star line are better educated, more accomplished, and, therefore, more interesting. And, it seems to us that the more expensive lines discount the most. I enjoy your site(s) a great deal and they have educated us and our travel agent I would guess. But there is one big question I need to really have you-all address. When is the absolute best time to book one of the top ten lines. The internet has all kinds of conflicting advise. I’m a cruise gunslinger looking for the best value and I am confused as to when the best time to pull the trigger might be. A – Dear Gunslinger: There is a short answer and a longer one. We’ll give you both lest you shoot us for an inadequate  response. You should book your cruise whenever you have decided to take the trip. That’s the best advice we can offer. Here’s why: The so-called “Contemporary” or mass market mega-ships are constantly changing their deals and base pricing. They may have promotions for residents of certain states or upgrade offers. With several thousand guests they can usually find a place to put you on an upgrade offer. The idea is to get you aboard at any cost, even if they lose a bit of money, because once they get you on-board they will have you in an a-la-carte spending environment where you will likely be forced to spend more than you paid for your cabin. Most importantly, the larger, mass market ships do not feel any obligation to honor their pricing.The top-tier cruise, such as those in the Top Ten, do not and cannot operate this way. Their ships are smaller, much smaller and word of a last-minute deal would spread quickly. On the five-star lines, guests who book earliest, say the first 30-40% of the ship tend to get the best rates and most lines will their pricing in the event of a later price decline. That is the big difference. No one on a deluxe line who is booked in a suite wants to hear that someone got a better price because they waited until the last moment. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, pricing is controlled by computer programs designed to favor those who book earliest with the highest fees paid by those who wait until the last minute. Not luxury line wants to lower prices close in and then have to go back to every booked guest and their agent to re-invoice a lower price invoice and lower their overall profit. So – if you are booking a mass market ship – always watch your price changes. If you are booking one of the top all-inclusive small ship lines, book as soon as you have made up your mind for the best stateroom selection and, more often than not, the best pricing. 
  • Q – It has been about ten years since we’ve sailed the Cunard Line in Queen’s Grill accommodations. Now, dear friends are wondering if we might join them in Europe on the Silversea Muse. It appears to be a nice ship but we are concerned about continental cuisine overload. It seems like a lovely line but we can a small ship really have choices of dining options that might appeal to the culinary curious.?A – You are going to be fine. The Muse is the largest ship in Silversea’s fleet and carries just under 600 guests. She has a fair reputation of providing several eclectic dining choices including gourmet fare, a sushi bar and a pizza stall just above the swimming pool. Technically, there are eight dining venues if one includes luncheon spots. Many guests comment about the variety of dining on this ship as  positive feature. If you want fewer than 600 guests and an unusually high proportion of dining choices, we think you could not do much better than the Muse. 
  • Q –  We are, I would say, professional foodies who read restaurant reviews from all over the world in bed each evening. We’ve been to just about half of the Michelin multi-starred restaurants in the United States and we are “Top Chef” addicts. So, imagine our delight to find that Thomas Keller is now affiliated with Seabourn and he will have a Grill on every Seabourn ship. Here’s the thing – if we go on our first cruise we’d want to dine at Keller’s restaurant every night of the cruise. Can you folks make that happen or can you put us in touch with someone who can?A – You will be conformed for one or two nights at Thomas Keller’s restaurant aboard your Seabourn ship. The reservations may be requested in advance after you have made deposit. Based on your level of accommodations, you may be able to secure a second reservation. The maitre’d may be able to accommodate you aboard ship if there are no-shows. But no one at Seabourn is going to deny other guests the opportunity to dine at Thomas Keller’s on-board restaurant because you decided to want a table every night of your cruise. It just isn’t going to happen unless you manage to somehow marry into Keller’s family – and we’re not at all certain that would work. So, you will need to look forward to dining at the restaurant just once or twice while playing nicely with the other kinds aboard ship who will also want their turn. Even Oprah couldn’t get you seated each night of your cruise. 
  • Q – We are starting our search for a long-delayed cruise in the area of the Adriatic. I have some concerns about choosing a stateroom with a bathtub. I really dislike the entire concept of showering, sticking my hair under the nozzle just doesn’t suit me. Will I be able to request or even confirm a stateroom with a bathtub on one of the better lines listed in the Top Ten on your site?A – In designing ships the issue of tubs versus showers is a serious concern. Many older Americans prefer the bat while European guests seem to prefer a shower with a hand-held nozzle for getting at their unmentionables. Large portions of the world actually look at fixed shower heads as unsanitary. Meanwhile, many affluent cruise travelers like nothing better than having their butler turn down the bed and fixing them a warm bath accompanied, usually, by sprinkled rose petals and an opened bottle of champagne iced and waiting. All of which is to say that, yes, on most of the ships constructed within the last several years you will have your choice, a combination bath and shower, or, increasingly, a separate bath and shower in your bathroom. In order to help you along a bit, you will likely have both in your stateroom on Hapag-Lloyd, with choices and dual units on Seabourn, Silversea, and Regent Seven Seas. Some of the older ships with fewer than 200 guests such as Windstar and Sea Dream Yacht Club normally offer shower-only. On the newer Oceania ships, the Riviera and the Marina, Penthouse staterooms have a significantly larger bathroom than staterooms in categories below. Speak this over with your consultant. You should be able to get exactly what you want. We’ll talk about how you wash your hair in a bathtub some other time.
  • Q – Like everyone else, I love the better things in life but I also like to feel that I am getting the best  deal. Yesterday, I called Silversea and they said that they had 14 cabins still available ion the three categories we would want with a veranda. But we did not commit because we don;t know the procedure to take advantage of the pricing for last-minute cabins that they can;t sell. What is the trick and is there an agency that really specializes in this sort of thing. I see online come-ons for lots of them that say that they specialize in last-minute but when I would call it sounded a bit shady. What is the best strategy. I want to be smart about this thing. A – You are falling for the oldest travel agency trick. “Oh my – what are we going to do with all of our leftover cabins? Oh, we know, we’ll give them to you for less because you waited until the last minute.”  One large agency places fake news stories all over the internet claiming to offer special deals on last-minute space. They are insulting your intelligence. Here is what you need to know:01 – Any travel firm that claims to have last-minute exclusive deals is clearly lying. The industry just doesn’t work like that. Why would any sane person book a cruise months sometimes more than a year in advance to pay more? 02 – The fact is that cruise lines tend to regard those who book the first 25% of the ship with the best early-booking offers. Those who book later often pay more. The highest rates we see in the industry are those charged to guests who book their cruise between the time when final payment is collected and the actual sailing date. 03 – More than 90% of the cruises sold by Silversea and other top-tier cruise lines are booked by travel agents. No reputable travel agent would book a line that gave one agency different pricing than all of the other agencies that are top sellers of the brand. It just doesn’t happen. If it ever did happen it would become big industry news and large segments of the travel agent community would likely boycott the brand. 

    04 – The consumer assumes that filling last-minute cabins is difficult and that the cruise lines agonize about selling every single bed. They don;t. On many more exotic itineraries, the lines do not want to operate at full capacity fearing this could diminish service. There are always waiting lists for travel consultants, travel writers, and stockholders who the line would like to accommodate on-board. Every cruise line sales manager has dozens of potential sellers of their product they would love to have experience their product. Filling cabins is quite easy. 

    05 – Finally, the last-minute deals are almost always phony because no quality cruise line is willing to go back to all of the guests who were already booked to inform them that “despite your faith in us and the fact that you booked eight months ago and gave us your deposit money, we’re now going to punish you for doing so by giving some folks who waited until a week before sailing to book the same space you are holding at far less.” Cruise line executives are not idiots. They will never intentionally anger their best clients. 

    Our firm sells and represents every one of the top ten cruise brands in the world. Every one of them practices pricing integrity. All of the top agencies receive exactly the same price. But the online call center boiler room operatives keep telling the consumer otherwise. You say you want to be “smart about this” so we would advise you to book 8-10 months in advance next time you travel on the ocean or the rivers. 

  • Q –   The news that Ritz Carlton is launching a lux cruise line is leading us toward the conclusion that we will wait a year or two to take our first cruise. The preliminary information has been helpful bur we are concerned about the A-La-Carte restaurant on-board, the likely venue where we would dine most nights. Will this dining room be substantially better than existing top-rated lines  like Crystal and Silversea? It looks like we will have to wait until 2019 or 2020 – do you think the wait is wise. We certainly can afford top suites on any of the current lines and we do vacation at least once each year. Does delay make sense?A – No one can tell you about the quality of the food aboard an, as yet, unborn new cruise line. What we can tell you is that Sven Elverfield of Aqua, the restaurant in the Ritz Carlton in Wolfsburg, Germany will be the head chef. All you need to know about Sven is that his current restaurant has achieved three-star status, something that is rather difficult to do within a hotel setting. So we think your truffles and fois gras will be in good hands. Thew decision as to whether or not you should wait requires some further discussion. Feel free to give us a call. Our general response is that, unless you have something wonderful planned for 2018, you might want to consider cruising with one of the Ritz Carlton at-sea competitors such as Sea Dream, Silverseas, Regent, or Seabourn.  You might also want to look at a larger ship like Crystal with more amenities and options. Crystal would enable you to make some important comparisons between a mid-size luxury cruise ship and the smaller Ritz yachts. It might be nice to board the Ritz with some sort of personal benchmark.  
  • Q – I greatly appreciate the tone of this site but my question is a bit more broad-based than many you deal with. I am involved in the investment market in England and was wondering how your team might respond to an inquiry regarding the growth potential of the cruise market (worldwide). Will new ships continue to be built and will they be profitable? Wondering what the cost of an average berth is, for instance, on a Carnival ship versus the new Ritz Carlton ships? Would appreciate any information you care to share in written form.A –  The first part of your question is a bit beyond our expertise. Despite that, we would be willing to fake it and prepare a lovely written report for you for a substantial consulting fee. As to the remainder of your inquiry: We know, for an absolute fact, that the cruise industry will be growing to the tune of more than $50 billion in new ship orders taking us through 2025. Seatrade UMB in the UK is currently forecasting the construction of 84 new ships under contract with many more to come. Carnival’s per berth construction cost is estimated at between $200 and $225 thousand dollars per bed. The Ritz Carlton new ships will carry 298 guests at an estimated per berth cost of $705,000.Carnival’s new ship scheduled for delivery in 2020 is slated to accommodate 5,200 guests. This gives you a sense of the economies of scale within the industry achieved by more tonnage and more berths generating income. If these construction costs sound high, remember that they are “per berth” or per lower bed passenger so you have to double the figure to get the cost to construct each cabin. All other shipbuilding costs including public space is included when computing the per berth cost. Cruise ships of any size are an expensive risk investment and one of the key components is the ability of the product to generate on-board purchases that equal or exceed the actual cost to book a cruise. The all-inclusive, smaller ship luxury lines do not have that cost offset with few “extras” available for purchase on-board. Hope this little bit is helpful. In the years to come, we will be trying to incorporate more of the financial side of the industry into our coverage as it seems to be a topic of broad interest. 
  • Q – Enjoying your information and humor. Wondering if you might advise if one of the better cruise lines is offering a Crossword Puzzle cruise. I am an aficionado  of the sport and would greatly enjoy a cruise that focused on this subject. We like to stretch our minds when we travel and there seem to be very few opportunities. We subscribe to the New York Times pretty much exclusively for the Crossword page. Thanks and hope you will do more for those readers who appreciate an intellectual challenge or two along the way.A – The best of the cruises for Crossword fanatics is always offered by Cunard. There is a “Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Puzzles” on a Queen Mary 2 sailing this December 8th from New York to Southampton. It is being referred to as “The Crossword Crossing.” This program is offered as one in a series of New York Times branded packages. Although you are late for this year’s sailing, it is expected to be repeated in the future. Several Times Crossword pages editors will be on-board including famed, some might say notoriously difficult, puzzle master Will Shortz. It has been our experience that foul language is most often expressed by crossword fans in the middle of a Shortz puzzle. Shocking really. Crossings, with their days at sea, or longer voyages with a number of days at sea tend to have the best,most intellectually grounded lectures. Expect to hear little discussion of Proust over dinner on a one-week Caribbean jaunt.
  • Q – We are looking at several options including the Viking Sky in Europe next summer. After spending countless hours searching for some really helpful information we were led to your site. We are really glad we found you but we can’t figure out why Viking Cruises does not appear at all in your ratings, leading us to assume that, for whatever reason, they do not merit placement in the “Top Ten”. We would love to know your thoughts about this line and why they are notably absent from your ratings given the awards they have won, most recently from Travel + Leisure and Cruise Critic. Given all the advertising they do, we are sure there are others who would like to solve this mystery. A – You have asked an excellent question. It is not anything sinister – it is just that we have been waiting until we have a sufficient amount of  our own, certified, inspection reports to validate placement and a review. We are almost finished with this work and you will shortly see Viking Cruises added to the list of the world’s top ten cruise lineS. We think Viking has an excellent feel for what its core customers want; modern, clean design, some complimentary shore excursions in every port, casual dress, and overnights at the beginning and the end of most itineraries. We also think it represents real value when compared to the five-star inclusive ships. The negatives seem to be that  beverages are only included at meals, only one shore excursion is complimentary, and the ships hold close to 1,000 guests. But, quite frankly, we can address the other side of each of those perceived negatives.Simply adding Viking to the Top Ten List is challenging for several reasons. First, if we place them on the list who do we eliminate? We have to be certain that they offer a better all-around cruise experience than one of the lines currently listed. Our ratings are going to change in the next 24 months for certain. We can assume that The Ritz Carlton cruise line will end up with a superior rating once inspections and our research overseas is completed. What about Virgin Voyages? We would be surprised if they did not merit consideration. Where will Crystal’s new ship products place the line in the ratings? And what of the Cunard liners? If you are in Queen’s Grill Class or above, it would seem that your cruise line is certainly worthy of being included in our list of the World’s Top Ten Rated Cruise Lines.Finally, the ranking given in reader’s polls in a magazine or by self-professed “critics” with no professional background in the industry or means of comparison can’t be taken too seriously. We do try to get it right and sometimes that is not a quick process. Thanks for your question and your understanding and, from what we are seeing to date, you should go ahead with Viking Cruises without hesitation. 
  • Q –  We have been collecting data on various two-week Caribbean itineraries next year on one of the top-rated smaller ships. There has been lots of information on the damage done by Irma, Maria and their friends in the Caribbean but we have not seen any listing of those islands unaffected. We’re new to luxury cruising but this one will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary as well as my wife’s retirement from government service in January. It would enable us to choose an itinerary we like if you might point us in the direction of a list of islands where “a destruction tour” is not part of the program. Don’t mean to be insensitive but you know what we mean. Any help would be appreciated. A – There is a list that we are currently sharing with our clients. Please find it below. We would make one comment and we trust you will take it in the spirit in which it is intended. You are looking at a longer than usual itinerary. There are very few two-week Caribbean itineraries. Consider 10-days or two back-to-back seven-night cruises that visit different islands. That would be ideal and you would have some new people to meet. But while you are spending about two weeks in the islands, please consier visiting one or two of the islands that got hot really badly. They need your support and your spending ashore to recover. They really do. Here is the best list available from Travel Weekly Magazine:The following islands were outside the paths of Irma and Maria and suffered little or no damage from the storms:Aruba Barbados Belize Bonaire The Cayman Islands Curacao Guyana Grenada Haiti Jamaica Martinique Saba St. Eustatius St. Lucia St. Vincent Suriname Trinidad and Tobago    
  • Q – We are scheduled to join friends on the Serenity next April sailing from India to Dubai. We are not as experienced with five-star cruising as our friends so we’ve been doing a great deal of reading. Your site seems to get glowing reviews so we’ve put some stock into what you’ve said. Yesterday, I was re-reading the review of Crystal and it seems that you’ve revised it with the news that the CEO is suddenly departing, that there are a bunch of missed deadlines and changes, that the company has expanded much too fast, and that they are bringing in someone from Disneyworld to fix it. As someone who has run several companies, I can tell you that if half of what you suggest has happened, I am concerned about my upcoming sailing. My biggest concern is why they let their CEO go when she’s the one who had started on this exciting growth path. Is our concern justified?A – It is highly likely that you will be both shocked and delighted with the quality of your upcoming Crystal experience. The line has some of the highest loyalty/repeat stats in the industry. We don’t want to get into corporate intrigue or speculate. So just a few facts:
    • Edie Rodriguez resigned while it is clear that discussions with Tom Wolber did not begin on the day he replaced her. So let’s call it a mutual agreement. 
    • It is true that a number of economic factors have combined to cause some delays in the river boat segment and there have been well-documented delays in terms of Crystal’s 1,000 Guest new-builds. But if you look over at one of our other consumer sites dedicated to river cruising,, you will note that Crystal very quickly launched the overall best product on Europe’s rivers. That, from a company that had no river cruising experience before the launch. To us, this  is a major and rather unexpected accomplishment. Genting, Crystal’s owners, have set out to become the luxury experience brand in the US and around the world. They do not mind spending money to achieve that goal. 
    • Crystal has committed millions into the renovation and update of its two existing  cruise ships. Every single independent ship ratings service rates Crystal at or near the top. We do have some reservations and concerns about the future path of the company  but we certainly think you would have a hard time finding any ship with 1000 guests that has the food, entertainment, and staff training you will find aboard Crystal. When it comes to mid-size ships, they do own the five-star category. Some five-star cruisers, however, associate smaller and more intimate ships with a sense of exclusivity. But that is actually a plus for Crystal because it allows them to occupy the top-tier 1,000 guests,  mid-ship category without without obvious competitors and with more amenities and dining options than its smaller competitors. 
    • Finally, as mentioned in our review, Crystal is on a major expansion trajectory. In Wolber they have found a leader who has the skill set and background to manage new-ship builds, yard coordination with headquarters, and the kind of operations background that a company like Crystal would seem to need badly at this time. We think the Disney background is only a plus. Don’t look for Goofy to be welcoming you aboard the Crystal Serenity anytime soon. 
  • Q – My husband and I are booked on an Eastern Caribbean cruise on Holland America. We are not scheduled to sail until late March but we are wondering what our options might be given the effects on the islands of the hurricanes? Given all the destruction, can we assume that prices will be coming down and how do we apply for those reductions?A – Prices will likely not be coming down. The islands that were hit heaviest are in no position to host cruise passengers. There will be a major realignment of scheduled east coast cruises to new, western itineraries. The Caribbean cruises were already heavily booked for the fourth quarter so we would anticipate that many ships will sail full. You are also going to see fuel increases generated by the destruction of many of the oil refineries on the islands. You should, of course, ask your travel agent about re-pricing once your proposal for your revised itinerary arrives in their office. You may find that HAL has made you an attractive offer to remain booked. You do not need to do anything. Your agent will take care of these details and will re-invoice you with the new pricing after discussing options. By the way, we hope that someone told you that ships in the Caribbean during the last week in March are likely to be sailing with children at maximum capacity. You are traveling during Spring Break Week so don’t trip over the kiddies on the dance floor. 
  • Q –  Down here in Greenville we’re fixing to party. Just retired from Boeing and ready to do one or two cruises a year until I’m ninety. Been following following your information online and reading all I can. We’ve previously done two cruises – both on Norwegian. Our plan is to alternate a cruise on Oceania with a cruise on Sea Dream.  Hear the food on Oceania is something worth experiencing. Sea Dream is totally casual and small. But my question has nothing to do with all that. We want to try to get into the best lounges before our flights. This is important to us and we’re trying to devise a strategy. We like to get tot he airport early and then connect in Atlanta or another large city where we can relax before our long flights. So my real question is who has the best lounges in airports? A – We like your plan. Especially the alternating larger and smaller ships. The Sea Dream fleet is well-maintained but the 100 guest ships are slowly approaching their own retirement years – so experience them as soon as you can. Ordinarily, we would recommend the American Express Centurion Lounges. They are the class leader at the moment and you will find them in Dallas, Houston, New York.San Francisco and Miami. But airlines like Delta and American are really upping their game. Since it is likely you will be using Atlanta more than any other location, we would suggest that you purchase a one day pass at two or three of the clubs and compare before buying into the membership. Also check out “The Club” which operates in 11 US airports on a daily fee basis. Finally, savvy travelers like to use  which makes it easy for flyers to locate and purchase access to more than 300 lounges worldwide. Our team congratulates you on your retirement. 
  • Q – Our neighbor, who literally packs pennies to carry to his bank, keeps telling me I am nuts to be sailing the ships that I love like Windstar and Azamara. He is really happy with the pricing and amenities on Norwegian Cruise line and he told me on Saturday that he had been able to “bid up to a suite”. I didn’t quite get what he was talking about and was wondering if it made any sense to you. Enjoy this site immensely – so thank you for that. A – Your friend is not exaggerating. Norwegian Cruise Line has designed a online auction system that allows booked passengers to bid on cabin upgrades prior to departure, Guests who win the bid process are notified by e-mail, along with their travel agent. The criteria include what the guest originally paid and the types of cabins on any given sailing, Once a bid is accepted, guests can change it again up to 48 hours prior to sailing. This is a way for NCL to maximize use of higher-revenue producing cabins. The guest does not bid on a specific cabin location. Instead, types of suites are described where available. This is the first online cabin bid system used by any major cruise line but it is fairly common for booked guests to be offered upgrade opportunities on light sailings by even the top-tier cruise lines. Most of these upgrade opportunities are rejected when offered as they represent a significant increase versus what the guest originally paid. 
  • Q – We have avoided all cruise lines and have traveled extensively (4-6 months annually) on our own for the past fourteen years. Can you recommend a true, high-quality small cruise line that serves organic food at all meals? The destination is less important to us than the food offerings as we have seen most of where we want to go.A – Until Whole Foods decides to enter the cruise business, we won’t be seeing a cruise line meet the demands of those seeking a 100% Organic diet. Shipping organic food to each port would be a costly logistical nightmare and per diem costs would skyrocket. Research does not support the notion that there are enough people in the organic movement willing to support a costly cruise product. Many restaurants are having difficulty sourcing organic food. Chefs in Paris have complained that they cannot find the amount of organic goods to sustain a menu on a daily basis. Then there is the concern about liability. If you advertise “all organic all the time” and are caught serving food that is not certified, the potential for a lawsuit exists. It sounds to us that you should continue foraging for yourself as you would likely be disappointed by the lack of certified organic products on-board any ship.
  • Q – We really like the approach of this site and we wish you would expand it to include the more popular cruise lines like Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, and Carnival.  Our philosophy is to sail the larger ships because you can take two cruises for what one of the lines you review would cost. But the cruises we’ve taken have been on, what you would call, “mega-ships.” I am wondering why the ships keep getting bigger and bigger. Are there safety issues related to size? Do you think you will ever make your site more popular by including the popular lines? I mean this as a serious question.A –  We take it that way. The safety issues are always being debated in the industry. It does theoretically take longer to evacuate a larger vessel and larger vessels are more prone to bump into things. But the largest lines understand what can happen when CNN is highlighting a cruise ship afloat without power somewhere in the world or a vessel that catches fire. Ships have their own specially-trained safety and security personnel on all ships and most have medical services on-board as well. The ships keep getting bigger and bigger because management wants to offer so-called “signature features” that take up a lot of space. These costs have to be offset by additional passenger cabins. Carnival’s new Vista ship, for example, will feature a top-deck SkyRide as guests pedal around an 800 foot track oval-shaped, while suspended beneath the track in a recumbent bicycle wrapped in an aerodynamic racing hull. There are dual tracks so riders can challenge one another. The newest Royal Caribbean ship, The Harmony of the Seas, has a bit more mass than previous ships which designers will utilize to include “The Perfect Storm” a trio of water slides that will overlook the outdoor garden area known as “Central Park.”  Mega-ships are designed to appeal to families and multiple age demographics. Luxury vessels have little interest in attracting the family market as they find that the presence of young children turns off their older, more reserved clientele. As to making our site more popular by including the “more popular” lines:  No. We are not trying to be popular. There are numerous sites that already cover the lines you mention. We felt there was a lack of honest coverage of the upscale portion of the cruise industry. That is our interest, that is what we sell, and that is the area of our expertise. We just got tired of  all those deal-oriented web sites that play the cruise consumer for a fool.We sincerely appreciate your questions. 
  • Q –  As you might be able to tell, we’re going on our first cruise, a 21-day sailing with Seabourn that will include cruising in portions of the Middle East. If I am going to be trusting my life and that of my wife to a ship’s “pilot”, I would like to know who he is and what his sailing experience in the region might be. So far, my agent has not been able to provide this information. Would you be able to get that information for us? If you think I am being paranoid please let me know.A – You are – but that’s OK. First-timers are allowed to be paranoid. Forget the passengers for a moment – you are going to be sailing on a luxurious $500 million vessel that can get damaged if not driven properly. Just as no airline would knowingly entrust one of its multi-million dollar aircraft to an inexperienced pilot, no cruise line would entrust such a major investment to anything but the best qualified Captain. But in cruising, it actually goes far beyond that. Each of these vessels must be insured. This is a very high stakes venture and insurance costs are, in part, determined by the qualifications of the Captain and the senior staff. The training and experience of the Captain is paramount – skills at cocktail party chatter do not really factor in to these kinds of hiring decisions. Cruise lines do not like to release the names of senior staff too far in advance as assignments and availability often change. But if your agent calls the line about a month prior to your scheduled departure, the name of the Captain and other senior officers is generally available. Have a safe trip – and don’t bother to tip the Captain for safe driving.
  • Q –  We have to tell you that your industry is really confusing. We get all these mailings with all these “deals” and it is impossible to tell which ones are really true deals and which are old, repackaged pricing. We want to book a cruise to the eastern Caribbean this fall. We’ve been on NCL twice and we’re thinking we would do something much nicer, on a smaller line, this time. But when should we book to get the most favorable pricing? No one seems to tell you that. It is not that we are cheap. But like everyone else we like to feel that we’ve gotten the best price available. A – You used a term we really like, “repackaged pricing”. In the majority of cruise ads that is exactly  what you are seeing. It is the same casserole but they’ve renamed it. The answer to your question involves a proper sit down or extended phone call. But fro our readers who might be wondering the same thing it is important to know one general rule: Mass market cruise lines do change their pricing, offer last-minute as well as Early Booking deals, and feel no obligation to pass any new offer on to all previously booked guests. In other words, it is a free market sales economy.The cruise lines that have made our Top Ten list operate in a different sphere. Their cruises operate worldwide and they want to keep their guests happy and loyal. They generally would go back and offer all previously booked and deposited guests any new offers currently being advertised. This is costly for them and sometimes they do not let booked guests know there is a better offer. That is one of the functions of a good consultant – the monitoring of price changes applicable to clients already booked. In other words, guests will not get the new offer unless their agent specifically contacts the cruise line to request it. Let us put it another way – On a four thousand passenger ship it is assumed that some folks paid a different price than you did. On a five-star vessel with several hundred guests it would cause a small insurrection if one of the suite guests discovered over dinner than someone in a similar suite had paid less than they did. The story would travel faster than a Trump tweet. 
  • Q –  Several friends at church are pressuring us to join them on a cruise that would go to Scandinavia. The cruises we have looked at, on Celebrity and Silversea, all seem to include St. Petersburg. I have no interest in giving Putin money at this time so I am looking to see if there is a Baltic Cruise available that avoids stops in Russia. I am sure that a lot of people feel the way that I do. A – Actually, when you spend three days in St. Petersburg it is unlikely you will actually see Putin or face the need to give him money. You will, instead, see a magnificent city filled with historic treasures and you will be free to form your own opinions about what you see and do. But it is easy to avoid going to Russia if you so choose. The problem is the nomenclature. A Baltic Cruise almost always departs and ends in a Scandinavian port with two or three days in St. Petersburg in the middle. This is one of the hottest selling cruise itineraries in the world and the luxury traveler has, as you will see on our database of sailings, a wide variety of cruise line options. Since this is a northern European sailing, the season tends to run from June through the end of September. Given your concerns, we are not sure we should make a recommendation since you might be happiest hiding under your bed until Putin goes away. But we do want you to be happy – so let us point out that you don’t want a Baltic Cruise. What you really want is a Norwegian Fjords itinerary. These sailings do not call on Russia, instead traveling up and down the beautiful coastline of Norway. The sailing season is quite limited to a 90-day window from the beginning of June to the end of August. The scenery on these cruises is magnificent – it is one of our favorite itineraries. The down side is that the major lux lines only offer it once or twice per year so you need to make early reservations. 
  • Q – We are lucky enough to have friends who share our lives and travel – and have for the past 31 years. But just as we are ready to sit down and find the cruise itinerary of our dreams on one of the smaller, more deluxe ships described on this site, our friends have thrown some bugs into the mix. None of us has ever cruised. My girlfriend feels that norovirus on cruise ships is a real issue and she is trying to talk her husband out of going for fear she will be stricken. Our local news channel in Tampa had a short story about this happening on a Miami-based ship and she is freaking out with the possibilities. A – Tell your dear friend she is ignoring the facts. The fact is that norovirus outbreaks are much more common in movie theaters, shopping centers, schools,  and hospitals. We happen to have the figures for 2013 in front of us – 834 cruise passengers were affected out of 10.1 million sailed. That is a percentage of 0.008.  Norovirus does exist on cruise ships but it appears most often on 5,000 passenger floating Petri dishes. Cost is related to cleanliness – unfortunately since the bulk of the American cruise industry involves mega-ship bookings, no one ever talks about this. 
  • Q –  My husband’s 60th is coming up in November and I would love to book a really nice vacation that is, somehow, Apple-related. My husband owns seven or eight current Apple products, loves finding new uses for his stuff, has taken half our savings and invested it in the company, and he reads every book about the company and, of course Steve Jobs. Is there anything like an Apple theme cruise on a quality line like Crystal? Even if is just a collection of nerdy Mac fanatics – he would love it. We can get away for a maximum of three weeks and I really don’t care what it costs since our Apple stock has been so good to us.A – We can’t get him on a cruise with Steve Jobs. Sad to say. But there is a sailing on the 450-Guest Seabourn Quest to Antarctica December 20th, 2017  from Valparaiso that ends in Buenos Aires on January 13th 2018 that might possibly be of interest. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will be on the cruise and The Woz will be delivering several lectures to the guests. This man has to be one of your husband’s heroes so, hopefully this can work out for you. 
  • Q – The latest news out of Trump Tower seems to be that only travel on the people-to-people programs will be allowed in Cuba. We are looking forward to doing a cruise next year where we might see Cuba in-depth. We are Swiss but we live in the States. Looking for a top-tier experience. Flexible as to date. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Should we even do the trip? We’re extremely well traveled so third world issues don’t really throw us so long as we can come home to a comfortable stateroom each evening. A – The travel industry has been digesting and analyzing the new executive orders. It appears that cruise travel and established group tour operators will not really be affected by the new travel restrictions. Those who wish to travel to Cuba independently and unencumbered will find substantial hurdles in their path.As a rule, travel to Cuba via cruise ship is currently highly overrated. The infrastructure ashore is inadequate to handle the crowds and local tours have not been receiving high marks. Many of the buses are not up to the standards travelers from the US might expect. The touring ashore is very much “packaged propaganda”. Guides are not apt to point out problems or to discuss life on the island with any degree of openness. There are, of course, exceptions and people have returned from Cuba cruising with tales of dancing, mingling, and frank discussions. But most don’t.Given all of that, we would recommend that you see if you can still get space on the new Scenic expedition ship, the 228-guest Eclipse. It is going to be a true 5-star beauty with large cabins, on-board submarine, fine dining options, and a 14-Day “Cuba in Depth” itinerary departing October 18th 2018 that is better than any other we’ve seen to date.  
  • Q – Now don’t make fun of us – but my wife and I are birders and our dream has always been to do a Galapagos cruise. We are thinking we can budget about $15,000 per person and given our proclivities toward luxury, we were thinking we would bring our Audemars Piguet on the trip, and do it right on Silverseas. We are looking to book next fall. Can you give us an idea of price?A – We think your budget is fairly accurate. A Veranda Suite on the 100-Guest Silver Galapagos will cost about $10,000 per person for a nice balcony accommodation. That price will include the air between mainland Ecuador and the islands. As long as you are there, we would suggest you consider adding a few pre-cruise days exploring the Andean region with time in Quite and Cotopaxi National Park and the exciting train ride through “Devil’s Nose” (not a reference to Howard Stern) in the Andes. A six-day add-on with a good tour operator will cost you just under $3,000 per person – well worth it.Of course all the luxury you experience on Silversea will not measure up to the feeling of exhilaration as you observe the mating rituals of the blue-footed boobies ashore. It will remind you of some specific segment of the “Housewives of New York” reality series.
  • Q – Last night I read an ad in a travel publication that sounded too good to be true. A 13-day cruise on the Crystal Symphony from Mauritius to Cape Town, South Africa departing this December was listed at a starting price of $3,695! They show the list price, which I realize no one pays, at $9,390. Our agent says she thinks it’s a “good deal”. What do you think?A –  You have found what we like to call a “Real Deal”. Yes, you will have over $1,000 in port fees to be added, and the price does not include some very expensive air, but this still means that you can do this sailing for under $350 per day, far below Crystal’s normal per diems. The price is far better than the normal major discount of two-for-one. We can assume this sailing is wide open. It is likely being discounted to that degree because it would be challenging for anyone booking at this time to find reasonably-priced air into Mauritius and out of Cape Town. But do note – port charges are not included and you are looking at the minimum category which you likely will not want on a two-week voyage. 
  • Q – Greatly enjoy the honest-speak on this terrific site. We’re rather newbies when it comes to cruising and, to celebrate my retirement, the Mrs. and I are seriously considering a cruise on the Seabourn Encore from Auckland to Sydney that runs 16-days departing on January 5th. Our goal is to see as much of these two “sister” countries as we can (we’re Canadians) in just over two weeks. The cruising idea came to us as a way to see more in less time. I am much more interested in experiencing Australia while she is more interested in meeting Kiwis. Would appreciate your thoughts.A – Well, first, we would suggest you not encourage your wife to meet too many Kiwi’s – particular the ones who play for the All Blacks Rugby Team. The Encore is a beautiful new ship and this itinerary is offered at the right time of the year. This is a rather unusual sailing down under int hat it offers far more ports in New Zealand than it does in Australia, so you may be really disappointed. The 16-day itinerary also gives you seven days at sea. So, we might argue that you are going to be seeing absolutely nothing 44% of your time.  This one can be argued on several levels. If you really want to maximize your time ashore and see the most in 16-21 days, we would far prefer you looked at a well-modulated land tour that divides its time between both countries. This cruise makes sense if you have a strong desire to see New Zealand and then, perhaps, adding a week or so at the back end in Sydney. But we have a hard time dismissing those seven days at sea unless you are traveling with a collection of personal friends. 
  • Q – We are, for many of the reasons stated in your reviews, anxious to take our first Crystal Cruise – likely to Scandinavia and Russia next year. My mother-in-law has taken ill and it could be a long haul. I am wondering about whether or not Crystal will be understanding should we need to cancel and how much, if any, of our deposit would we lose? I am also wondering about the best tome to pay for this cruise. It will be for next year and I wonder, with Putin and all, if the prices to Russia will come down and you would advise we wait? Very helpful site – the best we’ve found. A – No cruise line we have ever worked with makes cancellation decisions based on need and levels of understanding and kindness. Instead, cancellation policies are adhered to in a manner dictated by the lawyers up on the fifth floor. Exceptions are almost never made. But the good news is that illness in the immediate family is almost always covered by any of the major cancellation policies available. Your agent is your advocate so we’re gotten in insurance coverage fights on behalf of clients any number of times during the past three decades. The quote you always hear is “But that’s why we offer insurance”. Insurance is a huge profit center for the cruise lines and they do not want it known that some travel consultant can get them to change their brochure cancellation policy.Crystal has special BOOK EARLY rates that go up when they reach capacity. You are always going to get the best pricing if you book the first 30% of the ship. Their deposits are refundable up to 90 days prior to sailing – a fairly generous policy as these things go.
  • Q – This is for my husband. He works very hard in the construction business based here in Passaic. A cruise to him is an opportunity to catch up on sleep. Our agent, who I think is part-time, has us looking at some of the top lines on your list and we are wondering, between Regent, Seabourn, and Silverseas, which of them actually has a pillow menu he can choose from. I would also like to know about the linens if you have any information.  I know this may sound silly but setting himself up for a restful week of excellent sleep is really important. Are there any general rules about cabin location you could pass on?A – Good sleep is important on any vacation. We all have to be tuned in to the needs of guests who seek work-related relaxation and sleep.Each of the three lines you are looking at has a pillow menu. This can be requested by your agent in advance or from your butler/concierge aboard ship. Regent has an Elite slumber bed. Seabourn has Egyptian cotten linens while Silversea uses Pratesi luxury linens. Nod to Silversea.Avoid staterooms on the top accommodation deck, next to laundry facilities, or directly above any music venue. Some guests avoid booking next to a triple cabin as they  are sometimes reserved for families traveling with kids. Hopefully your “agent” can take it from here.
  • Q – When you look at the three largest cruise lines, NCL, Carnival, and Royal Caribbean, you see a lot of heavy discounting going on. At the end of the day, how much can they make per passenger? Is it 3% or is it actually higher? I’m just curious. A – It really does vary quarter by quarter, year by year, and line by line. But if you think of the really big competing mega-lines with the ships carrying thousands of passengers each, we see per passenger revenues of around $1700 with total expenses around $1500. The goal is to get enough on-board spending from each passenger on a one week cruise to generate as close to $200 in profit as possible. In times of steep discounting and on-board amenity giveaways, this can be quite challenging. There certainly are sailing like repositioning cruises and off-season sailings where breaking even is a realistic business goal. When, for instance, you are moving a ship from Alaska to the Caribbean in late September or early October headed into hurricane season, ships do not generally sail full and profit expectations have to be adjusted downward.The Top Ten lines on our annual list have to decline primarily on the price of each ticket as most provide largely inclusive on-board services without the myriad of profit centers you would see on mega-ships.
  • Q – We enjoyed your site – spent three hours on it last night. I suspect we are younger than your average reader and we have taste buds that are still in their prime. We work them out fairly regularly in the Santa Monica area. We are going to do our first cruise this summer and we really want to try the very best restaurant on any ship. If you know it, I know you won’t be afraid to name names. Both my wife and I work in the technology field and we’re both mystified about how you do business. It seems you give it all away. We couldn’t find you on Linked-in or FB. No need to reply personally.A – Oh, no worries, we won’t be responding personally. The 2017 Best At Sea Awards name Regent Seven Seas Pacific Rim and Seabourn’s The Grill by Thomas Keller as the current top two restaurants afloat. Either one would provide a sufficiently stimulating workout for your muscular taste buds.As you work in technology and lack the wisdom of age, it is unlikely that you would be able to understand our business model.
  • Q – We are drilling down to make a decision on choosing a ship for a 2018 Around-The-World sailing. Can we book this through you and can you help us decide? We’re looking for a sailing that might be really elegant, I’ve had a very good year in the market, a bit dressy from time to time, somewhat intimate, with interesting fellow guests who know where the salad fork is located. I suppose there are two important things about the itinerary – we want to really see Hawaii and the South Pacific by ship and we want to spend a few days in Australia and New Zealand. Everything else would be icing on the cake. We’re really leaning toward one of the longer cruises but not the Oceania 180-day. Something between that and the typical 90-days would be ideal. We’d also want an inclusive experience as I’m not paying for this sort of cruise and putting up with being charged for drinks etc. We know we are late as these cruises are less than a year away. But, first and foremost, would you be our advisors on this one. We donlt mind paying fees for your services. Does one cruise seem best for us based on what I have told you so far?A – We will be pleased to help you and we charge no fees of any kind for world cruises or any of the other escorted land and sea programs we recommend. We charge no fees for work involving any of our Top Ten Rated Lines. The cruise that seems to come closest to your description is the 121 sailing on January 6th of the Silver Whisper from Los Angeles to Rome. You will have ample time in the South Pacific as well as Southeast Asia. The cruise includes time in Tahiti, Hawaii, the Greek Islands, India, Singapore Vietnam, Hong Kong and other places too numerous to mention here.We think that Silversea has the blend of sophistication, size, and elegant style that you are seeking. But we still will want to talk you through all of the options. Availability is an issue and several categories are sold out as of this writing. This will be the trip of a lifetime and, it will allow you to hit a great many places on your bucket list without the name to fly hassling with your luggage. As with any travel of this length, it also helps that a full-time physician and staff will be traveling with you.By the way, you will be our first guest to ever refer to their World Cruise as “The Big Louie.” It does have a certain ring.
  • Q  – Good day and thank you for your efforts on this site. It is wonderful.. We work with an Ensemble agency and they have us on some great mailing lists so we see a lot of the new offers. We just received one announcing a series of upcoming sailings that will go to Cuba. We are wondering if you are recommending travel to Cuba at this time as everyone seems to feel it will be changing very quickly. I imagine you are going to say to do it so could you let us know the best months.A –  Oceania is owned by NCL, as is Regent Seven Seas. Their Chairman is a Cuban-American and has been a leader in establishing cruising authorization to call at Cuban ports. Oceania is a 4.5 star product with some of the best food at sea. Yet, because they are non-inclusive, they have excellent pricing. They also have several ships that carry fewer than 700 guests. We do think Oceania is a line that has the capability to show you aspects of the real Cuba.That said, ours is one of the few “voices” urging careful consideration of travel to Cuba at this time. We just don’t feel that the tourism infrastructure is adequate for the planned visits of several large US cruise ships per day.Mid-winter is the time to go. We particularly like January and February. But as you plan ahead, be mindful of the fact that the Trump Administration has not yet sent clear signals as to what its Cuba policy will be. We also don’t know what the Castro regime will do in terms of a reaction to a change in US-Cuban relations from a President who appears to be less inclined to remove travel barriers to the island. If you were a family member, we would suggest that there are other parts so the world where your travel dollars will produce a more satisfying experience. We think you should wait two years and then re-evaluate.
  • Q – We have close friends who want us to join them on a cruise that spends three days in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. We enjoy downtown Chicago, where we have retired, and, quite frankly, my wife has some safety concerns about traveling right now to Israel. I am wondering what your writers feel about the whole safety issue of visiting Israel aboard a cruise ship in the current environment?A – Oy Vey! You live in downtown Chicago and you want to know if it is safe to visit Tel Aviv, Israel? It is safe for you to go almost anywhere. The United States is a statistically violent country with more people in prison than any other nation on earth, including China. Spend some time reading the overseas travel advisories for international visitors planning on visiting our country generally and Chicago specifically.Go to Israel and learn why the most sophisticated Europeans have been heading there for years. Tel Aviv has incredible shopping, extraordinary beaches, and wonderful restaurants. It also has a young vibe with hundreds of outdoor cafes and a vibrant nightlife. We wish there were a few more absolutely top tier hotels but they are getting there. This notion that we should stay at home to be “safer” flies in the fact of a mass of statistical evidence to the contrary. Not only will you fall in love with Tel Aviv, you will marvel at the level of security you feel when true safety professionals are in charge.  If the rest of the itinerary interests you and you are only concerned about the portion of the itinerary that includes Israel, we would say you should definitely join your friends. Just be careful driving out to O’Hare, it will be the most dangerous part of your journey.
  • Q – We have just booked our eighth cruise with Crystal. We’ll be sailing to South America next winter. We’ve never used a travel agent before and we are wondering if there is a way to use one now. The problem is that we booked this upcoming cruise while we were on the cruise out of Hong Kong. So everything was done with the on-board cruise consultant. As you know, they give is a little incentive for booking on the ship. But now that we’ve read the information on cruisetruth we are wondering if we would have been better off all these years booking with an agent. I guess are questions are, should we, how much more will it cost, and how do we go about doing it?A – If you get a bad agent, you might be better off booking directly with the cruise line. If you can find a knowledgeable, well-connected cruise specialist, it may well end up saving you money because most of the better agencies in America belong to groups that give the cruise lines millions and, in a few cases, billions of dollars in annual revenue. The cruise lines allow them to offer on-board credits, complimentary shore experiences or dinners, as amenities on certain sailings.We can, for instance, tell you that if you have been booking Crystal directly for your past seven cruises you have likely missed out in several thousand dollars worth of on-board credits.This is all a bit of hush-hush stuff because cruise lines do not want it known that they do not have the best pricing options for guests. They depend on a certain amount of direct bookings because every direct booking given them a double profit  – one on the fare paid and the second on the travel agent commission they can now pocket. The goal of the industry is to keep the consumer in the dark about pricing. That allows everyone to make false pricing claims and it makes every cruise purchaser, those who book through agents and those who book with the cruise line’s call center, feel like they’ve all scored the deal of the century. It is, if we may say so, all smoke and mirrors.Unless you have paid in full for your cruise, you can always advise the cruise line that you will be “turning over my booking to “Madam and The Happy Bookers” Travel. Include their phone number and the reservations folks can pull up the agency information. As we’ve stated previously, booking directly with a cruise line and being charged for an agent’s professional services without receiving any of those services is, at best, silly. It is also, in our view, fraudulent.
  • Q – We are looking at a Tauck Tours Program called Grand Alaska. We love Tauck but notice that the program includes a seven-night inside passage cruise on a Princess Ship. Since Princess is not on the Top-Ten Cruise Lines list, we wonder just how luxurious our experience will be and whether or not this should be a game-killer? We certainly have heard of Princess but we were somewhat surprised that Tauck was using them. In the past, we did a Tauck Mediterranean program but they used one of the French Ponant yachts which we absolutely loved. Will this trip be a disappointment because of the ship? We are also worried about the quality of the shore excursions and having to stand in line for everything we want to do like arrange dining in the evening.A – You have asked a tough question because there are several elements involved here. Princess has some beautiful hardware, their ships are well planned and highly profitable. They tend to have better-then-average entertainment of the typical mega-ship variety. But Princess is not in oiur top ten lines, or the Top Fifteen, for that matter. These are high-octane mass market cruise ships that are not at all inclusive. Many cruisers are attracted by the line’s low entry-level pricing. But will this bother you or impact your vacation in any major negative way? To answer we would need to know your cruising background. If you have sailed with the better luxury lines you will certainly note qualitative differences, sort of the difference between a pizza from Di Matteo in Naples, Italy and a home delivery from Papa John’s.But be assured that this Tauck itinerary is comprehensive, uses the best available hotels, and you will be in the care of specially-trained Tauck guides on-board with exclusive Tauck sightseeing programs.Tauck travelers are not used to sharing accommodations with several thousand fellow guests. But the beauty of Alaska, the quality of Tauck land tours, and the options you will have on Princess would suggest this is an option worthy of your consideration. It really boils down to how you will handle the crowds and the constant pressures to have you spend more money aboard ship.This is an extremely high-demand program and the season only lasts 90- days. The smaller luxury lines just cannot provide the inventory that Tauck requires for multiple departure dates.
  • Q – My wife and I are booked on a cruise that will spend three days in St. Petersburg, Russia. We are trying to decide whether or not to take a local tour or stay with cruise ship tours. Who would take better care of us if one of us became ill? We are both in pretty good health but I am 79 and my wife is 73. My wife is a little worried about taking a local tour.A – There are several reasons why we would recommend private touring. Having your own driver and English-speaking guide will guarantee you personal attention should there be any unforseen medical issues. But there are other reasons that apply to virtually all cruisers anxious to make St. Petersburg the highlight of their Baltic cruise itinerary.On a typical in season day, the Port of St. Petersburg, actually there are two ports – one way out of town requiring a bus ride and one right int he center of everything – welcomes between 12-14 cruise ships. About half of these ships are mega-liners carrying a minimum of 3,000 passengers. That means that you can expect 26,000, or so, cruise passengers expecting to see the same three paintings at about the same time in the Hermitage Museum. Since all of these tours tend to leave in the morning at 9:00 am. most of the guests on ship tours find themselves arriving at the same time. This is certainly not the way to get any true sense of life in St. Petersburg, any understanding of current issues, or an appreciation of the city’s historical heritage.But booking local tours can be challenging as the majority of the local operators use sub-standard equipment and guides. Private touring sold by the cruise lines comes with substantial mark-ups as these tours are a major profit center for the cruise lines.

     Illuminated bridge on white night in St Petersburg

    You need to sit down with your cruise consultant to plan something that is comfortable and satisfying. Your consultant will have an understanding of your health issues and will plan accordingly. Work with someone who books travel in Russia through a tested and approved on-site office that works with one of the better-regarded travel consortiums. This is your best guarantee of quality as these companies are vetted by the consortium and by the best travel consultants on the planet. Never book touring programs in Russia based on ratings provided on the major review sites. The Russians are, as demonstrated, quite talented at hacking and creating on-line identities that are often totally inaccurate. Russian tour scams are not unknown. Most of the better travel agents know their contacts in Russia personally and meet with them regularly. That is how you book private arrangements in Russia. The best guides will get you around the lines, through the back doors, and they will do all possible to earn your generous tip. But it isn’t all about guides in Russia. There are also concerns about the quality of the cars used for transportation and the credentials of the drivers. Getting into someone’s private car for touring abroad is just about the highest statistical risk the traveler faces. Sorry for the long response but we want you to get this right. By the way, avoid the water in St. Petersburg at all costs. Drink only carbonated water.

  • Q – Don’t know if you can answer this but, as a CPA, I am really curious about the profit, if any, that cruise lines can make from the spending guests do once aboard the ship. My wife and I have never sailed any of the line son the Top Ten List, but we have sailed Carnival, Norwegian, and are interested in upgrading to Royal Caribbean. By the way – is this really an upgrade? If not, what do you recommend since we travel with our kids and we require a large ship with lid’s facilities. Sorry, I digress, so I’ve looked over the public filings of these cruise lines but couldn’t  locate the information I was curious about. I’d really love to know how much profit these lines are making from their gift shops, drinks, shore excursions and the other intended profit centers on their ships. I’ve tried to discuss this with their on-board staff and got no where, as you might imagine. Sorry for rambling. Really enjoy cruisetruth. I wonder why no one knows about it.A – Dear Rambles – There are, according to the experts at Price-Waterhouse, three questions here:01 – Norwegian had the highest net revenue per passenger of the three lines at $67.88 per passenger. Royal Caribbean and Carnival were $46.65 and $41.46 respectively per day. All three lines were able to lower their per passenger operating expenses with Carnival coming in at $157.27 per passenger per day.  These are all publicly held companies so their financials are available, as you know.02 – We would recommend that your “upgrade” be to the Celebrity line, the upscale sister to Royal Caribbean.03 – We don’t advertise or hire PR representation so we remain fairly unknown. Sort of like the singer Rodriquez, who everyone should know.
  • carnival-buffetsQ – It seems like a lot of the cruise lines are cutting out the Midnight Buffets. We are working our way up to one of the five-star, inclusive small ships you write about but we’re trying to find one that has midnight buffets.A – Sorry – they have gone the way of Bingo and Horseracing. The top-tier lines just do not feel that their clientele is of a mind to eat heavily at midnight. But we think if you try one of the better lines you will find that the snacks served throughout the main lounges and the 24-hour room service will more than suffice. On most of these lines you can get pretty much what you want when you want it. We doubt you will disembark any of the top ten lines we cover looking like a contestant on Survivor.
  • Mid- Ocean

     Mid- Ocean

    Q – We love , absolutely love your site(s). Hope you can continue forever. But, sad to say, we haven’t cruised since an awful big ship experience in 2012. We sailed a ship where our fellow passengers were rude and dressed like slobs. But the worst part was that we had an “assigned” table with a retired surgeon who was a drinker. He kept us “entertained” with stories of his emergency room traumas. Now, we want to do the southern Caribbean route out of San Juan or one of the islands with, shall we say, a more civilized population. Cost is really not an issue for us so your recommendation of the best would be appreciated.

    crystal-esprit-night-view-axxA – Look closely at the itineraries of Seabourn and Regent Seven Seas. But for the best itineraries ands overall experience, we would suggest you concentrate on the 62-Guest Esprit Expedition yacht owned by Crystal Cruises. The Esprit will offer two itineraries out of Marigot Bay, St. Martin, beginning late 2017 and carrying through all of 2018. The “Yachting Escape” itinerary features destinations such as Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and Tortola, while the “Yachting Explorer” itinerary visits Anguilla, Saba and Nevis, among others. These are going to be the best sailings in the Caribbean based on service, staff to guest ratios, luxury, cuisine, and port selection.

  • dubai-axxxxQ – Our friends in Boise will be joining us for a nice cruise next year celebrating my husband’s retirement as a school superintendent.  He has always wanted to go to Dubai and our agent has come up with a sailing on Azamara aboard the Journey on November 14th next year. But I doubt she’s ever been to “Middle” anywhere unless it’s the midwest so I’d love to have you look over the itinerary.  If someone is going to this part of the world, are there better itineraries? This seemed like both a good deal and the right amount of time but, I have to tell you, our only international travel has been to London and Scotland. Thanks so much.A –  We thought we would show everyone your proposed itinerary so they can be in on the conversation:
    Day 1 Dubai    
    Day 2 Dubai   10:00 PM
    Day 3 Khasab 7:30 AM 2:00 PM
    Day 4 Muscat 7:30 AM  
    Day 5 Muscat   6:00 PM
    Day 6 At Sea    
    Day 7 Al Manamah 7:00 AM 9:00 PM
    Day 8 Doha 7:00 AM 6:00 PM
    Day 9 Abu Dhabi 7:30 AM  
    Day 10 Abu Dhabi   1:00 PM
    Continued Dubai 8:00 PM  
    Day 11 Dubai    

     We particularly like the double overnight at each end in Dubai. This will likely save you money on pre/post cruise hotel nights. The overnights in Muscat and Abu Dhabi are also quite unusual and they will enable to you to see these fascinating locations at night without any transportation or security fears. We won’t spoil what awaits you in Doha, but we expect it to be the highlight of your trip.

    We think that the Journey is a good choice for your first Journey out of the comfort zone. You will be visiting countries with a significantly higher standard of living than our own country will much better roads, hotels, shopping, and infrastructure. Crime is pretty much a non-issue. We do suggest a reading of the Koran before the trip to gain an understanding of the underpinning religious belief in several of these Muslim nations. We suggest that you arrive two nights early and book the best hotel available – even if you feel it is too expensive. That is part of the Dubai experience and you need to both rest up after your long journey and then do some local exploring. Yes, there are more expensive, more inclusive five-star cruise options but we think, for this trip, your agent has placed you on a comfortable ship with a wonderful program that will enable you to arrive early and still be under two weeks. Try to fly up and back on Emirates with a connection to Boise. You will have several gateway options.

    Best to avoid too many Jerry Seinfeld references while you are there.

  • dream-cruisesQ – In researching a planned cruise to China, we’ve come across a line called Dream Cruises. They seem to be really under the radar and are not even reviewed on Cruisetruth. Is this a red flag or just an oversight?  Wondering if we should include Dream on our “possible” list which currently includes Crystal and Silverseas? Any insights would be appreciated. By the way, I am curious – who funds this site? It would seem that you have a fair number of writers/employees and, with no advertising, I am wondering how you turn a profit?A – Dream Cruises is a new venture launched by Genting Hong Kong, the company that bought Crystal Cruises in 2015. Genting took two new-builds that were going to be deployed by their Asia-based brand, Star Cruises. The two ships, including the Dream, are scheduled to sail a combination of two-five-and seven-night itineraries in China and Vietnam. Unlike virtually all other new China-based brands, Dream is catering to an upscale Chinese market. Let’s call it four star luxury. It is not competing with Crystal int he five-star arena. On some sailings, guests coming in from abroad can sail out of Hong Kong.The new ship will have 35 food and bar venues as well as no less than five private Karaoke rooms. Daily room rates will average under $200 USD which is still higher than the per diems currently in place on less expensive competitors. Unless you are seeking a truly in-depth experience on a Chinese ship catering to guests from the Pearl River Delta area of China, we would suggest you seek out one of your alternative options.This site is part of the Churchill & Turen Ltd. Media Group. We do not operate our sites on a for-profit basis. We do not accept any outside funding. and we pay all expenses, including salaries, for the maintenance and content of these consumer-sites.So, you may ask, what is in it for us? Our sites  do attract a rather surprising number of upscale, potential long-term clients who are compatible with our approach and values and who realize that, for 91% of our vacation-planning services in 2015, we charged no fees of any kind.
  • airline-lufthansa-bQ – We were assigned a three and a half-hour layover in Frankfort on a cruise we booked online that is due to depart in three weeks. Now, it turns out that the United flight we were promised is being flown on a Lufthansa airplane.My wife and I are booked in an Oceania Suite and I am extremely upset about this air schedule to Venice. Who can we speak to at this point. I know you will likely pooh-pooh this question because I booked it online but I can tell you that my wife is traveling completely free except for her air cost so it was a pretty great deal. Just found this site and don’t know if you answer such questions. franklfurt-airport-inside-view-c-1024x576A – Thank you for your charming note. Of course we will respond as you have raised questions we see rather frequently. You are booked on a code-share flight. United and Lufthansa are partners. Of the two airlines, Lufthansa is somewhat higher-rated so be thankful for small blessings. In Frankfort you will be going through both passport control and security even though you are just “In Transit”. Frankfort is an airport that does its best to destroy the myth of German efficiency so a three-four hour connection is what we normally recommend to our cruise guests. While it is true that a two-hour connection can usually work at virtually any European Airport, that would place pressure on you if your flight was delayed. But, quite frankly, we are more concerned with your luggage missing the connection. Starting a cruise without luggage is really stress-inducing and think how badly it would make your suitcases feel. It is best to enjoy the extremely high quality coffee and strudel available in the Frankfort airport. We think your basic assumption may be wrong. It is highly likely that you got this excellent flight connection specifically because you are booked in one of Oceania’s premier suites. We do suggest that you have your online agent arrange for flight monitoring service for this trip. We are going to send you a report that explains how cruise line air programs really work with a number of recommended strategies.As to your wife’s “Free” Cruise. Oceania has featured “Two-For-One” Fares with a 50% reduction for each guest off the published or List price of the cabin for some time. That can be packaged by an agency as a “Free” cruise for the second guest if the first guest (you) pays the full fare. Although they made you feel great about our purchase, the fact is that the vast majority of your fellow on-board guests will have received the same offer. Enjoy Frankfort Airport.
  • sea-dream-deck-aQ – We were in a netherworld of fake reviews and reports by “critics” after their free trips – so really glad to stumble upon your site. (As a person who works in PR, I’d suggest you think about hiring someone to publicize you. Everyone knows Cruise Critic – but no one knows you) I’ve decided to come to you for advice and, if you’ll have us, we’d love to work with you. Here’s the issue – after doing whatever due diligence one can do on the various “all the cruise lines smell like roses” sites, I think we’ve narrowed it down to Sea Dream (yes, we understand the cabins are smallish and the ships are thirty years old) or Seabourn. My husband is a workaholic – the deal is that he won;t be bringing work along if I pack my Victoria Secrets favorites. I suppose this is a fourth or fifth “honeymoon” opportunity (don;t you dare use my name) and we need to choose the line that might be best suited to a sudden decision to “just stay in our cabin”. Love the site, and thank you for editing out the inane and the mundane.A – For a “honeymoon” we are going to recommend Sea Dream. It is a more private and intimate experience. You will be able to dine alone when you wish, and the beds are the same size as they are on Seabourn, although the cabin itself will be smaller. But given what you have described, either can work. Asie from the itineraries, we would suggest you think about your preference for a large yacht or a small cruise ship. If your answer is yacht, go with Sea Dream.Thanks for your PR advice. In our 30-year history we’ve managed to grow entirely on word-of-mouth and we intend to keep it that way. We’re not counting “likes”.
  • silver-spirit-conciergeQ – We’ve been entirely impressed with the ships and service on Silversea and we have an upcoming 20-Day sailing coming up with them this winter in the Orient. We booked on-board to get extra incentives so we were not able to use a consultant. On our last cruise, we used the Concierge on the Silver Whisper to make restaurant reservations for us several times. Although the line has a “no Tipping” policy I wonder what an average daily tip for the Concierge would be for such services booked on-board?  A –  Normally, we would recommend a gratuity to the on-board concierge of between $10-$20 per day assuming special services or reservations ashore have been made on your behalf. The difficulty level determines the tip. Any of the Lines on our Top Ten site pay a salary with benefits to their Concierge Team. But gratuities for off-ship arrangements are entirely appropriate no matter what the policy. The best way to handle this is to shake hands with the Concierge prior to disembarkation with an envelope discreetly placed in your palm.Savvy cruisers bring along a number of envelopes address to top-level management so they can slip in a note complimenting a particular member of the crew before getting off the ship.Finally, we need to correct something you stated in your question. There is never, not once, an instance in which any booking made aboard a quality ship with the on-board cruise consultant can’t be immediately turned over to a cruise consultant. This is something that happens with our firm on a daily basis and we encourage our clients to book on-board. The lines have our number and contact information in their on-board system and they know when we booked you originally. When we receive your confirmation from the line,usually while you are still on your original cruise, we check it for pricing accuracy, make certain that you have been booked in the best possible cabin location, and then certify you, sometimes lowering your price, to include unpublished consortium offers etc. There really isn;t any competition in all this. Cruise bookings are complex and involve any number of decisions related to pre/post, insurance, air etc. The on-board cruise consultant has no expertise in these areas. But they are equipped to reserve your stateroom on a future cruise. It sounds as though you have found a second home at sea. Enjoy your cruise.
  • disney-characters-on-ship-low-res-aQ – My husband and I were surprised, as were our friends Tad and Susie, with whom we have cruised six times, that Disney did not make your excellent list of the World’s Ten Best Cruise Lines. You must be childless snobs or Disney has gone downhill as they are rated at or near the top on other sites. We have two kids, ages 11 and 14 and Tad and Suzie have three kids in the same general age group. We trust your information is the best and we respect your honesty but we need to know if we would be making a mistake booking a seven-night Disney cruise next May 27th to the Western Caribbean on the Fantasy. We’ve been on Royal Caribbean on four of our prior cruises and Crystal, which we loved, on non-family cruises. A – Disney is tough to evaluate accurately because they are a true family-oriented cruise line whose on-board product is geared to the fact that a majority of guests are traveling with their children or grandchildren. We concur with the generally high ratings that Disney receives and with their new-ship building program, highly successful rehab program, and numerous awards, Disney deserves the accolades and is certainly in the running, along with Celebrity as the best of the mega-ship lines.But this is a family resort at sea – a unique product. We are not “childless” and we’ve taken our family aboard Disney ships more than once. Disney ships have been sailed numerous times by our CSI (Certified Ship Inspectors) Team. They are not included in our top ten because they are not inclusive, they operate ships with high density ratios, and their policies are not always consumer-friendly. Their food is institutional and not cooked to order, their entertainment appeals to a rather limited mass market segment, and prices for drinks and other services come at additional cost. We also think they are sometimes overpriced for what they offer. Disney is certainly four-star, they are excellent at what they do, but they are not among the world’s top ten cruise lines. If we expanded our Ratings to include the “Top Twenty” cruise lines Disney would surely be among them.As to whether or not we are “snobs” – you better hope that we are. If we did not have high expectations on your behalf, our ratings and commentary would be worthless. If you are traveling with young children and you want to make them totally happy at sea, there is Disney and everyone else follows. When it comes to adults, that’s a very different cartoon.
  • carnival-buffetsQ – We have done two cruises on NCL and one Costa. We are now ready to step up. As we read your excellent reviews and information we see no mention of Midnight Buffets, something we would always look forward to on our previous cruises. Which lines in the Top Ten have them.A –  Midnight Buffets are associated with mega-ships and traditional cruising. The better lines do not find that their guests want to be offered massive amounts of food at midnight. The chances are that they have been asleep for two hours by the time midnight rolls around. For those who are hungry, top-level lines offer decent 24-hour room service.Sorry to be breaking this bad news. You will also need to accept the fact, while you will no doubt see fois gras and caviar, offered with champagne, the waiters will not be prancing through the dining room with “Baked Alaska” held aloft. It is a different reality. There are professional cruise psychologists who will help you make the adjustment.
  • slobQ – We had an absolutely awful cruise experience in 2012 and have not cruised since. The staff was often rude, and the passengers dressed like slobs, and no one seemed to have any sense of propriety and manners. But the worst part was that we were assigned a table with a retired, alcoholic surgeon who kept us “entertained” with stories of emergency room traumas. Now, we want to do the Southern Caribbean route from San Juan with, hopefully, a more civilized group of fellow passengers. Do any of these lines specialize in college educated guests?A –  Your question raises questions. Did a good cruise consultant place you on the wrong ship? Does your budget preclude sailing on a smaller, more upscale smaller ship? Why are you limiting your experiences to the Caribbean?Here are some things you can do to assure an on-board environment that will likely meet your needs:
    • Concentrate your search on  one of our cruisetruth top-ten rated lines. If price is an issue, consider one of the less “tween” four-star lines like Azamara or Oceania.
    • Try to do a ten-night rather than a seven-night cruise in the Caribbean. That will dramatically improve the education demographics of your fellow guests.
    • Choose an itinerary out of San Juan that includes ports in both the British Virgin island chain and the French-speaking islands. Avoid a Western Caribbean itinerary.
    • Choose a cruise consultant who has actually won production awards from the top-tier lines and is, therefore, in a position to counsel you on their differences.
    • Do not cruise the Caribbean from June through September. The best ships avoid the Caribbean during this period.
    • Buy up – look for a cruise in the $400 or more per day price range. That will substantially change the kind of guests attracted to the product. If you can’t afford one of the better cruises we would advise you to delay your plans until you can. That sounds harsh, but we want you to understand that, despite all the deceptive marketing and beautiful photos, in cruising, you generally get what you pay for. The executives who operate these ships have yield and profits down to a science and you should always strive to avoid those travel products that are clearly appealing to the budget travelers. In marketing research they are often referred to by terms such as “Tattoos and Trailers”. The fact is that you can make a ton of money with mass market products. Cruise lines do not speak about all of this openly but if you look closely at the photo models in their brochures, and the way they are dressed, you will get a sense of who they are really seeking as potential guests.
  • azamara-cruise-ship-renovations-20150604-1024x576Q –  We’ve relied on this site a great deal as we’ve planned for our first cruise to Europe. We did Azamara in the Caribbean and absolutely loved it. Your review was dead on. It seemed the decor was getting a bit tired but now that the Journey has been refurbished, we think the 11-night cruise from Venice to Civitavecchia sounds really interesting. As our previous experience is only with seven-night, and one disastrous four-night, jaunts in the Caribbean, we wonder if you can break this down for us and tell us if we’re on the right track? aza_journey_atrium1-1024x679A – We like this itinerary and the October 3rd departure date gets you cooler temperatures and a 50% reduction in the crowds you will encounter during your journey on the Journey. You may encounter rain during the final week. But we think the trade-off for an excellent itinerary is well worth the risk. Here are some things we particularly like about this itinerary:
    • Overnight in Venice
    • Highlights of Croatia
    • Nice selection of Greek island ports
    • Two nights along Amalfi Coast in ports unavailable to larger ports
    • 11-nights is, in our view, the right length for a cruise of this type.
    • This itinerary illustrates Azamara’s lack of interest in days at sea. There are none – perfect for those who enjoy actually experiencing Europe.
  • carnival-fantasy-slide-cQ – This whole concept of a place where people can learn how things really work in the cruise industry is great but that is not what this site is. As an agent, I would love to use your material for my clients but you are intentionally listing only the most expensive lines when you know damn well that Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Norwegian dominate the industry. So you are really turning your backs on most of the agents and most of the lines they book to, instead, promote the most expensive lines.  That may be one reason the big lines are not advertising on this site. Wise up. We’re not stupid.A – We are dreadfully sorry that we have not been following your guidelines so that you may have an easier time stealing our content to use with your clients. So just a few observations that might be helpful:The material on our sites is copyright protected. Our sites are not written for travel agents or commissioned travel sales types. We are not a site that purports to cover the cruise industry. Our efforts are totally devoted to offering the consumer qualitative analysis of the top ten cruise lines in the world. There are thousands of sites that cover the lines you have mentioned. We are constantly being solicited by industry advertisers. We do not accept advertising of any kind so we can remain free to tell the Cruise Truth. Finally, cost is a relative thing. The mass market lines sell top level suites that cost as much or more than accommodations on the world’s very best  all-inclusive small ships. You remind us of the thief who broke into a home in an LA suburb and left a note complaining that there was no deli meat in the refrigerator for sandwiches.
  • tour-guide-badQ – We have just returned from a cruise on Oceania, a line we really love. It is our third cruise with them and we can’t imagine any other line having better food, as CruiseTruth points out. On our first cruise to New England/Canada we just walked around the towns on our own. On our second cruise sailing out of Miami, who hired three guides we found searching online and that did not work out all that well. On this last cruise, we signed up for the shore excursions offered by Oceania.We had a mixed bag although our guide in Tallin, Estonia had to be the worst ever. She would not answer any questions about the government or lifestyle in her country and refused to discussed the immigration issues they have been experiencing. She never mentioned food and she brought us into a shop that was clearly a place where she was friends with the owners. Other people on our ship did a different version of our tour and had a totally different kind of experience. So what is the trick to getting one of the better guides when you book an excursion offered by the ship?A – Booking shore excursions aboard ship is a form of travel roulette. Cruise passengers aboard the top-lines imagine that the cruise line carefully selects the best guides for each excursion.  This is not true. Guides are assigned to the ships by the shore excursion company used by your cruise line. Oceania may, for instance, be using the same tour operator in Tallin that is used by Carnival, Royal Caribbean, or Silversea, Generally speaking, the most expensive ships  get access to the best guides because the experienced guides with seniority want to work with the most affluent clients. The worst guides are those advertising their services on the internet. They are usually not affiliated with a leading company for a reason. And the very fact that they are “available” should raise suspicions, The best guides book up months in advance and the best of the best refuse to work with groups at all. They are only available through travel planners who are in contact with them through membership in one of the better consortium groups where privately-guided in port excursions are the rule rather than the exception.If you are seeking a truly memorable cruise experience we would suggest two strategies, although this will increase your overall cost: First, choose pre/post hotels carefully – cruise lines book large numbers of guests and many of the best hotels will not work with cruise lines. Secondly, have a top cruise consultant choose a private guide in the ports that are most important to you. You will never regret this additional cost and the bus passengers aboard your ship will be envious when you come back tot he ship and tell them what you did. Ask yourself this question: “If I am not going on a mass market ship – why would I want to go on a mass market bus tour”?
  • viking-star-launch-2-aQ –  My father-in-law has an agent who is in love with Viking Cruises, which I understand is fairly new. We’re loyal Holland America fans. We’d love to join them on a European capitals sailing but we’re wondering if we will be really disappointed. Do they include as much as Holland America and are they really that great a value?A – Lots of travel agents seem to be excited about the new Viking Cruise brand. The ships are sleek and have a minimalist Scandinavian vibe. But you  have to dissect this line’s marketing hype to get down to what is really being offered. For instance, yes drinks are “included” but not in the same way they would be, unconditionally” on our top-rated lines. Instead, Viking includes their limited selection of beer, wine, and soft drinks served only with lunch or dinner. They claim shore excursions are “included” but dig down and you will find that only one, rather basic, shore excursion is included in each port. The better tours come at a surcharge. That is still more than Holland America would typically include in their cruise fare. Viking Cruises is a “tween” niche cruise product. They are ideal for those seeking a moderately-priced cruise with a strong itinerary and generally weak shore offerings. We think they will compare quite favorably with your prior cruise experiences and we would suggest that you give them a try. In terms of the specifics of pricing, they will come in at about $442 per day which is fairly close to Holland America in entry-level veranda cabin. Viking is somewhat more inclusive and your stateroom would be larger at 270 sq. feet. If you really don’t want to travel with your father-in-law do let us know and we’ll write a more negative response.
  • quark-camping-antarcticaQ – Three days ago I placed a call to an outfit called Quark Expeditions about a sailing to Antarctica. They have 10-12 day programs on an older expedition vessel operating through March. The salesperson I spoke with said that only a limited number of visitors can go ashore in zodiacs at any one time so it is always best to go on a ship with fewer than 200 guests. True or False? BTW – Great info.A – True but the larger ships manage that particular issue quite well so we would not suggest making a decision on that basis.
  • Illuminated bridge on white night in St PetersburgQ – We have just started planning a Baltic cruise taking in Scandinavia and Russia. But we are getting wildly divergent opinions regarding the best month to go. Please let me know when we should do this trip?A – The Scandinavians luxuriate in sunny days but they really love, along with the Russians, the evening light.  They get out and about and they are fun to be around. We want you to do this trip between May 15th and July 20th. The very best time is around the 15th of June when the sun lingers and the nights do not get dark. In St. Petersburg they call these the famed “White Nights”. Even Putin smiles in mid-June.   
  • crystal-endeavor-rendering-polar-view-copy-592x381Q –  We are anxious to book an Antarctica sailing on one of two new ships supposed to be launched in 2018 – the Crystal Endeavor and the Scenic Eclipse. As we want to start reading and getting ready for this trip, which will you be recommending to us in terms of overall quality and safety of operations. Also would love to know what your charges would be as we have not worked with you previously.A – This is going to require some discussion. You are correct to plan ahead. Both ships will be Polar 6-rated so no worries there. We will want to look at pricing and your preferences in terms of the type and nationality of your fellow guests. We fully expect both ships to be nothing short of spectacular. The Eclipse is being built in Croatia while the Endeavor is being built in a German yard. Interestingly enough, both ships are currently scheduled to launch in August of 2018 so this will be a “title fight” worth watching. The Eclipse will carry two helicopters and a submarine while the Endeavor will have two helicopters plus two submarines. The Eclipse will have the more international mix of passengers.We charge no fees in conjunction with our booking of cruises, river boats, or luxury escorted tour programs. Our services are complimentary. If you ask us to plan a unique private tour somewhere in the world we have to charge for those services. Hope this helps.
  • philippino-crew-memberQ – Just returned from a sensational Silverseas  cruise in Alaska. You don’t praise this line enough as it is, based on our 13 prior cruises, the very best of the best. There was an interesting discussion one evening at our table about the rights of crew members like the lovely folks from the Philippine who served us. Are they protected by US law?A – Complicated question  which we are totally unqualified to answer. That said – here’s our response:  Crew legal rights, of which there are few, come under the Jones Act passed in 1920 to protect American seaman. The test case occurred in 2006 (Bautista vs. Star Cruises) in which it was ruled that Philippine nationals working on board cruise ships can only be employed if the employer signs a mandatory contract, This contract requires that legal matters be arbitrated in the Philippines where no-fault worker’s compensation has been in place for many decades.One of the questions that comes up often has to do with the rights of a crew member in international waters who is charged with a crime. In that scenario, the home country of a non-US citizen has the right to investigate an allegation of a serious crime.Although the mouthpiece of the cruise industry, the Cruise line International Association, would disagree with the following conclusion, we are of the opinion that the average luxury cruise passenger would be shocked at the labor law restrictions placed via limited-term employment contracts on foreign national crew.It is not a coincidence that, except for certain areas in the Entertainment Department, American workers are rarely found working on upper end cruise ships. It is highly unlikely they would put up with the contractual working conditions.
  • seabourn-thomas-keller-the-grill-steak-shot-bQ – We’re about ready to book our first cruise. We’re read the online reviews, your stuff, and looked at the line’s web sites. But now its time to pull the plug. Is there a way to work with you on getting this done? We live in Los Angeles and we are foodies and steak and potatoes people. Cost is not an issue and we would want to start at or near the top. But I would want to know that the ship I was sailing had a great on-board restaurant where I could get a great steak. I would not want to be charged extra or see charges for cocktails etc. We’ve read enough to know there are many good restaurants at sea but, given what I’ve said, which one sounds like it  might be right for us assuming we like the itinerary in Europe?A – Not sure we would like a cut of beef to determine which floating boutique hotel is going to best float your boat. To work with us we would ask you to complete an application that includes profile information. We would then determine if the fit was good. We book millions of dollars of luxury cruises each year but we are not hungry for new clients as we work at capacity. So compatibility is important.There are many opportunities such as Prime 7 on Regent’s ships. But our single favorite restaurant of the moment is The Grill by three-star Michelin Chef Thomas Keller. The restaurant has opened on the Quest and will be opened on the other Seabourn ships during their annual dry dock. The new Seabourn Encore and Ovation will feature the restaurant. Caesar salad will be made tableside and  lobster thermidor will also be available.
  • windstar-ship-under-sails-at-dusk-bQ – We have been following your Q and A since you started and we thank you for such honest feedback. Our employment situation has changed and I’ve resigned from three Boards, so my wife and I can now start doing several cruises a year. Our plan is to start with one of the small middle-=range lines that offer personal services. In a few years we will work our way up to the more deluxe ships. Our reading is leading us to Windstar. Realizing they do not have new ships, their pricing seems to be extremely reasonable for what they offer in terms of  intimate ships, good itineraries, and a reputation for good food. So what is the down side? And should we be looking at the “sail” boats or the ships they acquired from Seabourn?A –  Windstar does represent good value and you can do a one week cruise for under $8,000 per couple despite their ships small, yacht-like size. The down side would be that the line is not inclusive so there is no stocked mini-bar, wine is not included, and transfers, gratuities, and cocktails are all at additional cost.Shore excursions as well as drinks are expensive and airfare is normally not included. The price you pay for your cruise is not the price you will pay for your vacation with the potential that the initial cruise fare could double based on your on-board lifestyle.Our Certified Ship Inspectors have enjoyed Windstar and they have pointed out that itinerary alone can often justify the choice of this line. Their ships can get to ports many of the larger ships have to skip. Drinkers, however, may be disappointed at the constant signing of chits. The food is good but it is not in the same class as the top-rated lines. Personally, we prefer the sailing yachts but do be aware that these ships are rarely under sail. A real plus is Windstar’s staffing with British officers and Indonesian and Filipino crew the norm. Many guests feel that the crew is a significant  part of the Windstar experience. We think your general plan makes sense as long as you are not expecting both five-star service and the type of fellow-passenger it attracts.
  • new-regent-shipQ – The online reviews have all been quite positive  for the new Regent Explorer. We’re wondering if Regent will be ordering another one as I understand it takes three years to build? We missed the Inaugural of the Explorer but we may like to book the first sailing of any new ships they launch. By the way, how did all these “reviews” come out about the same time the ship made its first sailing? Do these people who write their evaluations actually sail on these ships?A – Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, Regent’s Owner, has formally announced that a sister ship to the Explorer will be built at the Fincantieri yard in Italy with scheduled delivery in 2020. She will be 54,000 GRT and carry 738 passengers. (GRT is gross registered tons. The ship will also carry approx. 500 crew)As is often the case, the Explorer sailed a short voyage prior to the formal “Inaugural”. Top agents and the cruise-specialized press were invited. It was a complimentary invitation and the result was immediate buzz online and in the press even before the first sailing was completed. When we say “press” we mean it in the traditional sense. Anyone can blog anything about anything without ever having been near a ship. It is maddening but it is where technology has led us.By the way, you might note that our evaluation of the new Regent Explorer was not entirely positive. But then again, we didn’t accept the free trip.
  • 12795010_1206395309389090_7320612641853141848_oQ – We are already planning for a new life of cruising devoid of canned Gershwin tributes, scam art auctions, and silly dress requirements. We are active, adventure types and I suppose we are getting ready to “retire” from cruising (Crystal is our brand of choice) to something smaller and more adventurous. We love true five-star service and we prefer a comfortable sprinkling of guests from more civilized societies.A – The leader in Expedition Luxury Cruising is Silversea. But a two new Expedition ships have been ordered for top-rated Hapag-Lloyd with the firsts hip scheduled for delivery in 2019. The new Scenic Eclipse will also be a game-changer in this market. These are the three lines we think ought to be the focus of your daydreams. There is something wonderful about cavorting with the penguins on their stretch of ice and returning to the mother-ship for a bit of iced champagne and caviar on ice. Try to keep that image alive as you wait out the ship construction process. Can’t imagine what you don’t like about the on-board art auctions – don’t you have any appreciation for one of a kind, #117 in a series, premier prints run off a printing press?
  • barge-canal-axxQ – Cheers. My wife enjoys browsing boutique and secondhand shops, and we both enjoy a scenic or interesting walk. We live in a beautiful coastal town in Massachusetts so we don’t feel the need to do much traveling, and have never done a cruise. We do go to London once a year for a week or so where we can stay in one place, usually the Royal Automobile Club, not pack and unpack, and have plenty to see and do. We are now interested in smaller boat cruising and river boating because it may offer the chance to see fun little towns and places without having to pack and unpack. We are both fit and enjoy at least a daily walk. We have no interest in large cruise ships. What do you suggest we investigate? Thank you.A –  It strikes us that you might enjoy river barging more than traditional river boating or small ship cruising. The daily meandering and ability to use the walking paths, no more than 12 couples, tying up just outside local villages, sounds like it might come closest to your expectations. We would also encourage you to look at Sea Dream Yachts, the smallest available cruise ships with some excellent itineraries and no more than 98 fellow guests.  In terms of river boats, we would suggest that you concentrate on the smaller boats that navigate the seine river and the Bordeaux region. Look most seriously at Uniworld and AMA.  There are normally several walking tours a day off the AMA river boats, each based on various levels of walking stamina. Or, then again, you might better spend your money renting a home for a few weeks in a lovely village in Maine and do what you love to do.
  • Sea Dream Yacht BQ – We’ve just returned from a Sea Dream Cruise that your firm booked for us – thank you very much. While on-board, the crew was telling some of us that the line is building a new ship to be called Sea Dream carrying 200 guests, twice the size of the current vessels. What can you share about this new ship?A – Only that it does not seem to exist. No yard has announced a contract signing and there has been no announcement from the Sea Dream press people so we have to imagine this is still int he wish list category. But the Norwegian shipping family that owns Sea Dream is certainly in a position to build a new ship and current pricing models would suggest that this is a good time to order a ship that might emerge in 2019. By simply building a 200-Guest ship, Sea Dream would be doubling its capacity. The line’s current ships, Sea Dream 1 and 11, were built in 1984 and 1985 in Finland. They originally sailed as the Sea Goddess Yachts for Cunard.With truly personalized service, excellent food, and a totally relaxed on-board style, Sea Dream has been racking up some impressive occupancy numbers as of late. Many cruisers are unaware that there is actually an inclusive cruise line whose ships carry fewer guests than the average European river boat.
  • Oceania Free Air OffereQ – As we have learned,carefully reading (and enjoying) the information you have put together, what you see is not always what you get when you book a cruise. We are trying to figure out whether or not we should choose Windstar, Azamara, or Oceania. From your reviews, we are leaning toward Azamara, but are noticing that Oceania is offering “Free Air” and Azamara isn’t. Windstar seems not to have an air program at all and we’ve kind of ruled it out. We’re dealing with one of the online agencies, Expedia, and they are pushing Oceania. Just want you to sign off on the decision. The Free air seems to us to be a reason to tilt us in that direction.A – It is hard to counsel you without many more specifics. If you have had an extensive interview with the agent you are working with, and feel that she knows you well, her advice might be worth something. Her personal cruise experience and expertise should weigh heavy on any recommendation. That said, we would suggest that you take similar cabin types and divide the total cost without air by the number of nights you will spend aboard the ship. This is the formula most pros use but few consumers seem aware of it. Once you get a per diem cost without including air, you will be in a position to compare value. Is Oceania’s Free Air really free or is Oceania simply smarter at marketing their cruises? And then there’s the ethical question – if you can buy a cruise without air for a significantly lower price than a cruise with “Free Air”, just how free is the air? Oceania has generally creative itineraries and superior cuisine than either Azamara or Windstar. They are all in a unique category of cruise – neither luxury or mass market. Let’s call them premium. The fact is you likely will not go wrong on any of your three final choices. If you trust your consultant, we would suggest that you consider her advice carefully.Whatever happens – put it in perspective: You are about to make a $10,000 – $20,000 decision based on the influence of someone on the internet who may or may not have taken the time to talk to you several times in an attempt to know you well. 
  • Viking Star Acquavit Lounge AQ – We completed our first cruise  on the Viking Star, which was highly recommended by our agent. Since this line does not appear to be in the Top Ten Ratings of cruise lines we were skeptical. We’re in our mid-forties and were told that Viking had a younger clientele. We boarded in Venice and kept looking for the folks our age and never found them. We thought the ship was absolutely beautiful and the food was as good as advertised. We particularly enjoyed Manfredi’s, the “by-reservation only” Italian venue. The Spa was absolutely gorgeous and we really appreciated the well-designed Scandinavian decor. What we didn’t like was the cancellation of our day in Istanbul, one of the main purposes of the trip. The substitution of Canakkale was not planned well and a waste of time. The port information was confusing and poorly planned. I suppose our question is did we receive the right advice about the ship in the first place and should we make a stick about the fact that they caved in to fear by eliminating Istanbul. It was pretty clear to us that they were afraid of lawsuits.Viking Star Pool AA – The Viking Star is making headlines and winning awards for its affordable package pricing and striking contemporary decor. It is not, however, a line that seems geared to attract forty-somethings. You are, truth be told, in an age group where the finer options in travel will be heavily populated by retirees. Our advice is just to accept that fact. If you don’t, you will be sentencing yourselves to a self-imposed state of travel mediocrity.Viking’s new cruise product is still being inspected and evaluated by our staff. But initial reports would seem to indicate that Viking has a good chance to enter the world’s “Top Ten”, displacing one of the existing lines.There are reports of confusion at the front desk and an inability to react quickly and with grace when things head south. Viking is not good at improvisation at sea, a characteristic of their river boat product as well.

    You have absolutely no basis for complaining about the elimination of Istanbul on your itinerary. There have been attacks on tourist sites within the country and the government is in the process of striking down the opposition with a rather heavy hand. Viking made the absolutely correct decision of not placing their guests in harm’s way. Every bit of fine print in every cruise line brochure explains that port substitutions may be made based on local conditions. If you wish to spend time in Istanbul we suggest you fly there for a few days. You will find that Turkish Air and local hotel rates are at their lowest point in years. And, the very best local guides are not all booked, as has previously been the case.

  • Branson 3 VirginQ – As a frequent cruiser, I’ve been on eight of your top-ten rated lines, I am interested in the financials of some of these businesses. It seems to me that it is extremely difficult, with all of the discounting, to really make money in the cruise industry. The new Virgin ships won’t be paid off for many, many years so I’m wondering where the money comes from and how much it really takes to get a venture like that off the ground. Is Richard Branson A – Much of the financial details concerning investment and profits is shielded from public scrutiny with the exception of the larger, publicly held companies. This has, in recent years, had more to do with outstanding profits rather than the embarrassment of failure. In fact, many analysts are predicting a profit ranges  of  8-10%  going forward to 2020 when , it is projected, new ship construction will slow.We don’t know the financial specifics for Virgin. The “street” talk is that it is a total investment of about $800 million with Branson’s Virgin Group putting up approximately $100 of that amount and Bain Capital, Mitt Romney’s former firm, taking on the largest investment share. Virgin is still collecting data from Virgin fans and potential cruisers before releasing firm plans for the design of three 2,800 ships to begin entering service in 2020.
  • Seabourn CoupleQ –  Dear Sirs; I am writing to inform you that the politically correct have taken over Seabourn Cruise Lines. I sit here on my porch on a sparkling evening in Eugene, Ore. The stars are bright and I have a glass of cognac on the table next to me. In my hand I have a rather excellent Cuban cigar. I am comfortable and disturbed at the same time. I had booked a Seabourn cruise for this December on the Sojourn. Earlier this week I was advised by my travel agent that Seabourn has changed its smoking policy. I will no longer be able to smoke on my own balcony, even though I pay a small fortune for some of their top suites.  I will also no longer be able to enjoy a smoke after dinner in the Observation Lounge. Much like a leper, I will be relegated to the open terrace that is right off Seabourn Square on Deck 7.Don’t these management types realize that I have other options? Don’t they realize that a “gentleman”, which I consider I am, wants to be able to indulge in a fine cigar in a proper setting with a cognac by his side?  I will not be relegated or cast off to a hidden space outdoors. What will happen if I choose not to be politically correct and I continue my Seabourn lifestyle as I have been allowed to do for the last six years of sailing? Trust you will pass this on with the encouragement that the policy be changed.A – Nicely written – poorly conceived. Smokers have no rights. They are mostly suicidal, which is fine with us as long as their stink does not reach our nostrils. You really don’t have options. Smoking anything on a cruise ship is dangerous so restrictions such as those most recently adopted by Seabourn are now the norm. Our favorite part of your note was the fact that you see yourself as a “gentleman”. A real gentleman would never light a cigar on an open cabin balcony given the odors it would emit to other portions of the ship and the obvious fire risk from errant ashes.
  • Quote we are all crewQ –  We have a friend who once worked as a stevedore on the Cunard Line. He is 81 and still reads all he can about the cruise industry. The other night he told us that there are now lines where you board the ship and the passengers actually vote on where they are going. This sounds impossible but he insists it’s true. A – That would present any number of logistical problems, a few fistfights, dozens of lawsuits, and a fair amount of drama. But it did happen on May of this year year on the top-rated Europe 2. It had been tested the year before on the Europa, a ship largely marketed in Germany. The Europa 2 cruise sailed from Istanbul to Athens and passengers were given a list of 2o possible destinations. Each day, the Captain would consult the weather charts and guests were offered a number of port choices. The on-board destination experts would then do a “sell” for each port and the guests would decide by secret ballot. The vote outcome was first released to Hillary’s e-mail server and then announced in the dining room during dinner. This actually worked out quite well and it did not present any real operational problems. Hapag-Lloyd will be doing it again and we expect a US-based cruise line to try this out on an experimental basis in the near future. The people who seem to have the hardest time with the concept are the marketing types who strangely feel that somehow listing where a ship will actually stop in a brochure is helpful tot he decision-making process. Please tell your friend we wish him the best.
  • NCL-the-Haven-1024x503Q – If I may offer a critique – you seem to really gloss over another luxury option for people like us. We are willing to pay for private, top-drawer accommodations with, perhaps, a private dining option, butler service. etc. But we are also interested in going to the on-board shows, art sales, lectures and classes, and the quick buffets. I know that some of these options are better than others. Who offers true luxury within the body of a mass market (to use your term) larger ship and who would you recommend? We’re “players” – we like to sleep with the snobs but we like to play with the commoners. NCL Haven 1A – Your choices really boil down to MSC’s “Yacht Club”, NCL’s “Haven”, and the Cunard Princess and Queen’s Grill Suites. These are all luxury spots with unique accommodations for upper end travelers on top of a few thousand just plain folk. Of these, the Cunard brand is unique and Queen’s Grill on an Atlantic Crossing is still recommended. But the line that seems to be pulling off this concept most successfully is Norwegian Cruise line with their Haven concept. Think butler service, a private dining enclave, and an absolutely off limits to any but Haven guests exclusivity. You are correct. We have not done it justice because of our feeling that if you are going to pay for something really excellent, it needn’t be located directly above the rock-climbing wall or the bingo lounge.The real advantage of The Haven and the top suite accommodations on Celebrity,, is the opportunity for families to enjoy top accommodations while their kids still have access to a full menu of organized games and activities.
  • Private JetQ – My husband and my sister and her husband have been cruising together for the past eight years on Crystal, Silversea, and Azamara. And while nothing comes close to Crystal in terms of service, food, and entertainment, they all seem to have one thing in common – a few real shore excursion clinkers. Do each of these lines plan their own excursions or is there some sharing? Is there any way to find out in advance which are the really better excursions ashore? Should there be savings when the four of us travel together? Shore Excursions 2A – Planning shore excursions is an extremely complicated project in any port. The cruise line must bring together port agents and local operators to try to craft a program that meets the needs of the port, the community, and an operator who have a very clearly defined number of available air-conditioned buses and guides. Cruise lines can try to create options and they can, where there is suitable operator competition, seek out bids. But as ships cruise to more and more exotic ports, options are often quite limited and cruise lines might love a destination while hating their inability to find a local tourism infrastructure that truly understands the expectations of the luxury traveler. Perhaps only “Uncle Phil” owns the required five air-conditioned buses. And he can charge what the traffic will allow.Most of the contracts between a cruise line and a local tour operator are only of one or two years duration, so building up long-term relationships are often difficult. Cruise lines like to feel that they have another option should guest satisfaction scores in a port be low. The line’s Port Agent is usually the go-between the line and local operators.In developing countries, many of the best guides want to work a bus on a group tour, hoping for additional tips. In more sophisticated countries, however, the better guides pride themselves on not doing large bus tour groups so the very special guides normally work independently. A good guide in London, for instance, can easily earn $800 per day after the tour company is paid its share of the cost.It is hard to know which are the better tours. Cruise lines do not look for exceptional tours. They look for generally pleasing tours for their specific demographics. On a Crystal cruise, for example, tours must be set up for those seeking an outdoor active experience while other guests have walking difficulty and prefer sightseeing overviews by bus. There are always art aficionados and foodies to content with. Your travel agent will have experience with previous guests who have booked the tours. Ask your agent to highlight the tours he recommends.

    Shore Excursions 3Finally, we would strongly urge you to arrange private shore excursions when your are traveling as a foursome. The total cost of a private experience in port only increases about 20% when a second couple is added. So it lowers your per person cost significantly and private begins to line up nicely against the charge a ship will charge for four full-day tours. Any guest working with a consultant who is a member of one of the leading consortium groups will have the distinct advantage of using their overseas office network. Sorry for the long response but your question(s) required it.

  • tourist slobs 1Q –  I just found your site and think it is great.  Thank you for some honest answers to questions.  I will be retiring in soon and my wife and I are thinking of doing some cruising, both river and ocean, to see some of the world.  We are even thinking about a world cruise, depending on how we feel after doing some shorter ones.  I have spent my business life needing to dress for work, from jacket and tie to Friday casual and am tired of needing to play dress-up.  I am a blue jeans and polo shirt person at heart.  I have heard that Friday casual, dress pants, button shirt, no tie, is the minimum.  I can do this if needed but was wondering if what I am told is correct.  Can you please address for both river and ocean?Crysta;l C_captain_guestsA – If you believe that it is appropriate to dress for evening dinner in “Friday Casual” attire, you might want to visit one of the thousands of web sites that cater to mass market cruising. But if you really are interested in sailing on the industry’s top luxury products you need to expect that there will be times when,minimally, you will need to wear a sports jacket and/or a tie. Sophisticated travelers still enjoy dressing occasionally for a special gala dinner. Every study shows this is true. Regent Seven Seas does not have any formal nights on cruises of less than 16 days. Seabourn, Hapag-Lloyd, Crystal, and Silversea certainly do. Sea Dream is yachting-casual so you can do a cruise without bringing a sports jacket.Lines that cater to European travelers tend to be dressier. There is a trend toward a more casual approach to dress and it is a fact that the new President of Silversea is the former President of Regent Seven Seas who introduced a relaxation in the dress codes. So, we expect, change is coming.But we want you to be realistic. When you choose to vacation on a ship with sophisticated  luxury travelers, there are going to be evenings when you need to dress up and people will judge you by your attire. The alternative is to simply say “it isn’t worth it” and doom yourself to a travel life of mediocrity.You would not want to do a world cruise without accepting the need to bring formal clothing. You would feel very much out-of-place, sort of like someone with a graduate degree attending a Trump rally.

    These are the lines that currently have “Formal Evenings”: Hapag-Lloyd – Silversea – Crystal – Seabourn

    We hope we have not been too rough on you. We just want you to face these decisions realistically. Oceania is a fine non-inclusive line with some wonderful itineraries that offers the kind of casual dress code that we think you can embrace. But given that they must appeal to both an older American and European demographic, the five-star lines tend to be more formal than you might be anticipating. A good consultant will surely be able to help you further regarding matters of dress. If not, just contact one of the Kardashians.


  • A&K Wonders-of-Japan-2017-Asia-3_1Q – We have become regulars on your sites and trust the advice you share on so many topics of interest. My wife and I are in our early forties, we live in New York and both work in investment banking. We have traveled extensively in North America and Europe. We’ve sailed Seabourn and Sea Dream and loved them both and we’re looking for a small ship experience next year to someplace accessible but different. We are wondering if there is a favorite itinerary of your editors that we should consider. We are active and have serious interests in exploring other cultures by small ship. That is our comfort zone and it allows us to relax from the stress of our everyday lives in Manhattan. We have no desire to drive around on our own or to be on a tour bus. Keep up the good work. A&K 2017-Wonders-of-Japan-map-loresA – We are going to use your question to name our annual “Small Ship Cruise of The Year” award. Famed tour operator Abercrombie & Kent has leased the Le Ponant Yacht, L’Austral to operate a 13-Day “Wonders of Japan” cruise tour from Sapporo to Osaka on May 18th.The ability to so a complete sailing along Japan’s coast from North to south is rare – this is a totally rewarding itinerary that  will take you to small ports, wilderness areas, and UNESCO World Sites. A complete Expedition team will be on-board so this will be a trueLe Ponant Le Austral B learning experience particularly rewarding for those with an interest in the arts combined with active shore excursion options. Think great museums, tea ceremony in lovely gardens, local markets, and one of the world’s great gold jewelry collections. There is even a five-day post cruise extension than takes in Kyoto and Tokyo for a simple flight home. This is our 2016 Small Ship Cruise of the Year.
  • Donald ArnoldQ –  As an HR guy, I am curious about the salary levels of the more prominent executives at the largest cruise lines. I wonder if there is any information you might post that would give me an idea of what these people earn annually. I am sure that a lot of cruisers who share my enthusiasm for this site would also be interested. Even an educated guess would be appreciated. T1228FRANKDELRIO_PREVIEWA – Actually, the exact figures are available as the three largest cruise lines are publicly held companies and they file annual compensation reports. Arnold Donald, the CEO of Carnival Corporation was paid $9.3 million last year while the CEO of Royal Caribbean, Richard Fain,   received a reported $9,388,000 The highest reported income in the cruise industry last year was paid to Frank Del Rio of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCl, Oceania, and Regent Seven Seas) who received $31,910,000. Richard FainThe total incomes reported above included both salary, as well as stock and option awards. Each of the above CEO’s is responsible for several brands. CEO and President compensation levels for specific cruise lines within the families of the big three generally received between $3 – $4 million in 2015. To put this compensation in some perspective, Norwegian Cruise Holdings reported First Quarter earnings this year of $1.1 Billion, a significant increase over the previous year.
  • Cruise Distressed SaleQ –  Although I can afford virtually all of the cruises described in your “Top Ten” List, I am essentially cheap, a holdover from my former life as a CFO at a large insurance group. I was scrolling the internet and I saw an article that explained how “Cruise Lines Fill All their Unsold Cabins.” This is a popular article  as I have seen it come up several times in my searches. The article says that most cruise lines offer unsold cabins at up to 70% off through certain travel agencies. My wife and I will be going on our 11th Crystal Cruise in September and I would like to start taking advantage of the pricing on the unsold cabin space and would even be willing to travel on short notice with Silversea, Sea Dream, Viking Cruises and, of course, our wonderful Crystal. My travel agent tells me she gets the best prices and she doesn’t know anything about these articles and unsold cabin space.  I’m certain many of your readers would like to know how to get in on these deals.A – Wow – you were a CFO? We wonder if, in your executive capacity at an insurance company, you ever came upon fiction masquerading as truth?We know the article. It is all over the internet and it is nothing more than a marketing scam by a large online web site. It is well written and it appears to be logical. But it is designed to take advantage of naive consumers. Here are the facts:01 – No reputable cruise line discounts unsold space at the last -minute. They rarely have unsold space. Every ship is assigned an inventory control director. That person has the job of filling every cabin on every sailing, something that is relatively easy to do. They maintain lists of travel agents, travel writers, and company suppliers who they can contact to fill  empty space. There is usually a long list of company employees who are waiting for open cabins to sample the product. Last-minute fire sales just don’t exist. If a cruise line determines that it wants to fill every cabin that is not a difficult challenge. They can add lecturers or entertainers. They can pay off some of their bills by trading cabins for services.02 – Cruise lines, particularly at  the quality level you mention, would never upset their favorite customers – the ones who book earliest. They always receive the best offers and no quality line would alienate them by penalizing an early purchase. The lines are just not that stupid.

    03 – Claiming savings of “Up to 70%” is easy. The way you do it is to use a mass market line that is doing an ocean crossing in the off/off season. Look at the list price of the minimum cabin and you will probably be able to secure a discount in the 70% range. Think of the advantages.

    # 4 – Don’t even assume that luxury cruise lines want to fill all of their cabins. On many longer sailings ships often base their accounting on a ship going out at 80-90% capacity. Antarctica cruises are one example. Ships bound for these waters rarely attempt to sell out every single cabin so they can enhance service levels and crew per guest ratios on itineraries where that is advisable.

    05 – Finally, let’s assume that there is a cruise that is light and there is unsold space that a luxury line would want to sell. Rather than upset the Americans on-board who booked early, it is far more likely that the line would offer last-minute pricing in one or more of their overseas offices where payments are made in another currency and thus not discernible tot he American guests on-board.

    Many large online travel agencies cannot sell reliability, trust, or expertise. Those traits are hard to find in factory-like call centers manned by commission-based phone agents. The only thing they know how to sell is “price”. But the fact is that none of the top-tier cruise lines would ever alienate their top-producing travel consultants by allowing some online bucket shop to receive preferencial pricing. It just doesn’t happen. Unsold cabin discounts are a scam. Hope our response was not too subtle.


  • regent-seven-seas-cruise-dealsQ – We are huge fans of this and each of your other ad-free web travel sites. Appreciate the attitude and the honesty,  We travel exclusively on five-star ships and stay in five-star hotels. We’re planning two trips, one later this year to Asia, and one for next summer in Europe. But as we make our travel plans, we need your guidance on value. What is the best available value in the cruise industry currently for upscale travelers like ourselves. And keep up the good work. A – The current best offer award must go to Regent Seven Seas which has announced Free Business Class Airfare on all international itineraries in 2017-18. We have never before seen an across-the-board offer like this since there are no black out dates and even the lowest category of stateroom qualifies for the Free Business Air Program. Perhaps as importantly, this is in addition to, not in place of, what was already the industry’s most inclusive pricing with 2-1 rates, drinks and gratuities, and even included shore excursions in every port.The Free Business Class Air announcement from Regent took many in the industry by surprise. It would appear that Regent has agreed to give its guests a significant enhanced value ticket without being able to specifically predict what it will cost the company since air costs not predictable. The consumer should assume that a Business Class ticket to Europe has a value of between $4,000-$5,000. These tickets for longer sailings in Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific, have values that can be twice that amount.Getting Free Business Class Air on all intercontinental itineraries is a stunning offer and no one has matched it.
  • richardmeadows_thomaskeller_mickyarison_photo_by_lyn_hughesQ –  We are long-time, rather devoted, fans of Seabourn cruise line. We have loved every single aspect of Seabourn although one or two of the smaller restaurants on the Odyssey and Sojourn seem to be geared a bit more toward European tastes. So we got rather excited when the Seabourn newsletter arrived at the house and we saw the photo with Carnival Corporation owner Mickey Arison, Seabourn’s President Richard Meadows, and our favorite celebrity chef Thomas Keller of French Laundry fame. Do you think Keller will be playing a major role in Seabourn’s menus and is this a good thing overall for the future of Seabourn? When will changes be taking place and do they only apply to the encore and other new ships in the pipeline?Seabourn Encore the_grill_by_thomas_kellerA – We share your enthusiasm. Keller is a fabulous “catch” and he will be intimately involved in overseeing menus and the operation of “The Grill” his new signature restaurant. It will be opening on the Quest first this May and then move into space previously occupied by “Restaurant 2” fleet wide. The new Encore and Ovation will be launched with the classic American chophouse inspired cuisine.A quick story: We were invited to sample several of the dishes being planned for the menu at Keller’s restaurant in Las Vegas. There was a small group of five of us meeting with Seabourn executives in a private dining room. e3481231a8bcec7135f6c80cacb0e292When the waiter came to take our  order we asked him “what would Thomas want us to order”, one of our favorite questions in restaurants with well-regarded chefs. The waiter didn’t hesitate. “I think Chef would want you to order the roast chicken”, he replied, “because he would love you to experience what can be done with such a simple, cliche dish.” So we did. And it was, of course, the most memorable chicken dish any of us had ever had in our lives. And it was all about technique. Our only concern is that demand for the seats aboard the Seabourn fleet may not be met by the allocated number of seats.
  • MSC Cruises 2Q – My girlfriend has invited me to join her on a cruise to the Caribbean aboard a line I never heard of, MSC. I Googled them but only got more confused. We are in our seventies and I have done eight previous cruises on Cunard Line, Princess, and, most recently, Crystal, which I liked best. My friend knows less than I do but someone she knows had been on this MSC and said they were really good. The cruise will not be until 2017 and I am also wondering if they will still be around if you know what I mean. Thanks so much.A –  MSC is a viable and large cruise line with an increasing presence in the US market. Their calling card is a mega-ship design featuring contemporary European aesthetics with Italian touches. The company is owned by the Mediterranean Shipping Company, a privately hold company rumored to have sales in the range of $27 billion last year. MSC is building its own island in the Caribbean and it recently announced plans for a new class of vessel it will call “World Class.” The line will be building four of these World Class ships which will each be 200,000 Gross Tons and carry 5,400 guests. This will put place them among the largest floating anythings at sea. They will be fueled by natural gas. The first in the series is due in 2022. With these newly announced vessels, MSC will have a dozen new ships under construction or under contract at an estimated value of $10 billion. They are financially solid.msc-cruises-ocean-cay-marine-reserveBased on what you have told us, we would suggest that MSC might not be appropriate for you given your positive experiences aboard Crystal, a five-star line catering to a far different clientele than MSC. MSC is not an inclusive line and their ratings scores are not high enough to place them among the world’s Top Ten Cruise Lines – or even the top 15 cruise lines on LCR. They offer affordable cruising with a largely European group of guests and a nice spin on Italian flair. Some of their public rooms are absolutely gorgeous and we think they are an appropriate choice for those seeking a more Euro-version of Royal Caribbean or Norwegian.
  • Viking Star Dusk Aft A Telegraph AXXQ – Our travel agent seems to be quite high on Viking Cruises and wants to book us on the Viking Star. The price seems good, very good, and they do include shore excursions. We know you don’t give Viking’s river cruises the highest ratings so we’re wondering if this cruise to northern Europe is a good idea? We’ve done the larger ships but this would be the first time we’re looking at something approaching a deluxe line, which our TA assures us it is. We do worry a bit that this is their first ship and we want to be sure that they know what they’re doing. A – The Viking Cruises product is substantially better than the river cruise product based on initial reports. The ship is a stunner and we love the infinity pool that take sup much of the aft contour of this vessel. The Viking Star is still a newbie and we feel that insufficient data is available to professionally rate the experience at this time. But we should tell you that we are encouraged by what we are hearing.This is going to be a major product in the 4-5 Star Category. Viking has taken delivery of their second ship, the Viking Sky and, as we respond to you, they have already floated out their third 930 Guest vessel the Viking Sea which is due out in 2017.On top of this growth, Viking recently announced that they have ordered three similar new ships for completion in 2010. They will all be built at the Fincantieri yard which has a reputation for building ships of a modern design.We think this is a bit of a gamble but one worth taking. The ship has lovely minimalist decor and some truly gorgeous public spaces. The food is quite good from early reports with the Chef’s Table and Mamsen’s (Scandinavian cuisine) particularly noteworthy. The staff is well-trained and the level of on-board services seems high for a new cruise line. Where Viking has continuing problems is in the delivery of quality, comprehensive shore excursions which many guests feel are inadequate for the money they are paying. Ports are frequently substituted for a variety of operational or safety reasons, and some communications issues aboard the ship have come up.

    Viking Cruises may well appear in our Top Ten in the near future. As long as you go into this with your eyes open we think you have the potential to have an excellent experience. We would also understand if you prefer to wait a year or two before committing  to this new product. With a fast-growing fleet accommodating almost 6,000 guests, Viking has to get it right and they have to do it quickly. Based on what we’ve seen so far, they likely will. One concern we do have about both the river boat company and the cruise line is that Viking is a privately held company and very little is actually known about the company’s current debt level. Viking River alone has 64 river boats and they are not exactly “Paid in Full”.

  • Crystal-Cruises-Captains-Party-AQ – I have heard that there is a woman living aboard a Crystal Cruise ship. We’ve never sailed Crystal but we find the idea of spending our retirement at sea absolutely intriguing. Do you have any idea of how this would work and what this woman I read about is actually paying on a yearly basis? We’re in our mid-sixties and quite healthy. Although we’ve never sailed Crystal, we’ve been on five of the Top Ten in your listings and we plan to sail them all. You are our bucket list!A – Actually, there are between three and five guests living aboard Crystal ships at any one time and other lines have reported the same  phenomenon.    In most cases, these guests prefer to remain anonymous but the crew certainly knows who they are and treats them with special care.The industry’s , a best-known “live aboard” is  “Mama Lee”, a widow from Ft. Lauderdale who sold her five-bedroom home and decided to live on the Crystal Serenity. She has estimated her total cost to live aboard the ship for a year at $164,000.  When you consider that this includes a five-star hotel with incredible food, entertainment, and some of the most gracious service at sea, you wonder why more retirees have not thought of this. When you factor in that she you have no need to ever fly again, that you never have to pack and unpack, that the hotel glides around the world with constant stimulation the option becomes particularly attractive. And then, when you consider that the price includes access to on-board medical facilities and staff with a trained doctor with shore side connections , one has to wonder why more people have never considered this option. Someone someday soon is going to reconfigure an existing cruise ship to become a floating cruise retirement center.  Studies have been done to illustrate this would actually be less expensive than traditional retirement care. In the meantime, those who wish to live aboard a cruise ship make their arrangements through top tie cruise consultants who know how to negotiate long-term arrangements.
  • Cruise Shore-Ex Planning Generic BQ –  A casual friend has put us on a Canadian mailing list that includes updates of cruise information for the Canadian market. He claims that you can save money if you book in Canadian dollars. Wondering iof that is true but moire interested in the headline of the last issue that said there was a deluxe cruise coming up where the guests pick the ports during the cruise. Is this true? Is it available on Crystal or Seabourn, two lines we absolutely adore. A –  You are referencing a specific sailing, May 14th from Istanbul to Athens, where Hapag-Lloyd’s Europa 2 will be giving guests a list of more than 20 different ports in the Eastern Mediteranean from which they will choose the specific itinerary. The Cap[tain will provide guests with advanced weather information and destination experts will describe the port options as part of the ship’s entertainment program. Passengers will vote via private ballot and the Captain will announce the selected upcoming port during dinner each evening.csm_2014-04-29-HLKF_EUX_Titel_Schiff_6ff277f0b1This is, as far as we can research, a completely new concept. On the surface, we would have guessed that berthing rights and port clearances are usually handled far in advance of arrival so we were surprised this was even operationally possible. But it is a fascinating concept and lots of industry insiders will be watching to see how it turns out. That it will occur on the ship that leads our Top Ten Ratings makes it especially interesting.We can only imagine if a similar policy were enacted on some of the three and four-night budget Caribbean cruises. The voting might direct the ship to the nearest bar.
  • Celebrity-Eclipse-Cruising-SoloQ – We hear good things from our friends in Austin about Celebrity and I’m not just talking about friends in cowboy hats. We don’t see much about them on your site and are wondering why. Also wondering just how much is included on this line. I would hate being nickel and dimed for drinks, tips etc. Appreciate your time.A – Celebrity is not one of the world’s top ten cruise lines. The Celebrity experience includes three or four thousand fellow guests and the line is not inclusive. Guests in the Royal Suite, Penthouse, and Reflection Class Suites have a stocked cabin mini-bar and a complimentary drink package.Butler service is exclusive to suite level guests.Celebrity is owned by Royal Caribbean and was, we believe, originally intended to be RCI’s version of Crystal cruises. Royal Caribbean has loyal fans but they had no place to go for a more sophisticated cruise experience. Originally, Celebrity was going to cost significantly more than Royal Caribbean but that has not exactly worked out and Celebrity remains the highest-rated of the mass market lines as well as one of the best overall values in the non-inclusive category. In fact, were we to extend our ratings to the top fifteen lines, Celebrity would just barely make the cut, along with the mega-ships of Disney cruise line as well as large portions of the Holland America fleet. There are a great many so-called “critic” or “review” sites out there and virtually all of them concentrate on the most popular mega-ship brands. We are totally devoted to the literal Top Ten, all of which tend to be smaller vessels carrying fewer than 1,000 guests and most of them offering variations of an inclusive and elegant cruise experience. So nothing personal against Celebrity. We think the line has been carefully nurtured and offers a superior product for those seeking the best of the mega-ship experience albeit with doses of high design and sophistication. Celebrity’s entertainment  has improved a good deal but its cuisine and personal service levels do not compare to higher-rated cruise products.
  • Best Cruise ShipsQ – I am confused. Having migrated away from Holland America and Norwegian, we are now ready to do one of the top lines on a “try it out” Caribbean cruise. But your ratings list Hapag-Lloyd as the best while the Travel + Leisure and Conde Nast Ratings are completely different and barely mention the line. CNT, for instance, lists Regent Seven Seas in the large ship category with Crystal # 1, while you have Crystal down on the list behind lines like Seabourn and Silversea. So, on the one hand, we’ve got highly respected magazines with large staff saying one thing and your web site saying another. See why I’m a bit confused. I want to believe your ratings but ………..”A – Fair enough and really glad you asked. Yes, no one else offers the same rating positions/scores that we do. Here is why: The so-called rankings in the major consumer travel magazines are the result of polling of the readership. They are almost always identified as “Reader’s Choice” Ratings. Not surprisingly, those readers loyal to a line will vote for it. Sometimes, lines solicit votes via e-mail from their past guests when they know a reader’s poll is in the works. Since those voting do not work in the industry and do not have a significant frame of reference when it comes to product differentiation, you get skewed results. When you see professional evaluations that seem to be unbiased, you might want to skim the publication or the web site to identify heavy advertisers.The big ship, medium, and small ship debate has never been settled. From a consumer standpoint, it is wise to consider any ship with more than 999 guests a “large” ship. For practical purposes, any vessel under 1000 guests is small. By breaking down ratings into large, medium, and small categories, web sites and publications get to name more names and please more advertisers. The name of the game is to give out Reader’s Choice awards so that a maximum number of cruise lines can use them in their advertising.Top-Luxury-Yachts-In-The-World-06You’ve hit on some good points and when we started this massive project we put a great deal of thought into categories, size, and cruise type. Ultimately, we thought it would serve the consumer best to simply identify the world’s ten best cruise lines based on industry-standard measurements.Our self-imposed standards are not perfect. How, for instance, do you place Oceania with two highly-recommended 1200 passenger ships? How do you place the Cunard liners given that they operate several classes of service? Should you include a line like Hapag-Lloyd that serves a primarily upscale German market? These are some of the questions we’ve grappled with in designing our ratings systems.
  • Azamara-JourneyQ – What amenities are offered on Azamara?  They are named to your list of the best inclusive cruise lines. How do they compare to Oceania in terms of what they offer in their fare?Oceania InsigniaA – Thanks so much for your warm note!  Azamara and Oceania have both made our top ten list because of their overall quality. rather than their list of included amenities. They are not all-inclusive but they do value-add the experience. Azamara has a more consistent program featuring standard spirits, beer and wine throughout the ship’s bars as well as shuttle service into town centers where practical.Oceania has drink packages which are often included as an incentive. They do two-for-one fares as well as “Free” air.These lines are very different with different management styles. Oceania is better at making the consumer feel they are getting a deal upfront while Azamara is better at hyping extra time in port and a destination curious clientele.In fact, both lines offer an atmosphere of casual elegance with an emphasis on more time in port. We would suggest that you use our formula for calculating per diem rates so you can get past the hype and compare real pricing realities. They both offer excellent itinerary options with the edge going to Azamara. But Oceania has better overall cuisine. Each of these lines is, in our view, a generally superb value.
  • Northwest PassageQ – Having just taken retirement from one of the large brokerage houses, my wife and I are ready to start traveling.  As we approach some cruise plans, we will prefer voyages of several weeks or longer, we had one question we thought we’d ask you first. Are there any itineraries that really sell out so quickly that we ought to be booking them as soon as they are announced?A – There are several really hot current itineraries. One or two actually sold out within 72 hours. Upscale guests who have the time to really explore the world on a ship of quality tend to know what they want to see. The itinerary you would need to jump on right away is  Crystal Cruises repeat of its Northwest Passage cruise sailing from Seward (Anchorage) on August 15th and ending in New York City on September 16th.Polar Bears Crystal AXXThis is every cruiser’s dream “expedition” and it follows the footsteps of intrepid explorers sailing through incredible landscapes with stunning glaciers and fjords combined with rare wildlife sightings. This one is highly recommended and really the adventure of a lifetime in Crystal style with some superb on-board lecturers.Oceania Around The World 180 Days MapIf you are looking for the best “deal” in cruising, you might want to consider the repeat of Oceania’s “sold out in 48 hours” 180-Day Around The World Sailing on the Insignia Departing January 6th next year from Miami and ending on July 6th back in Miami. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, this is likely cruising’s best overall value and guests booked in an inside stateroom are paying less than $45,000 per person. The cruise is sold with two-for-one pricing and free First Class Airfare plus additional perks and surprises.There are any number of Around-The-World Voyages but almost all of them will be in the 85-95 Day range. No one has done 180 Days before Oceania and it is now an industry “classic”. The marketing department at Oceania has not yet taken our suggestion that they advertise the added advantage of missing the “first six months” of the new President’s term.
  • downloadQ –  Is this really the right time to be thinking about traveling to Europe? We have some concerns about traveling this summer but we really want to go on our planned cruise. What are you advising and how do you handle this question with your clients?A – For most travelers, whether or not to travel to any destination is a heady mix of emotion, anticipation, a bit of natural fear, and rational thinking about gain and loss. So we think there is no simple answer and we do not want to be seen as salesmen for the notion that you should always travel no matter what. If your fears reach the point where you find it impossible to truly look forward to your journey, we would suggest considering cancellation. We have just had a terrorist event in Brussels at two locations that has resulted in more than 30 deaths and hundreds of injuries. Yet, the small restaurants that surround the Maelbeerk train station reopened in 24 hours and the streets of Brussels are filled with local residents who refuse to live their lives in fear. The people of Paris held huge banners that said “We are not afraid” immediately after the recent attacks in their city. We think we must never “Be Afraid” If we are, then those who would threaten us out of envy would win. Here is what we think you might consider before deciding “Should I Go or Should I Stay.”THE FACTS: It is a head/heart thing. The 24-Hour News cycle thrives on tragedy. It gives the terrorists the kind of notoriety they seek. But we are always going to make the best decisions in an atmosphere of calm, using our heads to examine the facts. Here is one worth remembering. Right now, in the world as it exists, you are 1,052 times more likely to die in an automobile accident than you are in a terrorist act while traveling abroad. You are four times more likely to be struck by lightning than you are by a terrorist act. Your life expectancy actually goes up when you travel in Europe because you are not in the country with one of the highest murder rates in the world and one of the highest rates of fatal automobile accidents.But some folks want even more specifics. So here are a few worth remembering although there are dozens of others that we could have listed:
    • Your chance of dying in any kind of worldwide terrorist attack is 1 in 9.3 million
    • Your chance of dying from a food poisoning is 1 in 3 million
    • Your chance of dying from a dog bite is 1 in 700,000
    • Your chance of dying from a car accident is 1 in 18,585
    • Your chance of dying in your own bathtub is 1 in 685,000

    CONCLUSION: Unless you plan to stay off American roads, not walk in our cities or suburbs, stay away from dogs and refuse to bathe, you might as well take that trip to Europe of wherever else you wish to travel. Staying home really is considerably more dangerous.

    If you want to look at all this in another way consider: The reason that your life expectancy will increase if you travel to Europe, the statistical reason, is that life expectancy is based on the odds that an act that will kill you will occur. The major cause of death in America is Cancer and Heart Disease. They are travel “neutral” You must look at the other major causes of death in our country, dying in an automobile accident and being shot by our 2nd Amendment. Your life expectancy increases when you travel abroad because you are away from American drivers and gun-toting morons. You are considerably safer traveling than staying home. And that is a fact.

    PROTECTING YOURSELF WHEN YOU TRAVEL ABROAD: We want you to avoid bad neighborhoods. Every city  has them – well not every city, Dubai and Abu Dhabi are virtually crime-free. You need to have a sense of neighborhood when working with your consultant to book hotels. Inexpensive hotels skimp on security – avoid them. If you are staying in a major city with a threat that concerns you, avoid US chain hotels and select a good five-star locally-owned property. INSURANCE: You can always take out a “Cancel for Any Reason” top-end policy. The best of these, in our view, is the Maxi-Policy issued by Travelex. But be aware that the premium for such coverage averages 10-11% of the total cost of your trip.USE A TRAVEL CONSULTANT WHO IS A MEMBER OF ONE OF THE TOP CONSORTIUMS: They will have access to daily security updates from their on-site offices around-the-world. Using one of these consultants is your best chance of receiving updated, accurate information about your destination.

    IF YOU WISH TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH THINK OF THE AUSSIES: Our own State Department memos and warnings are often over-stated and issued in an attempt to cover all bases. Savvy travelers, instead, look to security announcements online issued by the Australian Foreign Office for their own citizens. They tend to be more accurate than ours. The British Foreign Office also issued worthwhile reports updating local conditions abroad.


  • RSSC Captain of MarinerQ – Having sailed 11 times on some of the top brands such as Le Ponant, Silverseas, and Cunard, I wonder why we have never encountered a female ship captain. Don’t you think it’s about time. Tell me if I am wrong, but aren’t about half of us on any ship women?A – Actually more than half. And we think your ship has come in. A 42 year-old Captain from Tuscany, Serena Melani has just been named the new Captain of the 700-Guest Regent Seven Seas Mariner. She is on the ship now and is sailing in South America. There have been other female captains but it is still not common for women to be placed in charge of a large ocean-going vessel.
  • AZAMARA Ship CQ – We are considering our first cruise and, on the advice of good friends here in Ft. Collins, we are leaning toward the Azamara line. One of the cruise sites we visited said the ship was really showing its age and that carpeting was spotted and the decor was rather dated. We’re in our early seventies and late sixties, and we’re not exactly modernists but we don’t want to spend two weeks on a ship that feels dated. We have heard that Azamara is adding an Asian restaurant which we would appreciate.  Their concept of more time in port also appeals to us. Is this the right line for first-timers?A – Most experts put Azamara, aloing with rival Oceania, in the premium category. That means they offer a somewhat more inclusive and personalized cruising experience than the mega-ships but they are not five-star luxury, all-inclusive. Given their placement, we think that Azamara is an excellent first choice for those who want to try cruising, are itinerary oriented, and prefer the idea of a smaller (686 Guests) ship.The concept of more time in port, although advertised as an Azamara exclusive, is really an upper-end luxury trend. Studies show that affluent cruisers are, increasingly, concerned with quality time in port. We think that Azamara’s scheduling allowing dinner in port once or twice during most itineraries is a real product advantage.Azamara Dining Room BThere were initial plans to add an Asian restaurant to the Quest when she enters dry-dock in Singapore in three weeks. But that plan has been scrapped and the Sunset Bar will remain. The good news is that the ship, which looks somewhat like an English Gentleman’s Club in some of its public space, will be lightened and modernized. Look for a ligher decor with new carpeting, drapes, and soft furnishings. There will be lots of creams and browns and, of course, the mandatory soft beiges. Azamara is going to change some of the dark wood to a lighter color in keeping with this modernization of a ship originally launched in 2000 as the Renaissance 7.

    So we see no reason to look elsewhere. We think that Azamara, assuming you find an itinerary you love, is an excellent choice for first-timers seeking a smaller (686 Guests) ship with some inclusions, a good price point, and more time in port. And you can roll around with the Mrs. on new carpeting. By the way – as we caution all Colorado residents – be careful what you pack.

  • Fosters BeerQ –   Thank you for your website.  Interesting and very helpful.   Also loved the sense of humour throughout. I like your comments re the problem with pax reviews and marketing department frauds.I do want to suggest a mild correction regarding Aussies consumption of Fosters.  We (ie probably 99% of Australians) don’t drink Fosters in Australia!  Yep – it’s not really drunk in Australia.  In fact, I think they now export more than they sell here.  But the marketing overseas has been excellent!  It’s in the movies, advertised by ‘name’ people, etc.  It’s was even on tap on the Royal Yacht  Britannia!  (Now in Edinburgh) But it is really not us!  Bit like all that advertising showing kangaroos jumping down our suburban streets and koalas everywhere.  Nup.I have only drunk it when we’ve been overseas and it’s been comparatively cheap with not much else on offer which I like!  (eg the ‘oil can’ on the Oasis of the Seas – Caribbean cruise out of Ft Lauderdale.  Loved it.) Never drunk it here in Oz.I have drunk a wide range of beers in Oz, UK, USA and Europe.  I just love variety!  Even brought home a Millers tin with screw top as a souvenir.  Our tinnies all tab push ones.  We have screw top wines (better sealing that cork, so used even on top quality wines.) but not screw top aluminium beer bottles.Also love good wines.  We have lots of those here in South Australia.  Pay about $US10-20 in the bottle shop for something which is about twice that in the US for similar quality.  In fact, if you are into real quality wines, order a Penfolds Grange Hermitage Shiraz.  In a decent place with a decent waiter just say ‘Grange’.  He might offer you a choice of vintage.  Generally the older the better and dearer.  A world renowned drop which only costs about the same as a day (or two or more for older vintages) on a top quality river cruise!

    Fosters Beer 2If you are a beer connoisseur, try the South Australian Coopers range.  Hard to get sometimes, but we’ve found it overseas.  A bit dearer than most, but an excellent family company with very strict standards and quality outlook.  If you don’t mind a beer with a bit of body, try a Coopers Pale Ale.  It’s naturally brewed and not filtered.  The ‘dregs’  fall to the bottom of the bottle.  Leave them there, or gently roll the bottle on its side before pouring.  Either way, we’ve converted quite a few people to it.

    Finally a cruise tip.  We love quizzes and have found a mix of nationalities in a team works best.  RCL & Princess tend to have US biased questions, so we love having ‘yanks’ in a team.  ‘Win-win’ as we tend to do well on other than USA questions.  On one cruise, even with rotating / different members, we won over six quizzes.  As the host said, we won a ‘ship’ prize!  

    By the way, Aussies  wouldn’t throw drink containers overboard.  We’d collect them to get the 10 cent deposit back on them!  LOL. Cheers.

    A –  This primer on Aussie drinking has rather little to do with luxury cruising and there is no discernible question to answer. But we felt we had to share this with you. Thank you John from Adelaide and do keep in touch.

  • Regent Seven Seas High Res BXXQ –  Although we cruise several times a year on some of the better lines appearing on the Top Ten List on LCR, I am fascinated by some of the deals we continually get in our mailbox and via e-mail. This latest one seems to be, what you like to call, “A Real Deal” but I’d like to know if that is the case. I am talking about the $495 per person price for Business Class Air in each direction on Regent in Europe this summer (2016). Real or hype?A –  That is actually a better question than you might imagine because you’ve identified one of the true “Real Deals” currently in the marketplace. Regent has not pulled back any of its existing offers and discounts. Instead, it allows you to pile on a new discount at truly significant savings, by offering free economy air and then allowing you to upgrade to Business Class round-trip for under $1,000. Yes, this has to be designated a “Real Deal.” Of course, it doesn’t apply to all sailings. If you read the fine print, this is what it says:“You Americans seem to think that Europe is still too expensive even though the Euro is now worth about a quarter. Given your complete lack of geographic knowledge, you also seem to think that Aleppo is a suburb of Rome. As a result, we have ships that are not entirely booked so we’ve come up with an incentive designed to get you off your butts and into our cabins. We’ll actually pay you, well actually we’ll subsidize you, to fly business class assuming you live near an actual city with an international airport. Don’t expect this offer to apply to everything we’ve got – we’re not fools. It will only be offered on sailings where we would like a little bit of stimulus. So come take advantage of us. Watch CNN for five minutes – listen to our presidential candidates – can you think of a better time to leave the country.” 
  • Silverseas Ship AQ – This is really a question of ethics in your industry so I don’t know if you will respond. We went to visit a travel agent in St. Louis who we know sells a lot of cruises. We went in to ask about a Regent cruise, which we had been on before, but the agent, one that we hadn’t worked with before, kept pushing us toward Silverseas. I don’t know if she got some sort of kickback from that line but we had not really heard much about them.We’re retired and we have saved all of our lives so we can travel in style. We like getting dressed up from time to time, appreciate great food and wine, and, as a former CFO at a Fortune 500, we appreciate socializing with a generally well-educated crowd. Regent had served our needs on our two cruises very nicely. Despite this, we got the impression that our agent was really pushing Silversea and we couldn’t figure out the motivation. We read her proposal, but we still felt something was wrong. Silversea was slightly more expensive and we wonder if that was it. Needless to say, we’ll be dealing with someone else for our booking. May we contact you?A – We’ll take a pass on that.  While we don’t know all of the details, we suspect you may have actually encountered an agent who had your best interests in mind. Silverseas is a top-brand with exactly the kind of demographics you are describing. Instead of just taking your order, your agent tried to point you in a different direction most likely because she felt it would be a better fit for you. It is highly doubtful you received a recommendation based on commission. They really don’t vary all that much. The easier path would have been to just take your deposit for Regent.So, instead of calling us, call back your agent and apologize for making false assumptions. Learn as much as you can about Silversea and try to, mutually, determine if it might be a better fit than Regent. You haven’t convinced us that you are the world’s best listener, but here’s a little factoid for you. The highly-respected former President of Regent Seven Seas, Mark Conroy, has accepted a new position with Silversea. He will now be managing all of their on-board service, sales, and marketing from their offices in Florida. Look for some innovations to be coming to Silverseas soon, along with their new ship the Muse, to be delivered next year.
  • QE-deck-plans-infographicQ – As a senior financial analyst with one of the nation’s largest investment firms, I would like to pose a personal question or two as well as a question about industry pricing. Although I don’t specialize in the travel sector, I am sometimes asked about major cruise line stocks and current pricing models. Wondering if you might provide some bullet points about the big picture in terms of cruise pricing going forward?I am also wondering about your personal pricing model. How do you make money if you are not taking money from the cruise lines you review? Do you work with clients?  I would prefer not to have my name used. Please feel free to respond online or privately. Congratulations on an engaging web site. A – We will take your questions in order. These are some important takeaways regarding present and future cruise pricing models:
    • Going forward between now and 2020, ocean-going cruise lines have placed 41 major new ship orders at a cost of just over $30 billion. This will represent 132,128 new berths. You do have to factor in the retirement and sale of older ships as that will affect growth rate substantially. It is fair to say that the industry is growing though continuing growth though not at the rate of the past five years in terms of new ship construction.
    • Discounting will always be present but it will be more controlled. List prices will be raised to accommodate up to 2-1 level pricing on the top-rated lines. The largest players will have fewer deep discounts and more value-adds for purchase such as shore excursions, food, and drink packages. Last-minute discounts are seen now by virtually all lines as counter-productive. The larger lines are willing to sail with empty cabins rather than penalize the majority of already-booked passengers.
    • About one-third of all travel agents have left the profession but the average sale of the average agent has increased and studies show that both the positive perception of the value of an agent and the percentage of cruise bookings originating with agents has increased. Consortium groups remain the largest single entity for cruise bookings and there are currently no lines that offer pricing that undercuts that offered by travel agents. It is a level playing field and cruise executives feel it will remain so in the foreseeable future.
    • The cruise industry looks at the success of the big three US airlines and their efforts to end the bundling of all services under a price lead-in. Delta announced it made over $1 billion in additional revenues based on new charges for amenity upgrades. Look for the major cruise lines to copy this model so that the actual cost of a cruise will include numerous guest add-ons for purchase that do not have to be listed in the advertised price. Preferred dining seating and advance show-time reservations will be sold. More and more dining venues will involve extra charges. Drinks and shore excursions will be sold in packages to allow the guest to feel that they are having an “inclusive” vacation.
    • Fuel cost savings have been significant but they are less impactful in the cruise sector than they are in the  airline sector. What is really expanding the growth of the cruise industry is expansion in China (jury is still out on that one as China experiences some challenging economic times) and  Cuba. While there is universal enthusiasm for cruises to Cuba, the focus of cruise line concerns has to do with the tourism infrastructure ashore on the island. There are currently not enough air-conditioned tour buses, highly developed shore excursion sites, or qualified guides to handle a dozen large ships arriving on a daily basis. Cruise lines are confident they will make money  in Cuba on initial sales. They are worried about word-of-mouth once guests start returning home.
    • The elephant in the financial room is the possibility of a terrorist attack on a passenger vessel and the ripple effects that might have throughout the industry. The industry has chosen not to talk much about security in the past but that will likely change.
    • Carnival-cruise-ships-sizes-comparisonThe top-ten cruise lines in the world represent less than 30% of the total cruise market and they operate in a different sphere. While the mega-lines believe they have a price point beyond which they cannot go, the top-tier cruise lines believe that their customer is driven by a refusal to be “nickel and dimed” while on vacation. So extra charge bundling is not something they are willing to pursue. The Alaska market has slowed and cruises to the central Med.. even among the very highest-rated lines, have now experienced a downturn. The top cruise lines are subsidizing air and pre/post hotel packages on top of their “one sails free” pricing formula. This is possible because of artificially high brochure pricing rates that virtually no one ever pays. This is a subject rarely discussed so consumers can feel that they are receiving a “deal” even at the highest end of the spectrum.
    • The cruise industry is currently realizing record-breaking profits along with lower fuel costs. Their major problem is finding new destinations and creating the infrastructure ashore to serve the needs of their guests. On-board staffing  is not really an industry problem despite rapid expansion.
    • Cruise line accounting would be really interesting to the consumer because each area of a ship is broken down as a separate revenue-producing segment. Any cruise line CEO can, for example, explain in detail why drink revenues on a seven-night Alaska cruise are far lower than a comparable 7-night Caribbean cruise. That is one of many reasons that per-diems on an Alaska cruise are higher.

    Now those are just some really broad generalizations. As to your questions about us: We are in a rather unique position in that we work with clients in 46 states and we are able to pick and choose our clients carefully. So no selling is necessary. If our sites are helpful and we never had a single reader contact us, we’d still be fine. Very fine. Last year we were named the top revenue producers in the entire $16.3 billion Virtuoso Network. So we are in a unique position to simply tell the truth, which has been our business model for three decades. We accept no money from cruise lines for this site and, as you can see, we do not permit advertising of any kind. Our sites cost us thousands of dollars a year to maintain – not to mention the time involved. But we hope we are helping consumers who are intentionally misled by phony travel hype, fake reviews, and advertising that is intellectually insulting. And every once in a while, we come across someone incredibly nice with whom we can enjoy a long-term business relationship. Really hope this helps explain some of what you asked and apologies to our readers for the length of this response.