ireland-2-village-axxQ – My two boys, 16 and 14, will be joining my brother, my wife and I on a two-week jaunt that I want to be memorable in every way. I have budgeted about $20,000 USD per person for top everything. Is that reasonable? 

I would like to consider working with you and, yes, we all, well except for my sod of a brother, have a passing grade sense of humor. So, assuming my budget is manageable, what is the first step? My real question, which you may want to tell me privately, is, after all the tourist board blarney, what exactly is the best month to travel privately in Ireland? By the way, for what I will be spending, I could care less about the boys missing ten days of school.

A – You have already taken the first step. No worries. It will be a privilege to assist you. Your budget seems a bit high. You can have a true five-star experience utilizing upper echelon guides and the best accommodations while returning home with enough change for another vacation.

No secrets. The best month to visit Ireland is October. May would be a close second. Start by developing a taste for Guinness now.