Q – I’ll be honest – what concerns us most about possibly taking our first cruise on a line like Sea Dream or Windstar, is the possibility that we might be seated with a bunch of “Lefties” from one of the “Sanctuary Cities” etc. I just don’t want to hear “woke” mutterings for an entire week. But we do want to cruise on a small ship. Any suggestions?
A – Well we think that you should seriously consider purchasing your own ocean-going yacht. That removes all of your stated concerns. You can invite those friends who remain “unwoke”.
By the way, neither Windstar or Sea Dream assigns tables to their guests. You choose where and with whom you are seated. Our guess would be that you are seated alone. Virtually all of the Top-Ten luxury lines that have earned a place in our rankings, allow guests to dine when and with whom they please.
It is interesting that we have received a number of inquiries similar to yours and some from “the other side”. This seems to be a growing concern. There are certain top-ranked lines that sail with up to 50% non-Americans and that can also be a distinction some guests do not feel is advantageous. Let us state our bias here clearly – we feel that the more nations are represented aboard a floating hotel the more interesting the guests are likely to be.