Q – From everything we’ve read, the new Ritz Carlton Yachts are going to be the top ships sailing. We are thinking of booking the Inaugural sailing but we note that they are not mentioned in your reviews or the Cruisetruth Best in Class Awards. Have they offended you or is there something wrong with this product that we might have missed?
A – We fully expect that Ritz Carlton Yachts will place high on our list of the world’s top ten cruise lines. But running Marriott has little in commo9n with creating a small ship luxury brand. We have this really strange policy of waiting until a ship actually sails before reviewing it. And even then, we want to do several inspections over a six-month period as bugs involving crewing and training, in-port programs, and the ship’s supply system are fine-tuned and improved. We are also hopeful that sailing the ship, guests will be able to avoid hearing “It Will be my Pleasure” more than a dozen times.