Q – We discovered an interesting web site that has a lot of information about earning miles and using the best credit cards for travel and earning miles. We are wondering if you would recommend “View from the Wing” as a reliable source?

A – Yes, the site’s editor, Gary Leff, is highly respected and one of the nation’s top points experts. Gary is quite open about accepting stipends from some of the credit cards he recommends but we don’t have a problem with that as his rationale is usually quite sound. View also aggregates reports of interest to air consumers. 

There are many mileage oriented sites that we think are excellent. “The Points Guy” is another good source for ways to maximize your points.

These sites are sometimes quite geeky and overly detailed.  But the fact is that the major US airlines are starting to restrict the number of mileage awards they are giving out so a bit of education on this subject is a good thing.