Q –Need your advice and help on a possible trip for this December. Since we had to cancel our July Silverseas Baltic trip (which has been rescheduled for next year) I need to use or lose my airline credit by the end of the year. For many reasons, December would be the best month for us to travel (birthdays, anniversary, etc.)

Anyway, one of the things that we have wanted to do was to take a cross atlantic trip. If we do so we are thinking that the Queen Mary 2 would be the best given the possible rough weather. I see that there is a crossing from Southamption to NYC on December 15. We are thinking of going to Europe a week earlier, spending some time perhaps in Rome (which we haven’t been to in a long while (or maybe Spain???) then making our way to London for the sailing?

If we take the QM2 we would want a decent stateroom (Queens Grill category.) I haven’t really seen much on Traveltruth regarding the QM2 so your advice is, as always, my first choice.

Please let me know regarding this possible itinerary and whether Italy or Spain would be a better choice for December.

A – Thanks so much. Pretty straightforward.

You don’t want to be in the middle of the Atlantic in December in any class of service. We  think it could be more of an adventure than you both require in your lives.

December is difficult – Spain would be marginally better than Italy but the weather will not be very different than, say, the Washington D.C. area at that time of year. We would think you might think more about someplace like St. Petersburg, Russia or Stockholm, where the winter weather could be fun.

To save some money and have a good experience, you might want to look at one of the Christmas Market river boat cruises in December to Germany. We love the experience but it helps if you would enjoy the beer and sausages.

When we think of December travel you could use your miles and be in prime season in:

The Orient/Southeast Asia
Portions of Africa
South America

The crossings are a wonder but we think that is a bucket list item that should be checked off in prime season.