Q – We have read that Iran is a great destination with friendly people and a great deal to see. Wonder if you agree? We’ve been looking at Travcoa and Mir Tours. They each seem to be operating two departures this year. Which of the two passes your “legitimate Tour Operator” Test? Really enjoying the site but wish there were more on the various tour operators and the programs they offer. That would be great consumer information if accurate and professional ratings could be included.
A – Both Travcoa and Mir pass our tests with flying colors. Each has been around for a long time. Mir specializes in Eastern and central Europe. Travcoa is a more deluxe tour operator who we recommend highly. But Travcoa is quite expensive given what is included and the category of accommodations used.
Unfortunately, both companies have sold out their departures this year. All four dates are fully booked. Too bad, because we are in agreement that the personal contacts you would have on this journey might well make up for any pre-trip fear factor you might experience. Iran would be a fascinating destination for those with an open mind. It also might be a good idea to visit before they fully develop a nuclear delivery system. Just a suggestion.
We have not rated specific tours because we think it would be far too subjective. The assigned Tour Director and the make-up of the group might change the review of the tour from one departure to another. But we truly appreciate your feedback.