Q –  My husband and I just returned from a Danube River Cruise with Tauck.  We loved every minute of it.  Service, food, itinerary was exceptional. Would you recommend a ship that cruises the Greek Islands that compares to the  MS Joy with Tauck?

By the way, we used your website to decide on which river cruise to take.  It’s the best source of information on cruising.  Maybe someday you will critique land tours as well.  Thank you for your input.

A – River boats do not do the Greek Islands so you are going to have to look for a luxury cruise line that is inclusive but not too large. If you loved Tauck you would hate one of those floating shopping malls they call cruise mega-ships. But there is, we feel, an extremely good option for you while still maintaining the level of intimacy you found sailing Tauck’s Danube. 

We highly recommend that you look at Sea Dream Yacht Club. They operate two 100-Guest ships with no formal nights, excellent cuisine, and a feeling that you are joining friends on a private yacht. Pricing approximates what you would pay for a river cruise and drinks are included. The small size of these ships enables them to get into ports that the behemoths could never enter. Sea Dream does the Greek Islands particularly well. For the full review, see our sister site,  

For information about tour operators, you might want to visit our rivertruth site,  This is our site for non cruise-riverboat information and it is our only site totally devoted to answering reader questions about any aspect of the travel industry. Which tour operator we would recommend has a lot to do with the destination – some operators are uniquely strong in portions of the world while they tend to subcontract in others. It is a lengthy conversation. Not as lengthy as a Kelly-Ann Conway distortion – but lengthy never-the-less.