international-calls-4Q –  This is written out of frustration. I’ve been on tech boards, researched on my own, and talked to my best high-tech buddies, and no one seems to have a solution to a simple question. I travel internationally all the time and I need to use my phone in the most effective manner. Some of the charges I’ve been getting lately are ridiculous. If you could just break it down to a simple recommendation I would be really appreciative.

A – Can’t do it – too many variables. This includes where you are attempting to use the phone. Advice varies based on continent. You might want to contact a company called Wireless Traveler. They will sell you a phone that works in 65 countries and it is surprisingly  reasonable. You can reach them at 866-700-3883.

If you use Verizon, look into TravelPass which lets you switch elements of your domestic plan to international calls. Learn to us eSkype, WhatsApp, Viber, or Facebook’s Messenger Service. These will allow you to make free calls once you learn the essentials. See which one is most comfortable.

Most savvy travelers leave their phone in airplane mode which turns off those expensive cellular data charges. You can use your phone for next to nothing as long as you are in a Wi-Fi spot. Think of buying a portable Wi-Fi hub.

Wish we could be more helpful. This is not an area where we are qualified to advise you.